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绩效考核是高职院校人力资源管理部门的一项重要工作.合理的绩效考核体系有助于调动教师的工作积极性,提升院校的教育教学质量.但当前许多高职院校的绩效考核体系难以对教师进行科学的评价,往往流于形式.基于目标管理建立个性化的考核指标体系,能够对教师形成有效的激励,值得推广.  相似文献   

针对康定民族贸易公司商品管理系统安全机制中存在的不足,提出了SQLserver视图机制,并给出了具体的实现方法,实践表明,SQLserver视图机制能够弥补该商品管理系统在安全性方面的不足,并可将其推广到其他数据库管理系统中去.  相似文献   

This paper discusses an emerging development methodology, Performance Support Engineering, that can be used to design and build performance support systems. It introduces a new model called the Organizational Performance/Learning Cycle that describes the dynamics of the organizational learning process and provides a framework for thinking about the technologies (Ariel 1994) and methodologies that enable that process. The author argues that previous definitions of EPSS were too limited and restricted in their scope and expands on these earlier definitions to take into account this new model of organizational learning. The new definition clearly distinguishes EPSS from traditional systems development, which focuses on data, not on knowledge, and from expert systems development, which focuses on knowledge rather than on enabling performance. This new view of EPSS offers a clear opportunity for organizations to recognize the strategic importance of managing their knowledge assets. Most of the current methodologies in use by different functional groups are limited in their capability to enable this model and the expanded definition of EPSS. The author describes how the emerging Performance Support Engineering methodology overcomes these limitations.  相似文献   

This paper discusses an emerging development methodology, Performance Support Engineering, that can be used to design and build performance support systems. It introduces a new model called the Organizational Performance/Learning Cycle that describes the dynamics of the organizational learning process and provides a framework for thinking about the technologies (Ariel 1994) and methodologies that enable that process. The author argues that previous definitions of EPSS were too limited and restricted in their scope and expands on these earlier definitions to take into account this new model of organizational learning. The new dofinition clparly distinguishes EPSS from traditional systems development, which focuses on data, not on knowledge, and from expert systems development, which focuses on knowledge rather than on enabling performance. This new view of EPSS offers a clear opportunity for organizations to recognize the strategic importance of managing their knowledge assets. Most of the current methodologies in use by different functional groups are limited in their capability to enable this model and the expanded definition of EPSS. The author describes how the emerging Performance Support Engineering methodology overcomes those limitations.  相似文献   

Organizations are complex systems that require managers and employees alike to understand the interdependencies between their performance accomplishments and those of others, as well as the specific means and actions that affect them. Performance indicator maps (PIMs) are graphical representations that illustrate the relationships among organizational performance indicators. When properly designed, performance indicator maps can increase the effectiveness of feedback generated by dashboards, trigger tangible improvement actions today, and allow us to get the results we want tomorrow.  相似文献   

本文对现有的五种满意度影响因素研究理论及对应的指标进行了梳理,建立起包含就业指标、学术指标、教学职责和工作量指标、科研成果指标、收入指标和人口统计学指标在内的新的分析框架。运用美国2004年全国高校教师调查(NSOPF)数据建立起回归模型,初步得出影响美国高校教师工作满意度的18项指标,并发现运用单一的理论框架开展高校教师满意度研究存在局限。最后结合研究提出了对中国高校教师管理的建议和进一步研究的思路。  相似文献   

社会转型期政府实施绩效管理的障碍分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
绩效管理是植根于西方发达国家市场化、法治化行政生态的现代政府管理理念和方法。在社会转型时期,要把这一先进的管理理念和技术引入我国行政管理体制改革,将会面临技术、观念、内部激励机制缺乏及信息沟通困难等四个方面的障碍,只有认清障碍,才能更好地构建有针对性的中国化的绩效管理理论,使绩效管理适应中国特殊的行政生态,为行政改革作出贡献。  相似文献   

朱丽莉  施艺 《现代教育技术》2009,19(11):111-114
论文从高等院校教师教育技术培训的现状出发,结合实际技术,尝试研究一个以培训高等院校教师教育技术为案例的电子绩效网络支持系统。整个系统包括学习信息库,训练系统,专家指导系统,效能工具和学习帮助系统五部分,希望通过此系统可以较大幅度的提高培训绩效,并为高等院校教师教育技术培训提供新的思路和方向。  相似文献   

Higher Education Institutions are undergoing important changes involving the development of new roles and missions, with implications for their structure. Governments and institutions are implementing strategies to ensure the proper performance of universities and several studies have investigated evaluation of universities through the development and use of indicator systems. In this paper, we review some of the systems applied to the OECD countries, with special attention to Spain. We demonstrate the difficulty involved in establishing classification criteria for existing indicators, on which there is currently no consensus.  相似文献   

阐述了空调用封闭式冷却塔工作原理及特点,重点介绍了封闭式冷却塔热工性能实验台,这个实验台由锅炉、换热器、孔板流量计、水泵、微压计、温度计等仪器设备组成。在该实验台上,可测试空调用封闭式冷却塔各项热工性能指标,为深入研究空调用封闭式冷却塔的动态特性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

我国教育财政投入比例及与中低收入国家的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育投入比例是衡量一国政府对教育努力程度的主要指标,合理的教育财政投入比例是教育发展、经济增长的重要保障。本文在辨析国际通用的教育财政统计指标之后,分析比较了我国从1991年到2005年的教育财政投入变化情况,并与世界上中低收入国家的平均状况相比较。结论认为:预算内教育经费指标是与国际接轨的统计口径;长期以来我国教育财政投入比例一直很低,且低于世界同类国家公共教育经费支出的平均水平;应切实提高我国教育投入比例,尽早实现财政性教育经费占GDP4%的目标。  相似文献   

针对condensation目标跟踪算法中用先验转移概率作建议分布函数时没有充分考虑最新观测信息的缺点,提出了一种基于均值移动重要性采样的粒子滤波人脸跟踪算法.算法首先利用均值移动跟踪器粗略定位人脸目标,然后再用此跟踪结果去构造建议分布函数进行粒子传播.由于通过该方法所构造的建议分布函数中包含了最新的观测信息,所以它可以使大多数粒子点都能分布在真实状态区域周围,进而提高了粒子传播的准确性.人脸跟踪结果表明,该算法的跟踪性能明显优于标准condensation方法.  相似文献   

现行的服务业统计已经不能够满足服务业快速发展的需要,现行的服务统计方法、制度、指标体系造成服务业统计质量较低,不能为服务业发展提供准确、及时、全面统计信息。服务业统计应该界定清楚统计范围、采用灵活的统计方法、设计科学可行的指标体系,才能为政府宏观决策与服务微观决策提供有价值的统计信息。  相似文献   

基于定时代理和工作流技术的办公自动化系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对基于Notes架构的办公自动化系统,通过采用定时代理技术实现了业务关系数据库与Notes文档数据库的数据流转共存、互相存取与转换,并在此基础上实现了办公自动化系统与业务系统的工作流处理。  相似文献   

现有机器翻译系统的汉英翻译水平还远不能满足人们的需求,其主要原因在于缺少一种适当的自然语言处理理论的支持。基于HNC理论的汉英机器翻译是一种新的尝试,其核心由6项过渡处理构成。语义块主辅变换是6项过渡处理之一。本文简要介绍了HNC的机器翻译观,重点阐述语义块主辅变换的原理,并通过一个示例说明了语义块主辅变换研究如何来提高机器翻译系统的性能。  相似文献   

随着人们日常生活水平的提高,全国心血管疾病患病人数已接近21%,心血管疾病对生命的威胁愈加严重,已成为我国居民的主要死亡原因之一。因此,对心血管疾病数据进行统计分析,提前预警显得尤为重要。为了得到更贴合实际的各指标正常区间,在收集指标时新增“用户自我感觉”指标作为用户身体状况自评数据,并结合各指标已有数据划分健康人群,得到新的正常区间,体检人员一旦有相关指标出现异常便计入高发人群数。以冠心病为例作出高发人群数趋势图,并设计体检信息管理系统,可对上传的体检数据及用户身体状况自评数据进行大数据分析得到疾病预警结论,并告知体检人员身体健康状况。  相似文献   

First‐year students are still failing at an alarming rate. This is an international issue that universities face and there is currently no clear indication of the cause of the problem as universities move from being elite to providing mass education. This article examines the possible correlation between students’ high school performance and first‐year performance. The focus is primarily on the students’ performance in mathematics and English. National Senior Certificate results as well as academic and mathematics competency results are used to determine any correlations and therefore any predictors. The research is done to determine whether these results are a true reflection of a student’s performance and can be used as selection criteria. The results were disappointing since no correlation was found between students’ high school performance and first‐year performance. There is an indication, however, that the competency results might be an indicator. The results imply that more research is needed and that the current selection criteria are either not valid or need to be adjusted.  相似文献   

复杂系统可靠度置信下限的寻求,一般说来,由于系统的构成非常复杂,现有的许多统计方法大多只能给出近似解.对于由两个寿命分别服从指数分布的部件构成的并联系统,本文利用样本空间排序法,给出了系统可靠度置信下限的精确解,并提出了行之有效的算法,部分结果还可推广到多个部件并联构成的系统  相似文献   

脑力负荷是一种新兴的可以反应操作者认知状态的指标,其与事故风险及工作效率密切相关,所以实时且准确地评估操作者脑力负荷等级具有重要意义。Stacking模型融合策略可以较好地融合不同分类器与不同特征的学习能力。基于8名参与者的脑电生理信号以及Stacking模型融合策略,设计了3种新型模型进行脑力负荷等级判别。在对新模型进行训练与预测的同时,将其与其它主流分类器进行性能对比。实验结果显示,二维融合模型性能提升最为明显。  相似文献   

随着高校教育体制改革的深入,高校档案工作面临着新的课题.本文分析高校档案工作的现状和问题,就如何做好高校的档案工作提出粗浅的认识:加强领导重视,强化档案意识;健全管理机制,利用现代化管理方式;培养人才,提高工作人员业务素质;加强档案、信息资源开发和利用,适应新形势的发展.  相似文献   

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