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创建我国文献的档案数据灾备基地的构想   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作者在调研的基础上分析了我国文献的档案数据面临的风险,根据国情提出文献的档案数据宜采用同城异地备份与远端异地储存其离线备份的灾备方案,并对远端异地离线灾备基地的建设、管理与可持续运维提出了建议。  相似文献   

刘转平 《兰台世界》2012,(17):48-49
为了将灾难造成的损失降至最低,我们必须重视档案信息系统的灾难备份,并针对不同的灾备需求,从灾备存放地、灾备内容、灾备载体形式、灾备方式、灾备类型、灾备技术、灾备周期等各个方面出发制定多层次的灾备方案。  相似文献   

基于图书馆数字化的数据灾备研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着图书馆数字化进程的加速,图书馆数据灾备工作已经到了刻不容缓的地步.作者从数据灾难备份分类、图书馆数据灾备的必要性、图书馆数据损失及灾备级别分析等角度探讨了图书馆的灾备工作,并提出图书馆灾备架构设想,给出图书馆灾备工作的建议.  相似文献   

本文从学校档案信息管理系统灾备现状出发,从案例中结合我校实际情况,列举了几种常见的高校档案信息管理系统灾备的模式,从中选用最合适的模式作为我校在灾备技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

引言灾备中心的建设目的是为了更好地保障业务和数据的可靠性和安全性。灾备系统本身也是一个复杂的IT系统,一旦服务异常没有被及时发现,很容易导致灾难发生时备份业务系统切换失败、业务数据和服务无法恢复,从而造成不可弥补的严重后果。所以,对灾备系统  相似文献   

搭建容灾备份中心保障电子政务系统安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国电子政务迅速发展的今天,系统的破坏和数据的丢失所带来的损失是难以估量的,这种安全隐患极大地刺激了容灾备份技术的应用和发展,本文将通过对容灾备份的基本概念、等级分类和关键技术进行详细分析的基础上,描述灾备中心的系统结构和搭建策略,指出应根据各地的实际情况有针对性地建设相应级别的容灾备份中心,使其能在灾难中最大限度的保障电子政务系统安全。  相似文献   

林艺山 《图书馆学刊》2009,31(8):104-106
人们越来越认识到数据安全的重要性,但是由于价格问题,很多图书馆往往只考虑核心数据的灾备,有些图书馆甚至没做数据灾备。鉴于此,笔者设计一套低成本灾备方案——FileGee统一灾备系统。  相似文献   

影响我国数字信息长期保存的问题与解决方案   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文简要概括了笔者主持的几项国家自然科学基金项目在数字信息长期保存研究上的前期成果,提出了制约当前我国数字信息资源长期保存的三大问题:一是机构信息系统设计缺乏按需整合业务信息流与归档信息流,造成数字信息在生命周期管理过程中的管理链断裂;二是档案数据远程异地转移保存,急需出台保障信息安全与知识产权的相关法规与制约措施;三是在高信任度的数据灾备市场环境形成之前,地方政府的"电子政务灾难备份中心"需要扩展公共服务功能,为中小型机构的档案数据的灾备管理提供服务.  相似文献   

汪琪身上同时有着多个角色,他是GDS万国数据的副总裁和首席灾备专家,中国内地获得国际灾难备份组织DRII颁发的CBCP灾难备份专家证书的第一人,是国信办《重要信息系统灾难恢复指南》主要起草人,同时也是国家安标委(全国信息安全标准化技术委员会)《信息系统灾难恢复规范》课题组组长。  相似文献   

浅谈电子政务环境档案信息灾难备份系统建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从一般定义、常见模式等方面介绍灾难备份的概念,并阐述了电子政务环境建立档案信息灾备系统的必要性。灾备系统建设是一项系统工程,需要考虑技术手段、投资成本、管理方式等多方面因素。本文主要从技术方面提出设计灾备系统的建议供参考。  相似文献   

各种自然灾害频繁发生,严重威胁着档案建筑及档案的安全,加强自然灾害的防范与应对成为档案部门的使命所在。自然灾害管理机制是档案部门有效应对各种自然灾害的关键,档案部门应着眼于防灾、救灾、灾后处理等关键环节,建立一整套有效的灾害管理机制,提高防灾减灾能力。  相似文献   

近年来重大灾难频发,图书馆作为信息资源的集散地,面临数据损毁和丢失等的危险,容灾显得异常重要。基于图书馆容灾的现实意义,指出图书馆联盟为协同容灾提供分布式地域、技术平台、组织合作的现实条件,最后从具体实现和保障因素两方面阐述基于图书馆联盟的协同容灾机制。  相似文献   

The frequency of natural disasters hitting populated areas is increasing, and due to society’s increased dependency on modern infrastructure, the impacts of disasters have also escalated. I interviewed librarians and law librarians who work or have worked in libraries that were impacted by natural disasters as well as experts in the disaster management field. From their comments and insights, shared in this article, it is clear that there are lessons that can be learned from the larger community in the area of disaster management in law libraries. The law librarian community needs to expand the scope of the national discussion to include disaster management. The key lessons obtained in these national forums, like those shared by the subject matter experts I interviewed, will enable law libraries to become a more resilient and an even more valuable asset to the communities we serve when a natural disaster strikes.  相似文献   

Successful disaster response is an exercise in managing human resources under very difficult conditions. Catastrophic disasters can disrupt both the physical communication networks and the social networks critical to efficient response and recovery. While a well-designed disaster plan serves as a framework, it often requires communication and collaboration between responders to adapt it to the situation at hand. Displacement of library staff adds to the chaotic nature of post-disaster communications, increasing the need for collaborative Web spaces to adapt to changing situations. Using case studies of catastrophic disaster response at libraries, this article begins with an analysis of human resource management problems common to disaster response coordinators worldwide. It then discusses Auburn University Libraries’ uses of free Web 2.0 applications in support of library disaster preparation, response, and recovery. While Auburn University's location on the coastal plain of Alabama is vulnerable to both hurricanes and tornadoes, Auburn has so far only needed to respond to small-scale disasters. The devastation suffered by libraries in the paths of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita served to propel Auburn toward a more comprehensive preparedness stance. Disaster planning at Auburn has embraced Web 2.0 applications, such as Google Documents and Google Talk, to introduce redundant communication channels and to allow for efficient collaboration regardless of the location of library responders. By identifying key Web 2.0 applications and properties that are useful for response and recovery efforts, the research in this article may assist other libraries in improving their disaster preparedness.  相似文献   


This article describes the emergence of disaster information (DI) specialists, with particular focus on their presence in health libraries. Although literature on the subject of disasters and libraries is dominated by accounts of librarians preserving collections and ensuring continuity of library operations following a flood, fire, or other disaster event, the work of DI specialists extends beyond these traditional roles. DI specialists conduct outreach in the community, providing information services to emergency managers and other disaster workers. This article recounts a history of disaster information service in which public librarians served communities during disaster recovery periods, and health librarians became involved in organizational disaster planning activities. DI products from the National Library of Medicine are introduced in addition to federal funding opportunities for DI outreach projects. The development of the Medical Library Association's Disaster Information Specialization Program is presented, and the article shares recommendations for library administrators to encourage DI training for librarians and support the development of outreach services to disaster workers.  相似文献   

文本到底是什么?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文本在计算机上的表示方式影响着文本创作者与其他用户使用文本的方式。现有的电子文档模型还有很多不足和局限。笔者认为文本最好的表示模型是有序的分层内容对象模型(OHCO),这种模型揭示了文本到底是什么这一根本问题。OHCO 模型符合 SGML 等新兴标准,且有利于作者、出版商、研究者等不同用户。本文介绍了该层次模型以及未来如何将文档作为一种数据库、超文本、网络来加以利用和重用。  相似文献   

随着数字资源在图书馆馆藏资源占比越来越高,对数字资源的安全管理也成为图书馆所必须考虑的问题.目前图书馆在数字资源管理上存在着防范意识薄弱、馆员防灾训练不足、数字资源缺乏备份等缺陷,需要做出很多改进.图书馆应当从数字环境出发,制定有效的防范计划,落实防范措施,加强馆员的灾害意识和处理训练,从而实现对灾害的有效预防,灾后的有效应对.  相似文献   

图书馆安全危机的防范与处置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据危机起因,可将图书馆安全危机分为以下类型:火灾、水灾、尘灾、风灾、雷灾、地质灾、虫鼠灾、偷盗抢劫、计算机系统安全危机、疾病、政治劫难、恐怖袭击、战争等。对于图书馆安全危机,需要建立“防灾、抗灾、容灾、恢复、学习改进”等一系列措施,具体可从五方面考虑:(1)图书馆日常安全管理。加强日常安全管理;编制并完善图书馆安全危机应急预案和恢复预案,准备适当的应急物资;普及安全知识和应急常识,开展工作人员和读者培训、演练;安全评估与改进。(2)图书馆安全危机预警系统。设计预警指标及预警级别,收集安全危机信息,分析安全危机,发出安全警报。(3)图书馆安全危机应急响应。启动或调整应急预案,实施应急响应。(4)图书馆安全危机恢复。启动恢复预案,求助专业恢复机构,善后处理,社会及图书馆联盟的捐赠援助,调查评估与信息发布,恢复中警惕危机次生、衍生、再生。(5)图书馆安全危机总结评价。  相似文献   


Although the field of crisis management has grown considerably, academic curricula do not seem to have kept pace. This study investigates how library and information science (LIS) programs are addressing the need to provide adequate and relevant crisis management course content, so as to better empower librarians and other information professionals during community-based disasters and unpredictable circumstances. Twenty-eight ALA-accredited MLIS programs were evaluated. A four-phase model for evaluating crisis management content in LIS education (CM-LIS) has been developed. Crisis management topics were identified and categorized under the four phases: landscape survey, strategic planning, crisis management, and organizational learning. Six broad LIS subject modules were also identified to analyze the percentage of coverage of these topics. In the 264 course syllabi evaluated, curricula indirectly prepare librarians on how to meet and respond to crises and disasters within their communities; however, in many cases, this is given low priority. There is not a strong consideration for natural disasters and the societal calamities and unrest that dominate the media and occupy the minds of individual communities. This study gives insight into crisis-management education within LIS graduate degrees and should stimulate additional research to further investigate the preparedness of librarians and other information professionals to interact with communities in need in times of crises.  相似文献   

The Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) works to organize and provide access to a wide range of environmental health and toxicology resources. In recent years, the demand for, and availability of, information on health issues related to natural and man-made emergencies and disasters has increased. Recognizing that access to information is essential in disaster preparedness, a new focus of NLM's 2006-2016 Long Range Plan calls for the establishment of a Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC) that will aid in collecting, disseminating, and sharing information related to health and disasters. This paper introduces several of TEHIP's resources for emergency/disaster preparedness and response, such as the Radiation Event Medical Management Web site (REMM) and the Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER) . Several of NLM's other disaster preparedness and response resources will also be reviewed.  相似文献   

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