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当前,中国程序化购买广告产业迅速发展,程序化广告交易日益成为网络媒体和移动媒体占主导的交易模式,这对于广告产业和媒介产业未来发展将会产生深远影响。对广告产业而言,程序化购买广告产业发展无疑会使得广告投放更加精准和更加有效,广告主更倾向于选择程序化交易形式来执行数字广告投放。对媒介产业而言,传媒数字化转型为数字传媒的程序化广告交易提供了条件,未来中国数字媒体广告将会进入程序化交易市场,对于传媒产业发展既是挑战也是机遇。研究程序化购买广告产业现状及其存在的问题,并提出程序化购买广告产业的发展对策,对于处于起步期的程序化购买广告产业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

移动互联网、大数据、云计算对传统的传媒产业商业模式的完善与重塑体现为:移动互联网、大数据、云计算带来的媒介融合将传统的传媒产业发展格局由各自分立改变为平台式上下游一体化生态模式,由此促进了传媒产业商业模式创新;用户经营意识重塑传媒产业产品研发、制作、营销业务流程,使传媒产业商业模式得到完善;“关系”维度重要性的凸显倒逼传媒产业商业模式创新;用户需求的多样化和个性化促使传媒产业探索个性化、草根化、小众化商业模式.文章认为,互联网背景下的传媒产业商业模式完善与重塑遵循着一条从草根到主流、从边缘到中心的道路,以技术创新带动商业模式创新,用户的互动、参与、共享成为推动传媒产业商业模式创新的重要动力.  相似文献   

传媒产业的产能力量正逐步向新兴传媒一端集中,互联网已经成为指标性行业。未来10年的互联网又会发生什么变化?摩根士丹利在2009年12月发布《移动互联网报告》,认为移动互联网周期是50年来的第五个新技术周期,移动设备上网的增长势头将超过台式电脑上网,预测无线互联网的产业规模将是有线互联网的四倍。  相似文献   

许可 《传媒》2015,(12):35-37
在观念和技术层面不断更新的媒介环境下,媒介融合不仅使媒介的形态融合成为可能,更对传媒产业的发展带来了冲击和变革.媒介融合包括媒介形态的融合、媒介内容的融合以及媒介之间的融合,更包括多元化背景下的传媒与其他产业的融合.近年来中国的传媒集团都在扩展自己的经营范围和领域,使得在广告经营下滑的大环境下谋求新的经济效益点.媒介融合领域内的产业融合成为多数报业寻求发展的突破口.  相似文献   

<正>近年来,媒介融合逐渐成为学术界各专家学者探索的重点内容,媒介融合将会为我国的广播电视发展做出卓越的贡献。想要加快广播电视产业前进的步伐,广播电视的体系有必要在大传媒管理设置、广播电视属性定位等方面进行相应的改革。1广播电视媒介融合的具体模式1.1移动媒体广播手机在21世纪是与人们寸步不离的工具之一,因此,将广播与手机融合,可以在一定程度上将广播的伴随性优势和手机的便携性优势发挥出来。利用手机收听广播的形式包含两种:其一是利用手机内置的FM广播协调器,这是用手机收听广播的普遍方式;其二是在WIFI、3G、GPRS等通信技术的不断发展的过程中,借助互联网,使用手机上网的形式进行网络广播节目的收听。  相似文献   

传统的媒介组织实行内容采编和广告经营两部分相对独立的管理体制。但随着媒介融合趋势的快速发展,媒介内容和广告信息也逐渐发生了融合,从而形成了"广告内容化"和"内容广告化"的媒介新景观。这种融合业态引起了广泛的关注和深入的讨论,内容与广告该不该融合?哪些该融合?该怎么融合?融合后将会产生什么影响?清楚地回答这些问题将会对传媒产业的未来发展提供有价值的全新思路。  相似文献   

1.手机广告概述据调查,到2011年下半年,中国手机用户有望突破9亿,使用手机上网用户也赶超互联网PC用户。这是一个很值得注意的信息,手机在功能上更加强大的同时,也为广告的信息传播提供了一个很好的载体。手机这个载体拥有广阔的开发潜力。光从手机用户上网数量看,就可以为广告提供很大的媒体平台;从成本上考虑,传播成本很低;从传播速度上看也十分迅速。手机上网是广告信息传播的切入点。随着3G时代的到来,特别是苹果iphone高端智能手机风靡全球和移动终端ipad的盛行,全球范围内,智能机  相似文献   

我国移动互联网快速发展 据工信部《2013年3月份通信业经济运行情况》统计分析,截至2013年3月底,我国移动互联网用户接人数8.17亿.今年第一季度,手机上网用户继续保持高速发展态势,净增3905.8万户,总数达到7.88亿户,占移动互联网用户比重达到96.4%.无线上网卡用户增速继续放缓,净增仅10.4万户,同比增长0.7%,预计无线上网卡逐步会被手机上网用户替代,即将进入下行通道. 此外,随着3G电话用户渗透率提升,利用3G网络接入移动互联网的特点日益突出,3G网络的移动互联网接人流量占比已达50%.  相似文献   

近年来,智能移动终端的发展与普及极大地冲击着传统媒体的生存环境.以智能手机为代表的智能移动终端的优势在哪里,冲击来自何处?本文通过探讨用户对智能手机的使用与满足情况,归纳出智能移动终端的媒介优势,分析其对传统媒体所带来的危机与挑战,以及背后深层的社会发展脉络.  相似文献   

从2012年起,中国的移动互联网用户就已经全面赶超电脑互联网用户,至2016年第二季度,移动应用在社交、视频、新闻、工具以及购物领域的渗透率就已经超过50%,成为广告主最为青睐的广告投放渠道之一。甚至有市场机构预测,2016年底中国移动端广告规模将全面超越个人电脑端,占互联网广告支出的56%,2017年将进一步占到67%,达到1881.9亿元.  相似文献   

新媒体是主流媒体吗?——基于手机媒体的定量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为主流媒体的定义应该更新;通过大规模的手机用户随机电话调查并定量分析,作者认为以互联网、手机媒体为代表的新媒体已经成为了主流媒体;而且在不久的将来,手机媒体将超越第一代有线网络媒体,成为新媒体的主流。  相似文献   

本文重点阐述欧美媒介购买公司兴起的市场背景,深入分析欧美媒介购买公司全球市场运作策略及其在中国的发展战略和深层影响,并提出我国传媒业和广告业的应对策略。  相似文献   

The domestication of mobile phones and a changing articulation of academic libraries as collaborative spaces present an opportunity for digitally-mediated collaboration—or do they? The intersection between the academic library's dynamic space and governing policies and guidelines, and the omnipresent mobile phone user is examined. Data was collected through document analysis and 46 ethnographic observations and interviews. How historical precedents, communication incongruence, and a lack of user studies can result in inconsistencies between academic libraries' visions and users' information practices is illustrated. Recommendations for policy-makers and managers of hybridized information centers are made. Specifically, guidelines regarding mobile phones should be revised to reflect a more in-depth understanding of mediated collaboration through mobile phone use.  相似文献   

The UK broadcast media landscape provides an interesting context to understand and explore the competitive dynamics of media organizations. As an industry characterized by uncertainty and turbulence, this article considers the process by which broadcast media organizations develop their strategies and the type of analytical tools that they use to underpin this process. This article presents the findings of a survey of UK broadcast media executives and their views on the outlook for the UK media industry; the influence that the competitive environment has on developing media strategy; and the management tools that they use and their levels of satisfaction with these tools. It concludes that UK broadcast media is a competitive and turbulent environment, and that media strategy is developed using a number of media management tools that have varying degrees of success in terms of helping broadcast media executives to manage their media organizations in uncertain and complex conditions.  相似文献   

Objectives: This article describes a project which explored the potential for mobile technologies to give health students in the community access to learning resources. The purpose included the need to identify possible barriers students could face in using mobile technologies. Another focus was to assess the students perceptions of the importance of being able to access learning resources in the community. Methods: This 1‐year project used two main approaches for data collection. A review of the literature on mobile technologies in the health context was conducted. This was used in a systematic way to identify key issues and trends. The literature review was used to inform the design and production of a questionnaire. This was distributed to and completed by a group of community health students at Northumbria University, UK. The questionnaire was piloted and there was a 100% completion rate with 49 returned forms. Results: The literature review indicated that most mobile technology applications were occurring in the US. At the time of the review the most prevalent mobile technologies were PDAs, laptops, WAP phones and portable radios with use being concentrated around doctors in the acute sector. A range of advantages and disadvantages to the technology were discovered. Mobile technologies were mainly being used for clinical rather than learning applications. The students showed a low level of awareness of the technology but placed great importance to accessing learning resources from the community. Conclusions: Significant development and changes are taking place in mobile technologies. Since the data collection for this work was completed in 2004 podcasting and videocasting have become significant in mobile learning for health professionals. Librarians will need to address the relevance and implications of m‐learning for their practice. Care and consideration needs to be given on the time and resources librarians allocate for the necessary development work around mobile technologies. Collaboration and partnership working will be most effective approach for librarians wishing to integrate their services with m‐learning technologies.  相似文献   

产业融合对传媒产业边界产生深远的影响,主要表现在:产业融合使传媒产业内部以及传媒产业与相关产业之间的技术边界逐渐消失。在产业融合的推动下,不同媒介之间的业务出现更多的交叉互补现象,传媒产业内部各子产业之间以及传媒产业与相关产业之间的市场边界趋于模糊,整个产业结构体系将发生明显的变化。  相似文献   


The issues currently facing the book publishing industry are profound and the resolution of these issues will ultimately affect how the industry is defined in the future. One of the most important issues that the industry faces is the emergence of a whole range of new media which have created important managerial tensions within the book publishing firms. These tensions include defining what a book is in light of the multi‐dimensional content available as well as the development of new modes of delivery; whether to remain focused on producing great content or become a more technologically oriented company; and the best organizational approach. While these tensions may be viewed as creating turmoil, they have been catalysts of change and are creating opportunities that will ultimately enable the industry to regenerate its businesses, reach a new generation of readers, and create an environment that is more conducive to innovation.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 移动社交媒体环境下青少年用户的错失焦虑症(FoMO)问题愈加普遍和严重,提取出移动社交媒体环境青少年用户FoMO的关键特征,为未来构建一套稳健而实用的FoMO测量量表建立基础。[方法/过程] 采用关键事件分析和深度访谈两种质性研究方法获取原始信息资料,并利用NVivo 11软件对访谈资料进行编码,提取移动社交媒体环境下青少年用户FoMO的关键特征。[结果/结论] 从情境、目的、行为、结果和心理5个维度提取出由50个节点构成的移动社交媒体环境下青少年用户FoMO关键特征。  相似文献   

陕西省内各地的广告发展非常不均衡,各地的广告市场具有很大的差异性;推进陕西媒介体制创新、调整广告经营单位产品结构、紧密结合新兴产业、推进广告资本市场的形成等举措,将有利于陕西广告产业的持续发展.  相似文献   

手机应用于大学图书馆信息素养教育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
手机图书馆、移动学习及智能手机的发展,推动了基于手机的大学图书馆信息素养教育的开展。应用手机开展的信息素养教育可通过移动优化信息素养教育网站、音频和视频指南下载、参考咨询服务、手机二维码应用、课堂反馈系统和微博等方式实现。手机的应用使大学图书馆信息素养教育方式多样化、目的性更强,使读者能够零散化学习,提高了用户与馆员的交互性。大学图书馆应顺应发展,重构信息素养教育资源,积极探索手机信息素养教育新方式。  相似文献   

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