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The paper examines the narratives of STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) career pathways constructed by women scientists and engineers through the theoretical lens of resilience. Based on in-depth interviews conducted with 45 women who are currently employed in STEM organizations in Singapore, I explore the narrative actions women deploy to survive in largely masculine STEM organizations. Using narrative analysis, I explore the stories women craft as strategies of resilience when negotiating STEM career pathways. Given the critical role of storytelling in resilience, the study points to the role of communication in enabling networks, and in making available opportunities for circulating stories. Moreover, the cultural and structural challenges to women’s work in STEM suggest the key role for communication interventions that are directed at changing sociocultural attitudes toward women’s work in STEM.  相似文献   


Anchored on the Vietnamese American Project (VAP), this essay presents the documentation of the Vietnamese American Experience through the voices of ethnic Vietnamese in Orange County, California, home to the largest concentration of this ethnic group outside Vietnam. Groundbreaking in its approach and method, VAP is an open forum that enables community assessment, self education, public memory preservation, and the first step toward understanding Vietnamese America and the Vietnamese diaspora. The cross-sectional narratives encompass transcontinental accounts of first and 1.5 generations of Vietnamese refugees and their children, and subsequently focus on their coming to terms with their second home in America, dwelling on how ethnic Vietnamese have negotiated with political turmoil, socioeconomic changes, and cultural identity. The paper, as the VAP, bridges cultural and linguistic barriers, connecting the native land and the adopted country. In short, the paper through its synthesis of the VAP: (1) gives a timely response to the urgent needs to understand and study the ethnic Vietnamese community in Orange County, providing much-needed primary data on the respective population for the ethnic communities and interdisciplinary scholarship; (2) serves as a healing process for members of the Vietnamese American community in Orange County and other victims of war; (3) sheds light onto intra- and inter-ethnic relations, fostering community consolidation, forging cross-cultural collaborations, and nurturing racial harmony; (4) contributes to an important period in American history with perspectives that are lacking in the extant literature; and (5) will conduce peace by bringing out the human experience in America's longest war.  相似文献   

This study examines the ‘theater of struggle’ in young Filipino women's reception of Korean television dramas in view of the American cultural imperialism that is deeply entrenched in the Philippine society. Mainly anchored on Gramsci's concept of hegemony and Stuart Hall's encoding-decoding theory, the researcher conducted a reception analysis through a textual analysis of selected Korean television comedy-dramas and focus group discussions with young Filipino women in different colleges. The young Filipino women expressed cultural affinity with the culture, storylines, values, and environment in Korean and other Asian television dramas that have invaded the Philippines in the twenty-first century. ‘Negotiation, resistance, and struggle’, in Hall's sense, against both the liberalism in American dramas and the pre-modern themes in local dramas were manifested in the young women's discourses. Consequently, American cultural imperialism in the Philippines was undermined, challenged, and to some extent subverted. The study also looked into the young women's dominant, negotiated, and oppositional readings of the dominant capitalist patriarchal values and ideologies that were embedded in selected Korean dramas. While there were young female participants who subscribed to global capitalist values showing their cooptation within Western cultural hegemonic domains, the young women largely articulated negotiated readings of capitalist values and oppositional readings with regard to the dominant ideology of capitalist patriarchy. In reading the selected Korean dramas reflexively, the young women identified social pathologies of poverty, class inequality, and capitalist patriarchal values and constructed emancipatory discourses with regard to these.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):289-303
The information needs of minority women have received little attention. Fluency with the English language is a predictor of successful assimilation into mainstream American society. All ethnic groups share the need for unbiased educational materials, positive career role models for girls and young women, and enlightened career counseling. Lack of support from the publishing industry restricts the availability of writings by minority women. A wide variety of research opportunities exist in the field of ethnic women's studies due to past neglect. Academic, public, and school media libraries need to reexamine their role in the educational process of minority girls and women to help reverse trends of underemployment and cultural deprivation.  相似文献   

优秀传统表演艺术不仅是满足人民群众审美需求和开展社会教育的重要载体,也是丰富现代公共文化服务供给的重要手段。起源于1950年代的安康“新民歌剧”是在汲取紫阳民歌、汉调二黄和西方歌剧元素而形成的地方剧种。经过经济社会转型期近30年沉寂之后,新民歌剧在国家优秀传统文化保护传承、现代公共文化服务体系建设和安康示范区创建的推动下,成为丰富乡村文化服务供给、开展乡村社会教育、凝聚乡村脱贫攻坚精神动力的积极力量。其从“遗留”到“传承”的艺术创新实践为优秀传统文化创造性转化和创新性发展提供了借鉴,为优秀传统文化与现代公共文化融合发展、用优秀传统文化丰富现代公共文化服务供给提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

E-books have increasingly penetrated the academic world. However, despite efforts from Vietnamese universities and colleges to establish and broaden their e-books collection, students seem reluctant to use these digital books. This study aims to examine the barriers to using e-books in libraries among Vietnamese students. Data were obtained from 355 undergraduate students who were interested in e-books. The findings demonstrate that some key barriers impeding students from using e-books include the lack of computers and e-books in libraries, limited information and knowledge about e-books and their preference of using print books. Interestingly, female students tend to perceive the barriers to be stronger than their male counterparts. This study’s findings have important implications for universities, libraries and publishers who seek to promote e-books to students.  相似文献   

This essay is a gendered analysis of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s Healthy People 2010 initiative (HP 2010). HP 2010 sets national health goals and priorities for public health agencies throughout the nation with a stated goal to “reduce health disparities” (p. 2), including disparities based on “gender, race, education or income, disability, geographic location, or sexual orientation” (p. 11). Given the focus on women’s medical research since the 1990s and the continued presence of gendered health disparities, it is important to investigate how public health policy defines, depicts, and prioritizes issues related to women’s health, particularly poor and minority women. A close reading of three sets of chapters related to physical disease, health care services, and sexual health issues from the perspective of women suggests that despite renewed promises, the “multi‐causal web” approach to public health does not promote conditions that would empower marginalized groups because it fails to address sex differences in health advice and prioritize economic and political changes necessary for marginalized groups. Underlying these issues is a lack of consideration for the role of socially constructed gender roles along with race and class in health status and inequities.  相似文献   

This essay extends Susan Carter’s (2004) models of women’s access to broadcasting to include racial and ethnic minorities. It investigates the different historical contexts of female and minority access to commercial broadcasting, and argues that women and minorities have rooted their media access in different models. The intersection of race and gender, combined with an evolving cultural, political, and regulatory environment, has had a powerful influence on which of the three access models were used by women and people of color.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, 25 professional female journalists were interviewed, to understand how they negotiate gender and professional identities online and offline through the lens of Shoemaker and Reese’s media routines and the socialization theory as articulated by Rodgers and Thorson. The findings suggest that while Taiwanese women journalists found that gender in some aspects of reporting is an asset, gendered harassment online and incivility in the digital sphere are important issues with which they have to contend. Comments on stories and professional identities online primarily focused on their looks and physical attributes. They were openly uncivil and abusive. Such incivility affected normal journalistic routines and prevented them from being impartial conveyors of information. Not just online abuse but cultural norms that expect women to be subservient deterred them from promoting stories on personal social media and negatively affected their coverage of controversial issues. In some cases, though gender provided certain advantages, the participants were aware that these gains were limited and ultimately patriarchal in nature. Although the study’s primary focus is on Taiwan, the analysis is applicable beyond national boundaries.  相似文献   

In the last 10 years, the term ‘leftover women’ (剩女)—educated, unmarried women over the age of 27—has emerged as a visible stereotype in popular consciousness in China. Despite the surplus of men that is a result of China’s One Child Policy, women are blamed for marriage market challenges through sexist narratives and terminology. While some scholarship treats ‘leftover women’ as an accepted demographic phenomenon with clear causes and impacts, it can also be viewed as an artificial construct created through socially generated gender stereotypes and furthered through media messaging. This article examines and compares sociological research on Chinese marriage patterns, presentations of ‘leftover women’ in contemporary Chinese media, and independent interview findings to understand the role of media in the construction of gender discourse and the perpetuation of gender stereotypes. These rigid concepts of gender roles and ideal womanhood have far-flung consequences, both for women who internalize these misperceptions and for the social hierarchies supported by antiquated gender constructs.  相似文献   

论文通过对图书馆事业和文化产业的概念探讨、图书馆事业产业化的背景以及文化产业的发展现状的论述,阐释了图书馆事业对文化产业发展的推动作用,以及文化产业发展对图书馆事业的反哺作用。力求通过两者的相互比较,揭示图书馆事业同文化产业协同发展为各自带来的积极作用,从而为图书馆新的发展模式抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine students’ perceived benefits and values of textbooks, with a specific focus on emerging markets. A paper-based survey was used to collect data from 459 Vietnamese students in three business disciplines including accounting, international business and marketing. The findings reveal that Vietnamese business students view textbooks as having greater short-term benefits than long-term ones. They also believe that textbooks have relatively low economic value. Interestingly, marketing students perceive that textbooks provide primarily benefits of improving class performance, while accounting students tend to view textbooks to have benefits of clearer understanding of relevant concepts. Implications for key stakeholders in the higher education book publishing industry are discussed and future research directions presented.  相似文献   

2020年是中国脱贫攻坚战的收官之年,也是全面建成小康社会目标实现之年。无论是在前几年脱贫攻坚还是今年疫情防控中,中国图书馆界都积极响应,全力参与,在数字扶贫、精准服务方面发挥了图书馆应有的社会作用。饶权指出,中国对全球脱贫事业做出了巨大贡献,各级各类图书馆在文化扶贫、信息扶贫中始终发挥着积极作用。今年是脱贫攻坚战收官之年,图书馆界要从"大水漫灌"到"精准滴灌",提升扶贫工作精细化水平;从"单兵作战"到"合力攻关",构筑一体化扶贫工作网络;从"授人以鱼"到"授人以渔",激活扶贫对象内生动力。进入"后扶贫时代"的图书馆,要在提高脱贫人口信息化素养和科学文化素质方面积极作为,使脱贫人口真正有能力开创和拥有属于自己的美好生活;杰拉德·莱特纳认为,联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》及其可持续发展目标描绘了全世界走向更强大、更公平、更绿色的经济和社会的路线图。他指出,这些年来国际图联一直强调联合国工作与图书馆工作之间存在着联系,图书馆通过履行自己的使命也为促进联合国使命做出了贡献。他同时深信,中国各级各类图书馆在国家、地区和全球范围内都将做出重大贡献,并为全球图书馆营造更强大的声音;孙坦认为,继全面脱贫攻坚之后,图书馆助力脱贫将进入助力乡村振兴战略实施的新阶段,必须更加重视为广大农村居民提供高质量的公益性信息内容和信息服务,并提出了图书馆助力脱贫的路径;陈超认为,助力消除贫困是公共图书馆应尽的职责,图书馆要当好"助攻手",打好攻坚战;吴建中指出,中国图书馆界早在2016年习近平总书记提出"精准扶贫、精准脱贫"的时候就已经行动起来,加强精确识别、精确帮扶、精确管理,着力因地制宜、因人施策、因势利导,以图书馆数字化服务专业优势,将各类数字服务送到千家万户,为全面脱贫战略提供有力信息支撑。并提出,下一步要在着力推动公共数字文化服务转型升级、互联互通的云平台建设、创新数字文化服务的模式与方法三个方面下功夫;任竞指出,重庆图书馆作为中国图书馆学会图书馆扶贫工作委员会主任单位,组织、动员和引导全国公共图书馆以及社会各界力量,通过"四联四帮",挖掘区域联盟资源优势和潜力,以助力政府攻坚、助力区域脱贫、助力文化发展为目标,逐步实现公共文化服务普遍均等,改变城乡之间文化资源不平衡,保障人民群众的基本文化权益;马艳霞认为,文化扶贫作为国家扶贫工作的重要组成部分,发挥着独特的脱贫功能。河南省公共文化系统围绕送书送戏下乡、帮扶留守儿童、补齐文化基础设施等措施聚焦文化扶贫,取得一定成绩。未来应强化政府主体责任、创新多元供给模式、推进跨界融合为中原脱贫攻坚持续贡献文化力量。  相似文献   

This article argues for postsocialism as an added consideration to postcolonial theory in analyzing and enacting intercultural and international relations of/for social justice. We theorize the need for feminist and communication studies of rape and sexual assault that consider how rape occurs in relation to institutions, bodies, and times that offer varying positions and possibilities to different identities, cultures, and groups. Our study of an international rape trial asks how survivors of rape can have their experiences validated in androcentric international judicial systems. Theorizing Yugoslavia through the prism of rape, we center our analysis on women as property. Utilizing concepts of relationality and performativity, we imagine how the temporal, cultural, and geographic positionalities of women’s experiences of rape can critique patriarchy and global capitalism.  相似文献   

Responding to the editor's request for reflections on the key terms in the title of this journal, this somewhat autobiographical and possibly self-indulgent piece reflects on their changing meanings and on the ways in which cultural studies has changed and declined since the early 1990s. Cultural studies, the piece asserts, is a bit like rave culture, because like that subcultural formation of music and dance, it was big and quite innovative in the 1990s, but lost its edge in the twenty first century – although interesting offshoots continue beyond the places where it ‘originated’. The piece also suggests some reasons for the decline of cultural studies. More importantly, it tries to understand the term ‘critical’ via politics. It expresses some preferences, in terms of what constitutes good critical writing, and outlines some key elements of good critical analysis of culture.  相似文献   

Feminist standpoint theory suggests that, although powerful discourses attempt to define women on the “margins” of society, women's cultural positions provide them with heightened understandings of the contradictions between their experiences and the ways the dominant group defines them. Thus, while many Americans believe hijab—also called a “veil” or “headscarf”—functions to oppress women, veiled women probably possess alternative understandings. In this study, 13 veiled American Muslim women share their experiences, and under the lens of standpoint theory, the participants’ definition of hijab emerges. Specifically, the women inscribe hijab with meanings shaped by their unique cultural standpoints. Hijab functions to define Muslim identity, perform a behavior check, resist sexual objectification, afford more respect, preserve intimate relationships, and provide freedom.  相似文献   

民国时期的图书馆展览呈现地域分布不均、展会地点集中、受战争因素影响大等特点。根据展品种类的不同,可以将民国时期的图书馆展览大致分为书籍、图片、文献展览3种。还可以根据主题的不同,划分为人物纪念展览、节日庆祝展览、抗战主题展览。图书馆展览通过自身所具有的特点,在宣传抗战、促进中外文化交流、集资筹款及传播文化知识方面发挥了巨大作用,对今天的图书馆展览仍然具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Open defecation persists as a global health problem despite efforts to build and implement better toilets. Based on nine focus group meetings held across two communities in rural Uttar Pradesh, India, this study shows that open defecation is a symbolic practice contributing to social and cultural identity formation. Major themes were derived regarding the positives and negatives of open defecation and latrine use. Open defecation was considered as a means for social communication, particularly for girls and women, and not necessarily as a healthier practice. Issues of politics and class relations emerged, with lower caste people expressing the lack of or poor quality toilets. Yet the persistence of historical and cultural identity played a part in people’s preference to go out to the field to defecate, especially for women to sustain their social connectedness and men to sustain their masculine identity. These cultural and communication aspects of open defecation should be considered in ongoing sanitation movements.  相似文献   


Drawing on Stuart Hall’s influential “Notes on deconstructing ‘the popular’” [Hall, S. (1981). In R. Samuel (Eds.), People’s history and socialist theory (pp. 227–240). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.], this essay maps out some of the major shifts in cultural studies’ relationship to popular culture over the past several decades. It concludes with a call for cultural studies to find ways to work from the terrain of the popular, rather than merely studying that terrain, or trying to “translate” its scholarly analyses for popular audiences. This is a necessary path to fulfilling its mission as a political project.  相似文献   

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