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从天产石猴到斗战胜佛,孙悟空人格发展经历了从蒙昧状态、到精神觉醒、接受教育、自我选择、目标实现的不同阶段。每一次生命的超越,都是人的个性与社会性统一的内在驱动,是人格完善、价值实现的内在需要,是合乎人性变化发展逻辑的合理演绎。孙悟空的人格成长,对于追求个性的当代青年塑造正确人生观、价值观,有着正向积极的启迪意义。  相似文献   

埃里克森以自我渐成为中心,将个人发展分为八个阶段,每个阶段都由一对矛盾组成,如果处理不好,每个阶段的矛盾都将引发人格危机。本文以农民工子女进城时所处的年龄阶段为依据。运用埃里克森人格发展理论中第三和第四个阶段的观点,从农民工子女的家庭环境、教养方式、教育观念等角度分析农民工子女产生人格危机的原因,并提出了农民工子女人格危机的解决方案。以期保证这一特殊群体在城市环境下健康发展。  相似文献   

从弗洛伊德的人格理论出发分析小说《贵妇人画像》中伊莎贝尔的心理历程,可以看出伊莎贝尔的人格心理随着小说的发展经历了一个由低到高的过程。一开始伊莎贝尔的人格受"本我"支配,在这一阶段,伊莎贝尔遵循"快乐原则",先后被不同的"力比多"能量驱使而逐渐走向悲剧。之后伊莎贝尔的人格发展为由"自我"掌控,遵循"现实原则",开始认清并接受现实。在小说最后,伊莎贝尔的人格蜕变为由"超我"主导,遵循"道德原则",从而实现了人格上的升华。亨利·詹姆斯作为心理描写大师,从弗洛伊德人格理论洞悉詹姆斯笔下的女主人公更能展现出人物的内心世界,凸显小说的主题。  相似文献   

大学阶段是自我同一性形成和建立的关键时期,而健全完善的人格品质是成熟自我的重要标志。当前大学生的自我同一性状态分布不均衡,显现出各种危机状态。鉴于此,学校应以完善人格为目标,在一定原则指导下对自我同一性危机进行积极有效的干预。  相似文献   

本文拟从介绍埃里克森的人格发展理论入手,进而探讨其理论对于学前儿童的学习过程所能起的积极作用。理论一、埃里克森人格发展的有关埃里克森是美国当代著名的心理学家。他提出了一个比较完整的人格发展学说。他认为人的发展是—个进化的过程,它应包括机体成熟、自我成长和社会关系三个不可分割的过程。埃里克森把人格发展划分为八个阶段。他认为,人格发展的每个阶段都是由一对矛盾组成  相似文献   

从弗洛伊德的人格三结构新释《红字》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从弗洛伊德的"人格三结构":本我、自我、超我,分析<红字>中的丁梅斯代尔、齐灵沃斯和海丝特,探讨霍桑对各自命运安排的合理性.过分压制超我和过分放纵本我,都会导致自我的坍塌.只有三者达到平衡,人格才能健全地发展并得以升华.  相似文献   

弗洛伊德认为每个人都是本我、自我、超我的集合体。当这三方面不平衡时,人格就会扭曲,就会感到痛苦。德莱塞的《美国悲剧》中描写的女性也不例外。女性这一身份与人格结构的三方面相互交织,在资本主义上升阶段的美国,展现了女性"美国梦"的破灭。  相似文献   

王彦涛 《考试周刊》2010,(16):196-197
我国社会转型期大学生就业人格会出现自我同一性混乱、抗挫折能力低等缺陷。因此,在大学生就业人格培育方面应开展职业生涯规划教育,帮助学生提升抗挫能力,鼓励学生认识与接受职业自我,调整就业期望值,提高学生的协调沟通能力等。  相似文献   

在制订学校发展规划的自我诊断过程中,我们发现相当一部分学生仍然缺乏认识自我、规划自我的能力,缺乏挑战自我的勇气和毅力,缺乏主动表现、主动参与、主动学习的精神和能力等。与此同时,高中阶段,每个学生都有强烈的自我发展需求,每个学生都蕴藏着自我发展潜能。为此,我们创设温馨教室,确立并践行"让学生在尊重与被尊重中得到快乐;让学生在走向成功中获得动力;让学生在公正公平中获得机会"的温馨教室建设理念,创设激发学生主动发展潜能的育人环境。设计体验课程,引导学生规划自我古希腊哲人苏格拉底说:"认识自己,方能认识人生。"为此,奉贤中学聘请心理专家改进和设计高中生基本素质潜能以及人格测试量表。对高一新生集体实测后,心理老师分析每位学生的兴趣爱好、学习潜能和优势潜能,让学生找准潜能和爱好的最佳匹配,并有意识地发展自己。  相似文献   

教师和谐人格是指构成教师人格整体的各个内在要素之间处于协调、平衡与统一的状态,具有整体性和协调性特征.人格和谐是教师心理素质的核心,参与新课改的动力,成就教育事业的根源.只有做到科学精神与人文精神融合,现实自我和理想自我协调,感性理性和非理性统一,才能促进教师和谐人格的合理建构.  相似文献   

决策后悔的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考查在校大学生的情绪特质、成就动机及风险偏好对决策后悔的影响,结果表明:(1)正性情绪者与负性情绪者仅在以下两种情况中存在显著差异:在合理/不做/后果轻微条件下,正性情绪者的过程后悔显著高于负性情绪者;在不合理/做/后果严重条件下,正性情绪者的结果后悔显著低于负性情绪者。(2)在合理条件下,追求成功者与避免失败者在过程后悔上无显著差异,而在对结果的后悔上,追求成功者的后悔均显著低于避免失败者;在不合理条件下,除了在不做/严重情况下,追求成功者对结果的后悔值显著低于避免失败者之外,在其它情况下,追求成功者对过程及结果的后悔均与避免失败者无显著差异。(3)冒险者与保守者在各个条件下的过程后悔与结果后悔程度上均无显著差异。  相似文献   

Students’ learning activities frequently compete with their leisure options, leading to regret after decisions to study. Using a sample of 233 German and 194 Australian undergraduate students, the authors explored possible determinants of the personality construct regret. They investigated whether the level to which students rely on intuition in decision making is negatively connected to the tendency to regret a decision and whether the degree to which during studying students are distracted by leisure incentives (motivational interference) is positively related to regret. Students’ achievement and well-being value orientations are expected to be linked to intuition and interference. In both samples, interference was positively related to regret whereas intuition was negatively related to regret only in the German sample. The authors did not find the expected link between intuition and interference. In both samples, value orientations were related, as expected, to intuition and interference. Regret could possibly be reduced if motivational interference is avoided.  相似文献   

自我意识是人格发展的自我调控系统,主要包括自我认识、自我体验和自我调节.青少年自我意识发展并不是一个完全自发过程,如何以有效的教育策略促进青少年自我意识不断完善,既是其人格发展的核心内容,也是保证其顺利解决人格发展中所面临新问题的关键所在.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to investigate the personality characteristics of a group of engineers with a variety of years of experience. It was executed to remedy shortcomings of the literature concerning this issue and to produce suggestions for a postgraduate training programme for engineers. A total of103 engineers were tested with the five-factor personality inventory (FFPI), a ‘big five’ personality test of Dutch origin. The engineers were shown to score lower on the factor agreeableness, and higher on the factors extraversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and autonomy than a national comparison group. The older the engineers, the more conscientious and autonomous they were. In addition, engineers with lower degrees were more conscientious than engineers with higher degrees. A practical implication of the findings for the postgraduate training of engineers is that more attention should be paid to the development of interpersonal skills.  相似文献   

This study reports on the development of a self-reported measurement instrument – The Teacher Educators’ Researcherly Disposition Scale (TERDS) – to improve understanding of teacher educators’ researcherly disposition. Teacher educators’ researcherly disposition refers to the habit of mind to engage with research – both as consumers and producers – to improve their practice and contribute to the knowledge base on teacher education. Taking into account the shortcomings of the emerging field of teacher educator professional development research (which is largely confined to small-scale, qualitative studies), a large-scale quantitative survey study (n?=?944) was conducted. The first part of the article reports the results of factor analysis (EFA and CFA), which suggest a four-factor structure of teacher educators’ researcherly disposition: (1) ‘valuing research’ (α?=?.86), (2) ‘being a smart consumer of research’ (α?=?.89), (3) ‘being able to conduct research’ (α?=?.82), and (4) ‘conducting research’ (α?=?.87). Goodness of fit estimates were calculated, indicating good fit. The second part of the article explores differences in teacher educators’ researcherly disposition across several subgroups of teacher educators using the developed instrument. Results indicate that having research experience leads to significantly higher scores on each of the subscales. Furthermore, significantly higher scores were found for those with more than 3 years’ experience as a teacher educator, as well as for those without (prior) teaching experience in compulsory education. To conclude, the implications for further research and practices related to teacher educators’ professional development are discussed.  相似文献   


Music appreciation deals with the development and application of that general factor in aesthetic judgments described in the main by Burt and Eysenck. This has little to do with appreciation in terms of the assessments of Wing et al.

For purposes of identification one might describe seven basic approaches in teaching method. Though each method has its place in success, two methods seem to promise the better result. These methods, the ‘Activity’ and the ‘General discriminative’ might be profitably supplemented by the other five.

The effect of a student's appreciation of music is likely to be reflected in his personality and might be termed a measure. It is therefore likely that by studying a student's musical preferences the teacher might better understand his personality which in turn might facilitate sound appreciation of music.  相似文献   

Action learning is being increasingly utilised as a strategy to underpin practitioner focused development and research projects in healthcare generally and nursing in particular. Whilst facilitators of and participants in action learning have a variety of resource materials to guide their practice and participation, there continue to be few systematic and/or evaluative accounts of the experience of participating in action learning for potential action learning participants to draw upon. This paper attempts to address this agenda. The paper presents an interpretive evaluation of the experience of nurses participating in action learning as the learning strategy underpinning a 3-year emancipatory practice development/practitioner research programme. In particular, the paper focuses on the experience of ‘joining a learning set’. This focus has been adopted as the theory of action learning emphasises the principle of ‘voluntariness’, but yet action learning is increasingly being pre-prescribed as a component of development and research programmes. Such was the case with the programme reported on in this paper. The paper describes an approach used to evaluate learning that was adopted in this programme and in particular the initial evaluation stage that focuses on participants' feelings about joining an action learning set. The data collection and analysis processes are described and the key themes arising from the analysis (‘self-preservation’ versus ‘development of self’) discussed. It is concluded that working with principles of enlightenment is essential to successful action learning and the transformation of workplace cultures.  相似文献   

同族词个性意义系统研究包括研究每个词族各层级的词源意义、及其各层级词源意义的相互关系。它可以为归纳同族词派生机制提供理论基础。《文始》卷一中""组同族词意义系统的研究全面展示了同族词个性意义系统研究的具体模式。  相似文献   

What makes a good educator? The relevance of meta programmes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports the results of a qualitative study which explores the relevance of meta programmes to students' perceptions of teaching quality. Meta programmes are a model of personality preferences from the discipline of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Research into teaching effectiveness indicates that students rate as important ‘hygiene factors’ such as the teacher's ‘knowledge of the subject’ as well as less tangible qualities including ‘ability to communicate’ and ‘student–teacher rapport’. This study reveals the need for similar qualities but, in some cases, presence of these ‘hygiene factors’ was insufficient; students cited other factors related to personality. Some students were found to like the approach of certain teachers whilst other students rated the same teachers less favourably. When questioned as to why, factors emerged that relate to the distinct teaching style adopted by these teachers that appeared to suit particular students and not others. This study suggests that a teacher's meta programmes influence the approaches adopted in their teaching and these styles suit students with matching meta programme preferences. Where students have different meta programme preferences from the teacher, then, even where the ‘hygiene factors’ are met, this leaves the student dissatisfied. There is potential for teachers to adopt teaching approaches more appropriate for the meta programme profiles of their students. Also, on the part of the students, an increased awareness of their meta programme preferences offers the potential to improve their learning experience.  相似文献   

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