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论教学的境遇性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教学原本是不断变化与动态生成的,但由于科学主义思维方式的影响及工业化社会对效率的崇拜,恒定性几乎成了教学的唯一特性。现代科学技术的进展为人们描绘了一幅新的世界图景:这个世界不仅仅是有规律的、有序的、简单的、线性的、可控的,同时也是混沌的、复杂的、非线性的、生成性的、不可控的、随机的。在此思维方式的观照下,教学动态与变化的一面又被凸显了出来。教学的境遇性是指教学过程的特征及其表现因其境遇不同而不断转化生成的特性,它由情境性、生成性、混沌性、随机性、开放性等组成。基于境遇性的教学行为表现如下:强调教学计划的灵活性,注重教学内容的生成,把教学中的偶然因素作为一种教学资源,注重教学中的多重互动,重教学对话,关注教学中的具体性。  相似文献   

生成性教学及其基本理念   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
生成性教学是生成性思维视角下的教学形态。生成性思维是一种认为事物及其本质是在其发展过程中生成的而不是在发展之前就存在的思维模式。生成性教学则是指教师根据课堂中的互动状态及时地调整教学思路和教学行为的教学形态。生成性教学的基本理念可以概括为:关注表现性目标,关注具体的教学过程,关注教学事件,关注互动性的教学方法,关注教学过程的附加价值。  相似文献   

华中师范大学教育学院博士生罗祖兵在《课程-教材-教法》2006年第1ON发表了《生成性教学及其基本理念》一文,论文提出,生成性教学是生成性思维视角下的教学形态。生成性思维是一种认为事物及其本质是在其发展过程中生成的而不是在发展之前就存在的思维模式。生成性教学则是指教师根据课堂中的互动状态及时地调整教学思路和教学行为的教学形态。生成性教学的基本理念可以概括为:关注表现性目标,关注具体的教学过程,关注教学事件,关注互动性的教学方法,关注教学过程的附加价值。  相似文献   

生成性思维作为一种思维方式,越来越得到人们的重视。生成性思维认为事物及其本质和规律是在其发展过程中生成的而不是预先存在的。在这种思维方式的影响下,教学研究和教学实践从预设走向生成,成为一种必然趋势。当前,很多学者从哲学、后现代理论、建构主义理论、复杂理论阿等多个角度对这种教学思维的转变作了充分的理论阐述。如果从某种维度把教学方式划分为预设性教学与生成性教学的话,那么在实践中,预设性教学有何体现,生成性教学有何体现,二者有何区别,为何会产生这样的区别,如何从预设走向生成等等问题都值得我们进一步讨论。  相似文献   

语文教学在对创造性思维能力的培养中,所关注的是想象、联想、发散性思维的训练。这些思维训练因更具体和可操作性强等特点而成为创造性思维培养的核心内容。与此相反,由于直觉思维不是具体的,具有鲜明的含蓄性和多形态性的特点,加上它对于学习者的学识积累、生活积累以及悟性等方面有着特殊的要求,不仅不易操作,而且对直觉的把握也缺少规律性的提炼,所以往往被人们有意或无意间所漠视,这无疑是创造性思维培养中的一个缺陷。  相似文献   

教学“回归生活世界”是新课改的基本理念。由于这一命题在语义及逻辑上存在一些缺陷,导致在人们理解上存在偏差,学界对此也褒贬不一。从新课改的内容及这一命题提出的背景看,教学“回归生活世界”更多是向人们传递一种新的思维方式,即用生成性思维方式去看待教学和学生,加强教学与学生生成于其中的“生活世界”的联系。  相似文献   

教学"回归生活世界"是新课改的基本理念。由于这一命题在语义及逻辑上存在一些缺陷,导致在人们理解上存在偏差,学界对此也褒贬不一。从新课改的内容及这一命题提出的背景看,教学"回归生活世界"更多是向人们传递一种新的思维方式,即用生成性思维方式去看待教学和学生,加强教学与学生生成于其中的"生活世界"的联系。  相似文献   

思维是人们认识客观世界的精神活动,正确严谨的思维有助于人们正确地认识客观世界。对于中学生,思维严谨性的培养与形成,有助于形成思维深刻性、批判性,提升思维水平,对于自主探究性学习能力的培养也是很有意义的。数学充满了思维严谨性训练与培养的素材。教学实践表明,充分条件、必要条件、充要条件的学习,及其在解决问题中的应用,就是一个很有效的思维严谨性的训练点。高中数学教科书(试验本)把充分条件、必要条件、充要条件等简易逻辑知识编在了第一章,就是要让这一知识成为学生自觉运用的数学语言和方法,在培养学生思维严谨性、提升思维…  相似文献   

建构性数学思维方式的具体表现形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
认知建构论要求教师要注意培养学生的建构性数学思维方式,数学的史学形态是建构性思维方式的渊源。建构性思维方式的具体表现形式包括:求真性思维方式、模式化思维方式、审美性思维方式、对极性思维方式、拓广式思维方式、同构性思维方式、整体性思维方式和变异性思维方式。  相似文献   

在传统的教学理论中,教与学的基本矛盾似乎凸显在认知方面;现代教学理论认为,教与学的矛盾主要体现在认知和情感两个方面。教学要求与学生认知水平之间存在着差距,即“可接受性”;教学要求与学生具体需要之间存在距离,即“接受性”。然而,人们似乎忽视了存在于“可接受性”与“接受性”之间的距离,它凸现出以情感交流为文化背景的教与学的目的形态——对知识或信息的“新陈代谢”,它在客观上将教与学的基本矛盾统一到教育的根本目的上来,使人们容易抖落传统的理论尘埃,回到自己的时代和实践轨迹上来。对这种目的形态的研究将引导我们走出传统,创新出服务于现代教学的思维模式,具有时代价值。  相似文献   

从“预成”到“生成”:教学思维方式的必然选择   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
教学思维方式的转换对教学的变革和发展具有重要意义。就我国当前的教育实际来说,急需实现教学思维方式从"预成"到"生成"的转换。预成性思维先在地设定事物本质和规律并按这种设定来认识和控制事物的发展。生成性思维认为事物及其本质是在其发展过程中生成的而不是预先存在的。实现教学思维方式从"预成"到"生成"转换,具有时代的必然性,它有利于教学范式的转型。  相似文献   

While schools and systems across the globe promote data-driven decision making, teachers often struggle to use data, especially from external assessments, to inform daily instruction. In this paper, we examine teacher capacity building for a less typical form of data use - evidence on student thinking. We draw on data from a longitudinal, in-depth qualitative study involving middle school math teachers who were engaged in an instructional improvement project. Findings show that data use occurred when evidence from student thinking was introduced as part of the instructional planning process. This shift was facilitated by an instructional coach whose capacity building efforts with teachers focused on coherence, specifically planning high quality instruction and using data effectively, while also meeting district pacing and unit planning goals. When teachers put new strategies into practice, feedback from formative assessment data allowed teachers to identify and address misconceptions in student thinking. Learning how to use data as part of instruction helped teachers build capacity to reflect on their own practice. Implications for theory, practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent increased interest in computational thinking poses an important question to researchers: What are the best ways to teach fundamental computing concepts to students? Visualization is suggested as one way of supporting student learning. This mixed-method study aimed to (i) examine the effect of instruction in which students constructed visualizations on students’ programming achievement and students’ attitudes toward computer programming, and (ii) explore how this kind of instruction supports students’ learning according to their self-reported experiences in the course. The study was conducted with 58 pre-service teachers who were enrolled in their second programming class. They expect to teach information technology and computing-related courses at the primary and secondary levels. An embedded experimental model was utilized as a research design. Students in the experimental group were given instruction that required students to construct visualizations related to sorting, whereas students in the control group viewed pre-made visualizations. After the instructional intervention, eight students from each group were selected for semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the intervention based on visualization construction resulted in significantly better acquisition of sorting concepts. However, there was no significant difference between the groups with respect to students’ attitudes toward computer programming. Qualitative data analysis indicated that students in the experimental group constructed necessary abstractions through their engagement in visualization construction activities. The authors of this study argue that the students’ active engagement in the visualization construction activities explains only one side of students’ success. The other side can be explained through the instructional approach, constructionism in this case, used to design instruction. The conclusions and implications of this study can be used by researchers and instructors dealing with computational thinking.  相似文献   

生成性教学的基本理念及其实践诉求   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
生成性教学是生成性思维视域下的教学形态。它是一种需要规则但在适当的时候又敢于放弃规则的教学。它不再假定教学有恒定不变的本质,而认为教学的本质是在具体教学过程中生成的。其基本理念表现为对表现性目标、具体的教学过程、教学事件、互动性的教学方法和附加价值的关注。生成性教学实现的前提是灵动性的教学计划,基础是智慧型的教师,保障是协商式的评价。  相似文献   

批判性思维作为人才培养的方式,与研究性教学所倡导的理念一致,而且更深层次地解决了"如何才能做到"的问题。将批判性思维的理念和方法落实在教学实践中,可以通过论文研读、演讲与辩论、小组合作解决问题、论文写作等方面的训练来实现。而这些措施又可以在学习的全程指导、方法的传授上产生积极影响,进而提升学生的竞争力。  相似文献   


This study introduced an instructional pattern that integrated the framework of the International Critical Thinking Reading and Writing Test (ICTRWT), designed by Paul and Elder, into a tertiary English as a Foreign Language (EFL) argumentative writing course. To measure the effects of the instructional pattern, a mixed methods approach was adopted. Two groups of students were involved in the experiment, with the treatment group receiving the instructional intervention and the control group receiving regular instruction in a tertiary argumentative writing course. A critical thinking test and a writing test were used to investigate the effects of the treatment, and questionnaires and interviews were also employed to examine students’ attitudes toward the instructional pattern. The quantitative statistic data reveals that students who received the instructional treatment outperformed the students in the control group in terms of overall critical thinking skills and skills of identifying and evaluating the elements of thoughts. Meanwhile, the treatment group also performed better with regard to overall writing ability, organization and coherence. Additionally, the data gained from the questionnaires and interviews suggest students’ general positive attitudes toward the instructional pattern.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how the organizational aspects of data use influence deficit thinking in schools. Participants included 52 educators (i.e., teachers, instructional facilitators, and leaders) from eight schools within seven Arkansas school districts. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Analysis of data led to the identification of three themes: shifting the focus from instruction to accountability measures; viewing students as numbers, not people; and, creating an unsafe professional environment. These themes demonstrate how organizations framed data use and implemented specific data practices which prompted teachers to engage in deficit thinking. These themes contribute to our understanding of how deficit thinking is fueled by specific data practices established at the local level and can be used by school leaders to enact data practices which support the development of more equitable schools.  相似文献   

人类的思维是一个有机整体,可以划分为五种基本形态,依次是宗教思维、哲学思维、科学思维、数学思维、艺术思维。它们各有自己的本质规定,具有独特的存在形态和意义。从所研究的内容来看,人类的思维可以划分为宗教、哲学、科学三种形态:宗教奠基于世界的神秘性,哲学立足于世界的可理解性,科学则依赖于存在的可确证性。宗教思维是最早产生的思维形态,哲学思维从宗教思维形态中分化出来,科学思维又从哲学思维形态中分化出来。从所研究的途径来看,人类的思维可以划分为哲学、数学、艺术三种形态:哲学从质的途径切入对事物的把握,数学从量的途径切入对事物的把握,艺术从既综合质与量又将质与量赋形的途径切入对事物的把握。哲学的质是纯粹的质,数学的量是纯粹的量,都具有形而上的性质;艺术则是形而上与形而下的统一。哲学思维具有超越性、批判性、反思性等根本特征,各种思维形态均具有各自的独特性、不可替代性,从而人类的思维具有整体性、复杂丰富性、多层次多极性等特征。  相似文献   

时代和社会的发展使传统教学变得越来越低效,甚至无效。在新技术支持的背景下,革新教学模式,实施高效学习以确保学习的有效性变得至关重要。非良构问题解决教学是实现高效学习、发展高阶思维的有效途径。非良构问题解决教学的设计步骤为:明确问题情境,列出知识清单;说明问题的具体要求,提供相宜的学习指导;呈现有针对性的案例,促进学习者的知识迁移;帮助学习者收集信息,开发结构性的知识库平台;构建交流对话平台,引导学习者合作学习;启发学习者反思和自我评价,制定科学的评价标准。  相似文献   

Recent instructional reforms in science education aim to change the way students engage in learning in the discipline, as they describe that students are to engage with disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and the practices of science to make sense of phenomena (NRC, 2012). For such sensemaking to become a reality, there is a need to understand the ways in which students' thinking can be maintained throughout the trajectory of science lessons. Past research in this area tends to foreground either the curriculum or teachers' practices. We propose a more comprehensive view of science instruction, one that requires attention to teachers' practice, the instructional task, and students' engagement. In this study, by examining the implementation of the same lesson across three different classrooms, our analysis of classroom videos and artifacts of students' work revealed how the interaction of teachers' practices, students' intellectual engagement, and a cognitively demanding task together support rigorous instruction. Our analyses shed light on their interaction that shapes opportunities for students' thinking and sensemaking throughout the trajectory of a science lesson. The findings provide implications for ways to promote rigorous opportunities for students' learning in science classrooms.  相似文献   

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