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采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和访谈法,了解上海市高校大学生自行车协会会员的健康现状与骑行锻炼意识、骑行投入、骑行动机及影响因素等,旨在为引导大学生参与自行车骑行并将骑行真正作为一种增进健康、增强体质的有效运动方式融入学习与生活中,同时为促进校园体育文化建设提供依据和参考。研究认为,上海市高校自行车协会会员作为一个大学生群体:1)健身意识好,但分享自行车运动的意识不足;2)自行车装备投入、骑行维护与保养方面的花销不高,日常参与骑行的时间投入不多,每次练习的强度属于中小强度;3)以满足校园通行需求、锻炼身体、保持健康为参与骑行的主要动机;4)骑行花费和缺乏专门的骑行组织是制约参与自行车骑行运动持续性的首要因素。  相似文献   

公共自行车成为21世纪许多城市应对道路拥堵、大气污染的产物。在其诸多功能中,关于公共自行车的健康功能,这些城市出台的文件中都有明确的定位。然而事实上,由于公共自行车出行环境较差,主管部门对公共自行车没有制度和政策的倾斜以及对公共自行车承载的“健康”理念的认同得不到提升,目前公共自行车对居民产生的健康影响十分有限,出现了文本定位与实际效应的错位。在道路拥堵、空气污染恶性循环之下,不仅城市公共自行车对居民的健康影响持续受限,公共自行车项目持续发展也终将受到很大影响。  相似文献   

自行车项目生物力学研究的国内外现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过文献法,介绍运用生物力学方法对自行车项目的踏蹬技术、自行车的设计与改进、自行车骑行时的阻力、录像解析等方面国内外研究的现状,并对自行车项目的一些运动生物力学问题进行了初步理论探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国自行车运动水平的不断提高,人们对自行车运动越来越重视。无论场地项目还是山地项目,都是以公路训练为基础。然而在公路训练中技术训练是主要因素,骑行姿势的好坏直接影响训练水平的提高,尤其是青少年运动员掌握正确的骑行姿势更为重要。那么如何掌握正确的骑行姿势技术呢?下面我谈一些不成熟的看法,仅供大家参考。  相似文献   

马国强  刘茂  唐琪 《体育科研》2016,(4):91-94,99
自行车骑行效率通常被定义为自行车骑行过程中一定氧耗和能耗水平下的功率输出,自行车骑行能力的增强,多伴随骑行效率的提高。性别、年龄、骨骼肌纤维类型的差异会对骑行效率产生不同影响;而自行车骑行过程中踏蹬技术、身体姿态,甚至运动器材的变化,则可通过改变踏蹬过程中骨骼肌发力和能耗影响骑行效率;专业自行车运动员的骑行效率与训练强度呈正相关关系,阶段性的肌力或专项训练可能通过提高做功和能量节省化促进骑行效率的。  相似文献   

体育科技从来没有停滞不前的时候。它使人们不断地创造一些新的运动项目,同时又改进一些老项目。新型的轻金属架、宽轮胎和十几种档次的速度使山地车适合在各种地形骑行 山地自行车源于美国加利福尼亚州,只在最近5年里才广为流行,从自行车运动员到自行车爱好者,几乎人手一辆。它被称为“当代骏马”,最适合在广阔的凹凸不平的乡间奔驰,而不是象它名称所表明的那样在山路上骑行。作为一项竞赛项目,国际奥委会执委会已在1993年9月18日的蒙特卡洛会议上决定,把男女山地自行车比赛正式列入亚特兰大奥运会比赛项目。  相似文献   

本文在研究大量运动方法和训练实践积累以及在研究设计的基础上为运动员、教练员和运动训练学研究人员提供了对于自行车项目有参考价值的信息。有很多因素会影响自行车运动水平的发挥,在诸多因素中,空气动力学是一项主要的限制因素,是需要自行车运动员必须克服的,这可以通过设备技术的改进和身体姿势结构的改变来调整。完成从身体机能到自行车骑行训练的功率转换首先要考虑到自行车的构造和骑行的身体位置。  相似文献   

自行车骑行是一个受重力、地面支撑力、空气阻力、地面摩擦力等多种力综合作用的过程,而在户外骑行公路自行车因风速和骑行路面的变化受力过程更为复杂。健身车如何在骑行过程中做到现实场景的真实感,不仅需要在视觉上进行表现,更重要的是实现健身车骑行的负荷与实地骑行感觉的一致性。在力学分析的基础上,建立公路自行车骑行过程的动力学数学模型,通过模型求解,分析不同骑行状态下的特征与规律。仿真结果显示,在相对平缓路面上骑行时,速度应保持在12m/s左右;在通过连续起伏路段时,若距离较短可加快骑行速度,若距离较长应降低骑行速度;在以额定功率上坡和下坡骑行时,倾斜度较小的上坡路段和倾斜角度较大的下坡路段对速度影响不大;全力冲刺200m可达到速度的峰值,而200~250m是完成冲刺阶段的最佳距离。该组参数将运用于健身车样车的控制系统。  相似文献   

近年来,在中国一些城市出现了一些年轻人骑着色彩鲜艳,没有车闸的"自行车怪物"。其实这种车叫做死飞自行车(Fixed Gear bike),这种死飞自行车生活方式正受到越来越多的潮人推崇。死飞(Fixed Gea r),与场地自行车(Track Bike)是同类自行车,但骑行地域不限制在体育馆内,在日本则有古典赌博形式的场地自行车比赛,被称为"竞轮",在中国被称为"死飞"(或固齿),香港地区也称之为"梗牙",死飞自行车(Fixed Gear Bike)来自纽约老学校(New YorkOld School)单车文化,"死飞"既是一项有个性、有意思的运动,也是一种非常简单的交通工具,只要你喜欢,就可以尝试,它带给你的将是无比的健康和快乐。  相似文献   

利用血乳酸指标对速度滑冰项目冰路结合期自行车训练进行训练负荷监控,为教练员的训练计划制定和执行提供科学依据,提高科学化训练的水平.在冰路结合期为速度滑冰运动员设计三种不同坡路与训练强度,测试三种坡路情况下运动员训练后的血乳酸数值,通过自行车爬坡训练中血乳酸变化情况与速度滑冰项目1 500 m比赛血乳酸指标进行对比,测算出与速度滑冰项目特点相符合的骑行强度.以运动员血乳酸变化与比较情况为依据,在冰路结合期训练中制定骑行强度,达到保持运动员机体对血乳酸水平的适应,同时保持血清乳酸脱氢酶活性并提高运动员机体的缓冲能力和适应能力.  相似文献   

伴随着高新技术和社会经济的快速发展,人们生活水平日渐提高,大学生学习、就业压力的增加使体育活动时间大幅度减少,肢体肌肉的能量支出明显减少,造成大学生体质弱化,体质健康标准呈逐年下降趋势,可以说现代生活方式的转变使人们在享用现代文明的同时,也给人们带来了一些负面影响。本文重点分析了现代生活方式对大学生身心素质的负面影响,并探讨了现代生活方式下大学体育教育的目标。  相似文献   

论现代人的生活方式对大学生身心健康的负面影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成功的经济建设和高科技的迅速发展,它不仅给人们带来富有的物质生活,而且还会改变人们的生活方式,同时,还会给现代大学生的身心健康带来负面影响。通过课题组深入调查与分析研究,针对性的列入科研课题,加强思想教育,消除它的危害,以提高现代大学生的健康水平。  相似文献   


By analyzing China’s approaches to elite cycling, this paper seeks to answer the question why the bicycle kingdom failed to produce any Olympic cycling champions. Many factors could explain China’s lack of medal success on the international stage, ranging from the limited degree of organizational specialization, problems regarding the quantity and quality of domestic coaches, to the lack of influence in the international governing body and more importantly the tension between the national team and provincial teams. However, there have been a series of developments contributing to China’s notable progress in cycling in the 2000s in general and in the London Olympiad in particular, the most important of which were the recruitment of world-leading coaches and the organization of overseas training. All these culprits and positive developments are discussed, not only to explain China’s overall poor medal performance in cycling at the Olympic Games yet with some gradual progress in recent years, but also to provide a representative through which China’s approaches to many non-traditional and less-successful sports can be understood. Four semi-structured interviews were conducted, accompanied by comprehensive document analysis derived from official documents and website information of associated sports governing bodies and influential media in China.  相似文献   

Tandem cycling enables visually impaired athletes to compete in cycling in the Paralympics. Tandem aerodynamics can be analysed by track measurements, wind-tunnel experiments and numerical simulations with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). However, the proximity of the pilot (front) and the stoker (rear) and the associated strong aerodynamic interactions between both athletes present substantial challenges for CFD simulations, the results of which can be very sensitive to computational parameters such as grid topology and turbulence model. To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first CFD and wind-tunnel investigation on tandem cycling aerodynamics. The study analyses the influence of the CFD grid topology and the turbulence model on the aerodynamic forces on pilot and stoker and compares the results with wind-tunnel measurements. It is shown that certain combinations of grid topology and turbulence model give trends that are opposite to those shown by other combinations. Indeed, some combinations provide counter-intuitive drag outcomes with the stoker experiencing a drag force up to 28% greater than the pilot. Furthermore, the application of a blockage correction for two athlete bodies in close proximity is investigated. Based on a large number of CFD simulations and validation with wind-tunnel measurements, this paper provides guidelines for the accurate CFD simulation of tandem aerodynamics.  相似文献   

在体育课程改革中,体育教师是关键。没有合格的教师,学制、课程改革都是枉然。“健康教育化”是近来体育课程改革中出现的一种流行倾向。该倾向实质上是对“健康第一”课程理念一种形而上学的诠释,不利于体育课程改革和学校健康教育的发展。引入当代西方著名体育学者西登托普先生的运动教育模式,其中的运动参与目标多元化和社会适应目标的模式。为学校体育课程改革的可操作性提供了参考。  相似文献   

In this holistic review of cycling science, the objectives are: (1) to identify the various human and environmental factors that influence cycling power output and velocity; (2) to discuss, with the aid of a schematic model, the often complex interrelationships between these factors; and (3) to suggest future directions for research to help clarify how cycling performance can be optimized, given different race disciplines, environments and riders. Most successful cyclists, irrespective of the race discipline, have a high maximal aerobic power output measured from an incremental test, and an ability to work at relatively high power outputs for long periods. The relationship between these characteristics and inherent physiological factors such as muscle capilliarization and muscle fibre type is complicated by inter-individual differences in selecting cadence for different race conditions. More research is needed on high-class professional riders, since they probably represent the pinnacle of natural selection for, and physiological adaptation to, endurance exercise. Recent advances in mathematical modelling and bicycle-mounted strain gauges, which can measure power directly in races, are starting to help unravel the interrelationships between the various resistive forces on the bicycle (e.g. air and rolling resistance, gravity). Interventions on rider position to optimize aerodynamics should also consider the impact on power output of the rider. All-terrain bicycle (ATB) racing is a neglected discipline in terms of the characterization of power outputs in race conditions and the modelling of the effects of the different design of bicycle frame and components on the magnitude of resistive forces. A direct application of mathematical models of cycling velocity has been in identifying optimal pacing strategies for different race conditions. Such data should, nevertheless, be considered alongside physiological optimization of power output in a race. An even distribution of power output is both physiologically and biophysically optimal for longer ( > 4 km) time-trials held in conditions of unvarying wind and gradient. For shorter races (e.g. a 1 km time-trial), an 'all out' effort from the start is advised to 'save' time during the initial phase that contributes most to total race time and to optimize the contribution of kinetic energy to race velocity. From a biophysical standpoint, the optimum pacing strategy for road time-trials may involve increasing power in headwinds and uphill sections and decreasing power in tailwinds and when travelling downhill. More research, using models and direct power measurement, is needed to elucidate fully how much such a pacing strategy might save time in a real race and how much a variable power output can be tolerated by a rider. The cyclist's diet is a multifactorial issue in itself and many researchers have tried to examine aspects of cycling nutrition (e.g. timing, amount, composition) in isolation. Only recently have researchers attempted to analyse interrelationships between dietary factors (e.g. the link between pre-race and in-race dietary effects on performance). The thermal environment is a mediating factor in choice of diet, since there may be competing interests of replacing lost fluid and depleted glycogen during and after a race. Given the prevalence of stage racing in professional cycling, more research into the influence of nutrition on repeated bouts of exercise performance and training is required.  相似文献   

Adequate nutrition before, during, and after training and competition is a key element to maintaining health. During both sprint and endurance exercise, the availability of glycogen is fundamental to performance and any deficit will lead to early fatigue. In addition, strategies to offset the negative effects of the products of metabolism are presented. Although nutritional strategies can attenuate the immunosuppressive effects of exercise, there remains a period of susceptibility to infection after a hard exercise session and when this is repeated without sufficient recovery an athlete can enter a period of "overtraining" during which performance deteriorates. The aetiology and identification of this state is not clear and some current ideas are discussed. Finally, gastrointestinal problems during running can negate any training benefits and we propose some suggestions to reduce this problem.  相似文献   

随着我国教育体制和高校体育教育的不断改革,高校体育与健康课程实施学分制管理已成为必然趋势。结合有关的教育理论和具体试行学分制的实践,将学生获得学分的内容规定为:选项课、体育活动课、体育理论知识能力、体育竞赛、全民健身体育锻炼、体育达标和大学生体育合格标准。实施学分制充分调动了学生学习的主动性和自主性,全面提高学生体育知识和能力。但同时也存在管理工作量大,软件系统和硬件系统不适应学分制要求的情况。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to assess the influence of different bike positions on the perception of fatigue, pain and comfort. Twenty cyclists underwent three tests that involved cycling for 45 min at their individual 50% peak aerobic power output while adopting different positions on the bike. Participants performed the cycling tests adopting three positions defined by two parameters (knee flexion angle [20°, 30°, 40°] and trunk flexion angle [35°, 45°, 55°]) in random order. Angles were measured using a 2D motion analysis system during cycling and applying Fonda’s correction factor. Perceptions of comfort, fatigue and pain were reported before the end of each test. The combination of 40° knee flexion and 35° trunk flexion was perceived as the most uncomfortable position. Moreover, greater knee flexion had a negative effect on trunk comfort, accompanied by greater levels of fatigue and pain perception in the anterior part of the thigh and knee. In conclusion, cyclists perceived the most comfortable position to be when the saddle height was within the recommended knee angle (30° calculated from the offset position or 40 ± 4.0° of absolute value). Upright trunk was found to be the most comfortable position for recreational cyclists, where aerodynamics is not so important. Cyclists’ bike perceptions should be taken into account when it comes to choosing the most beneficial position, since this can play a role in injury prevention and enhance cycling performance.  相似文献   

The 1990-2010 period in professional cycling is labeled by some as the epo epidemic. Surprisingly, performance enhancement by epo and blood doping is not that clear-cut for endurance athletes, leading to the question whether doping indeed strongly influenced cyclists' performances from the 1990s onwards. We examined the records (1947-2008) of the Tour de France, Giro d'Italia, and Vuelta a Espa?a (N = 181) and assessed the time it took riders to win the race. The findings revealed normally distributed performances and linear and quartic relationships in victors' performances over time that correspond with Brewer's (2002) sociohistorical analysis of professional cycling suggesting that effects of the epo epidemic on professional cyclists'achievements may be overestimated.  相似文献   

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