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行政主体及公务员的行政行为选择需要行政道德的规制,而行政道德的规制功能根本在于约束行政主体及公务员的行政行为选择。同时,它对公民法人或其他组织也具有示范和影响的功能,对整个国家行政管理还具有维系的功能。行政道德规制功能实现的主要方式为行政义务、行政良心、行政价值目标,其根本途径则是营造良好的道德环境。  相似文献   

刘欣  叶昊 《培训与研究》2006,23(5):91-92
公务员在行政法中的地位,通过行政法关系体现。公务员在内部和外部行政法律关系中的地位完全不同。在外部行政行为中,公务员既不是行政主体,也不是行政相对人,而是作为国家行政机关代理人。但是公务员在内部行政法律关系中具有主体地位。根据《行政监察法》有关规定,公务员的职务行为需接受行政监察。公务员是行政诉讼法律关系的主体之一,但与诉讼主体的主体地位有很大差异。  相似文献   

周明 《天津电大学报》2005,9(2):43-45,48
高校的法律性质具有国家和政府授权管理的特性。教育教学管理是高校的主体管理活动,学籍、学历、学位等方面管理又是高校的核心管理活动,而这方面的活动是国家法律、法规的授权行政行为。高校行政行为在特定条件下具有行政主体的法律性质。同时在司法实践中高校行政主体的法律性质得到明确与加强。这样一种法律性质规范着高等学校的行政行为。  相似文献   

国家公务员产生中的聘任制是行政机关通过聘任方式将非国家公务员系统的公民录用为国家公务员的制度。县级人大常委会作为聘任国家公务员的适格主体,于法无据。强调“特殊环境下的特殊形式”,是对法治行政的极大的破坏,既不符合科学发展观,也与政治文明相背离。  相似文献   

公务员既是党的路线、方针、政策以及国家法律法规的执行者和行政行为的主体,也是我国社会起主导作用的职业群体。作为特定职业群体,政府和公务员自身更需要关注职业生涯的开发与管理,分析研究公务员职业生涯开发与管理在早期、中期、晚期三个阶段中的有关问题,探求解决的方案与对策。  相似文献   

我国现有行政主体范式认为 ,行政主体是依法拥有国家行政职权 ,代表国家以自己的名义实施行政行为 ,并能够以自己的名义参加行政诉讼的行政机关或法律法规授权组织。然而 ,此界定在我国给行政实践和行政诉讼实践及行政主体理论的探讨带来许多诸如责任归属和权利归属错位、主体缺失主体要件等困惑。文章认为 ,国家及其设置的各层级机关只是社会管理的形式 ,是一套复杂的工具性系统 ,它不具有主体特性 ,从而不能作为行政主体。只有拥有行政权力并进行行政管理的具体的人才能作为行政主体。因此 ,行政主体是经法律授权而拥有行政权力 ,以自己的名义作出行政行为 ,包括行政决策行为和具体行政行为 ,并独立承担最终结果的个人或群体。  相似文献   

国家公务员辞职、辞退制度浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家公务员的辞职、辞退制度,是保障国家公务员的合法权利,优化国家公务员队伍的重要“出口”方式,也是对国家公务员队伍进行管理的一个重要手段.所以,国家公务员辞职、辞退制度的出台,畅通了我国公务员队伍的“出口”,为加强机关廉政、勤政的建设,以及建立一套能上能下、能进能出,充满生机和活力的管理机制有着重要的意义.一、公务员辞职、辞退制度的主要内容国家公务员的辞职,是指国家公务员依照法律、法规规定,申请终止其与国家行政机关的任用关系.也就是说,国家公务员不愿在国家行政机关工作,依照法律规定,自愿申请终止与国家行政机关任用关系的行为.事实上,辞职有广义和狭义之分.从广义讲;辞职包含担任领导职务的公务员辞去领导职务的内容.最近中央颁布的《党政领导干部任  相似文献   

所谓行政伦理是关于政府及行政组织和个人在公共行政活动中的道德行为规范、伦理管理制度、价值观念模式等的总和,其核心是行政活动和行为的行政伦理规范和行政伦理制度。以行政主体在管理活动中施行的行政行为出发,运用伦理学和行政学的基本理论和方法,揭示行政与伦理的内在关系,明确行政行为及活动的伦理性质和价值,规范和引导行政主体的活动,提高公共行政的效能和信誉,是行政伦理学的基本任务。建立行政伦理学,加强对行政伦理道德的研究,具有重要的现实的意义。  相似文献   

随着国家公务员制度在我国的全面推行,在公务员管理工作中,公务员的考核作为公务员管理的一项重要制度,对提高公务员管理的科学性、合理性和有效性具有十分重要的意义.因此,各级国家行政机关需要按照法定管理权限,依据国家公务员法律法规所规定的考核内容、原则、方法,形式和程序对所属公务员进行考核.  相似文献   

行政道德是国家行政机关及其公务员行使公共权力、从事公务活动过程中,通过内化的信念和善恶标准,理性地调节入与入、人与社会之间各种关系的行为规范。实践已经证明,公共行政的运作不仅需要法律的制约,更需要道德的规范,行政道德对公共行政行为的规范制约作用是法律所无法替代的。因为行政道德调整的对象不仅是公共行政主体现实的行为,还包括他们的思想品格和行为动机,它涉及公共行政活动的方方面面,比法律调整的范围更加宽泛。法律为公共行政行为的主体提供的仅仅是行为准则的最低底线,而公共行政道德则有更高层次的要求。  相似文献   

"递延权力"是国家行政人员掌握的公共权力,经过亲友或身边的工作人员之手,实现私人利益的行为."递延权力"是一种由来已久且在当今社会仍然普遍存在的政治腐败现象;"递延权力"现象的出现,具有复杂的思想根源和社会政治基础;防治"递延权力"必须加强制度建设,有效约束公共权力.  相似文献   

关于经济法的本质,目前学术界主要有“协调说”和“干预说”两在派系。近期,有学提出“增量利益说”,认为传统私法和公法调整的是存(减)量利益关系,而经济法调整的是增量利益关系。该学说对经济法本质的理解是独到的:一是在调整对象问题上彻底摆脱了与传统私法与公法纠葛不清的局面;二晨角认剩余权为经济法的权利范畴,澄清了传统法权理论在企业法中的误解;三是从社会化生产入手研究经济法,从而避免了误入经济行政法和民法特别法的雷区。  相似文献   

General impressions suggest that public school teachers are paid higher salaries than private school teachers. Indeed, the evidence is consistent with this general impression. But why the difference? Do public school teachers have better qualifications? Are private schools better places in which to work, and are they able to pay lower wages for comparable teachers? Do public and private schools even operate in the same market for teaching personnel? Are those individuals who seek employment in the private school sector from the same population as those seeking public school employment? What part does the ownership structure of the school play in the determination of teacher compensation? It is the purpose of this paper to provide some insights into these and related questions about the patterns of variation in compensation of public and private school teachers. Our findings reveal that public school teachers earn more than teachers in non-public schools. Teachers in parochial schools are the lowest paid, while teachers in non-sectarian private schools are the highest paid among non-public school teachers. There appear to be structural differences in the patterns of wage variation between the different sectors. Public school teachers possess greater quantities of those characteristics that are valued in the market than non-public school teachers. Non-public school teachers sacrifice between 10 and 40% of the public school teacher salary to work in the non-public sector (depending on the type of school within the non-public sector) and they are aware of their sacrifice. Organizational and ownership structure of the school also appears to make a difference in salaries, with profit-making schools being among the lowest paying, second only to parochial schools.  相似文献   

从 18世纪古典经济学产生以来,经济学家就形成了把“自私人”作为人类经济行为的范式。随着经济实践的发展,古典主义的分析范式在不断得到修正,并推动整个经济学体系的发展和演变。  相似文献   

从18世纪古典经济学产生以来,经济学家就形成了把"自私人"作为人类经济行为的范式.随着经济实践的发展,古典主义的分析范式在不断得到修正,并推动整个经济学体系的发展和演变.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper was to review the contribution of private institutions to higher education in Africa and use Monash South Africa as a case study. A literature search was conducted to gain perspective on the current situation with respect to private higher education institutions in Africa and how they are perceived in relation to public higher education institutions.

In comparison with public higher education institutions, private higher education institutions in Africa were successful in four areas: ? Widening access to higher education in the continent

? Improving the quality of education

? Improving student experience

? Increasing the recognition and marketability of their degrees

However, private higher education institutions in Africa have failed in two areas: ? Reducing the costs of higher education in Africa

? Assisting with retention of skilled human capital in African countries.

In fact, private higher education institutions in Africa, have exacerbated the two situations above.

Monash South Africa was the first foreign university to be established in South Africa and one of over 100 private universities in the continent. As a campus of Monash University in Africa, it has seen a steady growth with over 3,500 students in the past 10 years of its existence. Like other private institutions, the campus was successful in the four areas above and also fails in the area of costs and assisting in retention of skilled staff in Africa. The campus has been successful in blending its private provider status with a public purpose mandate by offering degrees in social science, business and economics, information technology and health sciences.  相似文献   

中国的传统农业社会文化为“天人合一”观念的滋长提供了丰厚的土壤。民众相信,人与自然界息息相通,并通过各种活动来达到“绝地天通”,与自然和谐交融的目的。四季和生命是合而为一的,而四季就是天地精神的最好体现者,人们在四季中的民俗活动也都体现了与自然生命盛衰的协调与和谐交融,即“天人合一”的主题。  相似文献   

In Western Europe, especially in Germany, private higher education is generally perceived as an alternative to public higher education for students from relatively affluent families; more broadly, there is a general perception that attending a private higher education institution is correlated to wealth. This perception is influenced by private higher education in the US, which is the world's most visible private system, but also probably the most atypical. In this article, we will analyse the relationship between private higher education attainment and the wealth of nations as reflected by their per capita GDP. We will try to relate the indicators in models that use cross-sectional transnational data as well as time series analysis for four contrasting countries (Chile, Germany, Romania, and the US). We will address two questions: (1) do wealthier nations have a higher percentage of enrolment in private higher education? and (2) does enrolment in private higher education grow with economic growth? Our analysis shows that a simple general relationship between enrolment in private higher education and the wealth of nations does not exist.  相似文献   

在现代市场经济中,个人利益与他人利益、私人利益与公共利益、公民自由与国家法规之间.既存在着对立与冲突,也存在着一致与协调。这种一致与协调是经济主体自由地追求和实现自身利益最大化的前提和基础。经济主体要自由地追求自身利益最大化,必须维护和促进这种协调;必须通过利人而利己、利公而利私、守法而自由;.必须遵守道德准则。  相似文献   

在分析对“官告民”含义理解的各种观点的基础上,本文提出公法和私法的界分,是把握“官告民”概念的维度,故“官告民”诉讼的诱因,必须是和公务行为相关,从而“官告民”是指国家机关及其领导干部以执行公务时相对人侵犯其权利为由而提起的诉讼,以及行政主体以相对人不履行义务而提起的请求人民法院强制执行的申请。  相似文献   

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