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A protection system using a multi-agent concept for power distribution networks is pro- posed. Every digital over current relay(OCR) is developed as an agent by adding its own intelli- gence, self-tuning and communication ability. The main advantage of the multi-agent concept is that a group of agents work together to achieve a global goal which is beyond the ability of each individual agent. In order to cope with frequent changes in the network operation condition and faults, an OCR agent, proposed in this paper, is able to detect a fault or a change in the network and find its optimal parameters for protection in an autonomous manner considering information of the whole network obtained by communication between other agents.Through this kind of coordi- nation and information exchanges, not only a local but also a global protective scheme is com- pleted. Simulations in a simple distribution network show the effectiveness of the proposed protec- tion system.  相似文献   

义务教育学校绩效工资政策制定中,必然伴随着多个主体的不同价值问题。作为政策的制定主体,中央及地方各级政府在政策中会有一定的价值选择,这种价值选择如果得到政策执行主体(地方政府和基层学校)和目标群体(广大的一线教职员工)的认同,则其政策的合法性就高,政策实施的效果就好。其次,政策在执行的过程中,会遇到执行主体和目标群体间的价值冲突问题,如何平衡好这些价值冲突,也是政策有效实施的关键。  相似文献   

The coming of LEAs in 20th-century England presented an administrative challenge and an information explosion as the local state worked to meet both local and national educational policy demands. This paper will analyse the ways in which the organisation of knowledge was enlisted into the service of local education policy-making. It will argue that the collection of data by the local state involved both the construction of knowledge and its ordering. These processes in turn involved the creation of an 'education archive', an archive in which ideas about pupils and communities were embedded and genealogies of identity created. The paper will be illustrated through a case study of Birmingham LEA. In particular, use will be made of the Education Census, 1907-1970.  相似文献   

知识服务是图书馆服务与管理工作的最终目标,也是图书馆研究的核心课题。物联网环境下,图书馆知识服务过程中应用物联网技术进行技术创新、方式创新、管理模式创新以及内容创新,将给图书馆知识服务带来创新性的发展。物联网技术的应用,不仅为图书馆知识服务过程带来变革,而且为读者提供了创新的服务内容,深化了物联网技术时代下图书馆知识服务创新工作的内涵。  相似文献   

透析农村留守儿童教育管理政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梳理农村留守儿童教育管理政策,发现具有“三多三少”的特点,即国家政策多方向引领少专门法律,地方政策多雷同措施少本土特色,基层政策多普遍措施少实效办法。针对这些特点,文章从政策选择、政策支持、政策运作机制上提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

BackgroundChild sexual abuse (CSA) is a multi-dimensional problem. The search for best practice must consider the complexities surrounding CSA and its management in any particular society.ObjectiveData previously gathered from service providers on CSA service provision in Trinidad and Tobago identified key deficient issues in policy and practice. In this paper, researchers aimed to bridge the gaps identified, and effect changes to improve services for CSA using an action research methodology.Participants and settingService providers from all sectors in governmental and non-governmental organizations in Trinidad and Tobago, who work with children at risk of CSA were involved in the process.MethodsResearchers led the service providers into an awareness of their own practice through critical discussion of, and reflection on, the key deficient issues. The new knowledge generated, with guided input from evidenced-based best practice, led to the development of guidelines for management. Discussion of the practicability of the guidelines by service providers in multiple sectors generated more new knowledge that refined the management approach.ResultsThe contextual knowledge obtained from service providers resulted in best practice guidelines for service providers that were culturally relevant and context-sensitive, adaptive and implementable, and allowed a seamless multidisciplinary response to CSA in Trinidad and Tobago within prevailing constraints.ConclusionsAction research offers an effective approach to improve services for CSA through mobilization of service providers and changes in policy and practice. It is applicable in any setting and likely to be effective in any socio-cultural context.  相似文献   

政府政策执行力建设是一个国家政令畅通,上行下达,实现发展战略目标的重要保证。这一命题的提出是促使国家既定政策在各地区和各部门确保执行,适应社会主义市场经济的发展和经济全球化浪潮,以及实现科学发展观的必然要求。政府通过科学地制定政策、法制化地执行政策,以及构建政府政策的执行文化,逐步加强政府政策执行力的建设。从某种意义上说,加强政府政策执行力的建设对于建设有中国特色的社会主义有着深远的意义。  相似文献   

从公共政策执行的角度看,草原生态治理政策执行是作为政策执行主体的政府与作为目标群体的牧户相互作用的过程。牧户是内蒙古地区草原生态治理政策中最大的目标群体,草原生态环境保护和建设的好坏归根到底取决于牧户的行为和态度。因此,各级政府要通过积极促进牧户参与草原生态治理政策的全过程、完善利益补偿机制、加强执行人员队伍建设、改进政策执行方式与手段、建立草原生态环境信息公开机制、完善草原生态治理区后续产业发展及服务体系建设等措施,构建草原生态治理政策与牧户行为相互调适的政策执行模式。  相似文献   

“农村地区初中学生辍学现象屡禁不止”的政策学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有效控制和防止初中学生辍学是农村地区普及义务教育的基本要求,这一要求的实现过程实际上是一个教育政策的执行过程。自我国实施“双基”评估验收政策以来,国家和地方出台了多项旨在控制和防止初中学生辍学的教育政策,但时至今日农村地区初中学生辍学现象仍屡有发生。从政策学的视角分析,其根源在于相关政策制定、执行等过程中还存在着诸多问题,在新的形势下有必要对政策作出多方面的调整,以完善政策过程,实现有效控制和防止辍学现象的政策目标。  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育是教育体系的一部分,是社会经济发展客观要求的产物.安徽经济的快速发展需要高等职业技术教育规模的进一步扩大和教育质量的进一步提高.然而,我省高职教育与经济发展相脱节,在服务地方经济发展中,没有起到很好的作用,这与我们提出的"科教兴省"战略相违背.如果没有政府指引,没有政府相关政策支持,高职院校服务地方经济发展只能是一句空话.  相似文献   

实证分析表明,我国地方立法资源的闲置比较严重,地方政策和红头文件覆盖了大多数地方民办教育现象,立法知识和地方立法能力建构的欠缺也影响了地方政策向地方立法的转化。如果不进行地方立法的制度创新,将会影响未来地方民办教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

实用性:全球化中高等教育的价值取向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
经济全球化背景下高等教育国际化已成为不可抗拒的趋势。作为穷国和知识追随国的中国 ,国家及其高等学校必须有效提高国家间知识传播系数以促进经济发展。高等教育国际化在教育思想、管理体制和教育方法等方面将对我国产生全面而深刻的影响 ,高等学校必须主动调整培养目标 ,通过具体教育过程实现新教育理念 ,使毕业生适应社会并在社会中发挥积极作用。高等教育服务市场已逐渐从区域性个别市场演变成全球化市场。作为发展中国家和教育服务贸易逆差国 ,中国必须转变观念 ,尽快修改完善相关管理规则 ,特别是留学生学费定价政策以促进高等学校提高教育质量、努力开辟国际教育市场、参与全球性合作竞争并从教育服务贸易中获利  相似文献   

教师服务社会的主体化是高校履行社会服务职能的关键。教师服务社会的主体化涉及到教师的服务态度、教师的知识水平、服务关系的建立以及高校的相关政策。教师服务社会的态度自觉本质上是一种专业自觉。专业自觉是教师服务社会主体化的根本所在。服务社会可以有效地促进教师知识结构的优化和发展,不同任务类型的社会服务对教师的知识状态有着不同的影响。积极参与社会服务,建立良好的“交集性”服务关系是教师服务社会主体化的重要桥梁。高校教师服务社会的主体化需要相应的制度政策保障。  相似文献   

知识服务伴随知识的产生而开始.文献资源数据转换有三个基本流程与构建.第一、二流程属于显性知识服务,第三流程是隐性知识服务.显性知识服务与隐性知识服务是知识服务的两种形式.知识元是知识服务的核心要素.知识元的互动与互补及其转换促进知识服务实现知识增值.  相似文献   

地方政府在主体功能区战略制定、战略推动、战略落实方面都起到了重要作用。主体功能区战略在地方层面推进的困难主要在于以功能区而不是行政区为政策载体、利益补偿机制尚不完善、开发秩序落实困难三个方面。需要从行政区政策差别化、地方政府政策创新与规范、利益补偿机制、过渡性政策等方面进一步调适。  相似文献   


Lebanon, a country impacted by ongoing political and economic instability, has an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees competing for access to already fragile healthcare, education and labor sectors. Half of these refugees are children. This piece will discuss the efforts and policies Lebanon already has in place regarding the education of Syrian refugees. This will be done through the implementation of Lesley Vidovich’s (2007) a policy framework which proposes an analysis of the policy context and policies’ influence, an analysis of the policies as text as well as an analysis of the implementation of those policies. Such a framework has the opportunity to not only provide a holistic view of the Lebanese history and context leading to current policies surrounding the education of refugees, but it has the potential of serving as a systematic framework for other various contexts concerning education in conflict areas.  相似文献   

公共政策制定是公共政策执行的前提。政策执行作为政策运行过程的中间环节,是将政策从理念转化为现实的过程,是政策成败的关键。现阶段我国地方政府还存在不同程度的政策执行偏差问题。究其根源,主要在于地方政府部门、政府官员本身也是具有特殊利益取向的自利性主体。因此,从政府自利的角度出发,深入探讨地方政府政策执行偏差的原因,对于规范地方政府的行为、保障公共政策的有效执行乃至提高政府的公信力和执行力,都具有理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

基本公共服务均等化旨在消除我国社会长期存在的基本公共服务供给不足和分配不均等的现状,它是尊重和保障人权的重大决策,是促进中央与地方关系法治化的良策,也是建设社会主义法治国家的必然要求。本文从法治视角探讨公共服务均等化,在对公共服务均等化的内涵加以梳理的基础上,从"城乡差距"的角度切入,探寻法治与公共服务均等化的契合点。  相似文献   

Public agricultural extension services around the world are being pressured to adapt to new funding constraints and a changing agricultural sector. The global perspective on extension is no longer that of a unified public sector service, but of a multi-institutional network of knowledge and information support for rural people. This reality and its ensuing issues were discussed at an international workshop on ‘Extension and Rural Development’, sponsored by the World Bank and the U.S. Agency for International Development, in collaboration with the Neuchâtel Group, and held in November 2002 in the IFPRI headquarters in Washington, DC. One output of the workshop was the compilation of 44 edited case studies organized into sections as follows: (1) decentralization systems, (2) privatization of extension systems, (3) demand-driven approaches to agricultural extension, (4) revitalization within public sector services, and (5) national strategy and reform process. The case studies portray extension within the context of a wide rural development agenda; their composite view of extension recognizes the need for a sophisticated and differentiated set of services. From the policy standpoint it implies that governments need to act to redefine extension and implement coherent extension policies to advance pluralistic systems of extension providers. The authors believe that policymakers and extension practitioners and those in related disciplines will find the result of the World Bank/USAID/Neuchatel workshop relevant to the design of future reforms.  相似文献   

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