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通过对2000年悉尼奥运会,2003年巴塞罗那世界游泳锦标赛以及2005年南京十运会三次游泳比赛的分段成绩、参赛女子运动员的年龄的分析、各主要技术参数(包括出发、转身、途中、划频、划幅、游速等)的比较,分析当今中外优秀女子400m、800m自由泳选手的技战术特点,了解我国选手与世界优秀选手的差距,明确赶超的目标,寻找突破的方向,为我国今后在女子长距离自由泳项目上的发展提供技术参数和参考建议。  相似文献   

我国女子速度滑冰1 000 m比赛后程降速是制约其运动成绩提高的重要因素。运用现场录像与计时方法、文献资料法和问卷调查法,对我国女子速度滑冰1 000 m项目的运动员后程降速主要原因进行调查、分析。认为教练员的训练理论知识水平,训练过程的科学化监控程度,运动员的体能,比赛的技战术能力和心理素质是运动员比赛中后程降速的主要原因。提出提高教练员执教水平,加强运动员综合素质,科学监控训练过程与进行针对性的体能训练,丰富和完善对我国女子速度滑冰的理论研究等建议与对策,提高女子速滑运动水平。  相似文献   

选择2010年冬奥会周期前后的国内外优秀女子短距离速滑运动员于静、王北星、李相花和沃尔夫作为研究对象,结合荷兰Heerenveen、哈尔滨冰上基地数字化冰场所采集的相关比赛滑跑速度信息,分析500 m项目优秀女子速滑短距离选手弯道滑跑速度特征。探讨了国内外优秀女子速滑短距离选手在弯道滑跑速度特征方面的差异,重点分析我国优秀速滑短距离选手于静在2009~2011年弯道滑跑速度特征的变化,旨在进一步认识女子短距离速滑运动员500 m弯道滑跑技战术特点,为深入探讨速滑短距离项目弯道技战术问题提供参考依据。  相似文献   

中外优秀网球女子运动员技战术特征比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用录像观察法,对2008年温网大威廉姆斯、郑洁全部比赛的相关数据进行统计与分析。在总结现代网球发展趋势的基础上,比较中外优秀网球女子选手技战术特征,进一步明确我国女子网球技战术发展方向和技术风格。以期提高我国女子网球竞技水平,缩短与世界网球强国的差距。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法、录像观察法、数理统计法等,对目前世界排名前五位的女子网球选手在2012年温网和2013年澳网比赛中的比赛数据进行研究,分析几位选手的技战术特点,总结目前世界女子网球技战术的发展趋势,为女子网球运动的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:通过探索我国女子三人篮球运动项目自身独特的比赛负荷特征,为我国女子三人篮球运动的训练与比赛提供理论和实践参考,指导训练和比赛,以期提升我国女子三人篮球的竞技水平。方法:使用SIMI Scout技战术分析系统和Polar Improve系统,测量和分析我国女子三人篮球队在国际比赛、队内比赛和对抗训练中的运动负荷。结果:在国际比赛中,我国优秀女子三人篮球运动员的单位时间跑动距离要显著低于同场竞技的外国选手;国内比赛中成年优秀选手与青年选手在单位时间跑动距离上没有明显差异;我国优秀女子三人篮球运动员在国际比赛和队内比赛中的单位时间跑动距离也没有明显差异。我国优秀女子三人篮球运动员在正式比赛中的最大心率和平均心率均显著性高于对抗训练,最小心率则无明显差异。在不同速度区域的跑距占比分析中,比赛和对抗训练的跑距占比均随着速度的提升而下降;在速度区1和速度区2中,正式比赛的跑距占比要显著高于对抗训练,而在速度区3和速度区4中,比赛的跑距占比则要显著低于对抗训练。结论:我国优秀三人女子篮球运动员国际大赛中的运动负荷要低于国际高水平运动员;可根据对抗训练和正式比赛的运动负荷特征,对对抗训练的运动负荷进行调整,以期达到正式比赛的预期运动负荷。  相似文献   

中国、韩国女子短道速滑选手技战术特点的对比剖析   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1  
朱红 《冰雪运动》2006,(3):15-16,35
以2006年冬奥会及短道世锦赛赛实况与成绩为研究案例,全面客观求实地分析中国、韩国女子短道选手在500m、1000m单项比赛的竞争格局态势,技战术特点、实力对比等,目的在于为我国短道速滑今后的科学训练后备人才培养提供可参考的理论依据。  相似文献   

通过对我国女子橄榄球国家队在第十六届亚运会比赛中与哈萨克斯坦队、泰国队、香港队技战术的比较分析,借鉴哈萨克斯坦、泰国以及香港等队的经验,结合我国女子橄榄球队的实际情况,研究提高我国女子橄榄球技战术能力的发展对策,为我国女子橄榄球队训练和比赛提出科学的理论依据. 1研究对象与方法 1.1研究对象 广州亚运会女子橄榄球前四强哈萨克斯坦、中国、泰国、香港队.  相似文献   

G821.19 9904807我国女子竞走运动员技术发展探析[刊,中,B]/李春秀//青海体育科技.-1997.-23(1—2).-22-23参3(TT)竞走//女子//技术//战术//发展史文章从竞走运动的发展史,阐述了我国竞走运动员的技战术状况,从比赛与训练等方面对我国优秀竞走选手在技术等方面做了较详细的阐述。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、录像观察、三段指标等方法,对李晓霞在第52届世界乒乓球锦标赛的录像进行技战术量化统计,对李晓霞在发抢、接抢及相持段的技战术运用情况进行分析研究,以期为优秀女子乒乓球选手日后的训练和比赛提供参考依据.  相似文献   

分析讨论了高原高度、气候条件对速滑运动员训练的影响;高原训练对速滑运动员身体机能的影响;速滑运动员高原训练方法及模拟手段;速滑运动员高原训练结束后至参赛间隔时间等问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the anthropological status of elite male and female speed skaters, who were members of the 1985-7 Canadian national teams. The data were compared to those for a control group of University students. The subjects were 8 males and 6 females between 19 and 27 years of age. Nine breadth, 14 girth, 16 length and 15 skinfold measurements were used to compute parameters of body build and the composition; corrected diameters, masses, volumes and fat-free volumes of the upper arm, forearm, thigh and calf. The speed skaters were found to be similar in body height and mass (males: 178 +/- 7.6 cm and 75.5 +/- 5.5 kg, females: 165.8 +/- 3.8 cm and 62.3 +/- 5.8 kg) to the student controls, but they had relatively and absolutely shorter legs and longer trunks. The speed skaters had a lower amount of body fat and higher FFM than their respective student controls and significantly greater relative (P less than or equal to 0.01) and absolute (P less than or equal to 0.05) total muscle mass. Analysis of composition within segments indicated that the additional muscle mass is located entirely in the lower extremity. The volume and mass of the thigh was greater (P less than or equal to 0.01 for the males) than that of the respective controls while the estimated volume of fat was lower. The female speed skaters were found to have more fat on their thigh than either the male speed skaters or male controls. The corrected diameter and mass of the thigh were greater (with respect to the sex) than those reported for 400 m sprinters, marathon runners, cross-country skiers and figure skaters. The results of the initial assessment were compared to the two consecutive tests of the men's team (conducted 8 and 12 months later) and to one repeated test of the women's team (3 months later). Changes were recorded in skinfold measurements and the muscle component of the thigh.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the anthropological status of elite male and female speed skaters, who were members of the 1985–7 Canadian national teams. The data were compared to those for a control group of University students. The subjects were 8 males and 6 females between 19 and 27 years of age. Nine breadth, 14 girth, 16 length and 15 skinfold measurements were used to compute parameters of body build and the composition; corrected diameters, masses, volumes and fat‐free volumes of the upper arm, forearm, thigh and calf. The speed skaters were found to be similar in body height and mass (males: 178 ± 7.6 cm and 75.5 ± 5.5 kg, females: 165.8 ± 3.8 cm and 62.3 ± 5.8 kg) to the student controls, but they had relatively and absolutely shorter legs and longer trunks. The speed skaters had a lower amount of body fat and higher FFM than their respective student controls and significantly greater relative (P ≤ 0.01) and absolute (P ≤ 0.05) total muscle mass. Analysis of composition within segments indicated that the additional muscle mass is located entirely in the lower extremity. The volume and mass of the thigh was greater (P ≤ 0.01 for the males) than that of the respective controls while the estimated volume of fat was lower. The female speed skaters were found to have more fat on their thigh than either the male speed skaters or male controls. The corrected diameter and mass of the thigh were greater (with respect to the sex) than those reported for 400 m sprinters, marathon runners, cross‐country skiers and figure skaters. The results of the initial assessment were compared to the two consecutive tests of the men's team (conducted 8 and 12 months later) and to one repeated test of the women's team (3 months later). Changes were recorded in skinfold measurements and the muscle component of the thigh.  相似文献   


Researchers and clinicians have suggested that overuse injuries to the lower back and lower extremities of figure skaters may be associated with the repeated high impact forces sustained during jump landings. Our primary aim was to compare the vertical ground reaction forces (GRFs) in freestyle figure skaters (n = 26) and non-skaters (n = 18) for the same barefoot single leg landing on a force plate from a 20 cm platform. Compared with non-skaters, skaters exhibited a significantly greater normalised peak GRF (3.50 ± 0.47 × body weight for skaters vs. 3.13 ± 0.45 × body weight for non-skaters), significantly shorter time to peak GRF (81.21 ± 14.01 ms for skaters vs. 93.81 ± 16.49 ms for non-skaters), and significantly longer time to stabilisation (TTS) of the GRF (2.38 ± 0.07 s for skaters vs. 2.22 ± 0.07 s for non-skaters). Skaters also confined their centre of pressure (CoP) to a significantly smaller mediolateral (M–L) (25%) and anterior–posterior (A–P) (40%) range during the landing phase, with the position of the CoP located in the mid to forefoot region. The narrower and more forward position of the CoP in skaters may at least partially explain the greater peak GRF, shorter time to peak, and longer TTS. Training and/or equipment modification serve as potential targets to decrease peak GRF by distributing it over a longer time period. More comprehensive studies including electromyography and motion capture are needed to fully characterise the unique figure skater landing strategy.  相似文献   

浅谈速度滑冰的高原训练   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从运动生理学角度分析,利用高原的特殊环境,结合科学系统训练,可大幅度提高速度滑冰运动员的身体机能水平,为取得优异的比赛成绩提供身体保障。  相似文献   

从分析肌肉力量在速滑运动中的特点入手,指明少年速滑运动员的速度力量训练应有自己的特点,其训练手段和判定方法要随着年龄的增长有所不同。  相似文献   

对力量素质训练的方法进行探讨,并具体提出力量素质训练的注意事项,为青少年速滑运动员的力量训练提供参考,旨在有效提高速滑运动员的运动成绩。  相似文献   

少年短道速滑运动员生理检测与剖析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
运用现代科学仪器,对11名少年短道速滑运动员的平衡能力、心功、肺功、肌力、体脂百分率等生理指标进行了检测。为评估运动员机能水平、发展潜力、梯队建设提供多方位科学信息。  相似文献   

车毅  张颖 《冰雪运动》2001,(2):3-3,6
从儿少速滑运动员训练实践中得知,一个成才的运动员,基础训练阶段的训练内容及其训练方法、手段的科学性、合理性和可接受性是训练的主要问题。它对于优秀运动员的成长至关重要。基础训练内容包括:技术训练、冰感训练、战术训练和智能训练。教练员应结合儿少特点。从严、从难要求,进行规范化训练。  相似文献   

摄像在速滑运动教学训练及比赛中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着世界速滑运动的不断发展,每一位从事速滑研究的科研人员都在潜心研究提高运动成绩的有效训练方法和辅助手段,在众多辅助手段中,摄像是必不可少的一种,通过查阅大量文献资料,综述了摄像在速滑教学训练及比赛领域中的应用.  相似文献   

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