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影响大强度负荷后血乳酸清除速率的因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示大强度负荷后放松活动强度、运动员运动水平和机能水平与血乳酸清除速率之间的关系,选择22名游泳运动员进行实验。结果表明:放松活动强度影响血乳酸清除速率,血乳酸下降曲线存在“拐点”现象,其位置与运动员个体训练水平,机体血乳酸清除能力有关;运动员运动等级水平高、ILAT指数小则血乳酸清除能力强。  相似文献   

为研究极限负荷后放松活动强度对恢复效果的影响,选择血乳酸作为评定恢复效果的指标,设计了4级定量放松活动强度,对22名游泳运动员进行实验。研究表明:放松活动强度影响血乳酸清除速率,在血乳酸清除速率方面Ⅲ级强度具有明显的优势其次是Ⅱ级强度;血乳酸下降曲线的特征,反映了血乳酸浓度与其清除速率,恢复时间有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

以10名优秀短道速滑运动员为研究对象,在高强度运动后观察、计算运动员在整理放松活动期间所采用的习惯滑行强度。结果表明:运动员习惯采用的放松滑行强度差距较大:不同放松活动强度与血乳酸清除速率有显性差异。研究表明:在整理放松活动期间最佳的滑行强度是本人500m成绩40%-49%的强度。  相似文献   

G861.1,G804.7 9802633游泳运动员负荷后不同姿势放松游对血乳酸清除的影响[刊,中,Ⅰ]/陈武山,陆伯衍,李建平,林丽雅,赖荣兴//广州体育学院学报.-1998.-18(1).-49-54图2表4参8(XH)竞技游泳//训练//负荷//放松//姿势//血乳酸//机体//代谢我们通过实验发现:负荷后采用非主项姿势放松游血乳酸清除速率明显高于主项姿势放松游(P<0.05-0.01),说明负荷与放松  相似文献   

周新华 《体育学刊》2001,8(4):62-63
通过16名400~800m跑项目运动员在程控跑台上完成400m跑极量负荷使运动员机体内堆积大量的乳酸,然后分别测定各种不同强度的恢复性运动对血乳酸(HLa)清除速率的影响,观察了血乳酸清除速率与恢复性运动强度的关系,从中寻找快速清除血乳酸消除疲劳的最佳强度范围.实验结果表明清除血乳酸最快的强度为400m最大强度的50%~65%之间,心率在145~165次/min之间.研究表明,最佳恢复性运动强度是400m最大强度的60%,心率为150~160次/min,此时16名运动员的跑速为(4.21±0.67)m/s,与受试者的跑速无氧阈值(4.35±0.88)m/s无显著差异(P>0.05).  相似文献   

对比31名优秀游泳运动员2次比赛成绩,将其分成超常、正常、失常组,监测不同组别运动员临赛前准备活动前、中、后心率、血压、血乳酸,采用方差分析,探索临赛前准备活动中强度练习的等级,及优秀游泳运动员赛前适宜比赛的生理状态。结果显示:赛前准备活动的强度练习,心率应达到80%~90%HR max,血乳酸3~4 mmol/L,收缩压大幅上升,舒张压不变或下降。赛前2h适宜比赛的生理状态,心率、收缩压接近或可略高于安静时,舒张压接近或略低于安静时,血乳酸2mmol/L以下。赛前15~20 min心率、收缩压、舒张压应恢复或可略高于准备活动前。血乳酸并非监测游泳运动员赛前生理状态,评价准备活动强度的敏感指标。建议重视临赛前准备,注重监控运动员赛前生理状态,合理安排赛前准备活动强度。  相似文献   

陆一帆 《体育科研》2008,29(6):39-44
游泳运动的能力主要表现在速度和力量。不同项目的比赛强度对应着不同血乳酸的水平。通过调查近年的主要游泳比赛中优秀运动员的赛后即刻血乳酸水平,对照其训练中采用主要手段后的血乳酸水平,试图对比分析训练强度与比赛强度的差距,以强调有效训练强度的意义。  相似文献   

以7 m×200 m池内递增负荷测试,通过动态血乳酸变化观察青少年游泳运动员个体乳酸阈,来探索13~16岁青少年游泳运动员血乳酸闲(BLT)的特点,为科学化训练和教学提供依据,为青少年游泳运动员生理机能和能量代谢的纵向研究提供参数.结果显示:13-16岁青少年游泳运动员的乳酸阈平均值为(2.77±0.70)mmol/L,范围在(1.99~3.99)mmol/L,个体差异较明显,青少年运动员乳酸阈较成人偏低.建议在运动实践中,应根据青少年游泳运动员不同年龄段个体乳酸阈特点,科学合理地安排训练强度.  相似文献   

血乳酸是糖酵解的终末产物,运动时血乳酸的升高和运动的绝对强度有关。长期以来,血乳酸一直被国内外用以评定运动时人体无氧过程的重要指标。但国内对游泳运动时血乳酸的变化未见有过系统研究报道,仅国家体委科研所运动医学研究室对游泳后尿乳酸和运动量(主要是强度)的关系作过报道。我们从1978年起,开始研究血乳酸的变化,探讨游泳运动员发展无氧能力的规律。  相似文献   

本文以血乳酸、血糖为指标,对13~15岁的少年游泳运动员进行观察分析,探讨少年游泳运动员在不同负荷下血乳酸、血糖的变化特点与训练课能量补充的意义。  相似文献   

张莉  林丽雅 《湖北体育科技》2016,(12):1064-1070
目的:对赛前专项训练进行监控,为提高专项训练水平提供依据。方法:以22名优秀男子手球运动员为研究对象,对赛前专项训练手段进行心率和乳酸的监控,阶段训练后评价专项无氧能力训练效果。结果:1)3种教赛负荷强度不同。2)全场抢7分训练课的全场平均心率为155.1b/min。3)攻防转换训练课的平均心率为156.9b/min。4)300m×4间歇跑的乳酸峰值达13.7716.26mmol/L。5)专项综合训练课的平均心率为120.3b/min。6)阶段训练后,队员的最大功率、平均功率显著提高。结论:1)教赛3达到比赛强度。2)全场抢7分能提高队员强对抗条件下的快速得分能力。3)攻防转换训练对提高队员的攻防转换速度有较好的作用。4)300m×4间歇跑训练对提高运动员糖酵解供能能力有较好的作用。5)专项综合训练课不利于运动员发展强对抗条件下的技战术能力。6)赛前大强度训练对提高队员的无氧能力有比较好的作用。  相似文献   

不同运动强度对经常与不经常锻炼者心境的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用RPE生成方案调节强度,36名大学生以小、中、大3强度分别运动10min,检验不同强度运动前后心境状态的变化,以及对经常与不经常锻炼者心境的影响。结果显示,低强度运动有利于心境改善;中等强度运动对心境改善效果不明显;大强度运动对心境没有产生影响。中等强度运动对不经常锻炼者自尊的提高更有效,低强度运动对不经常锻炼者混乱的降低更显著。建议根据个体锻炼经历不同施以不同运动强度,从而获得心境改善的最大效果。  相似文献   


Males (N = 7), ages 23–45, were tested on a maximum and two submaximum performance tests to determine the effects of different intensities of exercise on intraocular pressure. Intraocular pressure, blood pH, and blood lactate concentration were measured at rest, the midpoint of the submaximum tests, the end of exercise, and during the first 10 min of recovery. A two-way ANOVA was employed to determine if any significant differences existed between means due to the exercise or the intensity. The results of this study indicate that the intraocular pressure decreases during exercise and the first few minutes of recovery. However, the intensity of the exercise was not related to the amount of decrease in intraocular pressure. The decrease in pressure was associated with a decrease in blood pH and an increase in blood lactate concentration.  相似文献   

运动与骨密度的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用文献研究法研究了基础医学、临床医学、体育科学、运动医学和运动生物力学等有关专著和教材,研究结果表明,体育运动对不同生命时期的骨密度和骨量均有影响;不同运动方式和不同运动强度的运动对骨密度和骨代谢的影响不一样;过度训练可导致骨量、骨密度的降低和性激素的下降,可见,适宜的运动强度和运动方式,有利于改善骨代谢和提高骨密度。  相似文献   

运动与氨代谢关系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动中机体氨代谢增强。氨的主要来源:短时间高强度运动为骨骼肌的嘌呤核苷酸循环,长时间力竭性运动主要与骨骼肌大量摄取支链氨基酸有关。运动强度递增及长时间力竭运动,骨骼肌产氨增多。短时间力竭运动血氨与血乳酸的浓度呈正相关。运动性疲劳的产生亦与运动后高血氨水平密切相关。因此,血氨可以用作评定运动负荷的强度和量度、运动员机体的机能状态、疲劳程度及运动训练程度的有效指标。  相似文献   

吕东旭  张明伟 《体育科学》2004,24(8):38-39,43
通过对吉林省优秀短道速滑运动员在年训练周期中血乳酸的监控,探讨其训练强度的合理性。采用检测运动员运动后即刻的血乳酸并以此反映运动强度的现场测试方法。结果显示,运动员在冰期速度耐力训练后即刻的血乳酸浓度偏高,非冰期速度耐力训练后的血乳酸浓度偏低;冰期一般耐力(有氧耐力)训练后的血乳酸偏高,非冰期有氧耐力训练后的血乳酸偏低。结论:在提高速度耐力的训练手段中,运动强度安排不合理,导致了运动员的速度耐力不足,调整训练强度是今后训练方法中的重点。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the responses of blood lactate and pyruvate during the lactate minimum speed test. Ten participants (5 males, 5 females; mean +/- s: age 27.1 +/- 6.7 years, VO 2max 52.0 +/- 7.9 ml kg -1 min -1 ) completed: (1) the lactate minimum speed test, which involved supramaximal sprint exercise to invoke a metabolic acidosis before the completion of an incremental treadmill test (this results in a ‘U-shaped’ blood lactate profile with the lactate minimum speed being defined as the minimum point on the curve); (2) a standard incremental exercise test without prior sprint exercise for determination of the lactate threshold; and (3) the sprint exercise followed by a passive recovery. The lactate minimum speed (12.0 +/- 1.4 km h -1 ) was significantly slower than running speed at the lactate threshold (12.4 +/- 1.7 km h -1 ) (P < 0.05), but there were no significant differences in VO 2 , heart rate or blood lactate concentration between the lactate minimum speed and running speed at the lactate threshold. During the standard incremental test, blood lactate and the lactate-topyruvate ratio increased above baseline values at the same time, with pyruvate increasing above baseline at a higher running speed. The rate of lactate, but not pyruvate, disappearance was increased during exercising recovery (early stages of the lactate minimum speed incremental test) compared with passive recovery. This caused the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio to fall during the early stages of the lactate minimum speed test, to reach a minimum point at a running speed that coincided with the lactate minimum speed and that was similar to the point at which the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio increased above baseline in the standard incremental test. Although these results suggest that the mechanism for blood lactate accumulation at the lactate minimum speed and the lactate threshold may be the same, disruption to normal submaximal exercise metabolism as a result of the preceding sprint exercise, including a three- to five-fold elevation of plasma pyruvate concentration, makes it difficult to interpret the blood lactate response to the lactate minimum speed test. Caution should be exercised in the use of this test for the assessment of endurance capacity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the responses of blood lactate and pyruvate during the lactate minimum speed test. Ten participants (5 males, 5 females; mean +/- s: age 27.1+/-6.7 years, VO2max 52.0+/-7.9 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) completed: (1) the lactate minimum speed test, which involved supramaximal sprint exercise to invoke a metabolic acidosis before the completion of an incremental treadmill test (this results in a 'U-shaped' blood lactate profile with the lactate minimum speed being defined as the minimum point on the curve); (2) a standard incremental exercise test without prior sprint exercise for determination of the lactate threshold; and (3) the sprint exercise followed by a passive recovery. The lactate minimum speed (12.0+/-1.4 km x h(-1)) was significantly slower than running speed at the lactate threshold (12.4+/-1.7 km x h(-1)) (P < 0.05), but there were no significant differences in VO2, heart rate or blood lactate concentration between the lactate minimum speed and running speed at the lactate threshold. During the standard incremental test, blood lactate and the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio increased above baseline values at the same time, with pyruvate increasing above baseline at a higher running speed. The rate of lactate, but not pyruvate, disappearance was increased during exercising recovery (early stages of the lactate minimum speed incremental test) compared with passive recovery. This caused the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio to fall during the early stages of the lactate minimum speed test, to reach a minimum point at a running speed that coincided with the lactate minimum speed and that was similar to the point at which the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio increased above baseline in the standard incremental test. Although these results suggest that the mechanism for blood lactate accumulation at the lactate minimum speed and the lactate threshold may be the same, disruption to normal submaximal exercise metabolism as a result of the preceding sprint exercise, including a three- to five-fold elevation of plasma pyruvate concentration, makes it difficult to interpret the blood lactate response to the lactate minimum speed test. Caution should be exercised in the use of this test for the assessment of endurance capacity.  相似文献   

不同运动强度对血浆氧自由基代谢水平的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用化学Jagi法和邻苯三酚法观察了三种不同强度运动前后血脂质过氧化物分解产物丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的改变,以探讨运动强度与氧自由基(OFR)的代谢水平,对其研究其有重要理论价值,并对多因互中评价运动员身体机能状态变化、运动强度、运动训练适应水平以及运动性疲劳发生提供有益的资料。  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated significant decreases in pain perception in healthy individuals following both aerobic and upper body resistance exercise, but research on circuit training has been limited. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of a strenuous bout of dynamic circuit resistance exercise on pain threshold and pain tolerance in conjunction with changes in blood lactate levels, heart rate (HR), and perceived exertion. A sample of 24 college-age students participated in 2 sessions: (1) a maximal strength testing session and (2) a circuit training bout of exercise that consisted of 3 sets of 12 repetitions with a 1:1 work to rest ratio at 60% one-repetition maximum (1-RM) predicted from a three-repetition maximum (3-RM) for 9 exercises. Participants exhibited increases in pain tolerance, blood lactate levels, HR and perceived exertion following resistance exercise. Preference for exercise intensity was positively correlated with lactate post exercise and tolerance for exercise intensity was positively correlated with pain tolerance and lactate post exercise. In conclusion, this is the first study to demonstrate increases in pain tolerance following a dynamic circuit resistance exercise protocol and disposition for exercise intensity may influence lactate and pain responses to circuit resistance exercise.  相似文献   

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