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美国威斯康星麦迪逊分校传播艺术系的乔纳森·格雷教授深耕媒介与受众研究二十余年,尤其关注粉丝研究、电视受众研究等议题。乔纳森始终保持批判与反思的立场,另辟蹊径地关注到反粉丝、非粉丝以及对特定媒介产品抱有负面情感的受众,并指出受众研究在当下新媒介环境中所面临的机遇与挑战。此次访谈从乔纳森的研究历程开始,回顾粉丝研究的三波浪潮与领域内的最新研究进展,随后谈及他的新书《厌趣相投:媒介、受众和品味动态》对一类特殊受众——即明确表达“不喜欢”的受众的研究。最后,我们回到《复兴受众研究》,讨论广泛意义上的受众研究的发展,反思受众理论式微背后的问题,同时展望新媒介环境下的受众研究。  相似文献   

近年来,随着新媒体技术的发展,受众处于一个新旧媒体融合的传播环境当中,受众的心理和行为方式也随之发生了改变,在这些新的变化中,传统的受众研究范式也将面临新的转换与更新。本文将根据范式的三个层面:本体论、方法论和认识论对新媒体环境下受众研究的范式转换进行探究,首先分析了传统受众研究范式的几种类型以及局限性,然后重点分析新媒体环境下的两种受众研究范式,探究其在新媒体环境下的应用指导意义和理论价值,最后针对新媒体环境下的受众研究范式创新提出一些方法和技巧上的创新途径。  相似文献   

索尼娅·利文斯通(Sonia Livingstone)系伦敦政经学院媒介与传播系社会心理学教授、前系主任,是受众研究、儿童与媒介研究、互联网研究领域的重要理论家。此次笔者就受众概念、受众研究的新动向等议题对其进行了访谈。受众概念,受众理论及其再思考问(吴世文等):我们想从您的专箸《理解电视:受众解读的心理学》谈是。您在这本书中提供了一种关于受众(audience)的技术解读,让电视与电视现众变得格外重要。  相似文献   

本文系"电视艺术理论名家系列访谈"之八.杨伟光教授从世界电视发展的前沿入手,分析了中国电视与世界一流大台的现实差距,确立了经典文化国际传播的重要意义,并就此展开了对中国电视艺术价值实现和内容生产的理论考察,着重分析了中国电视艺术生产战略中的优秀节目为王、精品意识、大制作等一系列论题,进而建设性地提出了中国电视在理论、机制、组织等多个层面的创新之路.  相似文献   

媒介技术的发展不断解构传统效果理论的基础,研究者们亦开始验证原有的理论假说是否还能成立。通过比较国内外对"沉默的螺旋"这一理论假说的验证性研究,发现国外偏向于心理学层面的研究,国内侧重于社会学层面的研究,研究方法与路径基本一致;同时在媒介内容多样性、受众行为主动性、个人心理复杂性、人际网络的影响力等变量还缺乏必要的测量与讨论。有关传播效果理论在新媒介环境下的适应性研究也应围绕这些变量的设置与测量展开。  相似文献   

南长森 《今传媒》2011,(9):137-138
本文重要介绍、评述了国内当前受众研究理论前沿著作《受众研究读本》的翻译内容和翻译技巧,认为该著作文笔洗练、译风奇谲,给读者呈现出荦荦大端、彰显殊异的有关大众传播受众研究的新奇世界。  相似文献   

马玉宁 《新闻世界》2013,(12):127-128
受众观念研究在我国20世纪80年代受到新闻传播学界和传媒业者的重视,当前媒介融合成为新闻传播业发展的大趋势,媒介融合时代受众研究是传媒业发展的前沿课题。本文通过对受众观念研究回顾,梳理我国新闻传播学界对受众研究的成果,通过对当前我国媒介融合进程及现状的再认识,对媒介融合时代受众观念研究进行学理上的探讨,试从媒介融合大背景下以受众观念研究的视角为当前传媒改革提供突破口和理论支撑。  相似文献   

南长森 《报刊之友》2011,(9):137-138
本文重要介绍、评述了国内当前受众研究理论前沿著作《受众研究读本》的翻译内容和翻译技巧,认为该著作文笔洗练、译风奇谲,给读者呈现出荤荤大端、彰显殊异的有关大众传播受众研究的新奇世界。  相似文献   

邱添 《新闻世界》2022,(4):77-81
5G时代,物联网、人工智能、大数据、区块链等技术进一步发展,从技术、内容、渠道、终端、受众等多方面对媒体进行了全新的体系构建,推动了媒介生态的升级与变迁,构建了传播业态的新格局。本文探讨了5G技术对媒介生态的影响,以及技术驱动下场景化传播、智能化传播、视频化传播、沉浸式传播等媒介生态的传播新图景,并结合相关数据和案例,以期能够从算法、数据、媒介依赖的层面和维度对5G背景下的媒介生态进行全方位的审视和思考。  相似文献   

范国平  李静 《中国广播》2013,(1):I0006-I0006,25-27
金秋季节,丹桂飘香。在静谧古朴的川大校园,四川大学新闻传播研究所所长、博士生导师欧阳宏生教授接受了《中国广播》杂志记者的专访。目前,欧阳教授正带领他的学术团队,开展名为"21世纪广播理论前沿"的大型、系统性课题研究。这个课题聚焦新世纪广播最重要、最前沿的12个课题,全面梳理具有中国特色的广播学相关理论。  相似文献   

This paper employed quantitative methods to explore the trends of audience research in Mainland China by analyzing research articles in three major journalism and communication academic journals. The author analyzed research approaches, research methods, medium of focus and theoretical frameworks in these audience research articles from 1985 to 2002. Unlike findings derived from the analyses of mass communication research articles in major international journals, most of the research articles in Mainland China used qualitative methods. Chinese scholars tend to adopt behaviorist and structural approaches towards the study of audience. The number of research articles that dealt with broadcast and print media exceeded any other media, while more and more studies on Internet users are being conducted. Chinese scholars began to develop theories in recent years. The future study will continue based on analysis of other research materials and comparison with audience research articles in leading international journals.  相似文献   

Around 1960, the politics of the emerging media society in Sweden tended to fixate the formative functions of mass communication. The monopoly of public service broadcast media, press subsidies and new tendencies in film policy were some of the issues around which uncertainty prevailed. New methods to provide reliable data were sought by politicians, since empirical facts were required as arguments for an updated media policy. This article examines the different ways that the field of media studies was introduced in Sweden between 1960 and 1980. We argue that Swedish academic media studies departed from, and emerged within, a rather diffuse borderland between industry, politics and academia. The formation of national media research in Sweden can partly be seen as an effect of politicians and the media industry wanting to be better informed on issues such as media influence, media ownership and the habits and composition of the media audience.  相似文献   

The proliferation of new communication technologies over the last 2 decades has increased opportunities for audience activity by offering more choices and greater control aver the communication process for media consumers. However, extant research on the degree of user activity with new media portrays conflicting views of audience members as more active or more passive. This study attempts to sort out this issue by exploring audience activity levels among users of new and traditional media, as indicated by instrumental or ritualized orientations toward media use. Results indicate that new communication technologies are motivated by both instrumental and ritualized motives, but are used more instrumentally than traditional channels, particularly among older users.  相似文献   

The article contributes to the research on media management by approaching the audience as consisting of communities, instead of considering it a mass audience. By developing audience community as a concept in media management and audience research and investigating mainstream newspapers’ perceptions and practices of audience community relations, the study aims to provide a future outlook for the changing community nature of audiences. Newspaper organizations are starting to perceive the audience as a more concrete network of people, and journalistic processes can increasingly consist of generating platforms and practices for communication and communal activities with and among the audience. In the article, these processes are studied empirically by means of a qualitative study carried out in Finnish, Japanese, and Korean newspapers. Interestingly, the findings indicate that audience communities do not, after all, play an important role in the daily practices of the newspapers. The engagement with audience communities in social media is only occasional, intermittent, and by no means systematic. By contrast, interaction with offline communities seems to be more familiar and considered more valuable than connecting with audience communities in social media.  相似文献   


The measurement of media exposure is essential to not only traditional audience research, but also media effects research which relies on accurate estimates of media exposure. Even in the age of digital trace data and passive audience measurement, the workhorse of basically all communication research is self-report data. This article presents a meta-analysis of the reliability and temporal stability of media exposure self-reports in 33 panel studies. Results from a Bayesian multilevel analysis show that self-reported media exposure was moderately reliable (0.69, 90% HDI: 0.65, 0.72) and highly stable (0.90, 90% HDI: 0.88, 0.92). In line with previous studies, the reliability of media exposure measures was higher in adult samples (0.72, 90% HDI: 0.69, 0.76) compared to adolescents (0.60, 90% HDI: 0.53, 0.66). Rank-order stability of media exposure was comparable in adult (0.91, 90% HDI: 0.89, 0.93) and adolescent samples (0.85, 90% HDI: 0.81, 0.90). Moderation analyses showed that self-reported exposure to specific outlets was more reliable than general media use in adult samples. Media-specific differences in reliability were only found in adolescent samples. Overall, moderate reliability in combination with high temporal stability poses important challenges for scholars investigating causes and consequences of media exposure.  相似文献   

媒介正义论:走向正义的传播理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传媒业界和传播学界始终不曾间断对正义的追求,集中体现在传播与社会正义运动、传播与社会正义研究、社会正义的新闻学、媒介伦理学及信息公平论等研究中。本文提出,应基于传媒实践与传播理论提炼并建构中国的媒介正义论研究。  相似文献   

In keeping with end-of-century biographies of great leaders, this essay traces the careers of opinion pollster George Gallup and journalism educator Ralph Nafziger. They inadvertently overlapped in 1930, by publishing the first Journalism Quarterly articles on newspaper readers. Gallup became internationally recognized as creator of the Gallup Poll and other media audience enterprises. He invented some standard questions that are used in academic as well as commercial research today, and "a new form of journalism" built around public opinion on current events. Nafziger, as a professor and administrator, built research centers and graduate programs in 2 leading journalism schools. He was central to the establishment of research as an integral component within education for journalism and mass communication.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过学术交流生态系统的研究与北京大学学术交流生态系统的初步构建,为高校与科研机构建设学术交流生态系统,推动学术交流和开放获取服务提供研究与实践参考经验。[方法/过程] 梳理学术交流概念、模式、功能与国内外研究发展情况,分析学术交流环境变化,指出开放获取、数据驱动研究范式、软件工具发展、社交媒体、教育教学新变革等因素驱动学术交流生态系统重构。介绍北京大学新一代学术交流生态系统的研究成果、架构设计、构建经验与服务效果,总结机构知识库、研究数据服务、开放出版、学者主页与研究支持服务等建设经验与效果。[结果/结论] 研究提出新一代学术交流生态系统,是以开放学术交流为目标,以学术资源数据汇集为基础,覆盖完整学术交流生命周期,提供研究准备、学术发现、研究与分析、写作、发布、传播与评价等学术交流全流程服务,并利用文献计量、数据挖掘、机器学习等新技术,为教学、科研、科研管理、学科评估等提供支持。总结研究成果和经验,为高校与科研机构建设学术交流生态系统提供有价值的研究与建设参考经验。推动学术交流发展,促进研究创新。  相似文献   

With increased research attention being paid to the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICTs) and social movements during the Arab Spring, the role of new and social media in promoting social movements in China is examined in depth. Focusing on the most popular social media platform in China, Weibo, this research includes a review of new scholarship about ICTs and social movements, analysis of Chinese grassroots social movements organized via Weibo, and the limitations of these social movements. The guiding question here is how individual Chinese citizens strategically used Weibo to facilitate social movements.  相似文献   

马持节 《新闻界》2007,(3):94-96
手机电视被称为新媒体先锋,一路走来,受到了业界的青睐,北京、上海和广州等地的媒体纷纷上马手机电视业务,以期抢占潮头,争夺先机。其实,任何一种媒体的诞生及其生命力,都要通过传播效果来反观,受众作为影响传播效果的重要因素,向来受到传播学者关注。手机媒体想在媒体生态中获得一席之地,并求得更好的发展,必须从受众因素分析入手,探求其必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

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