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黄桥乡土美术资源历史悠久,种类丰富,美术教师不但要有明确的目标和细致的计划,把本乡土的美术文化整理成系统美术资料,而且要胸有成竹地将其转化为学生的学习资源,关键是要把乡土美术资源转化为校本教材,运用于课堂实践中去.  相似文献   

"回归生活世界"是新课程改革的基本主张,这一主张可转化为课堂教学实际行为——有意识地将生活世界相关资源引入实际教学中,将生活资源转化为教学资源。  相似文献   

为更好地将基地资源转化为课程资源,我们初步总结出了品德与社会、生活学科的资源转化策略。对应教材内容转化课程资源资源基地中的资源有些可以与教材直接对应。如在五年级品德与社会下册《农业工具的演变》一课中,关于农业工具的演变,教材中呈现了不同历  相似文献   

能否将人口压力转化为人力资本优势,关系到中国现代化建设的成败.我国不仅人口多而且人口教育存量低,因此人口资源对经济贡献率也较低.大力发展职业教育不仅可以化解人口压力,还可以提高人力资本存量,提高人口资源贡献率.  相似文献   

彭晶 《华章》2012,(13)
水利工程档案的形成是水利者劳动智慧的结晶,通过文件材料收集归档将其转化为档案信息资源,而这些资源又通过档案工作者提供给水利工作者利用.做好水利工程档案管理工作对于水利工作者是非常重要的.  相似文献   

地方课程资源只有经过开发,才能转化为可利用的社会教育资源,转化为地方课程,为学生个性发展服务.为此必须明确地方课程资源的类型、开发原则、开发和利用的基本思路.  相似文献   

初中数学教学过程中,若能够将错题资源转化为数学学习助力,则能够发挥错题资源的价值,提升学生的数学学习效率.对初中数学错题资源的有效利用策略进行探究,旨在促进学生良好的解题习惯养成,切实提高学生的数学综合素质.  相似文献   

电是现代社会不可缺少的,发电厂就是将其他形式的能量转化为电能的工厂.按照资源的能量形式不同,常见的有火力发电厂、水力发电厂和核电厂等.  相似文献   

人民英烈生前的事迹是红色资源的重要来源,人民英烈的精神则是红色资源教育价值的精髓.在研究红色资源转化为教育教学资源过程中,我们应该重视对创造红色资源的重要主体--"人民英烈"的研究,而公祭人民英烈制度是红色资源转化为教育教学资源的一种重要途经.公祭人民英烈既升华了红色资源的教育价值,又是红色资源教育价值转化的最高形式.目前我国尚缺乏形成制度的公祭人民英烈活动,希望党和政府对此引起重视.  相似文献   

通过对社区教育数字化学习资源理论研究、资源实体建设、限制因子等现状进行生态化分析,发现将云教室融入社区数字化学习资源建设,可以将人员、资金、硬件、服务支持以及学习理念方式等限制因子转化为有效因子.基于此,给出云教室架构的社区教育数字化学习资源建设架构模式以及策略,以期更好地服务社区教育.  相似文献   

美国新泽西州化学奥林匹克竞赛包括10道化学竞赛项目,分别属于研究项目、实验项目和一般项目,内容较综合,涉及知识面比较广但难度低,主要考察学生的综合能力和团队合作精神,可为学生提供难得的科学探究和创新的机会。而我国化学竞赛包括理论题和实验题两部分,均属于专业的化学知识,都远远超出高中化学内容。而且主要考察个体学生的素质能力。分析比较美国新泽西州化学奥林匹克竞赛内容,为我国的化学奥林匹克竞赛研究提供有益的启示。  相似文献   


This paper discusses students’ use of anthropomorphic language in science, and in particular calls upon some examples from research into student understanding of chemical bonding. It is argued that anthropomorphic language is common amongst scientists as well as science students. A simple classification of such instances is suggested to distinguish between those examples that are useful in aiding communication and understanding, and those which merely stand in place of such understanding.  相似文献   

党的十九大报告指出:要完善职业教育和培训体系,深化产教融合、校企合作。这一理念的提出对现代高职院校的发展带来机遇与挑战,如何将学生培养成为社会有用的人才是备受关注的问题,文章基于化学化工专业的特点,分析高职院校对该专业的人才培养模式的构建方法策略,希望可以推进高职院校该专业的发展。  相似文献   

就如何提高化学演示实验中"空闲"时间的利用率,尝试从化学学科的特点以及新课改对课堂教学的要求等方面,从化学仪器的使用、化学实验的操作、化学现象的分析等角度进行了实践与探索,为化学演示实验中"空闲"时间的利用提出可供借鉴的方法.  相似文献   

新工科建设背景下,化工专业毕业论文的改革势在必行。本文就平顶山学院近三年来化工专业毕业论文环节的改革中遇到的问题、采取的措施和改革的效果进行了梳理和总结,以期为同类院校工科专业毕业论文环节的改革提供参考。  相似文献   

Material on the World Wide Web may be freely accessed by instructors and students, regardless of its source. Evaluation of such material can be facilitated by use of one of a number of web site evaluation tools. These assess a web site in terms of content and design by adapting established principles in each of these areas. The feasibility of using one such tool, originally developed for the evaluation of medical information sites, in chemistry has been explored. The tool was applied to 37 sites that cover the periodic table. Most of the criteria seemed to be as applicable to chemical sites as to those for which it was designed, and gave useful information on the quality aspects of each site. On the other hand, some of the criteria included for medical sites were inappropriate or too vague in the context of chemical sites, and additional criteria not present in the original tool would have been useful for this application. These observations have been used to construct a modified tool which should be more applicable for World Wide Web sites with chemical content.  相似文献   

银杏叶提取物对糖尿病的药效学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究表明银杏叶提取物有广泛的药理作用及,临床应用价值,其化学成分种类较多。目前,临床上应用银杏叶提取物治疗糖尿病及其并发症已取得良好效果。  相似文献   

Osmotic pressure proves to be a useful topic for illustrating the disputes brought to bear on the chemistry profession when mathematics was introduced into its discipline. Some chemists of the late 19th century thought that the introduction of mathematics would destroy that chemical feeling or experience so necessary to the practice of chemistry. These chemists were critical of the suggestion that mathematically analogous expressions for macroscopic phenomena implied similar kinetic-molecular processes at the microscopic level because they believed that a chemical phenomenon discovered by chemical experience through experiment was a more reliable guide to molecular processes than was mathematics. In general physical chemists of the modern era are also critical of the suggestion that mathematically analogous expressions for macroscopic phenomena imply similar kinetic-molecular processes at the microscopic level but for different reasons. The mathematical analogy between the van’t Hoff law and the ideal gas law is regarded as an artefact of the mathematical thermodynamic treatment of osmosis and not as a result of a correlation of kinetic-molecular processes. Some chemists however, albeit a minority, while agreeing with the thermodynamic treatment of osmotic pressure suggest that the mathematical analogy is more significant than being simply a mathematical artefact. They propose a controversial kinetic-molecular model of osmotic pressure which they believe has more educational value than the thermodynamic model. The significance of mathematically analogous expressions for different chemical properties and the desirability of highlighting unifying chemical principles for the teaching and learning of tertiary level chemistry are discussed predominantly in the context of historical osmotic studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify how upper secondary school French students (Grade 10–12) interpret chemical transformation with regards to the changes within molecules and atoms, and in terms of intramolecular and/or intermolecular bond breaking. In order to identify and describe the students’ assimilated knowledge, four questions were asked to 930 students using a written questionnaire submitted a long time after the related teaching took place. There is much research into student learning in the concept areas discussed here (atoms and molecules, chemical change, chemical bonding), as reviewed in the paper. The present study presents data from an educational system where limited work has been reported in the international literature. The French system has its own unique curriculum, and is taught in the national language (where much of the existing research has concerned learning in Anglophile systems). The research reported here found that French secondary students experienced many similar difficulties in understanding these key scientific concepts to those that have been reported elsewhere, showing the cross‐cultural nature of the key educational issues. For example, many have difficulties in understanding the changes undergone by atoms and molecules in the course of a chemical reaction; many are not able to justify explicitly the breaking of inter‐molecular bonds and to interpret the breaking of intramolecular bonds in terms of reorganization of atoms, the target level of understanding in the curriculum from the end of Grade 9. However, it is also suggested that some of the specific characteristics identified here are linked to the ordering and language used in the French curriculum, and such cultural idiosyncrasies may offer useful insights into both problematic and valuable aspects of science pedagogy.  相似文献   

分析了传统化学实验教学的不足和弊端,总结了开放性实验教学对于加强创新型人才培养的特点,作为化学开放性实验教学的实施范例,介绍了合肥师范学院化学与化学工程学院开放性实验教学的开展情况和取得的成效.旨在为高等院校尤其是新建应用型本科院校化学实验教学提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

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