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社群主义认为,社群才具有对个人的优先地位。马克思主义哲学立足于人的社会生产实践活动,从相互映照、相互追问中理解个人和社会,对个人与社会的关系做出了新的、科学的理解。因而,运用马克思主义哲学观点对社群主义进行批判地分析,既可以加深我们对社群主义的深刻理解,又可以吸纳社群思想的合理内核于自身,这对马克思主义哲学的丰富和发展将不无益处。  相似文献   

社群主义源于亚里士多德对"城邦"的界定,现已成为西方政治哲学中一种较系统的学说.社群主义建构了以社会本原取代个体本原的哲学形而上学;以社群中心取代个体中心的政治哲学;以公共的善取代个体权利优先性的美德哲学.这种理论的自觉建构在一定程度上反映了现代性所引发的西方社会危机.然而,对社群与传统的抽象化理解,使它在解决西方社会的现代性危机上陷入了理论和现实上的困境.  相似文献   

儒学进行现代性转型应当利用现代西方社会的资源,社群主义便是其中的一种。儒家可以利用之以创造出一种儒学的现代形态——儒家式社群主义。自我观是社群主义与儒家的第一原则。根据对自我观的核心概念即自我、社群以及二者之间关系的探讨,我们发现社群主义与儒家在自我观的基本逻辑结构上具有一致性。这是笔者对儒家何以能够利用社群主义的资源以及儒家社群主义何以可能的问题的尝试性回答的关键。  相似文献   

社群主义对诺齐克的批评主要集中于其将个人权利绝对化,放弃个人的社会责任感,否认个人的社会价值。社群主义敏锐地观察到诺齐克以虚构的权利前提构思理想社会的不足,这一不足表现为个人的抽象化,并在抽象化个人的基础上建构其元乌托邦理想,致使个人脱离了现实社会,这是不合理的。  相似文献   

黑格尔哲学对社群主义影响很大,主要表现在:黑格尔对古典自由主义的批判给社群主义批判新自由主义一定启发;黑格尔关于个人与社会的关系、个人与历史传统的关系的论述直接影响了社群主义。  相似文献   

笔认为个人与社群关系问题就是个体与团体关系问题的重提。本于对个体与团体关系的探索,来分析个人与社群的关系;认为社群主义的兴起并不能挑战个体主义和自由主义,而且当前中国的现实更应大力弘扬个体主义和自由主义,即在个人与社群关系理论中选择个体主义和自由主义。社群主义对个体主义和自由主义,有一种参照学上的意义,并为其反思提供了可能性。  相似文献   

社群主义与集体主义之比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社群主义以批判新自由主义的面日出现,二者理论观点对峙。但这并不意味着社群主义可以归结为集体主义。在社群和集体概念、个人美德的形成以及公民与国家的关系等问题上,集体主义与社群主义有本质区别。集体主义无论科学性、生命力还是战斗力均优于社群主义。站在集体主义高度审视和批判社群主义,取其精华、剔其糟粕,而不是以社群主义代替或补充集体主义,这是我们对待社群主义的唯一正确态度。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来社群主义研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代以来,社群主义思想已在政治学、哲学、社会学、伦理学等领域产生了深远影响,其理论也从欧美开始向全球范围内广泛传播,并已在实践中逐渐发挥作用。我国学者正是在这一时期开始关注这一思潮的。社群主义提倡社群优先于个人、公共利益优先于正义,对当代自由主义的个人至上价值观、相对正义观、中立国家观进行了尖锐的批判。当前,社群主义研究已取得突出成果,但尚有许多问题有待深入研究。  相似文献   

社群主义与自由主义就正义问题展开了激烈的争论:社群主义深刻地批判了自由主义的个人主义哲学基础,认为个人不能脱离社群;批判了正义优先性的观点,认为正义不能独立于善;批判了普遍性的观点,认为正义不是超历史的;建构了以社群观为核心的政治哲学,认为个人的德性应该接受社群善的引导。社群主义对自由主义形成了很大的冲击,但从目前的趋势看不会动摇自由主义的主导地位,同时我们也得看到社群主义的不足。  相似文献   

社群主义认为个人是社群的一部分,其自我以及属性由其所在的社群所塑造,个人脱离不开社群而单独存在。而自由主义则认为自我是一种优先性的自我,先于社会并独立于其目的而存在,在社群主义看来,这是一种超验和形而上学的自我观,共同体先于自我而存在,并不是自我的构成要素。  相似文献   


For education to be moral enough, its goal is defined not as to help individuals to learn the life ideals of church or state (which means centuries of practice whereby a group of individuals is trying to impose these ideals upon another group) but to create moral individuals‐‐people who are willing and able to treat each other as equals, and who are willing and able to feel compassion towards one another. Consideration is given to lessons from psychotherapy about the potential of autonomous human individual development for programmes of social change, in order for these programmes to be carried out without government and education resorting to imposition of the life ideals presupposed by them. In conclusion recognition is given to a trend of ethical thought, revitalising the moral significance of responsiveness to the reality of other people, grounded in the virtue of care for particular people. Adding the virtues of care and compassion to the virtues of impartiality and fairness offers a much deeper understanding of the moral grounds of society in its communitarian aspects, as evidenced by Solidarity as the social movement of the early 1980s in Poland.  相似文献   

社群主义是个人主义极端发达的产物,是对个人主义不足的弥补。社群主义强调社群优先于个人,公共利益优先于个人权利,善优先于正义。社群主义认为,道德是维系社群的根基。社群主义对建设和谐社会的启示是:要重视道德教育,注重公民教育、公德教育和基本价值观教育,培养学生的公民意识和类人格。  相似文献   

Teaching in university has been widely debated in the past few years. However, this issue should not be limited solely to psychological and pedagogical matters. This paper examines university teaching in terms of its relational and human dimension which, as we would expect, also has an important impact on learning and student development. The communitarian critique of the principles of liberalism stresses the importance of this dimension of the teaching task and raises questions that need to be addressed in order to ensure that a university continues to be a unique life experience and an important social institution.  相似文献   

社群主义兴起的社会背景及现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社群主义是当代西方政治哲学的最新发展 ,它是在批判新自由主义的过程中产生的。它在西方产生有其深刻的社会背景 ,其中市场经济和全球化后的国家职能的弱化是其直接的原因。社群主义在中国的出现与发展也会对中国社会的发展产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

社群主义视野下的国际关系伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社群主义是20世纪80年代开始流行的、与自由主义相对的一种政治哲学。当它运用至国际关系领域,对国际政治做出伦理判断时,首先强调国家而非个人的道德地位。依据这一前提,民族国家共同体不仅在其成员间塑造了一种共同的身份和认同,而且界定了他们之间的权利与义务;共同体拥有诸种道德权利,其中最为重要的是免遭外部干涉的自决权。在人道主义干预和全球分配正义等重大的国际关系伦理问题上,社群主义的上述立场得到较为明显的体现。作为一种具有特殊主义倾向的国际正义观,社群主义在主张国际社会文化多元化和国际共处伦理的同时,也有滑向道德相对主义的危险。  相似文献   

Macau, as a society, is a crossroads where East–West encounters have been taking place for centuries. This paper examines some of the contemporary issues and implications for moral education. After a brief introduction to the social background of Macau, the paper describes the characteristics of Macau's education in general and the development of its moral education in particular. This has taken place in the context of the strong influences on morality of both Catholicism and Confucianism. An outline of the current curriculum of moral and civic education is followed by a critical appraisal of its implementation over the last few years. By means of this case study of Macau, the paper argues that a communitarian‐oriented morality in Macau is justified, and it also suggests how, by turning attention to its history, a minimal set of values can be constructed for Macau's particular social setting. Finally, some further educational challenges for Macau's future moral and civic education are reviewed.  相似文献   

托马斯·阿奎那在修改早期自然法的基础上,确立了自己的社会思想。他强调人天生具有社会性,以此解说人类社会的起源;他认为,人天生是不平等的,以此来论证现实社会不平等的合理性;他提出一种社会有机论,以此说明个人从属于社会,没有独立存在的价值。阿奎那的社会思想反映了当时基督教以及西方教会在社会中地位的变化。  相似文献   


In this paper I contrast conceptions of self from two perspectives: an individualistic orientation and a communitarian approach. In doing so, the philosophical justification is Wittgenstein’s idea that individualism is produced and reinforced as a way of being, thinking and interacting in community. With this contextual frame, I argue that we are shaped by the language practices of our community to ascribe meaning and interpret our own relationships with others through our language lexicon and grammar. To illustrate the communitarian perspective I refer to Māori perspectives in which connectedness is axiomatic: in particular the concepts of whanaungatanga and whakapapa, as described by Ka’ai and Metge. On the basis that such concepts are predicated on language use, I suggest that we can learn the grammar of engagement in a discursive context that emphasises connectedness just as easily as in one which is founded on separateness. I argue that interacting with an other is to engage with the ideas, beliefs, and values that shape their language, even as we expose our own. Engaging between individualistic and communitarian understandings is presented as learning to bridge language gaps between different social constructs and understandings of reality.  相似文献   

15年前,二语习得领域迎来了以社会文化理论(Sociocultural Theory)为先导的社会转向(social-turn)。社会学习(Social Learning)作为社会文化理论中的一个重要概念,意在阐释智力活动的社会源头;任何学习从根本上讲都是社会学习的过程,是个体与其所在的社会环境不断交互的结果。此视角下的机辅语言学习(Computer-assisted Language Learning(CALL))国外研究成果丰硕,发展势头强劲;这拓宽了我国外语教学与研究的发展空间。  相似文献   

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