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One important extrinsic factor that causes foot deformity and pain in women is footwear. Women's sports shoes are designed as smaller versions of men's shoes. Based on this, the current study aims to identify foot shape in 1,236 Chinese young adult men and 1,085 Chinese young adult women. Three-dimensional foot shape data were collected through video filming. Nineteen foot shape variables were measured, including girth (4 variables), length (4 variables), width (3 variables), height (7 variables), and angle (1 variable). A comparison of foot measures within the range of the common foot length (FL) categories indicates that women showed significantly smaller values of foot measures in width, height, and girth than men. Three foot types were classified, and distributions of different foot shapes within the same FL were found between women and men. Foot width, medial ball length, ball angle, and instep height showed significant differences among foot types in the same FL for both genders. There were differences in the foot shape between Chinese young women and men, which should be considered in the design of Chinese young adults’ sports shoes.  相似文献   

目的:运用主观测试量表评价羽毛球运动鞋的舒适度。方法:以上海体育学院16名羽毛球运动员为测试对象,使用美国某公司运动科学研究室提供的感知测试量表进行了试穿实验,测试了两款不同品牌羽毛球专用鞋的鞋尖内部高度、鞋尖内部宽度、脚最宽处周长、脚腰/脚背、脚后跟和长等不同部位的穿着舒适度以及足底黏附性、前足柔韧性、脚后跟缓冲、脚后跟响应、脚后跟稳定性、后跟-脚趾过渡、前脚缓冲和整体感觉等不同性能指标。结果:从总体舒适度量表(General Fit Ballot)的各指标来看,除了鞋长度指标外,A鞋的其余各指标都存在一定的问题;从鞋性能动态测试量表(Dynamic Ballot)中喜爱程度(Liking)各指标来看,鞋A在脚后跟缓冲、后跟-脚趾过渡、前脚缓冲、足底黏附性、前足柔韧性等方面依然有很多不足,有待继续改进;对于鞋性能动态测试量表(Dynamic Ballot)指标强度(Intensity)而言,A鞋的足底黏附性(Underfoot Traction)和前足柔韧性(Forefoot Flexibility)明显不足、前足柔韧性和脚后跟稳定性明显有缺憾。结论:该量表适宜评价运动鞋的舒适度和相关运动性能,是运动鞋设计...  相似文献   

冯栋梁 《安徽体育科技》2010,31(3):52-54,64
通过对中国134名男子羽毛球运动员26项原始身体形态指标的统计筛选,运用因子分析法、单因素分析法、多重比较等方法进行研究。研究发现:运动员选材主要体现在围度,长度和宽度3项指标;其身体形态为,体重适中,身体匀称,手臂略长。早期的选材应主要依据长度指标,而围度和宽度指标的发展是影响其是否能向更高水平进步的重要因素,运动员后期的训练应着重进行耐力和身体力量等方面的训练,尤其要注重握拍手臂的力量训练。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to establish postural cues in kicking that may be of use to goalkeepers. Eight male soccer players (age 20.5 +/- 1.1 yrs; height 1.78 +/- 0.053 m; mass 75.18 +/- 9.66 kg) performed three types of kick: a low side-foot kick to the left hand corner of the goal, a low side-foot kick straight ahead, and a low instep kick straight ahead. Kicks were recorded by an optoelectronic motion analysis system at 240 Hz. At kicking foot take-off (about 200 ms before ball contact) the variables which were significantly different and could act as cues were support foot progression angle, pelvis rotation, and kicking hip and ankle flexion. The support foot progression angle was considered to be the most valuable of these variables as its angle coincided with the direction of ball projection. The other variables were less clear in their interpretation and so less valuable for a goalkeeper to use for decision making. Cues appearing after support foot contact were thought unlikely to be of value to a goalkeeper in their decision making. These include kicking leg knee flexion angle, and support leg shank and thigh angles.  相似文献   

Rowers competing at the 2000 Olympic Games were measured for 38 anthropometric dimensions. The aim was to identify common physical characteristics that could provide a competitive advantage. The participants included 140 male open-class rowers, 69 female open-class rowers, 50 male lightweight rowers, and 14 female lightweight rowers. Body mass, stature, and sitting height were different (P < 0.01) between the open-class and lightweight rowers, as well as a comparison group of healthy young adults ("non-rowers", 42 males, 71 females), for both sexes. After scaling for stature, the open-class rowers remained proportionally heavier than the non-rowers, with greater proportional chest, waist, and thigh dimensions (P < 0.01). Rowers across all categories possessed a proportionally smaller hip girth than the non-rowers (P < 0.01), which suggested the equipment places some constraints on this dimension. Top-ranked male open-class rowers were significantly taller and heavier and had a greater sitting height (P < 0.01) than their lower-ranked counterparts. They were also more muscular in the upper body, as indicated by a larger relaxed arm girth and forearm girth (P < 0.01). For the male lightweight rowers, only proportional thigh length was greater in the best competitors (P < 0.01). In the female open-class rowers, skinfold thicknesses were lower in the more highly placed competitors (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the rowers in this sample demonstrated distinctive physical characteristics that distinguish them from non-rowers and other sports performers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to establish postural cues in kicking that may be of use to goalkeepers. Eight male soccer players (age 20.5 ± 1.1 yrs; height 1.78 ± 0.053 m; mass 75.18 ± 9.66 kg) performed three types of kick: a low side-foot kick to the left hand corner of the goal, a low side-foot kick straight ahead, and a low instep kick straight ahead. Kicks were recorded by an optoelectronic motion analysis system at 240 Hz. At kicking foot take-off (about 200 ms before ball contact) the variables which were significantly different and could act as cues were support foot progression angle, pelvis rotation, and kicking hip and ankle flexion. The support foot progression angle was considered to be the most valuable of these variables as its angle coincided with the direction of ball projection. The other variables were less clear in their interpretation and so less valuable for a goalkeeper to use for decision making. Cues appearing after support foot contact were thought unlikely to be of value to a goalkeeper in their decision making. These include kicking leg knee flexion angle, and support leg shank and thigh angles.  相似文献   

通过对2010年广州亚运会板球测试赛中国女队7名主力投手技术的高速影像解析,从球速、投球臂角速度、投球步落地位置和步长、落地时身体姿态、球出手瞬间关节角等方面分析比较中国女投手的各项投球技术。结果发现:不同类型投手之间技术特征差异性明显,快投手比旋转投手的落地到球出手时间短;好投手比差投手落地位置和空中姿态稳定性好。通过研究还发现部分投手存在球出手时膝关节弯曲、手臂弯曲等技术缺陷,以及前脚越过击球线等技术犯规错误,提醒在比赛中应引起注意。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to: (a) examine differences within specific kinematic variables and ball velocity associated with developmental component levels of step and trunk action (Roberton & Halverson, 1984), and (b) if the differences in kinematic variables were significantly associated with the differences in component levels, determine potential kinematic constraints associated with skilled throwing acquisition. Results indicated stride length (69.3 %) and time from stride foot contact to ball release (39. 7%) provided substantial contributions to ball velocity (p < .001). All trunk kinematic measures increased significantly with increasing component levels (p < .001). Results suggest that trunk linear and rotational velocities, degree of trunk tilt, time from stride foot contact to ball release, and ball velocity represented potential control parameters and, therefore, constraints on overarm throwing acquisition.  相似文献   

This paper compares the free-throw performance of men and women in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), taking into account differences in ball size, ball stiffness, and release height. Although some claim that men are more athletic, based on the assumption that athleticism correlates with physical traits, the average free-throw percentages in NCAA Division 1 basketball have been close for decades and across gender. The larger men’s basketball could create a disadvantage for men. On the other hand, the stiffer women’s basketball could create a disadvantage for women. In addition, women typically launch the ball from a lower height above the floor than men do. Therefore, the question of which gender is more consistent was unanswered. To answer this question, we turned to simulations of basketball trajectories. We patched together closed-form trajectory events that terminate at the front rim, back rim, backboard, and a fictitious plane below the ring. This produced what we call speed lines. Using the speed lines and NCAA average free-throw percentages, the consistencies of men- and women-free throws were determined. Examination of the speed lines reveals that they exhibit fractal-like behavior. We analyzed sensitivities with respect to ball size, ball bounce, and release height. We found that the most influential factor in determining free-throw success is the average release height of a gender. Under the stipulated assumptions, this paper found that women are about 3% more consistent than men are.  相似文献   

目的:探索不同落点(T内角、Body追身和Wide外角)网球侧上旋发球技术动作的运动学规律。方法:采用2台三维高速摄像机拍摄10名网球运动员侧上旋发球技术动作,使用北京体育大学视讯解析系统采集运动学参数,对原始数据进行平滑和归一化处理等(Fc=10)。结果:1)抛球引拍阶段:抛球时左肩水平投影角呈显著性差异,左肩、右肩和左膝关节角速度变量呈显著性相关(R=0.82),站位方式无显著性差异;2)"挠背"阶段:不同落点发球时发力顺序协调一致,由下至上逐步将力量传递至击球点;3)挥拍击球阶段:击球时刻不同落点间分速度和击球角度差异性显著,外角侧旋>追身侧旋>内角侧旋,内角上旋>追身上旋>外角上旋,外角Angle>追身Angle>内角Angle。击球点高度与身高的倍数为外角(1.32)、追身(1.25)和内角(1.21),击球点由内至外逐渐向右偏移;4)随挥阶段:击球后重心位移和速度分量未出现显著性差异,膝关节角度变化均值39.7±1.8°。结论:我国高校网球二级运动员亟需储备发球隐蔽性、击球点空间位置、挥拍轨迹和击球速度分量等方面的意识体系。应当继续以运动生物力学为手段加强网球各类型发球技术动作、各环节运动特征和发球所致损伤因素等进行系统化和精细化研究。  相似文献   

Purpose: The benefits of physical activity (PA) in preventing abdominal obesity are well recognized, but the role of different sport disciplines remains open. We aimed, therefore, to investigate how participation in different sport disciplines, and the number and types of sports engaged in are associated with waist circumference (WC) in young adulthood. Methods: This population-based cohort study comprised 4027 Finnish twin individuals (1874 men), with a mean age of 34 y (32–37), who answered a survey, including self-measured WC. We extracted the number and identified the types (aerobic, power, and mixed) of the different sport disciplines respondents reported participating in. Results: The number of sport disciplines participated in was inversely associated with WC, the linear decrease averaging 1.38?cm (95% CI 1.10–1.65) per each additional sport discipline. The result persisted after adjustment for the main covariates, such as volume of PA and diet quality. Among dizygotic twin pairs discordant for sports participation (0–2 vs. 5 or more disciplines), the mean within-pair difference in WC was 4.8?cm (95% CI 0.4–9.1) for men and 11.2?cm (95% CI 4.4–18.0) for women; among discordant monozygotic pairs, no differences were observed. In men, all three types of sports were individually associated with smaller WC, while in women, only mixed and power sports showed this association. Conclusions: Participation in several sport disciplines and sport types was associated with smaller WC among young adults in their mid-30s. Shared genetic background may explain some of the associations.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to: (a) examine differences within specific kinematic variables and ball velocity associated with developmental component levels of step and trunk action (Roberton & Halverson, 1984), and (b) if the differences in kinematic variables were significantly associated with the differences in component levels, determine potential kinematic constraints associated with skilled throwing acquisition. Results indicated stride length (69.3%) and time from stride foot contact to ball release (39.7%) provided substantial contributions to ball velocity (p < .001). All trunk kinematic measures increased significantly with increasing component levels (p < .001). Results suggest that trunk linear and rotational velocities, degree of trunk tilt, time from stride foot contact to ball release, and ball velocity represented potential control parameters and, therefore, constraints on overarm throwing acquisition.  相似文献   

Kicking for distance in Australian Rules football is an important skill. Here, I examine technical aspects that contribute to achieving maximal kick distance. Twenty-eight elite players kicked for distance while being videoed at 500 Hz. Two-dimensional digitized data of nine body landmarks and the football were used to calculate kinematic parameters from kicking foot toe-off to the instant before ball contact. Longer kick distances were associated with greater foot speeds and shank angular velocities at ball contact, larger last step lengths, and greater distances from the ground when ball contact occurred. Foot speed, shank angular velocity, and ball position relative to the support foot at ball contact were included in the best regression predicting distance. A continuum of technique was evident among the kickers. At one end, kickers displayed relatively larger knee angular velocities and smaller thigh angular velocities at ball contact. At the other end, kickers produced relatively larger thigh angular velocities and smaller knee angular velocities at ball contact. To increase kicking distance, increasing foot speed and shank angular velocity at ball contact, increasing the last step length, and optimizing ball position relative to the ground and support foot are recommended.  相似文献   

通过对我国118名不同梯次女子羽毛球运动员26项原始身体形态指标的统计筛选,运用因子分析法、单因素分析法、多重比较法等进行研究.通过研究发现:运动员选材的指标主要体现在围度指标,长度指标和宽度指标.运动员身体形态为:体重适中、身体匀称、手臂略长.早期的身体形态指标选材应主要依据长度指标,而围度和宽度指标的发展是影响其是否能向更高水平进步的重要因素,不同梯次羽毛球运动员的后期训练应着重进行耐力和身体力量等方面的训练,尤其要注重握拍手臂的力量训练.  相似文献   


This study examined the effects of shoe collar-height and counter-stiffness on ground reaction force (GRF), ankle and knee mechanics in landing. Eighteen university basketball players performed drop landing when wearing shoes in different collar height (high vs. low) and counter-stiffness (stiffer vs. less stiff). Biomechanical variables were measured with force platform and motion capturing systems. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed with α = 0.05. Wearing high collar shoes exhibited smaller peak ankle dorsiflexion and total sagittal RoM, peak knee extension moment, but larger peak knee varus moment than the low collar shoes. Stiffer counter-stiffness shoes related to smaller ankle inversion at touchdown and total coronal RoM, but larger peak knee flexion and increased total ankle and knee sagittal RoM than the less stiff counter-stiffness. Furthermore, wearing stiffer counter-stiffness shoes increased forefoot GRF peak at high collar condition, while no significant differences between counter-stiffness at low collar condition. These results suggest that although higher collar height and/or stiffness heel counter used can reduce ankle motion in coronal plane, it would increase the motion and loading at knee joint, which is susceptible to knee injuries. These findings could be insightful for training and footwear development in basketball.  相似文献   

Kicking for distance in Australian Rules football is an important skill. Here, I examine technical aspects that contribute to achieving maximal kick distance. Twenty-eight elite players kicked for distance while being videoed at 500 Hz. Two-dimensional digitized data of nine body landmarks and the football were used to calculate kinematic parameters from kicking foot toe-off to the instant before ball contact. Longer kick distances were associated with greater foot speeds and shank angular velocities at ball contact, larger last step lengths, and greater distances from the ground when ball contact occurred. Foot speed, shank angular velocity, and ball position relative to the support foot at ball contact were included in the best regression predicting distance. A continuum of technique was evident among the kickers. At one end, kickers displayed relatively larger knee angular velocities and smaller thigh angular velocities at ball contact. At the other end, kickers produced relatively larger thigh angular velocities and smaller knee angular velocities at ball contact. To increase kicking distance, increasing foot speed and shank angular velocity at ball contact, increasing the last step length, and optimizing ball position relative to the ground and support foot are recommended.  相似文献   

周倩 《当代体育科技》2020,(11):34-34,36
目的:本实验通过测量在赤脚、平底鞋及10cm高跟鞋3种条件下,女性步态的特征,分析不同鞋子对足部及步态的影响。方法:使用G-WALK三维步态分析系统进行赤脚、平底鞋及10cm高跟鞋条件下的行走转身实验,测量其不同鞋子下步速、步长及步态周期。结果:本实验得出穿10cm高跟鞋时行走的步态特征是步速慢,步长变短,周期长。结论:因此长期穿高跟鞋对女性下肢及步态影响较大,会对身体造成伤害,建议少穿或者不穿高跟鞋。  相似文献   


Rowers competing at the 2000 Olympic Games were measured for 38 anthropometric dimensions. The aim was to identify common physical characteristics that could provide a competitive advantage. The participants included 140 male open-class rowers, 69 female open-class rowers, 50 male lightweight rowers, and 14 female lightweight rowers. Body mass, stature, and sitting height were different (P < 0.01) between the open-class and lightweight rowers, as well as a comparison group of healthy young adults (“non-rowers”, 42 males, 71 females), for both sexes. After scaling for stature, the open-class rowers remained proportionally heavier than the non-rowers, with greater proportional chest, waist, and thigh dimensions (P < 0.01). Rowers across all categories possessed a proportionally smaller hip girth than the non-rowers (P < 0.01), which suggested the equipment places some constraints on this dimension. Top-ranked male open-class rowers were significantly taller and heavier and had a greater sitting height (P < 0.01) than their lower-ranked counterparts. They were also more muscular in the upper body, as indicated by a larger relaxed arm girth and forearm girth (P < 0.01). For the male lightweight rowers, only proportional thigh length was greater in the best competitors (P < 0.01). In the female open-class rowers, skinfold thicknesses were lower in the more highly placed competitors (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the rowers in this sample demonstrated distinctive physical characteristics that distinguish them from non-rowers and other sports performers.  相似文献   


A large peak hip adduction angle during running is a risk factor for several overuse injuries in women. The purpose of this study was to determine if female runners with a large peak hip adduction angle have differences in eccentric hip abductor muscle strength, hip neuromuscular control, and/or hip width to femoral length ratio (HW:FL) compared to those with a small angle. Hip adduction during running, hip strength, hip control, and HW:FL were measured in sixty healthy female runners (1.66 ± 0.06 m; 63.2 ± 8.3 kg; 27 ± 6 years). Data from twenty runners with the largest and twenty with the smallest peak hip adduction angles were analysed. Between-group differences in hip strength, control, and HW:FL were determined using independent t-tests (p < 0.05). Variables that were significantly different between groups were entered into a regression model. Runners in both groups had similar hip strength (p = 0.90) and control (p = 0.65). HW:FL was greater in the large peak angle group (p = 0.04), but only explained a small amount of peak hip adduction angle variance for all sixty runners (R2 = 0.05). Alarge peak hip adduction angle in some healthy female runners may simply be instinctive as there were no deficiencies in the strength or neuromuscular control constructs assessed.  相似文献   

湘西南侗族青少年足型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解湘西南侗族青少年足型及其发展趋势 ,按活体测量要求 ,对湖南省通道和靖州侗族自治县 1343名侗族青少年 (7~ 18岁 )的足长、足宽进行了测量 ,并按足宽足长指数进行分类 ,结合文献资料调研和数理统计法对数据进行整理分析。研究结果表明 :侗族青少年的足长、足宽分别随年龄增长而增长 ,16岁时接近成人水平 ;足长与足宽之间存在正相关 ;足型以中间型最多 ;侗族与汉族青少年足型分布差异无显著意义 ,与畲族青少年足型分布的差异非常显著  相似文献   

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