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目的探讨12周FIFA11+练习对大学生足球运动员膝、踝关节运动感觉和动态平衡能力的影响。方法将30名高校男子足球运动员随机分成FIFA11+干预组(n=15)和对照组(n=15)。FIFA11+干预组均安排在训练前热身阶段,对照组则以常规热身活动练习;干预周期为12周,每周2次FIFA11+练习,时间预计20min。干预前后收集受试对象左右膝踝关节运动感觉阈值和动态平衡能力的有效数据。结果干预前后,对照组左右膝、踝关节运动感觉阈值和动态平衡各指标均无显著性差异(p>0.05)。经过12周FIFA11+干预后,干预组的左膝伸和右膝屈运动感觉阈值及Rot.speed、Max Rot.Speed和Grade动态平衡能力指标值与对照组比较具有显著性差异(p<0.05);干预组左踝外展和右踝外展与对照组相比均产生非常显著性差异(p<0.01)。结论 12周FIFA11+练习能有效降低足球运动员膝、踝关节运动感觉阈值,以及提高受试对象动态平衡能力,从而使受试对象对运动动作行为作出更加准确的判断,降低足球运动损伤及有效提前预防运动损伤发生。  相似文献   

目的:通过系统的文献检索与分析,总结介绍国际足球联合会医学评估与研究中心(FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre,F-MARC)所制定和推广的FIFA 11+综合热身练习在足球运动员中的应用及效果。方法:依据预先制定的文献检索、筛选、录入、评价方法,进行相关文献的检索和筛选。检索方法:1)2014年4月~5月,在PubMed、EBSCO(Medline和CINAHL)、PEDro等外文数据库和中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据库(WANFANG DATA)等中文数据库以关键词检索方式检索FIFA 11+在足球运动员中的应用研究文献;2)下载F-MARC网站所列举的有关FIFA 11+的应用研究文献;3)对相关文章的参考文献目录进行阅读和手检。筛选和录入标准:1)FIFA 11+在足球运动员中的前瞻性干预研究文章;2)已在学术期刊出版的全文或摘要;3)只录入英文或中文文章。评价方法:使用牛津大学循证医学中心临床报告证据等级评价表对录入文献进行评价。结果:经过检索和筛选,从PubMed、EBSCO(Medline和CINAHL)、PEDro等外文数据库共录入14篇英文文章,从FMARC官网数据库录入2篇英文文章,手动检索录入4篇英文文章,共计20篇英文文献被录入进行最后的分析、评价和总结,未纳入任何中文文献。结论:1)FIFA 11+综合热身练习可有效预防青少年男女足球运动员的运动损伤,降低损伤风险;2)FIFA 11+可作为足球运动员的专项热身练习;3)FIFA 11+可改善足球运动员的某些身体素质和运动能力。  相似文献   

沙滩足球训练对足球运动员下肢爆发力的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了探讨沙滩训练方式对足球运动员体能的影响,本研究选择了足球运动员下肢爆发力素质为对象,选取了40 m冲刺跑、原地纵跳摸高两项具有代表性的下肢爆发力指标,以山东体育学院部分足球专项学生作为研究对象,进行了为期17周(5次/周)的分组教学实验,并得出如下结论:通过对实验前后40 m冲刺跑和原地纵跳摸高成绩的比较和统计学检验证明,与传统足球练习相比,沙滩足球练习提高下肢爆发力的效果更佳,这在一定程度上是由沙滩足球的场地特点和比赛特点决定的.  相似文献   

目的:通过同一项群训练的迁移理论,验证INT对篮球运动员的下肢爆发力的影响。研究方法:选择20名平均年龄18岁的大学男子篮球运动员作为实验对象,分为实验组(EG)和对照组(CG),对EG受试者进行8周,每周3次,每次90 min; CG受试者进行8周传统力量训练,每周3次,每次90 min,在实验干预前后分别对受试者下肢爆发力进行测试。研究结果:训练干预后,EG与CG受试者相比,助跑垂直纵跳、垂直纵跳、单脚侧跳和立定跳远成绩均有显著性提高(P<0.05)。研究结论:INT训练能够对篮球运动员的下肢爆发力产生积极的影响。建议:在球类实践或训练过程中,可以合理利用抗阻训练、超等长训练、动态稳定训练、速度训练和灵敏训练等与专项技术运动相结合,提升在比赛中的专项动作效率,使INT训练的综合效果能直接运用到比赛所需的技战术动作模式中,为运动员训练效果的专项化迁移奠定扎实基础。  相似文献   

本文主要评估游泳运动员陆上下肢的力量和爆发力与出发表现之间的相关性。8名女子青少年游泳运动员采用蹲踞式技术进行自由泳出发。下肢陆上的力量和爆发力测试包括蹲跳、反向跳、抗阻蹲跳,以及腿部屈、伸的最大自主等长收缩力量。计算陆上的力量、爆发力与游泳运动员出发头部到达5m、10m和15m时所用时间之间的Pearson相关系数。结果发现,抗阻蹲跳(克服自身体重的25%)时的速度峰值与游泳出发表现的相关程度最高,r为-0.63^-0.66。蹲跳和反向跳的相关指标与出发头部到达5m和10m时所用时间之间存在显著相关的较少,而最大自主等长收缩力量与出发表现之间不存在显著相关。抗阻蹲跳中的速度峰值是反映青少年游泳运动员出发表现理想的指标。  相似文献   

利用单、双腿进行负重纵跳练习是练习下肢爆发力很有效的训练方法,在竞技体育力量训练中广泛应用。本研究以12名男性篮球运动员为研究对象,结合myotest功能性测试仪和表面肌电对单、双腿纵跳爆发力练习进行了综合的研究,得出以下结论:(1)在纵跳起跳阶段,竖脊肌、多裂肌、臀大肌、股直肌、股外侧肌、股内侧肌、腓肠肌内外侧头、比目鱼肌的激活程度随负荷的增加而相应增加,股二头肌、半腱肌的激活程度先增加后降低。(2)在双腿纵跳起跳阶段股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股直肌和臀大肌是主要作用肌肉。在单腿纵跳起跳阶段股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股直肌和比目鱼肌是主要作用肌肉。(3)双腿纵跳爆发力训练最佳负重是20%深蹲1RM负荷;单腿纵跳爆发力训练最佳负重是10%到15%深蹲1RM负荷之间。  相似文献   

负荷时间长短对纵跳能力影响的动力学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分析受试者在功率自行车上不同运动负荷时间后纵跳的动力学特征变化规律 ,研究结论 :①大强度持续运动约 3min左右 ,纵跳的爆发力、平均功率、平均力值等动力学指标显著上升 ;运动 5min后 ,上述指标的变化情况正好相反 ;②只有在适宜的运动负荷时间后 ,纵跳的动力学特征才进入有利于运动能力发挥的较好的组合状态  相似文献   

目的:研究女子足球运动员剥夺睡眠前、睡眠剥夺后以及休息一定时间,部分运动表现能力的变化,希望可以通过研究睡眠剥夺后和睡眠剥夺正常休息后运动能力的变化,给予女子足球运动员出发外地赛场时间选择上的一些建议。方法:随机选取11名受试者作为对照组,随机选取11名受试者作为实验组进行睡眠剥夺实验。在剥夺睡眠实验前均进行30m冲刺跑测试。结果:实验组睡眠剥夺后,30m冲刺跑显著性下降(P<0.05);结论:女子足球运动员睡眠剥夺后,速度能力下降显著。  相似文献   

陈伟  袁鹏  许贻林  王然 《体育科研》2021,42(6):78-85
本文旨在研究青年篮球运动员变向能力与直线速度、力量和爆发力之间的相关性以及性别差异。方法:本研究对3 1.名青年篮球运动员(男子1 7.名,女子1 4.名)进行传统5-0- 5.变向测试和2 0.m冲刺、深蹲最大力量、垂直纵跳、助跑摸高等测试,并计算变向赤字。结果:男子篮球运动员变向赤字占比显著高于女子篮球运动员 ;男子、女子篮球运动员5-0- 5.测试时间与变向赤字均呈正相关 ;男子篮球运动员5-0- 5.测试时间、变向赤字与体重呈正相关,与深蹲体重比、垂直纵跳及助跑摸高净高度呈负相关 ;女子篮球运动员5-0- 5.左侧测试时间与垂直纵跳及助跑摸高净高度呈负相关,5-0- 5.左侧变向赤字与助跑摸高净高度呈负相关。结论:青年男子篮球运动员变向能力与体重呈正相关,与下肢相对力量、下肢爆发力呈负相关,而青年女子篮球运动员变向能力仅与下肢爆发力呈负相关,且呈现出左右侧肢体差异。此外,对于青年男子篮球运动员来说,仅用5-0- 5.测试可能无法准确评价其变向能力,推荐使用变向赤字作为其变向能力的评价方法 ;对青年女子篮球运动员来说,5-0- 5.测试与变向赤字均可以作为其变向能力的评价方法  相似文献   

王明明 《新体育》2023,(2):28-30
三级跳远考察了运动员专项跳跃能力和下肢爆发力,为了提高青少年运动员三级跳远水平,本文选择了深圳市宝安区青少年业余体育学校的50名青少年运动员作为实验对象,分组进行常规力量训练和跳深训练,通过为期20周的训练后,观察两组运动员三级跳远成绩,得出跳深练习有助于提高运动员三级跳远水平的结论。另外,本文也对如何有效策划跳深练习教学提供了一些建议和思路。  相似文献   

PurposeThe aim of this study was to assess the effects of combining the FIFA 11+ and acute vibration training on reactive strength index (RSI) and 505 agility.MethodsSeventy-four male collegiate soccer players took part in the study and were randomly assigned to FIFA 11+ with acute vibration group (FIFA + WBV), FIFA 11+ with isometric squat group (FIFA + IS) or a control group consisting of the FIFA 11+ alone (Con). The warm-up consisted of the FIFA 11+ and was administered to all participants. The participants in the acute vibration group were exposed to 30 s whole body vibration in squat position immediately post warm-up. The isometric group completed an isometric squat for 30 s immediately post warm-up.ResultsRSI significantly improved pre- to post-intervention amongst FIFA + WBV (p < 0.001) due to a decrease in contact time (p < 0.001) in comparison to FIFA + IS and Con, but 505 agility was not affected.ConclusionThe results of this study suggest the inclusion of an acute bout of WBV post FIFA 11+ warm-up produces a neuromuscular response leading to an improvement in RSI. Future research is required to examine the exact mechanisms behind these improvements amongst other populations and over time course of the performance.  相似文献   

This study examined the long-term effects of the 11+ on physical performance in adolescent male football (soccer) players. Eighty-two 14- to 16-year-old male football players (11+ = 42 players, control = 40 players) participated. Teams were randomised to control (CON) and intervention (INT) groups. INT applied the 11+ injury prevention programme for 30 weeks at least twice a week as a warm-up. CON performed their standard warm-up. Motor performance tests were conducted 1 week prior and 1 week after the competition season. We used magnitude-based inferences and linear mixed-effects models to analyse performance test results. INT showed superior results compared to CON in the vertical jump height 7.5% (95%-CI 4.4%, 10.7%), the Bosco 15-s-jump test 7.2% (95%-CI 2.2%, 12.4%), and the Illinois agility test ?2.6% (95%-CI ?4.1%, ?1.1%). Possibly beneficial effects in favour of INT were found in the 9.1 m sprint test ?3.1% (95%-CI ?6.1%, 0.1%). Possibly harmful effects (i.e. in favour of CON) were observed in the dribbling test 2.8% (95%-CI ?0.8%, 6.4%). The 11+ warm-up programme can improve different performance measures in football players. Coaches might implement additional dribbling drills next to the 11+ to achieve improvements observed in dribbling ability when using a regular warm-up programme.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between functional movement screen scores, maturation and physical performance in young soccer players. Thirty males (11–16 years) were assessed for maturation, functional movement screen scores and a range of physical performance tests (squat jump, reactive strength index protocol and reactive agility cut). Older players significantly outperformed younger participants in all tests (P < 0.05; effect sizes = 1.25–3.40). Deep overhead squat, in-line lunge, active straight leg raise and rotary stability test were significantly correlated to all performance tests. In-line lunge performance explained the greatest variance in reactive strength index (adjusted R2 = 47%) and reactive agility cut (adjusted R2 = 38%) performance, whilst maturation was the strongest predictor of squat jump performance (adjusted R2 = 46%). This study demonstrated that variation of physical performance in youth soccer players could be explained by a combination of both functional movement screen scores and maturation.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the relationship between skill qualities and contact injury risk in professional rugby league players. Sixty-six professional rugby league players aged 23?±?4 years (mean?±?s) participated in this three-year prospective study. Players underwent assessments of tackling proficiency, dual-task draw-and-pass proficiency, reactive agility, pattern recall, and pattern prediction. The frailty model was applied to calculate the adjusted risk ratios of injury. When the players' age and playing position were adjusted in the frailty model, the risk ratios showed that reactive agility was a predictor for the risk of injury. Players with reactive agility decision times of >80?ms had a lower incidence (relative risk?=?0.68, 95% CI 0.47-0.98, P?=?0.04) of injuries than players with reactive agility decision times of ≤80 ms. Although there was no relationship between injury and the majority of skill qualities (P?=?0.47-0.93), players with poor reactive agility performances (specifically longer decision times) had a lower risk of injury, suggesting that poor perceptual skill is protective against contact injuries in professional rugby league players. These players might inadvertently avoid the heavy collisions that result in injury, or at best result in partial contact that does not result in exposure to the full force of a tackle.  相似文献   

系统评估FIFA11伤害预防计划(FIFA11、FIFA11+)对足球运动参与者伤病预防和运动执行表现的影响。以“FIFA11”“伤害预防”“足球”“FIFA 11+”“football”“soccer”“injury prevention”“The 11”等为检索词,在PubMed、MEDLINE、SciELO、ScienceDirect和中国知网等数据库中进行文献检索,获取FIFA11伤害预防计划(FIFA11、FIFA11+)的随机对照试验(RCT)。计算加权平均差、标准平均差、风险比和95%置信区间,并使用I2检验评估文献异质性。共纳入文献14篇,包括12 967名参与者。FIFA11伤害预防计划(FIFA11、FIFA11+)显著降低了足球参与者的总体损伤率(风险比=0.68,95%CI[0.53,0.88],P=0.003);对不同部位损伤率的亚组结果显示,FIFA伤害预防计划(FIFA11、FIFA11+)减少了腘绳肌、臀部/腹股沟、膝关节损伤、腿部等部位的损伤风险,改善了参与者动态平衡能力(加权平均差=2.68,95%CI[0.44,4.92],P=0.02)和敏捷度(加权平均差=-0.36,95%CI[0.70,0.02],P=0.04),在膝关节位置觉、踝关节位置觉本体感觉方面没有显著性改变(加权平均差=-0.14,95%CI[-0.48,0.20],P=0.42),可以改善受试者的动态平衡能力,增加足球运动员身体姿势控制能力,从而降低损伤风险(P=0.005)。FIFA伤害预防计划(FIFA11、FIFA11+)可作为足球损伤预防的有效方法,提高训练者的动态平衡能力、敏捷度,可进行推广应用。  相似文献   

This study used a quasi-applied research model to identify and develop potentially talented female soccer players. Athletes aged 15–19 years with a background in team ball sports or athletics were targeted for recruitment using advertisements and promotions through various media. Interested athletes attended a 2-day programme of testing, which included assessment of anthropometric, physiological and skill attributes. A combination of factors was used in the final selection of 17 athletes to take part in a 12-month talent development programme. A pre-season programme of five training sessions per week was conducted for 2 months. This programme focused on enabling the players to acquire the necessary ball and game skills to perform competitively in a short time. The squad competed as a team in the reserve grade competition of an Australian state league. At the conclusion of the 25-game season, 10 players were selected for zone teams with two players progressing to state team selection within 6 months. The project demonstrates that it is possible to select potential female soccer players based on anthropometric, physiological and skill attributes.Selection procedures could be enhanced through the development of objective assessment tools that measure tactical and technical competence. Programmes such as this can offer an additional avenue of player recruitment in support of existing procedures.  相似文献   

Talent identification and women's soccer: an Australian experience   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study used a quasi-applied research model to identify and develop potentially talented female soccer players. Athletes aged 15-19 years with a background in team ball sports or athletics were targeted for recruitment using advertisements and promotions through various media. Interested athletes attended a 2-day programme of testing, which included assessment of anthropometric, physiological and skill attributes. A combination of factors was used in the final selection of 17 athletes to take part in a 12-month talent development programme. A pre-season programme of five training sessions per week was conducted for 2 months. This programme focused on enabling the players to acquire the necessary ball and game skills to perform competitively in a short time. The squad competed as a team in the reserve grade competition of an Australian state league. At the conclusion of the 25-game season, 10 players were selected for zone teams with two players progressing to state team selection within 6 months. The project demonstrates that it is possible to select potential female soccer players based on anthropometric, physiological and skill attributes. Selection procedures could be enhanced through the development of objective assessment tools that measure tactical and technical competence. Programmes such as this can offer an additional avenue of player recruitment in support of existing procedures.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish between-day reliability and validity of commonly used field-based fitness tests in youth soccer players of varied age and playing standards, and to discriminate between players without (“unidentified”) or with (“identified”) a direct route to professional football through their existing club pathway. Three-hundred-and-seventy-three Scottish youth soccer players (U11–U17) from three different playing standards (amateur, development, performance) completed a battery of commonly used generic field-based fitness tests (grip dynamometry, standing broad jump, countermovement vertical jump, 505 (505COD) and T-Drill (T-Test) change of direction and 10/20 m sprint tests) on two separate occasions within 7–14?days. The majority of field-based fitness tests selected within this study proved to be reliable measures of physical performance (ICC?=?0.83–0.97; p?p?2 (7)?=?101.646, p?相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the relationships between various field tests in female athletes. Altogether, 83 high school soccer, 51 college soccer, and 79 college lacrosse athletes completed tests for linear sprinting, countermovement jump, and agility in a single session. Linear sprints (9.1, 18.3, 27.4, and 36.6 m) and agility tests (Illinois and pro-agility) were evaluated using infrared timing gates, while countermovement jump height was assessed using an electronic timing mat. Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients (r) were used to determine the strength and directionality of the relationship between tests and coefficients of determination (r2) were used to examine the amount of explained variance between tests. All of the performance scores were statistically correlated with each other; however, the coefficients of determination were low, moderate, and high depending on the test pairing. Linear sprint split times were strongly correlated with each other (r= 0.775 to 0.991). The relationship between countermovement jump height and linear sprinting was stronger with the longer distances (27.4 and 36.6 m) than with the shorter distances (9.1 and 18.3 m), and showed a stronger relationship within the college athletes (r= -0.658 to -0.788) than high school soccer players (r= -0.491 to -0.580). The Illinois and pro-agility tests were correlated (r > or = 0.600) with each other as well as with linear sprint times. The results of this study indicate that linear sprinting, agility, and vertical jumping are independent locomotor skills and suggest a variety of tests ought to be included in an assessment protocol for high school and college female athletes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the physiological characteristics of players influence selection in a semi-professional first grade rugby league team. Sixty-six semi-professional rugby league players aged 24+/-4 years (mean +/- s) were monitored over two competitive seasons. The players underwent measurements of body mass, muscular power (vertical jump), speed (10, 20, 30 and 40 m sprint), agility (Illinois agility run) and estimated maximal aerobic power (multi-stage fitness test) 1 week before their first competition match. After selection for either the first or second grade team, the results of all physiological tests were collated and analysed to determine if there were any physiological differences between players selected for the two teams. Players selected to play in the first grade team were significantly (P< 0.05) older (25+/-4 vs 22+/-4 years) and heavier (93+/-10 vs 86+/-10 kg) and had more playing experience (18+/-6 vs 15+/-6 years) than second grade players. Muscular power, speed, agility and estimated maximal aerobic power were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between first grade and second grade players. These results suggest that the physiological capacities of players do not influence selection in a semi-professional first grade rugby league team. Rather, player selection appears to be based on body mass, playing experience and skill. These results support the need for a standardized skills performance test for semi-professional rugby league players.  相似文献   

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