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尊严是对人的价值和个体独特性的尊重,是一个人生存最基本的内涵。人要得到尊重,取决于对社会的贡献和作用。贡献越大,作用越大,受尊重的程度就越大。这种贡献和作用的基础是个人的能力,而能力的获得必须通过教育。我们要活得有尊严,就必须接受教育。  相似文献   

秦超 《西藏教育》2020,(4):60-61
尊严代表对一个人社会地位、社会角色、个人智慧等的高度认可。教师的尊严在教育经验、业务水准、生活品质提升的基础上促进个人专业不断成长。那么,教师的个人专业通常涵盖那些内容呢?笔者觉得,应含有个人素养、教育情怀、业务水平。教师只有努力实现自我成长,才能受到尊重,尊严才会得到体现,生活质量也会逐渐提升,这也是教师职业幸福感的出发点。教师尊严源自于广泛的阅读——提升个人素养。教育不只是教给学生知识,更重要的是培育全面发展的人,这就造就了教师个人素养的多样性。  相似文献   

人的尊严与教育的尊严   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人有尊严的需要,尊严有普遍性尊严和获得性尊严的区分。为每个人所享有的普遍性尊严其实也是一种获得性尊严,是人类从古至今奋斗所获得的成就。获得性尊严是自尊与尊重的合奏,以自尊为前提,在尊重中得以实现。作为一种自觉的文化活动,教育也有尊严的需要。教育的尊严是获得性的,既取决于教育对自身内在价值的坚守,也依赖于国家与其他社会系统对教育的尊重。教育是人实现尊严的一种方式,但并不是所有的教育存在样态都有益于人实现尊严,只有尊严的教育才能最大限度地帮助教育主体获得尊严。  相似文献   

师道尊严何在?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们认为现今影响师生关系、家校关系的一个重要因素是对师道尊严的不同理解在此我们探讨了师道尊严的演化过程,从历史的角度分析了师道尊严的观念与社会、个人教育价值观的密切联系。在这一基础上,我们得出师道尊严归根结底是教师尊严,而教师尊严来自于对教师职业的尊重和对教师个体的尊重以及由此二者衍生出来的对角色的尊重,并进一步阐述社会当中的教师尊严和课堂之中的教师尊严,最后提出提高教师尊严的策略。  相似文献   

(接本刊2005年第33期) 模块3 倡导良好的工作场所 这一模块与中心价值--维护人类的尊严和劳动的尊严相关联.人类的尊严指每个人都应该意识到,获得尊重和基本的个人需求是人的一项基本权利,这样每个人才能发展他们的潜能.劳动的尊严指尊重和欣赏所有形式的工作,认识这些工作对个人的自我实现和对社会进步与发展所做出的双重贡献.  相似文献   

学校管理更需要以尊重人的人格独立与个人尊严为前提,以提高人的向心力、凝聚力与归属感为出发点,而施行的以人为中心的柔性管理.学校教育中实施柔性管理应当努力做到"四化",即组织机构扁平化、理性关系感情化、管理机制民主化、校园氛围学习化.  相似文献   

现代教育思想的两个基本要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,现代教育思想有两个基本要点,即社会价值与个人价值的统一和科学教育与人文教育的融合.就教育与杜会的关系而言,现代教育在与社会保持高度开放的同时,一定要坚持教育的独立性、批判性和选择性;就教育与人的关系而言,个人的需要、兴趣、价值、尊严、人的发展的特点和规律以及个人的合法权益等,都应得到充分尊重.在教育发展的基本走向上,现代教育思想坚持以科学精神为基础,以人文精神为价值方向的科学人文主义教育观.  相似文献   

"尊重教育"的内涵 "尊重教育"所说的"尊重",指的是尊重人的尊严,尊重人的基本权利和责任,尊重人的价值,尊重人在自己发展中的主体地位.  相似文献   

王啸 《教育学报》2009,5(1):94-101
道德教育是关于生命尊严与幸福的言说与实践.这表明了道德教育是自由的领域.由此出发,从权利的视角把握道德教育,有助于捍卫人的尊严与幸福.作为一种文化现象,权利的内涵非常丰富,它确定了个人对社会和他人的要求的正当性质与合理界限,突出了个人尊严.权利视野中的道德教育包括三个方面的内涵,即在价值论上把人作为最高目的,在社会与个体关系上真正尊重个体权利,在内容上关注人权与正义主题.  相似文献   

我们的教育在走进新课程以后,倡导尊重学生但不能没有惩罚,倡导赏识学生但不能没有批评,倡导成功是成功之母,但不能回避失败。一句话:警惕虚弱的教育。不可过分强调尊重当今教育大力弘扬以人为本,倡导开发“人的创造潜能,关注人的情感、态度、价值观,尊重人的个性差异,让人的价值、尊严、自由、创造、潜能得到充分体现。”不过,人本主义教育不能走极端,走了极端就滑入个人本位的教育偏颇。过于尊重就是放任,而旅途自流的教育就是一种虚弱的教育,绝不利于孩子的持续发展。不可过分强调赏识当一个人在成长的历程中,受到了过多的关注,不仅容易…  相似文献   

Human dignity is a grand concept that is assumed to play an important role in education. However, no widely accepted universal definition of human dignity exists. The aim of this study was to examine the Discourse of Human Dignity within teacher education, especially with respect to how Swedish teacher educators make meaning of the concept of human dignity. Findings show that four subdiscourses are involved in the Discourse of Human Dignity within teacher education. These discursive constructions are influences by outcomes of, for example, life-science research, and British and/or American media discourses.  相似文献   

从人学的视角洞察教育平等,可以看出人尊严的平等是教育平等的内在依据,而人个性的发展则是教育平等的应有之义,二者是辩证统一,不可分割的两个基点。  相似文献   

教育的两个"为本"就是教育"以人为本"和教育"以文化为本"。"人"对"教育"来说是"根本","教育"对"人"来说是"末" "文化"对"教育"来说是"根本","教育"对"文化"来说是"末"。人和文化对教育来说是目的,而教育对人和文化来说都是应为之服务的手段而已。以人为本的教育理论应当包括以人为中心,突出人的发展 关注人的自由、幸福、尊严、终极价值 体现人文关怀和道德情感,人文关怀和道德情感是一种博大的精神力量和感召力量,它推动人们去感受生命过程。文化之所以是教育的本与根,之所以也是教育应为之服务的根本原因,就在于人类和文化之间存在着一种特殊的关系决定的,这种关系简单地说,没有人,固然没有文化,然而反过来,没有文化也就没有人。  相似文献   

While respect for human rights has long been endorsed as a goal of education, only recently has significant attention been paid to the need to incorporate rights within educational processes. Current support for human rights within education, however, has a variety of motivations. This paper provides a theoretical exploration of these diverse justifications, leading to a normative proposal. A distinction is made between status-based and instrumental approaches. Human rights within education can be justified from a status-based perspective on the basis of their indivisibility, meaning that the right to education must not entail an infringement of other rights. Yet while rights-respecting environments are important sites of learning, instrumental justifications can be a source of concern, if the goals in question are irrelevant or inimical to the enhancement of rights. An argument, therefore, is put forward for a simultaneous realisation of embodiment of and opportunity for learning about human rights.  相似文献   

更有尊严的教育不仅是社会进步与发展的标志,更是一种教育担当与对社会的贡献,是人们寄予教育的崇高的期盼,培养有尊严感的学生是教育义不容辞的责任。从学理上分析尊严、更有尊严的内涵与外延,结合教育的现实反思教育变革的路径,就可以更加科学的理解更有尊严的教育本质,强化教育所秉持的理念、精神、思想、方法,建构更加合理科学的教育体系,从而全面实现教育的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

Aiming to place disability studies in conversation with other antioppressive educational frameworks, this article “crips” human rights education (HRE), a field that, by definition, teaches people about equality, dignity, and respect. A theoretical sampling of HRE journals and an online library database uncovers that human rights scholarship largely overlooks disability outside a medical or legal framework, though disability scholars consistently reference human rights in their work. We argue that these absences exemplify the active erasure of disability at the ontological level, and in response we urge scholars to reconceptualize where and how politics, activism, and social change take place. This “visibilizing” project follows Baxi's dictum that HRE must constantly adapt to people’s localized experiences and the needs of future generations. We offer a reading list to begin this “visibilizing” project in undergraduate university settings, proposing that teachers use “Disability and Human Rights Praxis: Intersectional, Interdisciplinary Readings for Educators” to conceptualize how they might pair disability studies in education and HRE texts to facilitate interdisciplinary class discussions and student projects.  相似文献   

In this essay, Johannes Giesinger discusses the educational significance of Immanuel Kant's conception of human dignity. According to Kant, Giesinger claims, children can and should be educated for dignity: on the one hand, children realize their dignity by developing the capacity for moral autonomy; on the other hand, this capacity can only evolve if children's sense of their own dignity — that is, their self‐respect — is awakened. Educating children means, for Kant, helping them to develop a proper relation with themselves and thereby become moral persons.  相似文献   

Teaching about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, is one way to support students’ learning about issues of fairness. However, learning about this document is not enough. Students need to have experiences where they explore issues of justice and equity in order to learn about respect and dignity for others. The present study explored an arts-based project in a kindergarten classroom about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 26—The Right to Education. Over the course of several months, nineteen kindergarten students learned about educational inequities around the world and specifically about an under-resourced partner school in El Salvador. Children’s literature about human rights became the catalyst for critical conversations, written responses, and drawings inspiring action. Students worked to address injustice by screen printing images they drew about their beliefs regarding a child’s right to education on fabric banners to raise awareness about school inequity. These banners were then displayed in their school and in the partner school. Overall findings from students’ discussions, writing, illustrations, and interviews indicated that the kindergartners were able to recognize their own rights and educational privilege. Through the project they demonstrated active citizenship centered on care and sought further connections with children at the partner school. In using arts-based service learning, educators involved in the study discovered how art can be used as a creative process and a teaching method to support young learners raising awareness about global inequities.  相似文献   

英配昌  伍盛 《中学教育》2011,8(2):40-45
人的尊严维护需要教育.在中小学开展人权教育有助于推动社会人权事业的发展,有助于提升学生生活质量.人权教育的核心任务在于养育学生的权利意识,其内容选择的基本维度是生存权与发展权.目前中小学人权教育的实施依赖于教师人权素养的提高,人权教育相关课程的设置,在日常教育活动中践行人权,通过管理基本规则保障人权等基本策略.  相似文献   

This article analyses the challenges posed by traditional ethnic and linguistic minorities in multicultural states and more specifically the problems faced by indigenous peoples and communities. Their educational and cultural needs and demands are increasingly being framed in the language of human rights, based on the expanding international legal and institutional human rights system. The United Nations World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna in 1993, endorsed a rights-based approach to development, human rights education is a growing field in educational practice, respect for cultural diversity is now enshrined in international and domestic laws, and the right of every person to education and to culture has become a mainstay of international human rights principles to which a majority of the world's states has subscribed.  相似文献   

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