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设计了一种基于无线传感网络的机器人竞赛裁判系统。开发了机器人击打感应道具、全场定位系统、WiFi无线数传网络。实现了比赛中各机器人和比赛道具状态通过无线方式与裁判系统实时通信,显示比分和自动判罚的功能。能够实时感知场上所有机器人的状态、位置信息,并记录、统计、显示双方机器人的得分情况,减少人工裁判的误判、漏判现象,有效提高比赛的公平性与观赏性。  相似文献   

基于WLAN的分布式竞赛打分系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种基于WebServiee 3层架构,设计通用的分布式自动化无线评分系统的总体架构和工作流程.分析了成绩处理计算机核心软件-4大功能模块软件的设计和实现方法.采用Oracle数据库,满足了对竞赛评分数据吞吐量大,速度快、实时性强、运行安全可靠的应用要求.此系统在2007年澳门举行的第二届亚洲室内运动会的部分比赛项目中运行良好,满足了比赛的要求,获得了裁判员和技术代表的一致好评.  相似文献   

将传统的有线抢答器改造成一种基于无线数传模块nRF905的八路抢答系统,系统由l台主机和8台子机组成,共占用9个无线频段,包括1个公共频段和8个子机频段。主机和子机均利用AT89S52单片机进行控制,实现违规检测报警、抢答计时、成员分数显示和控制等功能。主机和子机之间的通信采用2字节通信帧格式,并自定义通信命令与协议。对抢答器运行的不同状态进行划分,采用时间片轮转系统和状态处理机制对不同状态进行针对性的处理和切换。  相似文献   

分析了传统的抢答系统在实际应用中的不足,提出了一种基于局域网的计算机抢答系统的设计方案,并通过对“自贡师专计算机抢答系统”的设计实践和应用的总结,具体阐述了该方案的系统构成和设计方式,对其中的关键技术进行了具体讲述。  相似文献   

一、引言什么是数学竞赛?数学竞赛是在数学学科中展开的智力竞赛活动,是通过数学内容进行的教育活动。数学竞赛只是手段而不是目的。通过数学竞赛选手的选拔、培养和开展比赛,可以达到激发学生学习兴趣,发现和培养优秀人才,促进  相似文献   

基于八路无线抢答器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本抢答器是根据实际需要而设计的,它有两个功能:(1)8路无线抢答,用于抢答,结果由第四个数码管显示。而且又为观众加了一稍大屏幕显示,便于观众及选手及时知道抢答结果。(2)能够在1-999秒内倒计时,一方面用于抢答倒计时,一方面用于辩论赛倒计时,时间由前三个数码管显示。另外,当抢答成功和倒计时时间到时,都有蜂呜器进行语音提示。  相似文献   

由中国数学会普及工作委员会、中国数学会奥林匹克委员会、《中等数学》杂志编辑部主办的首届全国数学竞赛命题有奖比赛,于1988.10~1989.8举行.此次比赛收到应征题口1100余道.题目多为自编,少数为改造成题、推陈出新,总体质量较高,一定程度上反映了当时竞赛命题的水平.比赛结束后,组委会就曾计划出一本  相似文献   

班级数学竞赛除了用分组抢答以及给出数学问题,各组讨论解答外,也可用接力赛的方法.这种竞赛紧张、有趣且有益于培养学生集体主义观念.现介绍于下:一、参赛对象:同年级(同班)的优生(或不  相似文献   

为了能够使径赛比赛成绩判读起来更加准确、快捷、高效,设计了竞赛终点自动裁判系统.系统在跑道起点处检测发令信号,并通过无线传输方式传递给终点计时计算机,启动计时器工作.CCD图像采集系统完成对运动员穿越终点时的图像的摄取,通过软件来完成图像和时间的定位.阐述了系统各部分硬件电路的设计及相关的软件调试方法,并指出了设计中应注意的一些问题.  相似文献   

12月6日,由数学与计算机学院主办,软件部落协会承办的首届高校社团联合程序设计大赛初赛,在数学与计算机学院的一、三机房拉开了帷幕。此次程序设计比赛为团体比赛,需三个人一个队,不分学院、年级和专业,竞赛题目为十道数学题,其中包括两道全英文题。来自全校二百多人,七十多支代表队参加了此次竞赛。比赛一开始,就异常激烈,  相似文献   

现代管理学的发展已经由科学管理向文化管理转变。在中国学前教育发展中民办幼儿园占主要市场,国家投入少,生源竞争激烈,办园质量良莠不齐,民办幼儿园只有"以人为本"进行文化管理,办出特色,打造品牌,才能赢得良好的社会效益和经济效益。而幼儿园文化管理的实质就是幼儿园的文化建设,因此加强民办幼儿园的物质文化、制度文化、精神文化建设是其可持续发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

本篇文章提出了利用无线通信技术和嵌入式技术,研究与设计计分系统的总体构架;重点分析手持终端的硬件、软件设计和实现方法,最终成果是一个手持式终端,能够完成比赛信息的数据采集与上传。  相似文献   

近年来,幼儿园英语教学已越来越被社会、家庭所重视。游戏作为幼儿园的最主要的活动之一,也在幼儿园英语教学中起着重要作用。游戏是一种具有很强实践性的教学手段,游戏在教学当中可以提高幼儿学习动机,增强幼儿学习兴趣,有利于幼儿心智的发展,将游戏融入英语教学中不仅有利于提高课堂的教学效果,更是幼儿英语教育行之有效的教学手段。  相似文献   

From 1996 to 1999, an inclusive early special educational model was studied in 13 ordinary kindergartens in Finland. The kindergartens received an additional staff member (a special teacher) to handle special educational issues. The work of these special teachers and the views of the staff were studied. The special teachers' duties consisted of six main tasks, the most often mentioned being general and special educational work and consultation with adults. The staff were generally satisfied with the new system. They received assistance and learnt new ways of working. However, the special teacher did not have enough time to meet all the needs that existed in kindergartens. This experimental model is now a permanent system.  相似文献   

Kindergarten children's perception of play is a reflection of their life and experiences, which can be used as an index of the quality of pre‐school provision and the influence of kindergarten education reform that began in the 1980s in mainland China. Therefore, based on this hypothesis, the current authors argue that to examine young children's perceptions of play is to examine the experiences of their life in kindergarten and, indirectly, the effects of kindergarten education reform. Using photo classification and on‐site interviews, the current research explored 5‐ and 6‐year‐old children's perceptions of play. This article reports on research comparable to previous research which aimed to examine the effect of the 15‐year kindergarten education reform. One of the principles which the reform advocated was that kindergartens and early years practitioners should respect young children's rights to play, emphasizing and providing play over group lessons as the basic activity in kindergarten settings. Similar to the results of previous research, the current research showed that group lessons remained the main reference used by young children to judge the nature and meaning of activities in kindergartens. However, the activity in the interest corners/areas, which has been a main method of organizing children's activities in kindergartens advocated by the top‐down approach to kindergarten educational reform since 1989, was found to be a new criterion in young children's judgements. The current research revealed that kindergarten education reform had achieved some positive effects as expected.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a pilot study which adopted an ethnographic approach to investigate the cultural features of the Chinese kindergarten curriculum by means of ‘semi‐participant’ observations, semi‐structured interviews, daily conversations and open‐ended questionnaires in two Chinese kindergartens. The paper first introduces the debate over teaching and learning in the early years in Western contexts. It then demonstrates that the curriculum in Chinese kindergartens is mainly implemented by means of teachers' formal collective teaching. Children seem to be taught to learn; their spontaneous learning interests are welcomed but seldom developed in depth. The preference among teachers for this formal collective teaching, coupled with their perception that this teaching is required in their particular situations, creates a tension between teaching and children's learning. The shift in parents' views of education, from an over‐emphasis on children's knowledge‐based study to support for children's harmonious overall development, also contributes to this tension.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于物联网的工业现场监控系统,通过组建无线传感器网络采集工厂运行中设备及环境所产生的信号,并传递给本工位的智能交互终端,交互终端具有本地监控的功能,且可作为网络服务器供远程用户访问,为工作人员进行现场管控提供快捷、便利的多重交互方式。测试结果表明,系统具有良好的实用性、扩展性和通用性。  相似文献   

解析中国民办学前教育发展现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
招收3岁前幼儿的民办托儿所深受家长欢迎,但受到供不应求、收费高、托儿年龄太大及保育品质欠缺等问题困扰。分析主要招收3岁后幼儿的民办幼儿园所面临的:民众对民办幼儿园收费的疑问;民办幼儿园的生源;民办幼儿园如何与公办幼儿园形成一个互动的体系;对民办幼儿园的监管上如何在政策上体现公平,在管理上体现有序等问题,提出建立托幼机构管理一体化;建立各种形式的民办托儿所;提高民办托儿所的保教质量;服务方式灵活化;父母关爱孩子等建议和方法。  相似文献   

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