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A.Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning. The words little and small are synonyms because they have similar meanings. Direction: For each word in column I , find a synonym in column II.  相似文献   

I have been wondering about the number of ways we can use the expression "pick up" in everyday English.Today,sitting through a long, boring meeting,I took some notes.I counted at least 10 ways to use "pick up". In each case,the meaning of the expression is somewhat different.  相似文献   

若榆 《中学生百科》2012,(17):39-41
A Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,and D.fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Our airplane was just beside the airport building.It did not look too strong to me,but I decided not to think about such things.We saw the baggage going out to it on trolleys and being loaded from 1 the aircraft. Next,three men and three girls,all in uniform,went over to the plane and  相似文献   

余相宜 《海外英语》2013,(7X):145-147
Semantics,the study of meaning,is closely connected with translation,the practice of transferring meaning.The paper uses a lot of examples based on real translation practice to prove that semantics plays a very important role in translation practice.Understanding and making good use of semantic relations,including synonymy,polysemy,homonymy and antonymy,are quite important for a translator to deal with some complicated semantic problems in translation practice.The paper also discusses the concept of denotative and connotative meanings,two basic types of meaning in Semantics.Denotation means the literal meaning of a word which is given in dictionaries;and connotation,the associative and suggestive meanings of a word in its context.Be cause of cultural difference,words with the same denotations may have totally different connotations,which is why the concept of denotation and connotation plays a very important role in English/Chinese translation.In order to translate a text into another language correctly,translator must totally understand the meaning of the original word,both denotative and connotative mean ing,and be aware of the potential connotations of the word in the target language.  相似文献   

Different nations have different social cultures, and the social culture of every nation is developing with the development of the nation, language is greatly influenced by social culture, which enables language to possess national and historical characteristics. Word is the smallest, independent, meaningful linguistic unit of language. It can well reflect the national and historical characteristics. From synchronic aspect, the social and cultural influence on word meaning is mainly embodied in conceptual and associative meanings of word. The incorrespondence of word meaning is a phenomenon that exists in both conceptual and associative meanings of word among different languages. From diachronic aspect, the development of social culture causes some changes of word meaning to some extent. Therefore, social culture plays a key role in vocabulary learning and mastery of a language.  相似文献   

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Our airplane was just beside the airport building.It did not look too strong to me,but I decided not to think about such things.We saw the  相似文献   

A man in Scotland called his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and said, I hate to ruin your day,but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough. Dad,what are you talking about? the son screamed. We can't stand the sight of each other any longer, the father said. We're sick of each other,and I'm sick of talking about this,so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her about it. Frantic,the son called his sister,who exploded on the phone. L...  相似文献   

Precious Love     
As I hit my adolescence,I began to care about my weight and I didn't eat properly to e- vade getting fat and sometimes even didn't have supper,let alone snacks.I did this for over two months.Even though I lived in school most of the time,my parents could figure out that I was on a diet.  相似文献   

李肖  展素贤 《海外英语》2012,(14):277-278,288
English as a world language has been paid much attention not only by individuals but also by governments in metropolises as well as small cities in China.Both individuals and governments in Tianjin,one of metropolises and Jiaozuo,one of small cities in China have realized the importance of English.Such a realization has resulted in the wide use of English in public facilities,such as traffic signs and tourist indicators,and English banking service Also,individual Chinese of different ages have a strong desire to learn English.Through comparing the use of English in a public life in these two cities,the authors intend to show a wide use of English in public life in China.  相似文献   

冯静楠 《海外英语》2013,(15):268-269
Nowadays Linguistics is developing fast in China.As an independent subject it focuses on the using of language and the context.Though all its branches,Pragmatics is the on which mainly studied the deep meaning of words.In daily life,we were taught to be honest but sometimes if we use lies properly we can have a better communication,such as we can realize encouragement,persuasion,refuse etc.  相似文献   

语言中存在的任何语音结构形式都能表达一定的功能意义,儿化是现代汉语中特有的语音结构形式,在很多情况下,一个词儿化后,往往会引起语义的变化,或理性意义发生实质性的改变,或获得新的色彩意义,也有少数词语儿化后,没有区别词义和词性的作用,也不表示明显的感情色彩,但这些词语负载着一种风格色彩即北京口语色彩。“儿”由实词虚化为后缀,成为名词的一种语法标志,可见,儿化引起了语言三要素的同步变化。  相似文献   

马克思生前根本没有正式使用过“卡夫丁峡谷”一词,这个词也不能正确表达他的思想。不经过资本主义的“卡夫丁峡谷”意思是避免资本主义的一切灾难性的波折。俄国农村公社在种种前提条件下,可以“大大缩短自己向社会主义发展的过程”,但并不是跨越资本主义直接进人社会主义。实际上根本不存在一个所谓的“跨越理论”或者关于东方社会的理论,也无法为俄国十月革命和中国革命是跨越资本主义提供理论依据,与此相反,现实社会主义的实践否定了“跨越论”,而与马克思恩格斯关于缩短阶段的观点形成了有力的互证。邓小平制定的改革开放政策,发展了马克思恩格斯晚年关于“互相补充”的思想,找到了首先胜利的落后国家的无产阶级,在没有得到胜利的西方无产阶级帮助下,获取资本主义创造的文明成果的途径。  相似文献   

汉代的“故吏”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"故吏"一词在汉代有多种含义,以往学界多重视其"旧时属吏"的意义,而忽略其他含义。笔者利用文献和汉简材料,讨论了作为"前为官职者"的"故吏"在汉代的政治表现。认为他们虽已不是官吏,但凭借其行政技能,有时仍能参与行政事务。并指出这种"故吏"在汉代有相当多重新为吏的机会,已成为了一种任吏资格。  相似文献   

很多移就格就是偏正结构的比拟,它们很容易跟定语有所省略的普通定中结构混同,"情书"、"病院"等就经常被人误以为是移就格。移就修辞格是形容词词义发展的一条重要途径,所以有时它跟词义的引申很难划清界限。另外,移就与通感两类辞格都是词语错位搭配,二者也经常发生纠葛。  相似文献   

在汉字发展过程中,汉字形体求异有合规律的和反规律的两种。合规律的是为解决多词同形而另造新形,使词有专形而获得词义的清晰表达;反规律的则是为了某种需要而为已有汉字另造新形,或者是对事物的认识和理解的不同而为现有汉字制造了异形。无论是合规律的还是反规律的,都有当时社会背景下的选择依据,其要么具有汉字学意义上的价值,要么具有社会文化学意义上的价值,都是符合人类思维规律的必然选择。  相似文献   

"文字的含义蕴含在它的运用之中."政治象征理论主张,从政策的生产、传递和接受三个层面,来分析"字面上"的政策是否被实施,从而质疑语言的政治性和作为性.在政治象征理论的分析视域中,20世纪80年代保守主义阵营在公共教育政策文本中生产出"优异"与"选择"两个"象征符号",并通过"学校大辩论"实现了政策的合法化,最后在与新进步主义的"民主对话"中实现了政策的社会化.  相似文献   

释"卿"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“卿”的献常用义为职官之称,但“卿”的词源义亦即命名的理据是什么,则其说不一。“卿”的甲骨为两人相向对食之形,与“(乡郎)”本为一字之分化,“卿”与“(乡郎)”为“饕”之本字。“卿”、“饕”、“皂”在音义上有着密切的联系,可证“卿”的词源义为“集聚”义。  相似文献   

分析了目前国内学术界有关审美体验的本质的几种观点,认为以“自由”和“生命”这两个概念来界定审美体验的本质都有一定的缺陷。笔者认为审美体验的本质是“超越”,只有“超越”这一概念才能最深刻、最充分地揭示审美体验的内涵,因为从本体论意义上说,“超越”一词的含义比“自由”和“生命”更丰富、更宽泛,它既包含了“自由”和“生命”的双重含义,又超越了这两个概念。  相似文献   

论古代汉语词义的反向引申   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
词义引申是汉语词义发展演变的重要途径。词义可以通过相似、相关、相因等多种方式进行引申。反向引申是汉语词义引申系统中一种常见现象,也是一个被学们忽视的问题。这种引申与传统字学上所说的“反训”不是一回事。词义引申取决于词本义中是否具有可供人们充分发挥联想的意义因子。如果一个词的本义能分析出意义相反的因子,那么词义就极易发生反向引申,孳生出新的意义。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the construction of word meaning by students during collaborative activities in a multicultural classroom at a Dutch primary school. The analysis is based on recordings of student talk in small groups of four or five students during mathematics lessons. Difficulties with specific terms and expressions frequently arose during group work. Students could easily ask each other about the meaning of difficult words as a part of the collaborative activities they were accustomed to. In the groups with both Dutch and minority children, the minority students addressed their Dutch classmates as language experts. Conversations about language difficulties also occurred in the groups with only minority students. The conversations about word meaning revealed four patterns: (1) ignoring a question about the meaning of a word, (2) showing the meaning using gestures, (3) explaining, or (4) discussing word meaning. In none of the cases were the language problems solved by referring to the everyday meaning of the word. Instead, the conversations focussed directly on the specialised meaning which the word had in the context of the mathematics lesson. This means that the children used the mathematical discourse as a mediational tool for constructing a mathematical meaning of the words.  相似文献   

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