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This paper proposes a postmodernism and cultural studies influenced collorary to Cynthia Dillard's notion of "an endarkened feminist epistemology." The paper illustrates that Dillard has developed the notion principally as enabling of a project of recueillement : the articulation of a black feminist epistemology and research paradigm. What remains unaddressed in this project (albeit understandably), is the question of what difference difference makes within an endarkened epistemology. Illustrating that difference always compounds and complicates matters, the paper proceeds to draw on postmodernist and cultural studies theory to work with the ways in which race, gender, and sexual orientation interplay to produce an articulation that does not displace the notion of an endarkened feminist epistemology but rather runs parallel and acts as a corollary in the same dual project of contributing to both the "uriously belated" examination of race and racism in educational research in general, and the development of a black feminist epistemology and research paradigm in particular.  相似文献   

This article is an autoethnography of the author's journey toward the reconciliation of her spirituality with the academy. She depicts the origin of her crisis in the academy, and why the climax of the crisis was critical to her reconciliation. Drawing on Cynthia Dillard's notion of an endarkened feminist epistemology, she identifies the Black Church community as the site where her spirituality is nurtured and recognizes its influence on her reconciliation with the academy. Implications of this study suggest the necessity for researchers to become engaged in public discourse about our spirituality as it relates to education, to continue to invite others to the conversation, and to recognize how the discourse might influence our decisions as researchers/educators.  相似文献   


This article explores the cultural genesis and meanings of the lives of three African-American women leaders/researchers and disrupts and unsettles the taken-for-granted notions surrounding the very goals and purposes of educational research. By examining the life notes of these women, the author develops an endarkened feminist epistemology, which embodies a distinguishably different cultural standpoint, located in the intersection/overlap of the culturally constructed socializations of race, gender, and other identities and the historical and contemporary contexts of oppressions and resistance for African-American women.  相似文献   

This article seeks to describe the theoretical foundation upon which the author has pursued research into questions of how religious educators could and should interact with popular culture. The methodology employed is most often labelled "participatory action research," and is used in an attempt to bring together the various disciplines of theology, psychology, media studies, and religious education into one conversation that sheds light on the dilemmas facing religious educators in a mass-mediated context. In many ways the choice of which methodology to use to pursue these questions has its roots in the situatedness of the author's own educational journey. Locating herself in a particular context leads into a discussion of the distinctions between "method," "methodology," and "epistemology"; and from there into a very brief consideration of "standpoint" epistemology and its utility in the convergence of feminist practice and religious educational practice. From there her understanding of participatory action research, and how that methodology has worked to structure a collaboration with other religious educators around the use of media literacy within religious education is explicitly described.  相似文献   

本文在厘清女性主义运动的三次思潮的历史演进的基础上,归纳女性主义的认识论基础和女性主义方法论,进而深入到现代西方教育理论研究中的女性主义思潮,并描绘出女性主义运动、女性主义认识论、方法论以及教育管理理论研究中的女性主义研究的内在脉络。  相似文献   

于春荣 《培训与研究》2007,24(12):23-24
佐拉.尼尔.赫斯顿是"哈莱姆文艺复兴"时期升起的一颗明星。当代美国著名黑人女作家艾丽斯.沃克赞誉赫斯顿为"南方天才"和她的"文学之母"。赫斯顿的代表作《他们的眼睛望着上帝》和沃克的著名小说《紫色》被誉为黑人女性主义的杰作。本文从女性主义的角度对这两部小说进行阐述,通过女性意识的觉醒和回归分析了黑人女性的独立过程。  相似文献   

哈丁以后殖民女性主义立场对客观性进行的探讨,是一种具有历史及多元化背景的认识论研究新语境。其主要方面为:以“新客观性问题”实现传统认识论的转换,论证现代科学是建立在欧洲化背景上的“地方性知识”,建立客观性的“强纲领”,以达到“强客观性”。而这一研究的目的具、有明显的政治性,即实现平等的化话语权、知识话语权、科学话语权,消除科学与权力关系构建的话语霸权,在有益于科学发展的同时推进社会政治民主。  相似文献   

Our popular conception of integrity brings to mind uncompromising figures like Socrates or Sir Thomas More whose steadfast stands on matters of principle we accept and admire. The paper considers the implications of this for two committed feminists, both of whom are teachers. Their pedagogical philosophies are sufficiently different to lead one to charge the other with selling out her feminist principles. But is this a fair assessment? Is there room for compromise within the complex notion of integrity? How might feminist teachers rework the concept to do justice to the complexities involved?  相似文献   

"歌唱"是黑人历史、文化的一个重要符号.在许多黑人作家笔下,这一符号是漂泊、流落在异国他乡的非洲子民追根寻祖,确立自我身份的隐喻.美国当代著名的非裔女作家艾丽丝@沃克在她的<紫颜色>一书中对这一古老的黑人文化符号进行现代女性主义的阐释.深入文本进行分析,发现该作品中的"歌唱"意象代表一种黑人女性反抗种族歧视和父权社会,发展和完善自我人格,努力寻找自由和幸福的声音.  相似文献   

论女性主义教育研究的方法和方法论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
女性主义教育研究方法是对现有多种教育研究方法的“女性主义方式”的运用 ,这主要体现在实验法、人种志和元分析等研究方法上 ;从哲学认识论层面和与社会实际生活相联系的意识形态倾向性层面来看 ,女性主义教育研究方法论的根本特点是 :反对实证主义唯科学论的男性霸权 ,科学研究也要为妇女解放服务。  相似文献   


This article examines the dilemmas involved in doing feminist research with subjects who are not, themselves, feminists. The author begins exploring these dilemmas by investigating the work and experience of women principals and then focusing on their understanding of issues of gender. The author further explores these dilemmas by critically examining her role as a researcher, her interactions with the women principals, and the tensions involved in providing/imposing an analytic frame to the data as she tried to understand and represent the experiences of her participants.  相似文献   


As feminist and anti-racist scholars and activists have long known, which stories predominate and which are marginalised is always a question of power and authority – about who is entitled to speak, and who has the authority to decide the meanings of words and actions. Storytelling can be used as a tool for social justice, as exemplified by the international feminist movement Hollaback! and its regional and worldwide struggle to end street harassment and make public spaces accessible for everyone. This article examines the practice of sharing stories within one specific Hollaback! group, highlighting the timeliness of the online storytelling technologies promoted by the movement and considering this work as an example of extra-academic feminist education. The article concludes by questioning to what extent feminists manage to formulate their own localised struggles through storytelling within the feminist movement as a whole.  相似文献   

在英国文学史上,妇女写作已成为传统。本文对传统的妇女写作与当代女性主义作家的作品进行话语对比分析,试图说明当代女性主义已把笔触延伸到意识形态手段的性质和效用,延伸到社会及文化语境这些更具普遍意义的问题之上;指出当代女性主义作家大胆地向传统文学评论中的双性同体美学提出挑战,并试图改变和颠覆西方文化领域中人们早已习以为常的以男性家长制意识形态为基础的思维定势,向传统的性别角色定型观念发起前所未有的冲击。  相似文献   

Evaluation brings together power and knowledge in quite specific ways, this complex relationship providing the focus for this paper. Such a relationship is particularly important for educational evaluators with an explicit commitment to achieving increased social justice. How might the ethical practice developed by, for example, feminists or anti‐racists, be applied to educational evaluation? This paper provides a preliminary discussion of these issues, first, by offering a critical appraisal of the dominant models of educational evaluation. Second, it attempts to outline the principles and procedures for ‘social justice’ evaluators and, following this, considers the strategies currently available to them. It concludes that, particularly in the case of educational programmes with an equality dimension, ‘social justice’ evaluation may be both desirable and feasible.  相似文献   

This article explores the feminist politics of the National Union of Women Teachers (NUWT) between 1910 and 1930. It argues that the Union was as much a part of contemporary feminism as educational trade unionism. The feminist teachers were conscious of the effect of the State on their lives and saw their enfranchisement as a way of obtaining a voice in the educational and political arena. The article explores their development as equal rights feminists in the 1920s and indicates the relevance of much of their educational and political views for modern feminists.  相似文献   

吉布森和格雷汉姆作为西方马克思主义女权主义,在其合的《资本主义的终结》中从女权主义的角度,运用后结构主义的认识论和方法论解构了原本对资本主义的认识方式,主张打破资本主义/非资本主义二元对立中资本主义的等级优势和男权地位,寻求多样化的阶级联合;呼吁打破全球化中资本主义的假定的霸权,在资本主义内部现实地建构社会主义。  相似文献   


This article presents a self-reflexive analysis of the situatedness of the author and her work - research and writing - as a woman of color in the academy. The author critically examines self-reflexivity in relation to her research by drawing on her lived experiences as academic Self-woman of color Other, first as an international doctoral student and now as a junior faculty member. Drawing on critical and feminist perspectives, she argues that such self-reflexivity allows for an openness which eliminates the apparent dichotomy of Self-Other and offers new spaces for re-presenting difference(s). In particular, she construes her writing as a self-renewing site of activism and resistance to Othering and her teaching as praxis and self-assessment. She concludes that cutting-edge research and writing, when rigorously self-reflexive, are beyond "cool" and "hip," allowing us to maintain integrity and agency as educators and researchers.  相似文献   

作为女权主义的代表,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫给西方女权主义批评理论点亮了一盏明灯。文中旨在追寻伍尔夫女权主义思想内涵,探讨其思想对西方女权主义发展所产生的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Research into masculinities and schooling has recently attracted an increased amount of attention, particularly in relation to working-class boys and academic underachievement. Exploring masculinities is not a 'new' area, however, as such issues have always featured in feminist research into schooling. There is a concern that not all of this work undertaken by male researchers engages with the knowledge and understanding provided by feminist research. The intention of this article is to consider the debates surrounding feminists exploring issues of masculinity and to ascertain the extent to which recent work by male writers/researchers into masculinities and schooling informs and complements existing feminist agendas.  相似文献   

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