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新疆学前双语教育存在问题的分析与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学前教育是启蒙教育,是基础教育的基础。进入21世纪以来,为了加快提高少数民族学生的汉语水平和综合素质,新疆大力实施"民汉合校"和双语教育工程,双语教育教学推进的速度进一步加快。随着时代的进步和社会的整体文化素质的提高,对学前双语教育的要求也越来越高,特别是幼儿双语教育愈显重要。文章对新疆学前双语教育存在的偏差进行了探讨。  相似文献   

双语教育是新疆少数民族教育的重要形式,为了更好地促进新疆双语教学工作,学前"双语"教育也开始在新疆全面推行,但由于师资、经费、地域等原因,新疆少数民族学前"双语"教育在发展中存在着很多问题。  相似文献   

我国当前的少数民族学前双语教育在发展中存在诸多问题,解决这些问题首先要厘清学前双语教育的概念,探寻学前双语教育的内涵,明确学前双语教育的目标,并选择适合少数民族幼儿的学前双语教育模式.  相似文献   

伴随着新疆双语教育步入快速发展时期,近十年新疆学前双语教育得到了长足的发展,尤其广大农村少数民族幼儿享有了两年免费制学前教育的机会。在厘清新疆学前双语教育的相关概念的同时,主要试图从学前双语教育发展历史、现状和趋向的视角分析学前双语教育发展的政策背景,学前双语教育发展的基础保障及影响学前双语教育进一步发展的制约因素,并在此基础上对促进新疆学前双语教育质量发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

在新疆大力发展学前双语教育的背景下,乌鲁木齐地区学前双语教育应为推进南北疆地区学前双语教育的发展起到引领示范作用.在实施学前民汉双语教育的过程中,幼儿园应充分考虑幼儿汉语发展的实际水平;应创设全汉语的幼儿园学习环境;应注意在幼儿的一日活动中渗透汉语教育;应围绕少数民族幼儿已有的经验开展主题教育活动;应重视家园共育,创设良好的家庭汉语环境.  相似文献   

在自治区扶持七地州农牧区学前双语教育的背景下,以教育部—联合国儿童基金会2006-2010周期"早期儿童发展"项目新疆南北地区两县为个案,通过调查及比较研究的方式,力图揭示新疆少数民族学前双语教育的发展与变化,成绩与问题,从而对新疆少数民族学前双语教育提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

目前,我国实施的双语教育可以分为两大类:一类是在内地普遍实施的汉英、汉法、汉俄等双语教育;另一类是就保护我国少数民族语言和文化的角度,专门针对我国少数民族实施的民汉双语教育,它涵盖了教育机会平等、语言水平提高、多元文化认同这三个方面。新疆的学前双语教育属于第二大类。由此可以将新疆学前双语教育定义为:在新疆少数民族地区,学前教育机构用民汉两种语言对少数民族幼儿进行的语言与文化教育。  相似文献   

对学前双语教育的可行性、新疆少数民族学前双语教育的现状作了分析和述评,探讨了新形势下新疆少数民族学前双语教育存在的问题,并对其进行了思考,以期推动新疆少数民族学前双语教育的不断发展和完善。  相似文献   

本文以新疆少数民族学前儿童作为研究对象,从地区语言环境与语言习得理论入手,并根据笔者实际生活中对少数民族学前儿童语言环境的调查,简要阐述了语言环境对少数民族学前儿童双语习得的影响,通过对语言环境的创设,使少数民族幼儿更容易掌握运用语言的技巧,提升双语习得的能力,并提出了创设双语环境的几点建议,希望能对提高少数民族幼儿双语习得能力有所帮助。  相似文献   

本文在概述当前新疆学前双语教材的相关政策支持,呈现学前双语教材大致面貌的基础上,结合社会与个体发展、民族区域幼儿双语教育的实际情况,提出了新疆学前双语教材在编制上怎样切合少数民族幼儿的心理特点、师资培训上如何促进教师理解和把握、使用上如何避免盲目性三个挑战。在对所面临挑战进行分析后,尝试就教材的开发与编制、培训及使用的发展趋势做出探讨。  相似文献   

李丹 《成才之路》2022,(9):10-12
高职院校早期教育专业人才的培养,与婴幼儿教育事业的发展紧密相连,对婴幼儿的健康成长至关重要.文章分析以服务0岁~3岁婴幼儿为主要就业方向的高职院校早期教育专业学生的就业新形势,探讨早期教育专业学生的多重就业路径,指出当前就业中存在的问题,并提出改善措施:要政策完善,提供就业指引和保障;岗位互换,推进产教深度融合;强化专...  相似文献   

文章首先对我国早期教育现状做了简单分析;接下来分别从三个方面分析了早期教育存在不公平的原因:地区发展的差异导致早期教育机会不均等;教育者、家长教育观念的差异和经济原因,导致婴幼儿早教机会不均等,总的来说地区发展差异是影响教育公平的根本原因。  相似文献   

Emerging Social Regulatory Capacities as Seen in the Still-Face Situation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Early mother-infant interactions support infants' abilities to deal with stressful situations such as the withdrawal of maternal attention. The "still-face" paradigm provides a framework for studying the range of social regulatory capacities available to infants during stressful times. This study examined the responses of 62 3-4-month-old infants during the still-face situation. Infants' responses were coded in real time along 3 dimensions: gaze, affect, and state. 3 findings are presented: (1) Generally, infants responded to the still-face situation with predominantly neutral affect and looking away from their mothers. (2) Infants who looked longer at their mothers early in the still-face showed longer early positive affect and protested her absence less. (3) Girls more often showed an intensely negative response to the still-face. These findings are discussed in the context of the development of social regulatory capacities in infancy.  相似文献   

开展农村地区的幼儿家庭教育指导有重要的现实意义.当前农村幼儿家庭教育存在着突出的问题,迫切需要得到有效的教育指导.结合我国的实际情况,由当地高校结合农村地区幼儿园开展幼儿家庭教育指导是一种切实可行的方式.在进行幼儿教育指导时应结合本地区特点、家长情况、幼儿需要等多种因素,采取多样化的家庭教育指导方式.  相似文献   

针对农村幼小衔接存在的现状和问题,结合农村幼儿园的实际情况,从提高幼儿园的办园理念、提高教师自身素质,改变家长观念,加强与小学的沟通,重视大班后期的保教工作等方面进行分析,使孩子顺利度过人生的重要转折,让他们能够愉快地进入小学,幸福健康地成长。  相似文献   

The motivational characteristics of a small sample of normally developing deaf and hearing 12-month-old infants were assessed using procedures derived from Yarrow's work. The data supported the following conclusions: 1. Both deaf and hearing infants exhibit similar amounts of motivated behavior toward objects which suggests that auditory contact with their surroundings is not a determining factor in infants' attempts to master objects. 2. The deaf infants spent a longer period of time engaged in social behaviors than did the hearing infants and without any apparent sacrifice to the deployment of their task- and goal-directed activities. This finding implies that the deaf infants were more skillful at integrating the competing demands of social- and object-oriented endeavors than were their hearing peers. 3. The deaf infant engaged with the social environment and displayed a positive emotional response to the situation sooner than the hearing infants. Positive affect also was more likely to be followed by a social behavior for the deaf infants which indicates that the integration of social- and object-oriented activities serves either a different or more potent function in the early development of deaf infants. We believe that these data offer some preliminary, empirically based support for a developmental difference model when intervention strategies for deaf infants are contemplated. The policy implications for such a move may include a reduction in cognitively oriented activities and an increase in activities designed to capitalize on deaf infants' social and visual compensatory skills.  相似文献   

Social referencing refers to the tendency of a person to look to a significant other in an ambiguous situation in order to obtain clarifying information. The aims of the study were to assess the extent to which infants use fathers as referencing targets, and to assess the familial context that might mediate referencing to both parents. 40 11-month-old infants were observed once with their mothers and once with their fathers in a 15-min social referencing situation that involved entrance of a female stranger as the ambiguous stimulus. Infants used their fathers and mothers as referencing targets to an equal extent. Additionally, marital satisfaction was found to be a significant modifier of referencing. A hierarchical regression analysis indicated that paternal marital satisfaction predicted social referencing to fathers as well as to mothers; no effect was found for maternal marital satisfaction alone. This suggests that in order to better understand early socioemotional development, it is necessary to consider the interdependence among various relationships within the family.  相似文献   

This study is the first to examine infant–mother attachment in the Arab culture. Eighty‐five Arab 1‐year‐old infants from Israel were observed in the strange situation, and maternal sensitivity was assessed from home observations. Supporting attachment theory's normativity hypothesis, no differences were found between the Arab‐Israeli attachment distribution and Jewish‐Israeli, Western, and non‐Western distributions when examined at the two‐way secure versus insecure level, although a few differences emerged when examined at the four‐way ABCD level. Supporting the sensitivity hypothesis, mothers of secure infants were more sensitive than those of insecure infants but only in the case of Christian (and not Muslim) mothers. The findings provide support to attachment theory's generalizability but raise questions regarding the assessment of maternal sensitivity cross‐culturally.  相似文献   

Maternal sensitivity and patterns of infant-mother attachment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
48 12-month-old infants and their mothers were videotaped in the Ainsworth Strange Situation. Each infant-mother dyad was also filmed for 3 min while the mother completed a questionnaire and the infant was left to explore the room devoid of toys, a situation in which maternal compliance with the request to complete the questionnaire was expected to compete with attentional demands made on her by the infant. Infant-mother attachment was classified as secure, anxious-avoidant, or anxious-resistant on the basis of behavior in the Strange Situation. Assessment of maternal sensitivity during the questionnaire situation included behaviors classified as reflecting appropriate, insufficient, and intrusive responses to infant cues. 3 summary measures of maternal sensitivity, each of which distinguished between mothers of securely and anxiously attached infants in 1-way analysis of variance tests, were entered into a discriminant function analysis. Using the discriminant function coefficients for combining the maternal sensitivity scores, 94% of the infants were correctly classified as securely or anxiously attached on the basis of their mothers' behavior in the questionnaire situation.  相似文献   

Infants hospitalized for non-organic failure to thrive in the first six months of life are in a life-threatening situation and are already at risk for poor bonding with mother. In light of this, the meaning and use of foster care and how this separation affects the developing mother-child relationship are the issues addressed through examination of 16 cases in which 8 of the infants were placed in foster care and 8 discharged home after the failure to thrive hospitalization. This paper examines (1) maternal histories of pregnancy, labor and delivery and the neonatal status of placed and non-placed infants; (2) the developmental and weight status of placed children; (3) the nature of the decision criteria for after-hospital care; and (4) the mother-infant relationship at initial intake in terms of mother's report of events and observations of feeding and play interactions during a videotaped assessment process. The study found that the interactions between mother and infant in those situations which required foster care were clearly more dysfunctional when compared to those in which the baby was discharged home to mother. Babies in the two groups were comparable in weight status at the time of hospitalization although babies in foster placement had slightly lower scores on the Bayley Scales. Maternal histories of pregnancy, labor, and delivery were similar for the two groups as were the birth and neonatal histories of the infants.  相似文献   

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