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了解城区3-6岁儿童乳牙龋病发生情况,可以为儿童防龋工作提供依据。对荆门市城区4所幼儿园396名3-6岁儿童进行龋齿检查,应用自制调查问卷对儿童监护人进行调查,并对相关影响因素进行分析。研究结果为荆门市城区幼儿园3-6岁儿童乳牙患龋率随着年龄增长而上升,不同年龄、刷牙次数、监护人的重视程度与儿童的患龋率具有显著的统计学差异性(P<0.05),而性别与儿童乳牙龋齿发生率无相关关系(P>0.05)。监护人重视儿童口腔卫生、早晚刷牙是预防乳牙龋病发生的的有效方法。  相似文献   

统计1996~1998年怀化市幼儿园3~6岁儿童龋患情况,结果表明:(1)男童龋患率>女童龋患率;(2)随着年龄的增长龋患率有所增加;(3)这三年比较,儿童的龋患率逐年有所下降。  相似文献   

统计1996-1998年林化市幼儿园3-6岁儿童龋患情况,结果表明:(1)男童龋患率>女童龋患率;(2)随着年龄的增长龋息率有所增加;(3)这三年比较,儿童的龋患率逐年有所下降.  相似文献   

为了正确引导儿童进行牙齿的合理保健、促进儿童健康生长。通过对城区五所幼儿园7岁内儿童进行健康体检,发现儿童患龋病人数呈上升趋势。由四联因素分析引起龋齿的原因、指导正确保护牙齿的方法,得出从小养成良好卫生习惯保持口腔清洁可以减少腐蚀机会,可大大降低儿童患龋齿的发病率的结论。  相似文献   

目的调查了解泰州市海陵区3-6岁儿童龋齿发病的情况,为龋病防治提供参考。方法采用随机抽样的方法,选择海陵区部分幼儿园中的3-6岁儿童1433名,同时由受过培训的医师检查儿童口腔情况。结果龋齿患病率与性别无相关关系,随年龄的增长,龋齿患病率、龋均增加(P〈0.01),以上颌乳中切牙患病率最高。结论泰州海陵区3-6岁儿童龋齿患病率较高,治疗率偏低,应做好对家长及儿童口腔保健的宣传教育工作。  相似文献   

氟离子透入预防学龄前儿童龋齿的效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价氟离子透入预防学龄前儿童龋齿的效果。方法随机抽取泰州市海陵区12所幼儿园3-4岁儿童共1283名为实验组,另外11所幼儿园3-4岁儿童共1198名为对照组,实验组使用NF-Ⅱ型护齿仪进行氟离子透入防龋治疗,对照组不做任何防龋措施。结果经过3年跟踪调查,实验组儿童每年患龋增长率呈逐年下降的趋势,而对照组儿童呈逐渐升高的趋势。实验组儿童的患龋率、龋均均低于对照组,有显著性差异(X~2=110.36;P〈0.005)。结论氟离子透入预防儿童龋齿效果显著,该方法防龋工作效率高,无创伤,安全卫生,避免交叉感染,幼儿易于接受,适宜在幼儿园群体防治。  相似文献   

目的:了解城区5岁儿童乳牙龋病的患病现状,为口腔卫生保健工作提供依据。方法:在市辖三区按比例随机整群抽取20所幼儿园,对园内所有5岁儿童1310名进行口腔龋齿检查。结果:城区5岁儿童乳牙患龋率50.2%,男性患龋率47.6%,女性患龋率53.3%,男女之间患龋率有显著性差异(x^2=4.27,P〈0.05);乳牙龋均2.24;2936颗龋齿最多分布在上颌两侧的中切牙。其次是下颌两侧的第一、二位乳磨牙,以后依次为上颌两侧的侧切牙、第一、二位乳磨牙;龋齿充填率5.32%。结论:城区5岁儿童的患龋率低于全国平均水平,达到了2004—2010中国口腔卫生保健规划目标。  相似文献   

彭美兰 《幼儿教育》2001,(12):27-27
据有关资料显示,我市5~9岁儿童龋齿率高达80%。患龋病后如不及时治疗和修复可导致牙髓炎、根尖周围炎、牙槽脓肿,甚至并发颌周蜂窝织炎及颌骨骨髓炎,影响身体健康。龋病主要由三方面原因引起:①口腔卫生差。②食糖量大。③水中含氟量偏低。在龋病预防上多下功夫可以明显降低患龋率。我们是这样做的:1.加强口腔卫生宣传教育。在园宣传栏、家长园地、  相似文献   

为了了解学龄前儿童乳牙龋患情况,探索其病因和防治对策,并为开展龋齿防治工作提供科学依据,1996年3月,我们对本院幼儿进行了乳牙龋患情况及其病因调查。 (一)对象和方法 1.调查对象为3~6岁幼儿共491名,其中男童262名、女童229名。 2.调查方法:检查人员统一诊断标准,牙隙裂沟或光滑面有色、形、质的改变,探针尖能准确插入  相似文献   

刘杰  赵淑玲 《早期教育》2003,(10):23-23
分析多年保健工作中的观察记录,幼儿龋齿发病大幅存在的原因,主要有以下几点:1.幼儿自身抵抗龋齿的能力下降。2.幼儿所摄入的钙、磷、维生素及某些微量元素如氟等的缺乏,婴幼儿期的疾病,都可引起牙齿发育不良,使患龋率增高。摄入过多糖果、饼干、饮  相似文献   

西方国家关于早期教育方案效果的研究基本上都认为儿童参与早期教育方案有利于 提升他们未来在标准化智力测试和学业成就方面的成绩.这一研究结论是否适用于我国,尤其是西部农村地区是值得深入考察的.为此,本研究在四川省三所农村小学选取了有入园经历与无入园经历的两类儿童182人,分析了入园与否对儿童学习成绩、同伴关系、学习态度、降级情况等方面的影响.研究结果发现,与没有入园经历的儿童比较起来,有过幼儿园学习经历的儿童在小学期间更容易得到同伴的好评,降级的可能性更小,但入园与否对儿童学习成绩和学习态度的影响不显著.由此可见,我国农村幼儿园教育与西方学前教育方案相比,在效益上存在较大差距,这可能主要是由于我国西部农村幼儿园教育质量较差,对儿童发展所起的积极作用有限造成的.我国政府在大力推进农村学前教育普及的同时,应着力提高农村学前教育质量,以充分发挥学前教育对处境不利儿童的积极补偿作用.  相似文献   

In enrolling new students, the key elementary schools in Guangzhou municipality have in recent years implemented the method of ignoring neighborhood boundaries and recruiting the better qualified. Theoretically speaking, the method is beyond reproach. But in practice, there are problems worth looking into. Some schools, not knowing what should be used as the criterion for the "better qualified," pose to children who have never been to school questions far beyond their knowledge in an effort to choose the "better qualified." Some schools only choose the "better qualified" from kindergartens and close the door on all those who are not in kindergarten. Some schools, under the pretext of recruiting the better qualified, give the green light to offspring of their special connections. Thus, by the time of the entrance examination, both parents and children are panic-stricken.  相似文献   

家长对初职学校智障学生毕业后安置意愿的案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解家长对初职学生毕业后安置意愿,本研究对上海市两所专门招收智力障碍学生的初级职业技术学校的轻度智障学生的家长进行了问卷调查.结果表明:学生家长大多满意学校的专业设置,并希望孩子毕业后直接就业,收入稳定,但认为学生自主创业有一定的困难,希望得到相关政策的支持.同时,大多数家长对职后指导、职后跟踪持欢迎态度.建议:完善与加强智障学生初级职业教育培训,完善初职学生毕业前后的支持体系,为他们更好地就业和适应工作岗位提供保障.  相似文献   

The present article investigates the effects of individual and contextual variables on children’s early learning in French nursery schools and German kindergartens. Our study of 552 children at preschools in France (299 children from French nursery schools) and Germany (253 children from German kindergartens) measured skills that facilitate the learning of reading, writing and arithmetic at primary school. We also evaluated educational family practices and parents’ expectations of their children’s pre-school education. In order to take into account the hierarchical structure of our data, multilevel models were used in the analysis, which was carried out using MLwiN software version 2.02 (Rasbash et al. 2005). Although French nursery schools emphasise academic learning, we did not find any significant differences in overall performances between the French and German samples. However, significant differences were obtained for some subscale results. In addition, our results indicate that individual and contextual variables have an impact on the differences observed between children from the two countries.  相似文献   


Research Findings: This study examines efforts by Head Start programs to coordinate with elementary schools and seeks to better understand how coordination practices may support children’s transition to and success in kindergarten. Data were drawn from a nationally representative sample of Head Start children (N = 2,019) followed through kindergarten. Findings suggest that Head Start programs are engaging in a variety of activities to coordinate with elementary schools around the transition to kindergarten. Results of lagged OLS regression analyzes found that coordination efforts were significantly related to children’s language and mathematics skills in kindergarten for children attending elementary schools engaging in limited school transition practices to support school entry, suggesting that coordination practices initiated by preschools may play a compensatory role for children. In addition, results suggest that direct meetings between Head Start and kindergarten teachers are predictive of higher language skills in kindergarten. Policy or Practice: Efforts by Head Start programs to coordinate with elementary schools may be particularly important for children’s academic skills when their elementary schools are less engaged in transition practices. In addition, meeting in person and having a key person responsible for the kindergarten transition may be key ingredients to coordination that yields better outcomes for children.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine intersectionally-minoritised immigrant children’s transitions from community-based pre-kindergartens to elementary schools (kindergartens) in the most segregated school system in the US. Attending to issues of blockage and fragmentation inherent to transitions, I analyse transition supports, interpreting and critiquing them through the perspectives of Latinx immigrant teachers and mothers. Through interviews, I listen to, learn from and reposition Latinx immigrant teachers and mothers as important constructors of knowledge who hold valuable (albeit often disprivileged) perspectives for reorganising the ecology of transitions. Centering the experiences of immigrant mothers and their young children, I problematise dominant understandings and conceptualisations of transition, unveiling how these privilege dominant ways of being and behaving. In doing so, I shed light on the possibility of re-mediating transitions in ways that centre the perspectives of Latinx immigrants.  相似文献   

特殊儿童家长选择学前教育机构的调查研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对36位年龄在2~7岁之间的特殊儿童的家长进行问卷调查,发现特殊儿童入园接受教育的比例低于同龄的普通儿童;大多数特殊儿童的家长希望将自己的孩子送到特殊儿童幼儿园、特殊学校学前班、残联的康复中心等机构接受教育,但也有部分家长选择让他们的孩子上普通幼儿园。家长的希望和选择对各类学前教育机构都提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

幼儿研究性活动不同于一般的“主题“活动和中小学研究性学习,其自身的特征决定了幼儿教师应扮演多重角色,即正确教育理念的构建者,环境的创设者,幼儿活动的引导者、支持者、观察者,教育实践的研究者,活动方案的设计者.  相似文献   

家长秉持错误的儿童观、不科学的教育观和过高的教育期望是造成幼儿园教育小学化的重要原因之一,解决这一问题的关键在于切实加强家园合作.举办幼儿家长学校,利用家长开放日创设家园共育栏及家园互动手册,举办家庭教育咨询活动和经验交流会等是纠正家长错误的儿童观和教育观的有效方式.  相似文献   

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