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研究以问卷调查法、访谈法以及课堂观察法为基本研究方法,对甘肃省临夏回族自治州H县3个学区8所学校教师专业发展现状与培训需求进行了相关的调查。调查发现,边远学校师资民族成分多元,学历水平不高,学校办学满意度一般,课堂教学中新课改理念尚未落实,教师专业能力亟待提高,课堂教学质量与效率有待提高,学生学习水平整体不理想。就培训而言,教师参加高层次培训少,培训内容与形式多元,培训效果一般。因此,西北少数民族地区农村学校要积极推进"优质学校"发展计划,加强聚焦课堂的校本教研的质量与效率,以教育信息化促建高效课堂,加大教师培训力度,加强学生学习方式的转变。  相似文献   

The middle school years are a critical time in the physical, intellectual, and moral growth of young adolescents. This article examines how film can be used to engage students in moral-dilemma discussions to promote critical thinking and character development. The authors argue that the use of film in the classroom can challenge students to expand and analyze their own values and beliefs by examining moral dilemmas in popular films. In addition, the article provides readers with a filmography of useful character education-related films for the middle school classroom. The primary focus of this article is to provide teachers with an engaging and dynamic form of instruction to help middle school students become responsible citizens of character.  相似文献   

Preservice teachers were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 observation conditions: technology-supported practice in observation (TSPO) plus standard classroom placement observation, n = 31, and classroom placement observation (control), n = 31. Over a 10-week term, TSPO students augmented their classroom placement observations of their mentor teachers by engaging in technology-supported construction and video analysis of those mentors' teaching, while control students engaged in only the classroom placement observations. The authors used an online, computer-supported instrument that elicited written responses during observation of 3 different teaching videos to assess the participants' ability to identify, interpret, and analyze evidence of exemplary teaching. TSPO students significantly outperformed controls on all 3 video tests. Implications of these findings for teacher training in both traditional and online education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

中小学艺术教育改革是中国基础教育改革的重要方面,本调查研究选取了闵行三中和南洋中学,对学生和教师进行访谈和问卷调查。研究表明,影视艺术和音乐最受学生欢迎;上海高中生普遍在幼年受过艺术培训,但坚持到现在的不多;艺术课能缓解学生沉重的高考压力。通过实验教学,对高中艺术教育的教学目的、教学方法、教学内容以及师生互动的方式进行了反思和讨论,并提出了对高中艺术教材的设想和对艺术教师素养的思考。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展和学生心智的日益成熟,"亲其师,信其道"、建立和谐师生关系、激励学生自主学习,是决定课堂教学质量、影响教学任务完成的重要因素,是摆在高校教师面前的重要课题。以"组织市场营销"课堂教学情境为例,教师要在情境认知学习理论和自主学习理论基础上,构建"师生互信、自主激励"的课堂教学情境——师生互信是基础、教师课堂激励是手段、学生自主学习是目的,通过尊重、赏识、关爱,激发学生自主学习的热情和能力。  相似文献   

Whereas research in MicroSystems Technology (MST) has grown rapidly over the last twenty years, the education of engineers at postgraduate level is still in its infancy. The number of dedicated MST research institutions, companies and university laboratories worldwide has grown at a dramatic rate and all require trained individuals who can be immediately operational in the workplace. With the possible exceptions of Germany and Switzerland, the authors of this article believe that the training requirements for such scientists, engineers and technicians have not been satisfactorily addressed as yet. Realising the need for adequate training in MST, the British funding agency for research in science and engineering, the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) awarded a substantial grant to Heriot-Watt University in order to set up a Masters Training Package (MTP). The context of this grant, the syllabus developed for this Master of Science as well as its implementation are presented in this article. Advantages and drawbacks of block-based delivery of the course are presented from a pedagogical point of view for the different categories of students (full-time students, part-time students and company delegates).  相似文献   

教师专业发展取向的观课活动   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于教师专业发展取向的学校同事互助观课活动是教师在职继续教育的一种有效的校本培训方式。互助观课的目的随观课者而定 ,观课的中心内容随观课目的而定。观课前首先要有明确的目的 ,进而确定出观课重点。在观课策略方面 ,一些观课内容可由观课教师和被观课教师共同商定 ,观课期间应围绕中心做好观课记录 ,观课后讨论要针对课题和学生而不是被观课教师 ,最后结论应由观课双方共同完成而不是由观课者单方来作。学校应积极创造有利于观课活动开展的氛围 ,建设良好的观课文化。  相似文献   

园林树木学是培养学生进行热爱自然,热爱生活,发现美,创造关的专业课程。在教学过程中,应科学地安排教学内容,优化学生知识结构,尝试新的教学方式与手段,以“研究性与引导式学习”为导向,学习建构主义教学模式来开展教学活动,使之成为学生主题研究、开放性研究活动的一个新空间。通过第一课堂与第二课堂教学结合,指导学生进行“校园植物挂牌”等实践活动,在探究有关园林树木的知识的过程中,培养学生的观察能力、实践能力、合作与创新能力。  相似文献   

《思想道德修养》课教师要敬业爱生 ,建立良好的师生人际关系 ;要具有高超地教学艺术 ,创造良好的课堂氛围 ;要做到情在行中 ,率先垂范 ;要有肯定积极的情感 ,因势利导 ;要做到情中有严 ,严中有度 ;爱学生要公道正派 ,一视同仁 ,沟通师生之间的情感 ,把教师的教与学生的学带向成功的彼岸  相似文献   

罗尔编先生的一本《师门五年记》让我们看到这段师徒之间的生活、学习与一些心情的交流。这与中国传统书院下的师徒关系明显不同,而胡适讲究的就是科学精神来做学问,所以他的考证方法就是严格的“有一分证据.说一分话”。他从罗尔钢的个性看到“不苟且”,也帮助罗尔纲引领到用不苟且的态度来做人与做学问。胡适与罗尔纲的师徒教育,丰富的不只是教育内容,更重要是教育精神的传承。本文注意到胡适与罗尔纲所建构的师徒教育模式.再对比西方与美国的师徒教育制座.以供荤幂塞老与讨论.  相似文献   

Our short-term longitudinal study explored undergraduate students' experiences with performing authentic science practices in the classroom in relation to their science achievement and course grades. In addition, classroom experiences (felt recognition as a scientist and perceived classroom climate) and changes over a 10-week academic term in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) identity and motivation were tested as mediators. The sample comprised 1,079 undergraduate students from introductory biology classrooms (65.4% women, 37.6% Asian, 30.2% White, 25.1% Latinx). Using structural equation modeling (SEM), our hypothesized model was confirmed while controlling for class size and GPA. Performing science practices (e.g., hypothesizing or explaining results) positively predicted students' felt recognition as a scientist; and felt recognition positively predicted perceived classroom climate. In turn, felt recognition and classroom climate predicted increases over time in students' STEM motivation (expectancy-value beliefs), STEM identity, and STEM career aspirations. Finally, these factors predicted students' course grade. Both recognition as a scientist and positive classroom climate were more strongly related to outcomes among underrepresented minority (URM) students. Findings have implications for why large-format courses that emphasize opportunities for students to learn science practices are related to positive STEM outcomes, as well as why they may prove especially helpful for URM students. Practical implications include the importance of recognition as a scientist from professors, teaching assistants, and classmates in addition to curriculum that engages students in the authentic practices of science.  相似文献   

The use of video films in foreign language teaching in schools is as yet not firmly established, at least in the Federal Republic of Germany. This is especially true for the teaching of French as a foreign language. One of the reasons for this blind spot as to the use of this medium is the lack of adequate video films for the communicative foreign language classroom. A new series of video films for second year French classes and the corresponding exercises are to be introduced. I should like to concentrate on two aspects of this production: (1) the alternative design of the films proper, and (2) the implications for exercises in order to ensure that the films are used as media in their own right, thus adding a new dimension to the foreign language classroom.  相似文献   

This study compared the use of dialogue and response journal formats in a graduate class for literacy educators. Data came from student journals, interviews, and questionnaires. The findings indicated that students comparably completed each type of entry and believed the two formats served similar functions, for example, exploring selected topics and/or connecting them with a classroom environment, improving their writing, reading critically, and influencing classroom practice. However, students preferred the dialogue format. They felt the feedback promoted collegial consultation, improved task engagement, and affirmed their feelings and ideas.  相似文献   

Being involved in science education we cannot avoid confronting the problem of students' waning interest in physics. Therefore, we want to focus on arguments developed by new theoretical work in the field of motivation. Especially, we are attracted by the theory of motivation featured by Deci and Ryan, because it is related to an assumptions of human development similar to our own approach. Beneath elements of cognitive development, motivation is seen as a basic concept to describe students' learning in a physics classroom. German students at lower and upper secondary level regard physics as very difficult to learn, very abstract and dominated by male students. As a result physics at school continuously loses importance and acceptance although a lot of work has been done to modernise and develop the related physics courses. We assume that knowing about the influence of motivation on learning physics may lead to new insights in the design of classroom settings. Referring to Deci and Ryan, we use a model of motivation to describe the influence of two different teaching strategies (teacher and discourse oriented) on learning. Electrostatics was taught in year 8. The outcomes of a questionnaire which is able to evaluate defined, motivational states are compared with the interpretation of the same student's interaction in the related situation of the physics classroom. The scales of the questionnaire and the categories of analysis of the video-recording are derived from the same model of motivation.  相似文献   

Registrars of the junior and four year colleges and universities of the university system of Georgia were asked to supply the names and addresses of elderly students attending their institutions under a state constitutional amendment that provides for free tuition on a space available basis for residents 62 years of age or older. Names were obtained from six junior colleges, eight senior colleges, and one university. Elderly students were asked to complete a form to determine their problems with and attitudes toward college study; 70 responses were received.

Analysis of the responses indicated that the 70 elderly students were above average in education and that they were vigorous and active. Only a few had encountered difficulty in adjusting to college study. A few had difficulty in hearing classroom discussions. Approximately 90% felt that attending classes was stimulating and would recommend the experience to other elderly adults. As a group they felt accepted by faculty and younger students. In common with other students, some found problems in parking. Generally, however, the study reveals that many senior citizens can be accommodated in the typical college classroom without major curricular and administrative adjustments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This "case study" details how food science was introduced into the classrooms of a typically underrepresented population. James Sarakatsannis, an 8th grade physical science teacher, was planning a unit that would use fast food to teach science to his classes, when he came across the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) website and a wealth of information available to teachers. Along with the valuable materials James found on the website to teach food science, he also found the "Find a Food Scientist" tool and invited 3 local food scientists into his classroom at John Philip Sousa Middle School in the inner city of Washington, D.C., where many of his students represent a typically underrepresented population in the field of food science. Food was a common medium that all of his students were familiar with and had an interest in, and it turned out to be a great tool to discuss various physical science topics in the classroom. The local food scientist visits were an excellent supplement to the topics he was already covering with the students in class. Many students developed a greater interest in science in general after the unit on food science. The unit also may have planted the seed for an education or career in food science somewhere down the line for the 70 13- to 16-year-old students in James's 2 8th grade physical science classes.  相似文献   

An interactive videodisc system designed to teach language concepts to deaf students was evaluated in a classroom trial. An experimental group of 18 students spent 60 twenty‐minute sessions over a five‐month period learning language concepts by interacting with the system while a control group of 16 students learned the same concepts in their regular classroom setting. Both groups made significant progress from pre‐ to post‐test on two criterion‐referenced testsdeveloped by project staff. Experimental students were enthusiastic about the videodisc, felt that their language skills had improved, and were anxious to continue working with the system.  相似文献   

In recent years the uses of educational television in the training of teachers have achieved widespread, sometimes quite spectacular, currency and applause. Probably the best known and most widely used of these is in microtraining, where the trainee either in teaching (Brown, 1975; Wragg, 1974) or in medicine (Morrison and Cameron‐Jones, 1972) may be shown videotapes of ‘expert’ models displaying a particular professional skill to be mastered by the trainee, and may then go on to see videotape of his own use of the skill in a specially scaled‐down training situation. However, although microtraining seems set almost to become the norm, even the cliche, of the professional training world, other uses of educational television have received much less attention. These other uses include the training of student teachers in the observation and analysis of classroom behaviour, discussed with examples in the following paper  相似文献   

在回顾国内外同伴反馈理论的基础上,对西部地区一所高校的45名同学进行了为期一学期的同伴反馈行动研究。为达到有效反馈,研究期间开展了一系列的活动,如课堂观察、同伴培训、教师跟踪、问卷调查、访谈等。结果显示,此次行动研究不仅得到了学生的普遍认可,同时也提高了课堂活力,使学生收益。  相似文献   

In the current climate of inclusion, an important issue involves the inclusion of teachers with a range of disabilities. The Dyslexia in Higher Education Report raised concerns about the negative attitude of some teacher training departments to admitting and supporting students with dyslexia. This study interviewed a small number of practising teachers and trainee teachers with dyslexia about their experiences of teaching and training and the specific coping strategies they adopted in the classroom. They were all asked if (and how) their own experiences of literacy difficulties had influenced the way they taught children, and especially those with literacy difficulties. All the participants reported using a number of effective coping strategies and felt on balance the advantages of being dyslexic outweighed the disadvantages in terms of giving them greater empathy and understanding of children's problems. The majority felt their own very negative experiences of school had been a strong motivating factor in wanting to teach in order to give children a better educational experience than their own. Trainee and newly qualified teachers were fearful of being ‘found out’ by other members of staff and often felt low in confidence despite performing well in the classroom. Most would have welcomed constructive support and mentoring from experienced teachers with dyslexia. In a supposedly inclusive education culture, it is argued that a more enabling and open attitude to teachers with dyslexia should be adopted  相似文献   

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