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【案例】使用教材:人教社灵通少儿英语 Super KidsBook 1,Unit 8,Build it.Teaching aims:1.Understand and say He’s(she’s)playinga sport,using He’s(She’s)____ing______.2.Ask and answer about doing Sports usingWhat’s he(she)doing?He’s(she’s)ing________.3.Raise the students’interest to leam Eng-lish.  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up/Revision1.Greeting.2.Let’s sing the song"I love my family".(PPT链接歌曲动画)设计意图:在歌曲中将学生带入英语学习情境,潜移默化地进行情感教育。3.Let’s chant.T:(PPT shows the chant)Father,father,he’smyfather.Brother,brother,he’s my brother.Grandfather,grandfather,he’s my grandfather.Mother,mother,she’s my mother.Sister,sister,she’s my sister.Grandmother,grandmother,she’s my grandmother.  相似文献   

Today she’s been working.she’s been talking,she’s been smoking It's gonna be alright[好的]’Cause tonight we’ll go dancing,we’ll go laughing.we’ll get car sick[晕车] And it'll be OK like everyone says, it'll be alright and ever so nice We’re going out tonight,out and about tonight  相似文献   

There’s a great story about an old Finnishwoman who,without quite realizing it,was us-ing her cellphone(手机)to access the Internetand track her city’s public transit system(交通系统).When asked why she used the wireless In-temet so flrequently, she replied, “What areyou talking about?All I know is that I click onsomething on my cellphone and it says ‘bus-  相似文献   

教学目标:1.知识与技能:能够听、说、读、写以下单词及缩写:smart,active,shy,funny,how,old,are,he,she,he’s,she’s;能够听、说、认读句子:He/She looks active;能够在适当的情境中正确地听、说、读、写下面的句子:How old are you?I’m nine,How old is he/she?He’s/She’s twelve.2.过程与方法:学生在学习单词和句型的过程中,学会合作、学会探究、学会倾听、主动参与实践。3.情感、态度与价值观:能够进一步增强学习英语的兴  相似文献   

教学内容 复习This is… Who is he/she和He’s /She’s…句型以及表示动物、水果、家俱等概念的词汇。 教学过程 T:(拿出Helen家的照片给全班同学看)Look,this is Helen’s family photo.Who will be Helen orDavid to introduce the family members?(然后拿出Helen和David的头饰给准备发言的学生戴)  相似文献   

一、考点难点精讲助动词(一)助动词be的形式和用法1助动词be有八种形式:现在式第三人称单数he,she,it现在式第二人称单、复数和第一、三人称复数you,we,they肯定式缩肯定式略否定式缩否定式略原形现在式第一人称单数I过去式第一、三人称单数I,he,she,it过去式第二人称单、复数和第一、三人称复数you,we,they现在分词过去分词beamisarewaswerebeingbeen’m’s’ream notis notare notwas notwere notnot beingnot been’m notisn’t/’s notaren’t/’re notwasn’tweren’t2助动词be的用法(1)“b e+现在分词”构成进行时态。如:You are wo…  相似文献   

Tess is a pure girl in Hardy’s eyes, as it shows in the book’s subtitle. She is sinned in Victorian’s time, however, she is still pure in Kant’s eyes.Key words: Tesss purity; Kant  相似文献   

Stick To It!     
Mary Jane McLeod was ten years old.Her grandmother, who lived with the family.said, “She’s no-wisepretty,but she’s strongas a mule(骡子).”Thiswas a perfect descrip-tion(描绘)of the littleNegro girl.  相似文献   

一、知识目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Come here.Let me see.Not at all.Where’s…?Perhaps he’s/she’s in the….  相似文献   

徐慧 《小学生》2013,(9):58-58
【教学过程】片断一Warming up(歌谣激趣,营造氛围)T:Let’s say a rhyme‘For you andme’,OK?Ss:OK!(师生随音乐拍手齐说)T:Children,I’m your new English teacher.Introduce yourself,And you’ll get some gifts.S:Hello,I’m…T:Nice to meet you.S:Nice to meet you,too.T:This is for you.(将礼物盒里精美的礼物送给他,引导他说‘Thank you’.)T:Oh,1 want to know her name.Who’s he she?Ss:He’s/She’s/This is…(与学生交流时送出礼品盒里漂亮的鲜花,引导学生反馈‘How nice!/It’s nice./Great!’)  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.师拿出Helen,Mike,father and mother的头饰,请生分别扮演这几个人物,并且在扮演之前说明:Hello,I’mMike/Helen/Mike’sfather/mother.2.师指着mother引导全班学生问:"Who’s she?"拿着Helen和Mike图片的学生回答:"She’s my mother."3.同法以"Who’s he/she?He’s/She’s…"问答其余人物。"非生态"问题:1.生在问答时往往不知道该轮到自己了,浪费了课堂上的宝贵时间。2.参与的学生不够多,特别  相似文献   

1.return sb’s call回某人电话A:Did you just call Ann again?How’s she?你刚才又给安打电话了吗?她怎么样?  相似文献   

Unit 1 Where is she from?【情景对话】A:How do you do? B:How do you do? A:Look at that girl.Who is she? B:Oh.she is my pen pal. A:Where is she from?I think she is a foreigner. B:You are right.She comes from Canada. A:Ah,she’s a Canadian.Canada is very beautiful.What language does she speak?  相似文献   

请看下面三道高考题: 1.I’m sure you’d rather she went to school by bus._____? (2006福建) A.hadn’t you B.wouldn’t you C.aren’t D.didn’t she [解析]B。陈述部分有would rather+v.,疑问部分多用wouldn’t+主语。2.Sarah had her washing machine repaired the day before yesterday,_____she? (2006广东) A.had B.did C.hadn’t D.didn’t [解析]D。have s也.done经历;遭遇;had是have的过  相似文献   

PEP三年级下册第二单元Part B继续家庭话题,重点由"Who’s this woman/man?"转到"Who’s this boy/girl?He is my brother/sister.",同时在真实情境中运用"Come on!How funny!"Warm-up or lead in设计一:家有儿女T:Look at the screen.Let’s say the chant:Who is he?Who is she?Dad,mom,family.Who is he?Who is she?  相似文献   

正(一)Don’t Play Puppy Love,Dear Friend Wang Li,my good friend,didn’t pass the entrance examination to senior high school,which irrigated her parents greatly as well as confused some teachers and her classmates.As a good girl like her,why is the result like that?Really,she was very good at her lessons when she came to junior high school.What’s more,she was clever and beautiful.Therefore,everyone liked her,and the teachers all thought that she would be a girl of great promise.  相似文献   

PEP五年级下册第六单元B部分话题是询问某人正在做什么事:Is he/she playing chess/counting insects?并能正确回答:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.教材提供的词组有:countinginsects,collecting leaves,writinga report,playing chess,having apicnicWarm up or lead in设计一:歌曲导入百度上输入:洪恩Gogo学英语MTV23,可找到这首歌曲:What’s she doing? She is  相似文献   

.单元重点词汇检测ⅠA )根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,拼写单词。1.W e had a w tim e at the party last Saturday.2.W e don’t have enough food.So熏first of all熏 w e m ust s this problem .’    3.It s too dark now.T on the lights in  the room 熏please. ’  4.W hen she heard her m other s d 熏she  began to cry. ’    5.The children of m y uncle s ar…  相似文献   

初学英语的同学已见到“s”的多种缩写形式,如that’s,it’s,what’s,he’s,she’s,who’s,where’s等等,那么,“s”到底在什么情况下要缩写呢?  相似文献   

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