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This study examines how access to academic curriculum differs between secondary schools in Australia, a country whose education system is marked by high levels of choice, privatisation and competition. Equitable access to academic curriculum is important for both individual students and their families as well as the larger society. Previous research has shown that students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are less likely to study academic curriculum than their more advantaged peers. Less is known, however, about the extent to which this pattern is related to differential provision of curriculum between schools. We found that low socio-economic schools offer students less access to the core academic curriculum subjects that are important for university entry. We also found that the breadth and depth of courses offered is related to school sector (private or public) and socio-economic context. Previous research has shown that choice and competition are inequitable because they frequently increase school social segregation and ‘cream-skimming’. Our findings show another inequitable consequence, namely that choice and competition limit access to high-status academic curriculum in working-class communities.  相似文献   

Private for-profit higher education has grown rapidly in many parts of the world. This growth is attributed to many factors, including a broadening of the student population and the recognition that wider access to higher education will be economically beneficial to individuals, governments and society as a whole. In Australia, the number of students in private for-profit higher education is rising, with dramatic projections for the next 10 years. The Australian government has set a target to increase the participation of students in higher education, with a focus on increasing the access and success of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. It is unclear, however, what role the burgeoning private for-profit institutions will play in meeting the government's targets, and what incentives will be provided for them to increase the access and participation of students from disadvantaged groups. This paper analyses the key drivers of growth in private for-profit higher education in Australia, and discusses issues around quality and standards. It examines the strengths and limitations of the sector, and the extent to which it contributes to diversity, access and the participation of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. It argues that the sector needs clear government directions to improve levels of access, and new government policies to encourage public-private collaborations to help ensure sustainability. The paper also briefly touches on the need for a review into the current structure of Australia's higher education sector as a whole, and whether higher education would benefit from the formation of public community colleges with the explicit aim of widening access for disadvantaged student groups. Further, the paper suggests that encouraging such public-private collaboration may be beneficial to ensure access and participation of students from all walks of life, including disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

India has seen an explosion in low-fee private (LFP) schooling aimed at the poorer strata of society, and this once-urban phenomenon has spread in the last decade to rural areas, with implications for equity due to the level of direct costs involved. This study explores whether or not LFP schooling in rural India is pro-poor and equitable, and finds that these schools are unaffordable to the bottom two wealth quintiles of families. This conclusion has implications for policy formation and shows that increased reliance on a market in education will not help to achieve equitable access to primary schooling for all.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the private share of tertiary enrollments and overall access, measured by the gross tertiary enrollment rate, using a cross-national dataset from 122 countries spanning 1999−2017. In contrast to the dominant assumption in international development that expanding the private sector will necessarily increase access, we find a weak association between the private share of tertiary enrollments and gross tertiary enrollment ratio globally. That said, this association is stronger when there is high demand for higher education, as proxied by secondary gross enrollment ratio and urbanization. We also find regional variation, with private higher education positively associated with access in Central and Eastern Europe and core English-speaking countries and negatively associated with access in sub-Saharan Africa, after accounting for demand factors. We argue that private higher education is only an effective policy solution for expanding access when there is high unmet demand for higher education and a conducive policy context.  相似文献   

公民社会的核心是公与私的良性互动,公与私的良性互动在于公民社会的主体--公民对于公与私关系的处理.其中公权与私权、公利与私利、公德与私德以及公民与私民之间关系的良性互动是关键.这四对关系是公民社会中每一个公民都必须面对的基本关系,也是衡量现代公民社会的标准.处理好这四对关系是每个公民对公民社会建设的贡献,也是公民社会发...  相似文献   

Despite recent evidence that students in public schools significantly outperform their private school counterparts, private schooling continues to account for approximately 40% of secondary school enrolments in Indonesia. In an effort to explain this sustained demand, we combine analyses of PISA data with in-country interviews and school visits. Ultimately, we find that although government dependent private schools are underfunded with a high proportion of uncertified, underpaid teachers (with limited access to training and professional development), demand remains high due to their focus on religious training and education, as well as their ability to increase educational access for low-income families.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have reported increasing socio-economic inequality within Australian society. This result has usually been met with public apathy and political indifference. However, the results of this research conducted in Brisbane shows that the increasing social polarisation occurring in Australian society is being reflected in an increasing educational divide or polarisation. In terms of access to private education, and use of information technology the least advantaged students are faring worse than any other students. Teachers who are committed to achieving a just society through their teaching cannot ignore this situation. This finding emphasises that teaching for social justice must not only focus on intercultural issues but also return to a position of prime importance the goal of achieving greater economic equality.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first causal estimates of the effect of children’s access to computers and the internet on educational outcomes in early adulthood, such as schooling and choice of major. I exploit cross-cohort variation in access to technology among primary and middle school students in Uruguay, the first country to implement a nationwide one-laptop-per-child program. Despite a notable increase in computer access, educational attainment has not increased; the schooling gap between private and public school students has persisted, despite closing the technology gap. Among college students, those who had been exposed to the program as children were less likely to enroll in science and technology.  相似文献   

论构建民营经济的新型劳资关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建新型的劳动与资本的和谐关系,是民营企业内部迫切需要解决的最本质、最核心的问题,对于民营企业的健康发展和全社会的和谐具有极端的重要性.当前民营经济劳资关系存在的主要矛盾和问题是劳动报酬低、劳动者权益得不到应有保障、社会保障不到位.构建民营经济新型劳资和谐关系的基本指导思想是:劳动与资本"和而不同"、"不同而和"的对立统一思想,坚持以人为本、优先扶持劳动者的思想和劳资两利、和谐共赢的思想;应抓住的主要环节是:完善劳动合同、提高签约率,尊重劳动者的平等权利、维护地位平等,公平分配、实现劳资两利,健全社会保障、共享发展成果,建立劳动争议调解机制、化解劳动纠纷,完善劳动法律法规、加强执法力度.  相似文献   

加快公共财政建设步伐,促进经济社会协调发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
消费与投资增长不协调是我国当前宏观经济中的重要问题,这个问题已成为我国经济社会协调发展的严重障碍。深入分析发现,公共财政制度不完善是这一问题产生的财政体制根源,所以,加快公共财政体制建设就成了解决这一问题的根本途径。就我国当前来说,公共财政应该尽早退出竞争性的私人产品领域,转而加大对义务教育、公共卫生、社会保障、“三农”问题、收入分配和就业问题的支持力度和调控力度。  相似文献   

This article explores the history of human capital in the United States in relation to scholarly study of the private economic returns to higher education. The focus of this study is the private economic returns to subbaccalaureate education in two-year community and technical colleges. This article argues that although there are some beneficial private rates of return to a subbaccalaureate credential in relation to having no higher education, the benefits are small and often insignificant, especially in relation to the rates of return to a baccalaureate degree. Thus, subbaccalaureate credentials are devalued economic commodities that perpetuate the inequality of U.S. society and the labor market and, therefore, subbaccalaureate education should not be seen as a means to democratize higher educational access, but more as an advanced type of secondary schooling.  相似文献   

Using data from a census of private schools in one of Lagos, Nigeria’s administrative jurisdictions, this paper explores the linkages between a heterogeneous sector of private schools and issues of school access, affordability, quality, and ultimately social mobility for households at the bottom of the income distribution. Although a large private education market has buoyed Lagos’s growth towards near-universal primary enrolment, this heterogeneous school sector appears to be providing socially stratifying paths towards educational attainment. We apply Lucas’s theory of effectively maintained inequality to assess the extent to which access to higher quality education services within the private sector is determined by cost. We find that higher-cost private schools provide students with greater opportunities to study in institutions with higher quality inputs and increased potential for progression within the educational system. As such, it is highly likely that these schools are primarily accessible to students at the upper ends of the income distribution.  相似文献   

当前就业压力巨大依然是社会矛盾的焦点,而如何提高民办高校学生的就业市场的竞争力是每个民办高校教育者关心的问题。在民办高校微观层次,如班级管理可以依据社会多维需求,诸如:心理适应、认知社会、岗位责任、制度遵守以及综合能力等,培养和提升学生就业、择业和创业的竞争力。班级管理的准企业化管理模式尝试不失为一条有效的途径。  相似文献   

拾遗补缺创办特色——我国民办学校发展的战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国“政教合一”的传统,使公立学校严重挤压了私立学校的发展空间,直接影响了私立学校的发展基础。民办学校应在广阔的教育供求领域,“拾”公立学校之“遗”,“补”公立学校之“缺”,为社会提供不同于公立学校的“另类选择”。  相似文献   

Given the frequent critiques of elite universities for admitting low numbers of state school graduates and, more recently, British Afro‐Caribbean students, how do students attending those universities make meaning of the admissions process? Through an analysis of 46 one‐on‐one in‐depth interviews with undergraduates attending Oxford University, we show that students believe in the fairness of the admissions process, while lamenting the lack of opportunities for educational advancement faced by some disadvantaged youth in British society. Despite their understanding that many British youth do not have access to educational experiences that make Oxbridge an attainable goal, most students do not support changes to make access more equitable across class or racial/ethnic lines. This perspective, which legitimates the status students gain through matriculation at an elite university, supports the maintenance of unequal access to an Oxford education despite the advantages that education is known to confer to graduates. The findings demonstrate elites acknowledging the disadvantages of particular groups in society without acknowledging their own advantages in the same system. They do so by recognizing two elements of merit: (1) intelligence, which most students assumed led to their own admission; and (2) cultivation of that intelligence, which requires elite secondary schools and which most students see as disadvantaging particular groups in society. In the paper we highlight differences in meaning‐making between graduates of grammar, comprehensive and private schools.  相似文献   

和谐社会是个人幸福与整体协调有机统一的社会。一个社会具有私心和公心这两个要素就能使社会达到和谐状态。将从私心和公心的相互作用及运行机制来论证“两心”是构成和谐社会之根本。  相似文献   

科技劳动在现代经济社会中彰显出越来越重要的作用,已经成为当代劳动方式的核心内容和经济增长的决定性因素。在商品经济社会中,科技劳动是私人劳动和社会劳动的矛盾统一体。在这个矛盾统一体中,科技私人劳动向社会劳动的转化显得异常困难,呈现出复杂和多样的特征,并在其中潜含着理论上和实践中都迫切需要解决的众多问题。在深入分析科技私人劳动向社会劳动转化的复杂多样性之基础上,将潜含于其中的各种问题彰显出来,以便有针对性地采取相应的对策,具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

王林 《许昌学院学报》2005,24(6):140-142
“公民合法的私有财产不受侵犯”的概念第一次写入社会主义国家的宪法,反响强烈。我国应进一步从财产所有权客体的保护、协调私人财产权益和公共利益的关系等方面完善私人财产的法律保护。保护私有财产,对于规制政府的权力、坚持和完善我国的基本经济制度、推进依法治国、实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标以及公民人格的完善,意义重大。  相似文献   

The distribution of children in different school-types and regions in Pakistan suggests that access and opportunities in education are not evenly accessible for many children. Segregation at school level is an important concern for equity and social justice because the adverse effects of segregation increase the pre-existing gap in opportunities between rich and poor, preventing the disadvantaged children from equal access to better life and success opportunities. This paper presents an analysis of segregation by poverty and pupil performance between schools, with a comparison of private and government schools in Pakistan. The data obtained for this study is from the Annual Status of Education Report 2014 survey of households and schools. The analysis includes 27,979 children aged 5–16 years for whom the information could be linked with their schools, and parents’ socio-economic status. Segregation levels have been assessed using the Gorard Segregation Index. The results show that segregation by academic performance is higher than segregation by poverty, and segregation by poverty is higher in the private sector compared to government schools, whereas segregation by performance is greater in the government schools. A regional level analysis shows that segregation in urban areas is higher in both school types compared to rural areas. In addition to insisting on full attendance for children of school age, the government should work towards decreasing segregation in the state sector, perhaps also involving an increase in the number of schools maintained, and therefore reducing the need for cheap private provision.  相似文献   

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