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随着基础教育新课程改革的全面推进和不断深化,校长课程领导力水平的高低,直接影响学校课程改革进程和教育质量。因此,如何提升校长的课程领导力,已经成为深化课程改革中倡导教育家办学的重要任务。立足本校实际,不断提升课程决策能力  相似文献   

学校是培养教育家的摇篮。要培养教育家,首先要有一批教育家型的校长。结合自己的办学实践,笔者认为教育家型校长成长的途径要抓住以下三点:教育家型校长应该具备先进开放、开拓创新的素质;教育家型校长应该具有追求卓越的信念;教育家型校长应该不断提升领导力。  相似文献   

许多教育家认为,一个好校长就是一所好学校。实践使笔者认识到,校长的办学理念和管理水平直接影响并决定着学校的发展,关系到莘莘学子的前途和命运。一个好校长,应该有科学的办学理念,有前瞻性的学校发展目标,有指导教育教学实践的领导力。校长的这种领导力会逐渐形成学校的吸引力、向心力、凝聚力以及和谐的校园文化,也会不断激发全体教职工勤奋工作的积极性和创造性,调动全体学生学习的积极性。提升领导力,是校长的重要课题,也是学校事业健康、快速发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

时代的变革要求校长成为"专家型"校长,只有持续地展开教育研究才能做到按照教育规律办学,以研究促学校的整体发展,这就要求校长必须具备科研领导力。校长的科研领导力是指校长能够在合理科研观的指导下,以扎实的科研功底,带领全体教师树立恰当的科研观,制订学校科研规划,持续有效地推进学校教育科研工作,并在此基础上不断提升学校整体办学品质的能力。本文从科研观、科研规划能力、科研示范引领能力和科研管理能力四个方面对校长的科研领导力的内涵进行了具体探讨。  相似文献   

校长需要有自己的教育思想和办学理念。但校长的思想理念不同于教育理论工作者的一个显著特征,就是它的实践性与行动性,即校长必须要将自己的思想理念转化为具体的变革实践和办学行为。于是,提升“变革”能力,也就成为了提升校长的领导力、完成学校教育创新使命的又一个带有必然性的重要要求。  相似文献   

学校的全面发展取决于校长领导力,校长领导力的提升在于实现三个"转变",领导力的主要体现在于使命管理。校长的使命是办好自己的学校,核心使命是办出水平、办出特色。而认清自己的使命、不断更新办学理念、创造性思维是校长领导力提升的关键。  相似文献   

<正>校长理应是一所学校的灵魂人物,是学生健康成长、教师专业发展、学校品质提升的核心引领者。校长领导力是学校改革与创新的关键因素,校长领导力研究的理论价值和实践意义都是毋庸置疑的。根据以往的研究,我们认为,领导力就是学校根据办学定位和培养目标调动教育资源进行改革与创新从而提升办学品质的能力。学校层面的领导力由四要素构成,即目标与价值系统、育人模式系统、制度与管理系统、办学资源系统。校长个体的领导力包括战略性谋划能力、资源整合与经营能力以及领导者的人格魅力和品格等。  相似文献   

曾汝芝 《中国教师》2008,(12):58-59
<正>现代教育家陶行知先生说过:"校长是一个学校的灵魂。"校长对学校的"灵魂"作用,影响着一个学校的发展趋势,其作用不可低估。而校长在学校发挥的"灵魂"作用,又取决于他的领导力。校长的领导力如何,直接关系着一所学校的生存与发展、成功与失败。那么,如何才能提升校长的领导和管理能力,增强校长的凝聚力、影响力呢?本人结合自己工作的一点实践和思考,认为一  相似文献   

领导力建设是我国高等职业院校改革与发展中的一项重要工作,高职校长领导力的高低直接关系到学校的办学质量和办学水平、关系到学校效能的高低.本文结合辽宁城市建设职业技术学院办学实践,基于学校效能的视角,对影响高职院校效能的校长领导力的内涵、作用以及侧重培养的能力做了简要的阐述.  相似文献   

作为学校之魂,校长对课程的领导力直接决定着学校发展的潜力和特质。因此,提升课程领导力已成为校长专业发展的新使命,成为学校发展的核心竞争力。结合学校实际,我谈一下自己是如何提升课程领导力的。一、共同规划,描绘愿景作为一所从事智障教育的特殊教育学校,培养学生自尊、自信、自强、自立的精神是我们的办学宗旨。然而,随着以随班就读为主体、特教学校为骨干的特殊教育新格  相似文献   

学校行政化管理模式严重地阻碍教育事业的改革与发展,而校长任命制是产生学校行政化管理模式的重要原因。推行校长职级制不仅是党和政府对学校管理体制改革的要求,也是校长成长的自身诉求。推行校长职级制有利于促进校长专业化发展,有利于提高校长的办学治校能力,为校长成长为教育家奠定了基础。  相似文献   

This study addressed recruiting principals into low performing schools. A sample (N = 619) of principals, assistant principals, central office administrators, school counselors, and teacher-leaders from the 29th largest school district in the United States role-played as applicants for principal vacancies at schools classified as low-performing based on results of standardized student achievement tests. The study had an experimental design and involved use of a recruitment simulation. Rating jobs depicted on simulated principal recruitment announcements, principals and assistant principals rated the job highest while school counselors rated the jobs lowest. Among the teacher-leaders, teacher-administrative interns rated the job higher than did highly skilled educators or resource teachers. Implications for recruitment practice and future evaluation research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent attention to youth activism for school reform reveals positive student outcomes. Yet educators may object to the use of social actions in schools, diminishing opportunities for these benefits to accrue. This paper analyzes educators’ conceptions about the proper exercise of student voice within schools and how these coincide with activists’ tactics for school reform. The qualitative investigation rests on interviews with principals, teachers, community organizers, and students—all touched by a community-based program that encourages urban youth to organize and transform their schools. The paper seeks to bridge the perspectives of educators and activists in ways that enhance acceptance of a more robust role for students in school life.  相似文献   

中小学校长评价研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中小学校长作为学校领导者和管理者,全面负责学校工作。校长的工作水平和工作表现影响着整个学校的办学质量。我国中小学校长评价的研究尚处于起步阶段,加强对中小学校长评价目的、评价标准、评价方法及评价结果使用等方面的研究,有利于促进我国中小学校长管理制度的科学化、规范化、制度化,也是促进校长专业化进程的一项战略性措施。  相似文献   

"教育家型校长"是在教育出现转型时期发展的时代要求,其与我国当前教育改革与发展需要相符,是提升学校内涵的根本保障。文章在探讨"教育家型校长"内涵的基础上,重点对"教育家型校长"的办学思想进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   


The author examined how local charter school educators respond to the accountability measures being imposed on them. Encouraged by early indications of increased test scores, state and federal policymakers continue to support accountability as an effective means to improve schools. Surprisingly, there has been little research on local educators’ experiences with and responses to such reforms. This lack of research is striking because teachers, principals, and superintendents are directly responsible for the implementation of accountability mandates, including administering tests, teaching to the state standards, and implementing state-approved curriculum packages. In an effort to understand teachers’ and administrators’ experiences with public school accountability, the author explores how educators in 4 charter schools in Michigan understand recent accountability mandates with respect to school reform.  相似文献   


The marketisation of schools has emerged as a defining feature of the education landscape. While the role of principals and lead teachers in carrying out marketing work was investigated in the late 1990s, there has been scant evidence of how the people and practices of marketing in schools have evolved into the twenty-first century. Expanding on existing literature on educational marketing practices in schools, and through in-depth interviews with a unique sample of school marketers, this study explores the emergence of the school marketing professional. The interviews reveal the diverse backgrounds and experiences of these individuals, the transfer of their business skills into schools and the tensions in professional boundaries with educators who traditionally performed school marketing activities. Ultimately, the study furthers insights into the co-existence of educational and managerial agendas in the schools market.  相似文献   

Suburban school districts are in the midst of rapid racial/ethnic and socioeconomic diversification, although the teaching force remains much more homogenous. This article examines how educators in increasingly more diverse suburban schools conceptualize diversity. Qualitative data comes from interviews of 40 teachers, 23 principals and assistant principals, and 16 other school staff in six suburban school districts across the country. Using critical discourse analysis (van Dijk, 1993), I identify three primary discourses: an aspirational commitment to preparing students for a diverse society; color-muteness and insistence on individuality; and a deficit perspective on students from diverse racial/ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. In particular, educators perceived cultural deficits in students’ families and communities (Valencia, 2010). Finally, a small number of participants recognized structural forces that impeded the achievement of students of color. The discussion analyzes how such discourses threaten to reproduce educational inequality as suburban districts continue to diversify and concludes with recommendations for districts and schools.  相似文献   

This article explores governors’ perceptions of the role played by school principals in the democratic governance of secondary schools in South Africa. The South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996 has mandated that all public schools in South Africa must have democratically elected school governing bodies, comprised of the principal (in his or her official capacity), educators, non‐teaching staff, parents and learners, but the latter is applicable only in secondary schools. This reform is intended to foster tolerance, rational discussion and collective decision‐making. In the light of this reform an empirical study investigated the role of the principal in the school governing body (SGB), particularly in promoting parent and learner participation in SGBs. The findings highlighted the important functions that principals fulfil with regard to the functioning of the SGB. Principals are viewed by governors as playing a positive role in SGBs. Governors referred to principals as ‘the finger on the pulse of what is happening at school’; they are resource persons for other members of the SGBs and ‘the engines’ of the schools. Governors viewed the principal as in charge of the professional management of the school, ensuring that all duties are carried out adequately, setting the tone in SGB meetings, and responsible for interpreting education policies and ensuring that they are well implemented. Furthermore, principals have the responsibility of ensuring the maximum participation of both parent and learner governors in SGBs meetings. Principals can also contribute greatly to school governance issues, since they are usually at an advantage in terms of their familiarity with official regulations, provincial directives and knowledge of educational reform measures. The findings highlighted persistent power struggles in rural schools that may arise when principals overplay their roles as this creates tension among SGB members. However, principals enabled implementation of democratic values such as tolerance, rational discussion and collective decision‐making in schools through their leadership roles.  相似文献   

In an attempt to reform high schools and prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed for the 21st century, educators and policymakers have turned to programs that combine career and academic pathways. One such program, Linked Learning, has taken up the reform challenge by relying on technical adjustments, rearranging students’ schedules, and integrating career technical education (CTE) with a set of courses that support students’ eligibility for their state and university college system. Linked Learning has attempted to avoid the pitfalls often associated with an earlier vocational education model. This article reports findings from a year-long study of eight schools in five districts whose district leaders and principals have placed Linked Learning at the core of their platform for school reform. Interviews with these educators reveal that while changing the structure of students’ course schedules offered some advantages for students, school principals were challenged to keep their academic and career promises. This qualitative investigation has shown that to understand reform challenges it is essential to examine the broader school, district, and state context in which the reform is embedded. Both structural and cultural considerations must be addressed if high school reform is to more effectively support students.  相似文献   

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