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This paper aims to explain the implementation of blockchain technology in the production and supply chain delivery system for eggs from farm to consumer by a company based in the Midwestern USA. One of the primary research questions answered is how blockchain can be utilized and applied to more accurately and transparently move goods through global supply chains. This company is at the forefront of developing such systems for use in industry, and a use case for egg distribution is detailed. The goal is to track products from farm to fork using blockchain and internet of things (IoT) enabled technologies. By creating traceable and transparent supply chains for food, consumers can attain the information they need to make informed choices about the food they buy and the companies they support. For stakeholders in the food supply chain, having traceability and transparency builds better relationships with their customers, increases efficiency, and reduces the risk and cost of food recalls, fraud, and product loss. The blockchain technology and this business are creating a case for fixing and transforming the world’s food system.  相似文献   

盛守一 《情报科学》2021,39(7):162-168
【目的/意义】构建基于区块链技术的供应链信息资源共享模型,突破供应链交易过程中存在的信息不对 称瓶颈,实现去中介的互信交易。【方法/过程】基于区块链的智能合约、分布式账本、共识机制等技术提出供应链信 息资源共享模型。采用设计科学研究理论,基于区块链技术对信息资源共享平台系统原型进行了深入探讨。【结 果/结论】深化区块链技术在供应链管理领域的实践应用,提供了一个弹性、可移植的多方共享并参与维护的信息 资源共享平台,供应链企业通过信息资源共享平台有效减少信息不对称,提高供应链运行效率。【创新/局限】将区 块链技术和供应链相结合,深化了区块链理论在供应链管理领域的应用。拥堵问题可能导致本系统的效率较低, 第三方信息交易平台同系统的接口还需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

Food safety is a public health issue of paramount importance. In this regard, blockchain has emerged as a promising technology that allows users to effectively and efficiently record the origin and flow of products and eliminate or reduce harmful food fraud. Consumers can benefit from this development by receiving up-to-date and verifiable information about the origins and delivery routes of their purchases. Drawing on signaling theory and the results of two experimental studies with 151 and 152 participants, respectively, we investigate how the use of blockchain to trace food products impacts consumers’ perception of product quality as a mediating variable and subsequently their purchase intention. Our framework further considers brand familiarity as a moderating variable. The findings from the two experiments show that blockchain labels as a signaling mechanism in food supply chains help to strengthen consumers’ perceived quality of food products, which, in turn, increases their purchase intention. This effect is more pronounced for less familiar brands, which is valuable information for managers who want to build a brand’s reputation. From an academic perspective, we highlight the applicability of signaling theory to identify blockchain-based traceability systems as important drivers of perceived product quality and consequently purchase intention.  相似文献   

As time went on, technological progress inevitably altered our daily routines. Many new technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and cryptocurrency, offer revolutionary possibilities. To put it simply, the blockchain is a distributed, public, and auditable database that can be used to record financial transactions. The IoT, or “Internet of Things,” is a system of interconnected electronic devices that can communicate with one another and be remotely monitored and handled. This paper reviews the most recent findings in the field of blockchain and Internet of Things with the goal of examining blockchain as a possible answer to secure IoT data management within supply networks. There is a dearth of literature in the early stages of both blockchain and IoT study because they are such novel topics. The study's findings suggest that in order to improve their leadership quality to intentionally impact employee performance, industry managers should pay attention to human resource management indicators like collaboration, involvement, actualization, perception, and teamwork. This is primarily because of the inherent limitations of IoT devices and the distributed ledger architecture of the blockchain technology. There is potential for IoT to provide many advantages if blockchain capabilities can be optimized for it.  相似文献   

During coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) the number of fraudulent transactions is expanding at a rate of alarming (7,352,421 online transaction records). Additionally, the Master Card (MC) usage is increasing. To avoid massive losses, companies of finance must constantly improve their management information systems for discovering fraud in MC. In this paper, an approach of advancement management information system for discovering of MC fraud was developed using sequential modeling of data depend on intelligent forecasting methods such as deep Learning and intelligent supervised machine learning (ISML). The Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM), Logistic Regression (LR), and Random Forest (RF) were used. The dataset is separated into two parts: the training and testing data, with a ratio of 8:2. Also, the advancement of management information system has been evaluated using 10-fold cross validation depend on recall, f1-score, precision, Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Receiver Operating Curve (ROC), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Finally various techniques of resampling used to forecast if a transaction of MC is genuine/fraudulent. Performance for without re-sampling, with under-sampling, and with over-sampling is measured for each Algorithm. Highest performance of without re-sampling was 0.829 for RF algorithm-F score. While for under-sampling, it was 0.871 for LSTM algorithm-RMSE. Further, for over-sampling, it was 0.921 for both RF algorithm-Precision and LSTM algorithm-F score. The results from running advancement of management information system revealed that using resampling technique with deep learning LSTM generated the best results than intelligent supervised machine learning.  相似文献   

The economic development of rural India requires connecting remote villages to local and global supply chains. Yet, high rates of financial exclusion inhibit rural Indians from participating in these supply networks. We review the literature on financial inclusion, adoption, and blockchain in India, and posit that to resolve financial exclusion, the four challenges of geographical access, high cost, inappropriate banking products, and financial illiteracy need to be overcome. Next, we argue that blockchain technologies hold the potential to overcome most of these challenges. However, for blockchain technologies to become the cornerstone of financial inclusion initiatives, an understanding of technology adoption in India is needed. To guide the development of such understanding, we develop a research agenda on the antecedents of adoption, adoption patterns, and outcomes of adoption. Answering these research questions will lead to a nuanced understanding of adoption of blockchain-based technologies in rural India. The practical contribution of this paper is the discussion of how blockchain can alleviate the issue of financial exclusion in rural India, thereby providing a basis for a solution that could connect rural Indians to global supply chain networks. The theoretical contribution lies in the identification of knowledge gaps that should be answered to achieve financial inclusion of rural Indians.  相似文献   

Theoretical, empirical and anecdotal evidence suggests that there are more violations of sustainability principles in supply chains in developing countries than in developed countries. Recent research has demonstrated that blockchain can play an important role in promoting supply chain sustainability. In this paper we argue that blockchain’s characteristics are especially important for enforcing sustainability standards in developing countries. We analyze multiple case studies of blockchain projects implemented in supply chains in developing countries to assess product quality, environmental accounting and social impact measurement. We have developed seven propositions, which describe how blockchain can help address a number of challenges various stakeholders face in promoting sustainable supply chains in developing countries. The challenges that the propositions deal with include those associated with an unfavorable institutional environment, high costs, technological limitations, unequal power distribution among supply chain partners and porosity and opacity of value delivery networks.  相似文献   

周耀 《现代情报》2019,39(4):94-102
[目的]智慧图书馆建设是一项综合性系统工程,融合了诸多学科和各类先进技术。区块链技术作为当今最具颠覆性的新技术,图书馆必须努力学习掌握,积极构建"区块链+"图书馆应用系统,从而加快推动图书馆智慧化建设。[内容]文章介绍了区块链技术及其核心价值,详细分析了区块链技术在智慧图书馆建设中的应用优势,最后设计了4个基于区块链技术的智慧图书馆应用系统。[方法]采用了文献调研法和比较分析法对区块链技术在图书馆智慧服务中的应用可行性进行了研究,并对新老应用系统进行了比较分析。[成果/结论]区块链技术具有数据稳定、共识机制、去中心化的3大主要特征,能够有效解决传统图书馆在信息收集、存储安全和信息传播等方面的难题,是构建智慧图书馆的一项关键性技术。区块链技术在我国图书馆的实际应用中还存在许多不足,需要我国图书馆界持续不断的学习与改革,以期与其他区块链产业的快速发展相同步。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]结合区块链理念和技术特性,提出去中心化的竞争情报分布式管理,以提升竞争情报的安全可靠性,为组织竞争情报工作提供决策参考。[方法/过程]通过运用理论研究和模型构建的方法,分析了区块链技术与竞争情报管理的契合关系,设计了基于区块链的竞争情报分布式管理体系,构建了基于区块链的竞争情报分布式管理模式,并提出了基于区块链的竞争情报分布式管理策略。[结果/结论]在信息技术快速发展的时代,基于区块链的分布式管理模式可以为组织竞争情报提供安全保障,也更有利于竞争情报管理和组织战略决策的制定。  相似文献   

Traceability of ingredients in food supply chains has become paramount in a world in which markets become global, heterogeneous, and complex and in which consumers expect a high level of quality. The food supply chain consists of many organizations having different interests and are often reluctant to share traceability information with each other. Blockchain has been advocated for improving traceability by providing trust. Yet, practice proved to be more stubborn. The goal of this paper is to identify boundary conditions for sharing assurance information to improve traceability. Four cases in the food supply chain have been investigated using a template analysis of 16 interviews. Eighteen boundary conditions categorized in business, regulation, quality and traceability categories have been identified. Some boundary conditions were found in all supply chains, whereas others were found to be supply chain specific. Standardization of traceability processes and interfaces, having a joint platform and independent governance were found to be key boundary conditions before blockchain can be used. Our findings imply that supply chain systems have first to be modified and organizational measures need to be taken to fulfill the boundary conditions, before blockchain can be used successfully.  相似文献   

"区块链"是一种新兴技术,从本质上来看,区块链相当于分布式账本,与其他技术相比,区块链有着中心化、不可篡改等多种显著优势。目前来看,区块链人才供应紧缺,特别是旅游管理行业大都是以周边行业人才流入作为主要的人才招纳方式,复合型人才匮乏。基于此,本文首先就当前高职旅游管理专业人才培养现状进行了简单分析,而后提出了"区块链"理论下高职旅游管理专业人才培养的几点策略,期望为后续工作人员提供一些参考意见。  相似文献   

针对现有航运指数编制方法中缺乏航线指数、实时综合指数和样本收集具有局限性的问题,提出一种基于区块链的航运指数新编制方法.首先利用区块链的开放共识和智能合约的去信任、自执行等特点设计可按需部署的航线指数和计算具有即时性的航运综合指数;然后基于区块链扩充指数计算所需的运价数据,在数据采集过程中设计了基于token的激励机制和区块链中航运企业和货主的成对报价模式,并利用博弈模型验证其有效性,解决新方法衍生的缺乏激励和数据造假的问题;最后描述基于区块链的航运指数编制方法整体框架及航运运价数据上链流程.  相似文献   

Blockchain technology provides us a new tool to solve the product traceability problem in supply chain management. This research focuses on the cross-border e-commerce context, to propose a blockchain-based framework, and develop a set of corresponding techniques and methods for achieving traceable products and transactions in supply chain management. A general blockchain-based product traceability framework is introduced. This framework is based on a cross-border e-commerce supply chain context, incorporating a series of blockchain-based models, including multi-chain structure model, data management model and block structure model. Several core methods and algorithms are also developed, such as information anchoring method, key distribution method, information encryption algorithm and anti-counterfeiting method. The framework, models and methods form a complete and comprehensive solution, which are evaluated by applying to several typical problems and attack cases. The case analysis results show that the framework, models and methods can successfully deal with key recover problem, and protect against clone attack, counterfeit tag attack and counterfeit product attack. The effectiveness, extendibility, security, implementation and governance issues of applying these solutions are also discussed. This research contributes to the theoretical and practical literatures on blockchain technology, cross-border e-commerce and supply chain management research fields.  相似文献   

Blockchain technology is said to have a high disruptive potential and can do without an intermediary. Numerous contributions deal with its impact on and possibilities for logistics and supply chains. In this article, we use a multiple case analysis to develop an explanatory model for the interaction of actors in an operational supply chain involving blockchain technology. In addition, we show which intermediary tasks the blockchain could replace and what impact this would have on the industry logic. For this purpose, we analyze the status quo in practice based on a multiple case study with real use cases and find answers to our research questions. The findings of the paper include (1) insights into the impact of blockchain technology on the logistics industry, and (2) the implications and research questions related to blockchain technology and the impact of blockchain technology on business models.  相似文献   

The healthcare industry suffers from poor interoperability due to its fragmented communication systems. Each medical institution has a communication system that is not necessarily compatible with the other systems on the same network. Poor communication has serious implications for patients, resources, and costs. The literature proposes blockchain technology as a governance data management system that optimizes the flow of information between multiple organizations by providing a trust component. However, much of the literature is conceptual and addresses blockchain in healthcare in a very general way. This paper contributes to the literature by presenting the use of Hyperledger Fabric in healthcare to improve information flow and solve the fragmentation problem between two medical institutions. In addition, two rate controllers on Hyperledger Caliper are used to evaluate the performance of our network: fixed and linear. We believe that our work will be useful for those working in value chains in healthcare and academia.  相似文献   

信息技术为图书馆资源建设提供了显而易见的有利条件。图书馆要充分把握图书馆用户需求主体日益增加、需求内容趋向多元、需求结构逐步改善等多种特点,把握大数据、云计算、全媒体、区块链、移动互联网等多种技术和手段的特点和内容,利用这些信息技术来优化馆藏资源配置、改善读者阅读体验、提升人技融合能力。图书馆要充分利用大数据和云计算技术,凭借移动互联网技术的支持和全媒体技术的有效运用,并借助区块链技术,有力推动图书馆资源的稳步建设和持续发展。  相似文献   

Blockchain technologies have captured the imagination of scholars, managers, and practitioners around the world. It is widely accepted by these actors that blockchain is not a buzzword, but a highly disruptive technology that is already remodeling the organizations and their supply chain business models. Despite the meaningful advance in the last years, blockchain applications regarding the operations and supply chain management (OSCM) are still in their infancy. Little is known about the role of blockchain in terms of operations traceability, as well in areas such as e-commerce, agriculture, public services, etc. Therefore, this Special Issue seeks to extend our understanding of blockchain applications in OSCM and how firms create and capture business value with blockchain. To this effect, this Special Issue will provide a well-articulated and in-depth discussion of the role of blockchain in creating value in the domain of OSCM. Specifically, it is expected that more light is shed on how blockchain integrates with and impacts new business models, transforms relationships, and improves performance and competitive advantage in OSCM. Also, the evolution of blockchain was reviewed in order to provide a strong background to the readers. The literature review was performed taking into account a bibliometric perspective of blockchain-related publications. The review supports the importance of this Special Issue by highlighting the urgent needs of this topic in this reputable journal. Finally, we provide future research directions and a guide for the papers presented in this Special Issue.  相似文献   

The use of machine learning for recruitment has become one of the main themes in human resources ever since machine learning software investigated the first recruitment software and discovered that utilizing technology improves their effectiveness at work, speed, and makes the process simpler. In order to better handle employee files, profiles, turnover, data analytics, and the creation of electronic personal data sheets for government service records, a human resource information system that incorporates machine learning has been created. Using a supervised machine learning technique, it was designed to foresee staff turnover. From a theoretical perspective, machine learning apps may be able to perform the same tasks as HR specialists, if not better or faster. Supporting HR professionals in becoming a true business partner and providing them with accurate and reliable advice, the interaction between HR professionals and line top management believes that the HR professionals still has surplus over machine learning, alone. Human resources methods and the significance of machine learning are the primary focus of this paper. This paper's three goals are to (1) determine how much of an impact Machine learning can have on the organization's recruitment procedures, (2) examine the extent to which this technology has been adopted, and (3) examine the frequency with which complaints have been lodged during these crucial exercises.  相似文献   

基于区块链采用成本的考虑,构建电商平台主导、农企跟随的两阶段博弈模型,通过对比区块链技术应用前后批发价、零售价等决策变量以及农企和电商平台的利润变化,探究采纳区块链技术对批发价、零售价的影响,并找到在采用区块链技术情况下电商平台和农企均受益的路径。研究表明,电商平台采纳区块链技术会导致农企提升批发价,产品零售价也随之增加,同时产品需求量也增大;然而,采纳区块链技术的电商平台和农企却并不一定能实现双赢,只有满足农企学习效率为高水平或农企学习效率和电商平台的追溯效率均为低水平时,采纳区块链技术可使农企和电商平台共同受益;反之,采纳区块链技术只能使电商平台受益。因此,农企应根据自身学习效率的高低理智地作出相应决策。  相似文献   

A Survey on Blockchain for Information Systems Management and Security   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blockchain technologies have grown in prominence in recent years, with many experts citing the potential applications of the technology in regard to different aspects of any industry, market, agency, or governmental organizations. In the brief history of blockchain, an incredible number of achievements have been made regarding how blockchain can be utilized and the impacts it might have on several industries. The sheer number and complexity of these aspects can make it difficult to address blockchain potentials and complexities, especially when trying to address its purpose and fitness for a specific task. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of applying blockchain as a service for applications within today’s information systems. The survey gives the reader a deeper perspective on how blockchain helps to secure and manage today information systems. The survey contains a comprehensive reporting on different instances of blockchain studies and applications proposed by the research community and their respective impacts on blockchain and its use across other applications or scenarios. Some of the most important findings this survey highlights include the fact that blockchain’s structure and modern cloud- and edge-computing paradigms are crucial in enabling a widespread adaption and development of blockchain technologies for new players in today unprecedented vibrant global market. Ensuring that blockchain is widely available through public and open-source code libraries and tools will help to ensure that the full potential of the technology is reached and that further developments can be made concerning the long-term goals of blockchain enthusiasts.  相似文献   

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