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以近10届冬奥会(第14—23届冬奥会)东道国为研究对象,系统研究冬奥会主办国金牌数量、奖牌数量、奖牌榜排名、不同运动分项奖牌数量等东道国优势特征,从国家竞技体育发展政策与经费投入、主场观众因素、场地熟悉程度、运动员参赛人数等角度分析冬奥会东道国优势效应产生原因;建立逻辑回归模型,预测我国运动员2022年北京冬奥会奖牌数量将创冬奥会参赛史最好成绩。借鉴冬奥会东道国办赛经验,提出我国运动员备战2022年北京冬奥会、创造冬奥会最佳参赛成绩策略:1)妥善应对疫情,实现参赛出彩目标;2)突出优势项目,确保运动员争金夺牌;3)利用场地优势,实现运动成绩新突破;4)适应观众氛围,发挥运动员最佳竞技状态;5)补齐项目短板,赛出运动员风格与水平。  相似文献   

This paper examines the process of the establishment of the Qatar National Olympic Committee (QOC) in the late 1970s as part of a nation-building process. Qatar was one of the British protectorates in the Gulf region having its international relations controlled by Britain. On September 3, 1971, the country's Heir Apparent appeared on local TV and announced Qatar's independence. In the following years, the new Amir started a campaign of nation-building. Sport played an important part in this campaign, facilitating the formation of a national identity. Meanwhile, sports federations in Qatar began to apply for membership of their respective International Federations (IFs). In order to send athletes to the Olympics, the QOC was established in 1979 and it was recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1980. The primary written sources used in this paper are official documents from the IOC, the IFs and the Official Gazette of the State of Qatar. The establishment of the QOC can be seen as part of the process of nation-building experienced by Qatar after its independence. International sports events were used to win international recognition, and investments in infrastructure, sports facilities and elite sport were seen by the Qatar government as an important approach to boost the country's international representation. However, in order to join the Olympic movement and raise Qatar's national flag at international sporting events, the QOC had to revise its Constitution to meet all the requirements of the IOC.  相似文献   


Previous studies have shown that the start plays a critical role in sliding events and explains more than 55% of the variance of the final time in luge. Experts evaluate the contribution of the arm strokes to be 23% of the total starting performance. The aim of the present study was to develop a measurement and feedback training tool (Speedpaddler) for the arm strokes of high-performance luge athletes. The construction is an aluminium alloy framework with a customary belt conveyor system, which is driven by two synchronized servo motors. Training is possible with constant speeds up to 12 m · s?1 or several speed curves, which simulate the acceleration of different luge tracks. The construction facilitates variations in the inclination and speed of the conveyor belts and thereby the resistance and movement speed. If the athlete accelerates the conveyor belts during arm-paddling, the torque of the motors decreases. Torque measurements and high-speed video offer valuable insights into the several technique criteria. Comparisons of arm-paddle cycle durations on ice and on the Speedpaddler with 18 luge athletes (national team and juniors) showed no statistical differences. The Speedpaddler might be a useful tool to improve starting performance all year round.  相似文献   

In general, women are well represented among sport participants and sport audiences but not in the media. Data show that women's sport is greatly underreported and trivialized in newspapers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure press coverage during the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in the largest circulating Belgian, Danish, French, and Italian daily newspapers by: (a) number of articles, (b) size, (c) page placement, (d) accompanying photographs, and (e) photograph size. For each sport covered, the athletes' nationality and the gender were recorded. Compared to the 1996 Atlanta Games, there was an increase of 326 female athletes (+4%), and women competed in 25 sports and 132 events (44%) of the total 300 events. Although only 29.3% of the articles and 38% of photos were on women's sports, the newspaper coverage was similar to the distribution of participating athletes and events. No significant gender differences were found with respect to article size, page placement, accompanying photographs, or photograph size. The most covered sport was track and field, independent of national achievement. Other sports received different coverage in relation to national expectations, achievement, and participation. In conclusion, there was a trend to overcome gender inequities in media coverage during the Olympic Games, which may be due to the International Olympic Committee's actions to promote increased participation of women in sport activities and to publicize their achievements. Moreover, during the Olympic Games, a nationalistic fervor might affect the equality of gender coverage.  相似文献   

国际体育仲裁院特别仲裁处(CAS AHD)在雅加达亚运会期间仲裁了3起案件。特别仲裁处仲裁庭通过合理运用解释方法填补了《亚奥理事会章程》中争议解决规则的漏洞,对仲裁庭自身管辖范围进行扩大,保障了未取得正式参赛资格的运动员和国家(地区)体育协会的诉权。但仲裁裁决无法从根本上改变有缺陷的争议解决规则。这种有缺陷的规则不符合奥林匹克运动追求善治的趋势,应参考其他区域性大型体育赛事的经验进行修改。第三方体育仲裁机构通过发挥准司法能动性,能够帮助完善体育自治。  相似文献   

The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) were introduced and officially inaugurated in Singapore in 2010, constituting the first new Olympic event to be staged since the 1924 Winter Olympic Games. The structure of the YOG is based on the model of the European Youth Olympic Festival, which was introduced three decades ago. Being a new international sports event targeting young athletes, a major innovation of the YOG is its unique Culture and Education Programme (CEP). To date, very little literature deals with the CEP and its influence on the athletes' overall experience. Thus, the objective of this study was to give a deeper insight into the athletes' perception of the CEP. A survey of 662 participating athletes as well as 6 focus groups with 43 athletes was conducted during the first 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Austria. The results of the focus groups corroborated the results of the survey: young athletes participating in the CEP liked it very much; nevertheless, the tight training and competition schedule represented an issue for many athletes. The findings of this study underline the necessity to plan the CEP more carefully and to raise interest in the CEP among coaches and Chefs de Mission.  相似文献   

羽毛球运动是我国的优势项目,特别最近几届奥运会上,我国的羽毛球健儿捷报频传,这大大激励了我国的业余羽毛球事业的发展。文章从常熟市业余羽毛球运动现状的研究入手,分析业余羽毛球运动发展的趋势和存在的问题,提出相应的对策和建议,为业余羽毛球运动更好地开展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

上海竞技体育可持续发展之路:引进?还是培养?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
缪佳 《体育科研》2012,33(4):1-4
上海作为中国经济发达的大城市,曾为中国的竞技体育培养了不少优秀运动员。但随着上海经济发展,上海竞技体育后备人才面临着危机,上海不得不为实现全运会目标而大量引进外省市运动员,这一举措虽然缓解了上海后备人才匮乏的矛盾,但也带来了诸多问题:上海原有的输送系统受到阻塞,上海业余训练经费支出和业余训练人数减少,引进运动员退役后如何在上海生存等等。上海要兼顾国际大都市的建设和竞技体育的可持续发展,就要以城市化发展的特点和上海本身的经验,改变固有的竞技体育发展思路,打造有世界影响力的竞技体育。  相似文献   

在运动竞赛或体育比赛中,主场效应是影响运动员运动成绩的原因之一。结合2018年平昌奥运会各比赛项目,分析出主场效应的影响因素为:旅途因素、环境因素、观众因素、裁判因素以及运动员的心理状态因素;对冬奥会各比赛项目进行项群分类,并分别对项目特征及其主场效应进行具体分析,旨在为我国冬季项目运动员备战冬奥会期间有针对性地采取应对措施,在比赛中取得良好成绩提供理论参考。  相似文献   

我国体育体制转型的四个关键问题   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
易剑东 《体育学刊》2006,13(1):8-11
在北京紧锣密鼓筹办奥运会和体育部门全力以赴准备参加2008年奥运会的时候,未雨绸缪地思考中国体育体制面临的转型问题很有必要。研究表明,奥运会赛场的竞争是非充分、不完全、未对等的竞争。高度重视运动员成绩的成本核算与报酬问题、保护职业体育市场中民间投资者的热情、给予高校高水平运动队(员)足够的发展空间有助于务实中国竞技体育的基础。各级政府保障对群众体育的经费投入,运动项目管理中心和协会腾出精力关照群众体育,职业体育俱乐部建立和健全运行机制是构建中国体育大厦的重要荦措。取消全运会闭幕式上的金牌、总分公布与排名仪式、大力强化单项锦标赛的地位、扶持高校探索竞技体育发展模式、完善职业体育俱乐部的管理体制等是国家体育管理部门实现中国体育体制转型的关键环节。  相似文献   

运用数理统计等方法对伦敦奥运会中、美男子项目所获得的奖牌情况进行统计分析。得出:金牌竞争力基本相当,男子项目获得的金牌数并列第一,但我国的奖牌总数不及美国;参赛分项少于美国,获奖分项多于美国;我国奖牌主要集中在跳水、竞技体操、羽毛球、举重、乒乓球等技能主导类的我国传统优势项目上,而美国的奖牌则主要集中在奖牌大项---田径和游泳这两个分项上,我国在田径、游泳上的实力与美国有一定差距。  相似文献   

师范教育与体育教育大学生成就动机的比较研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
本文以师范教育专业和体育教育专业的大学生为研究对象,以部分’96奥运会运动员为对照组,对师范类大学生体育成就动机与性别、所学专业、运动类型的相互关系进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

主要运用数理统计、文献资料调研等研究方法,对2008年在北京举办的第29届奥运会中国体育代表团运动员的组成结构以及分省(市)、项目、性别等交叉分析及获得的金牌和奖牌数量进行统计。研究认为,参加第29届奥运会的中国体育代表团是一支年轻、富有朝气的队伍,运动员学历层次普遍较高,运动员形态普遍高大、壮实;经济发展对奥运奖牌数呈现正相关,以省(市)GDP总量为自变量,把奖牌数(人次)作为应变量,得出每增加1 000亿元的GDP,奥运会奖牌数量(以人次计算)增加0.487块;"阴盛阳衰"现象单纯从取得奖牌或者金牌以项目为单位统计表现得有所改善,但以获得奖牌数量以运动员人数统计,这个现象还依然很严重;获得金牌和奖牌的项目主要集中在以技能主导类为主的我国传统优势项目上,而在田径、游泳和三大球等集体项目上竞技水平依然很低。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查法对我国部分城市青少年体育偶像的运动项目、运动项群、竞赛属性、性别等问题进行了调查分析。研究表明:我国青少年的体育偶像覆盖了众多的运动项目,国际重大赛事上为中国争得荣誉的国内明星运动员,是我国青少年崇拜的主要对象;我国青少年体育偶像选择普遍倾向夏季奥运会体育明星,男性体育明星更受青少年的欢迎;NBA及职业足球文化对我国男性青少年体育偶像选择具有重要的影响,奥运文化对女性青少年体育偶像选择具有更大的影响;女性青少年在难关类体育偶像的选择上高于男性青少年,男性青少年则在重竞技项目偶像选择上高于女性青少年。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法和数理统计法,以1988—2016年中国乒乓球奥运会夺金运动员的年龄结构为出发点,对我国38名奥运会夺金运动员的年龄结构、训练年限及参赛年龄进行深度分析,旨在探索影响我国奥运会夺金乒乓球运动员年龄结构的因素,为我国乒乓球运动的发展提供参考。研究表明:乒乓球奥运会夺金运动员的年龄结构呈递增关系,男子运动员增长的幅度大于女子运动员;激烈的内部竞争机制促使奥运参赛年龄结构的成熟化;竞赛规则的改变对夺金运动员的年龄结构增长具有显著影响;科学化训练和体育价值的体现与奥运参赛夺金运动员年龄结构呈正相关。  相似文献   


At the 2012 Olympic Games, eight badminton players were disqualified from the women’s doubles tournament for intentionally losing matches in the group stage. The incident marks the largest mass disqualification of athletes from multiple countries for match-fixing at the Olympic Games in the twenty-first century. Significantly, it is also the first time that female athletes have been disqualified from a Summer Olympic Games for match-fixing not related to betting or gambling. This essay weaves together two interdependent arguments. First, it is suggested that the incident can be understood through the lens of three separate but interconnected issues: the history of match-fixing, the growth of code of conduct documents in sports, and the regulation of women’s bodies in sports. Second, it is argued that the athletes’ gender is a critical element of the incident. The primary aims of the article are to position the 2012 badminton scandal as a key moment in the history of match-fixing and to suggest that the incident is important for future research and policy creation.  相似文献   

Home advantage in the Winter Olympics (1908-1998)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We obtained indices of home advantage, based on the medals won by competing nations, for each event held at the Winter Olympics from 1908 to 1998. These indices were designed to assess home advantage while controlling for nation strength, changes in the number of medals on offer and the performance of 'non-hosting' nations. Some evidence of home advantage was found in figure skating, freestyle skiing, ski jumping, alpine skiing and short track speed skating. In contrast, little or no home advantage was observed in ice hockey, Nordic combined, Nordic skiing, bobsled, luge, biathlon or speed skating. When all events were combined, a significant home advantage was observed (P = 0.029), although no significant differences in the extent of home advantage were found between events (P > 0.05). When events were grouped according to whether they were subjectively assessed by judges, significantly greater home advantage was observed in the subjectively assessed events (P = 0.037). This was a reflection of better home performances, suggesting that judges were scoring home competitors disproportionately higher than away competitors. Familiarity with local conditions was shown to have some effect, particularly in alpine skiing, although the bobsled and luge showed little or no advantage over other events. Regression analysis showed that the number of time zones and direction of travel produced no discernible trends or differences in performance.  相似文献   


James Francis Thorpe became the first Native American to win a gold medal for the United States… and the first person in history to be disqualified for professionalism. Considered one of the most versatile athletes of modern sports, he won Olympic gold medals in the 1912 pentathlon and decathlon. He lost his Olympic titles after an investigation by the Amateur Athletic Union showed that he had played semiprofessional baseball in 1909 and 1910, before competing in the Olympics. In 1983, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) restored his Olympic medals. The seven decades that it took for the restoration of Thorpe’s medals were marked by a protean form of protest, drawing on the image of Thorpe as victor, victim, stereotype and symbol. Despite the rehabilitation of Thorpe, he remains in the eyes of Native Americans a powerful symbol of the humiliation of Native American peoples.  相似文献   

作为培养优秀运动员队伍的主力军,教练员在体育强国建设的征程中肩负着神圣的使命与责任。以教练员服务行为为自变量,探究其对运动员训练投入的影响机理以及感恩的中介效应,通过问卷星线上对319名上海市业余体校运动员随机展开调查。发现:(1)教练员服务行为、感恩、运动员训练投入呈显著正相关关系;(2)教练员服务行为对运动员训练投入具有显著正向影响;(3)感恩在教练员服务行为和运动员训练投入之间发挥部分中介效应;(4)教练员服务行为4个维度(说服引导、利他主义、智慧启迪和民族责任感)对运动员训练投入均有不同程度的正向预测作用,且相比而言,利他主义更为重要。建议:塑造教练员服务型管理和执教风格,增强运动员训练投入积极性;建立完善的运动员资料档案,激发教练员利他主义行为倾向;加强运动员感恩素质教育,提升感恩认知和行为。  相似文献   

Charlotte Epstein advocated ardently for American women's competitive swimming and expanded swimming for women nationally and internationally in the early twentieth century. In her leadership as chair of the Athletic Branch of the National Women's Life Saving League (1913), and in battling the United States Olympic Committee to allow girls from the swim club she founded, the Women's Swimming Association of New York (1917), to compete in the 1920 Olympics, Epstein as an athlete and administrator advanced women's aquatic sports. This article explores the importance of Charlotte Epstein, an American Jewish woman, and the gender and ethnic contexts of her efforts in increasing women's participation in various swimming events. Epstein's ties with Jewish organizations such as the Young Women's Hebrew Association and the Maccabiah Games shaped her identity in aquatic sports. This analysis of Epstein's activism in swimming, such as in promoting swim races for suffrage and bathing-suit reform, illustrates her vital role in women's physical emancipation in the water and in American culture.  相似文献   

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