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A citation analysis of 61 library science and information science dissertations revealed some interesting publication patterns. About 80% of the citations are to single authors, and as in analyses of periodical literature, males are cited more than females overall (about 61% to 39%). In dissertations related to school or public libraries, the male/female distribution is less disparate; for studies in academic or special libraries two thirds of the authors are male, and male authorship is 75% when only information science dissertations are analyzed. Journal articles are cited more than books, book chapters, proceedings, theses, and other formats with College & Research Libraries and Journal of the American Society for Information Science used most. Library and information science is impacted by several other disciplines, primarily education, computer science, health/medicine, psychology, communications, and business. Authors cited in dissertations represent a somewhat less parochial list in terms of citing U.S. publications than authors cited in studies analyzing journal citations; over half of all works cited were published within the last 10 years.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe an assessment project of the monograph collection at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Lied Library. The circulation statistics and in-house use of all monographs for the nine colleges at UNLV were assessed analyzing the last five years of data. The analysis included an assessment of the circulation statistics and in-house use of books purchased on an approval plan compared with books purchased by individual liaison librarians. The findings illustrated the fact that overall use of the monograph collection has declined over the past five years. The findings also showed that books purchased on an approval plan had slightly higher use than the books purchased by individual liaisons. The study shows that academic libraries need to monitor usage of the monograph collection to be certain that money is spent in the most efficient manner and that usage data can be helpful if there is a need to reduce budget allocations for monographs or if a reallocation of funds for monographs is necessary.  相似文献   

对高校图书馆馆藏评估与优化的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
简述了馆藏评估对图书馆发展建设的重要意义和作用,并以上海大学图书馆为研究案例,对该馆2007年入藏中文图书的使用流通状况进行了统计、比较和分析总结。在此基础上,指出图书馆应从定量和定性两方面进行馆藏评估及优化,应根据本校发展目标、学科设置、服务对象等多种因素,建立适应本校的科学合理的学术馆藏。  相似文献   

This article presents strategies on how small academic libraries—where instructional efforts are often limited to information literacy initiatives—can expand their pedagogical efforts by way of book history instruction by developing a small but capable rare books collection used solely as a teaching tool. Discussed are methods for locating hidden collections and the removal of materials from general stacks to rare book shelving, the advantages and limitations of the one-shot instructional session, methods of earning administrative buy-in that can lead to small rare book acquisitions budgets, and promotional and collaborative strategies to build university-wide support. The article concludes with strategies on how to develop a three-credit undergraduate course on book history taught by a librarian using a rare books teaching collection acquired by modest expenditure and careful selection.  相似文献   

Academic medical librarians responsible for monograph acquisition face a challenging task. From the plethora of medical monographs published each year, academic medical librarians must select those most useful to their patrons. Unfortunately, none of the selection tools available to medical librarians are specifically intended to assist academic librarians with medical monograph selection. The few short core collection lists that are available are intended for use in the small hospital or internal medicine department library. As these are the only selection tools available, however, many academic medical librarians spend considerable time reviewing these collection lists and place heavy emphasis on the acquisition of listed books. The study reported here was initiated to determine whether the circulation of listed books in an academic library justified the emphasis placed on the acquisition of these books. Circulation statistics for "listed" and "nonlisted" books in the hematology (WH) section of Indiana University School of Medicine's Ruth Lilly Medical Library were studied. The average circulation figures for listed books were nearly two times as high as the corresponding figures for the WH books in general. These data support the policies of those academic medical libraries that place a high priority on collection of listed books.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于学术授信思想提出一种能够衡量图书学术影响力的指标--图书Z指数。[方法/过程]根据图情领域高影响力(h指数≥5)学者名单,从CSSCI采集这些学者的图书被引信息,利用批量统计法计算全部相关图书的Z指数,并从作者、出版社、机构等视角进行实证研究,证明图书Z指数的有效性与应用价值。[结果/结论]将Z指数应用于图书评价,可以描述高影响力施引者的数量和学术地位,为评估不同图书的学术影响力提供较为精细的测度工具,在学者、机构影响力评价方面也有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

Libraries are exploring new models of collaboration between interlibrary loan, collection development, and acquisitions. This paper presents two models in which libraries set aside acquisitions or other funds to purchase books requested by patrons through ILL processes. Workflows, scope criteria, and departmental relationships are described. The article reports on several aspects of the effectiveness of these models, such as turnaround time (comparable to traditional ILL loans), average cost per book ($37.00), and patron satisfaction (very high). The authors also address the subsequent circulation of titles and report on the bibliographers’ analysis of the relevance of the titles to the collection of one of the libraries.  相似文献   

国内外各种传统的藏书剔除标准和方法在新的信息技术环境下略显不足。随着RFID技术越来越广泛地应用于图书馆各项业务工作,国家图书馆创新工作方式,将RFID技术应用于中文图书阅览区剔除工作。新的藏书剔除模式更加科学、细致、简单、方便,不仅能够延长图书在架时间,还保证了图书在架率,避免了因大范围整体剔除导致的大量空架,值得向业界推荐。  相似文献   

教会大学图书馆是近代中国图书馆事业的重要组成部分,其文献收藏丰富而有特色,主要表现在:西文文献收藏多,流通量大;自办出版物及教职人员撰写的著作占一定比例;文理书刊兼收并蓄,馆藏各具特色;珍善本及特色收藏颇负盛名;捐赠及各类交流的文献数量众多。  相似文献   

教会大学图书馆是近代中国图书馆事业的重要组成部分,其文献收藏丰富而有特色,主要表现在:西文文献收藏多,流通量大;自办出版物及教职人员撰写的著作占一定比例;文理书刊兼收并蓄,馆藏各具特色;珍善本及特色收藏颇负盛名;捐赠及各类交流数量众多。  相似文献   

杜慧平 《图书馆》2012,(1):128-130
利用Google Scholar统计出1995到2005年间出版的艺术类图书的被引频次,根据科学20/80定律和被引频次统计情况,确定核心书目的被引频次阈值并遴选出核心书目,其次对测定的核心书目的时间、作者、出版社、主题分布进行分析,为馆藏建设和学者选择阅读书目提供参考。  相似文献   

学术图书是学者研究成果的集中体现。作者在写作过程中,参考、引证了大量文献,将这些被引文献析出即形成索引。因此,将精选学术图书作为来源文献,创建图书引文数据库是现实可行的。基于这一设想,并付之于实践,即形成了《中文图书引文索引》(CBkCI)。该数据库以精选学术图书作为来源文献(统计源),统计、分析图书作者引用图书、期刊论文、报告等所有文献资料的情况。CBkCI示范数据库的研制成功,不仅填补了国内在图书引文领域的空白,促进学术图书出版质量的提升,而且有助于图书馆进行图书采访,精选馆藏,并为学术评价提供坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Librarians have been accused by both the political left and right of failing to acquire materials representing controversial views on social and political issues. Two bibliographies of monographs supporting conservative and liberal opinions are used to survey Ohio OCLC member libraries, searching for bias towards either side of the political spectrum. Conservative books appear more often in Ohio academic, public, and special libraries than do liberal titles. However, as books from either bibliography are in no more than 15% of all Ohio libraries, it appears the state's libraries have done a poor job in collecting controversial political materials. Further studies are needed to determine the extent, if any, of political bias among American libraries on collection development.  相似文献   

现阶段,网络旧书业发展呈现出如下特点:实体店与网店相互依存同步发展,方便快捷的网络联盟,各具特色的网站风格,多样化的经营业务。网络旧书业尽管出现时间不长,发展还不够成熟,但还是在一定程度上加速了古旧书业格局调整,改变了旧书业传统业态与面貌,促进了旧书传播与流通,创造了旧书交易公平与学术公平,拓宽了机构收藏补缺渠道,对于旧书业实体以及当代社会与学术具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The authors interview librarians and out-of-print book dealers to find out how out-of-print academic titles are being handled. Librarians discuss successful strategies and various ways of identifying and pursuing out-of-print titles needed in their collections. Vendors and book dealers address the special needs of libraries, plus their methods of finding OP books. Recommended OP search strategies include advertising, using reference works, using vendors and dealers, and searching both Internet and Web databases. The report concludes with a listing of dealers that were mentioned favorably by academic librarians.  相似文献   

基于核心书目测定的缺藏案例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用核心书目分析法测评馆藏。首先运用引文分析法测定2002年-2005年计算机类图书核心书目,然后将该书目与5所高校的馆藏进行比较,从而在一定程度上揭示我国高校图书馆计算机类图书的馆藏质量总体情况并不理想。指出图书馆核心图书缺藏的主要原因是采访人员缺乏系统、正确的采购思路和方法,而学科专家则没有很好地渗透入图书采购过程,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

梁秀霞 《图书情报工作》2012,56(17):48-52,142
以探讨我国公共图书馆资源配置公平性为目的,应用基尼系数和和洛伦茨曲线,对我国31个地区的公共图书馆数、从业人数、高级职称人数、馆藏总量、本年新购藏量、财政拨款、图书购置费、计算机数、年流通人次、书刊文献外借册数、累计发放有效借阅证数、读者活动参加人次12个指标的人口公平性进行分析。结果显示,公共图书馆数、从业人数、计算机数3个指标的公平性较好,其他9个指标的公平性较差,其中图书购置费的不公平性很大。研究结论可为我国公共图书馆资源公平配置提供实证依据。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过探讨多角色馆员协同工作模式下高校图书馆个性化图书荐购系统的构建与完善,为其他高校图书馆建设图书荐购系统、提升读者荐书的积极性提供参考。[方法/过程]以上海交通大学图书馆图书荐购系统建设实践为例,从传统与新型荐书系统对比、协同工作模式分析、系统设计与实现等方面出发,全面解读协同工作模式下的高校图书馆新型图书荐购系统建设实践,并对该图书荐购系统建设的实践进行思考。[结果/结论]上海交通大学图书馆通过多角色馆员协作模式,构建智能化、特色化的图书荐购系统,提高用户荐书的积极性和主动性,促进学科资源与用户需求的契合。开发一个功能丰富、荐书反馈及时的图书荐购系统有助于改善高校图书馆读者荐书的积极性。  相似文献   

论文选取2008年中国大学排行榜前100名中的11所使用ILAS系统的高校图书馆进行中文图书馆藏结构的比较分析,发现高校中文图书馆藏与地方的经济条件有关,社科类中文图书馆藏高于科技类,馆藏结构能在一定程度上体现出高校的专业特色。根据本文的实证分析,对优化馆藏结构提出了一些有价值的建议,以便促进各馆调整各类中文图书的采购比例,更有效地为广大读者服务。参考文献4。  相似文献   

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