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国际田联意识到,世界范围内田径事业的发展是一项庞大、复杂、持续的工程。如果没有健康的基础环境,就不能保持和吸引儿童和青少年参与田径运动,更不能很好地发展其潜能。为确保每个国家都有足够的符合国际标准的教练员来促进田径运动的有效开展,同时,使每个国家、地区在不依赖外部资源的情况下培养出具有国际标准的本国教练员,国际田联发展委员会于2007年3月批准通过了5级教练员培训和认证系统。  相似文献   

教练员是田径运动发展体系中 的一个重要角色,也是国际田联发展计划长期关注的一个课题。对于许多国家田径协会而言,开发一套完善的教练员培训制度是有一定困难的。正是基于这一点的考虑,国际田联从1975年开始组织各种各样的教练员讲习班。讲习班对教练员培训起到了积极的作用,但在课程设计的合理性、讲师的资格认证以及教材的标准化方面还存在着许多不足之处。  相似文献   

德国人,1955年出生,科隆体育大学毕业,博士学位,主修专业为运动生物力学、心理学和运动科学。现任德国科隆体育大学高级教师,单项运动学院副院长,田径系主任。 利兹多夫1992年开始成为国际田联讲师,10余年来,为国际田联在各个国家及地区举办的几十个不同等级(一级、二级和高级班)的教练员培训班进行授课和培训,并多次作为课程主任负责计划与实施培训工作的各项内容。另外,他还是国际田联二级教练员培训计划专家组成员和国际田联教练员培训教材《跑跳投》一书的作者和录像带策划者之一。  相似文献   

德国人,1955年出生,科隆体育大学毕业,博士学位,主修专业为运动生物力学、心理学和运动科学。现任德国科隆体育大学高级教师,单项运动学院副院长,田径系主任。 利兹多夫1992年开始成为国际田联讲师,10余年来,为国际田联在各个国家及地区举办的几十个不同等级(一级、二级和高级班)的教练员培训班进行授课和培训,并多次作为课程主任负责计划与实施培训工作的各项内容。另外,他还是国际田联二级教练员培训计划专家组成员和国际田联教练员培训教材《跑跳投》一书的作者和录像带策划者之一。  相似文献   

德国人,1958年出生,1990年受聘于国际田联发展部,成为国际田联讲师队伍中的一员。1977-1981年,在德国科隆体育学院学习,获学士学位。1993年起任德国田协教练员培训委员会委员。1983~1988年负责德国西南部教练员培训工作,并在弗莱堡体育科学学院进行科研和组织高水平学术讲座等活动。2001年开始任瑞士田径协会顾问兼国家队教练员。  相似文献   

德国人,1958年出生,1990年受聘于国际田联发展部,成为国际田联讲师队伍中的一员。1977-1981年,在德国科隆体育学院学习,获学士学位。1993年起任德国田协教练员培训委员会委员。1983~1988年负责德国西南部教练员培训工作,并在弗莱堡体育科学学院进行科研和组织高水平学术讲座等活动。2001年开始任瑞士田径协会顾问兼国家队教练员。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈法对中国、加拿大网球教练员培训和资格认证系统进行探讨和对比.结论:独立于网协、由联邦、省政府和教练员协会组成的专门负责教练员培训的认证系统是加拿大宏观管理的最大特色.以教授对象个人需求和年龄为依据的培训等级划分、限制性的教练员技术水平准入门槛、激励性的再培训机制及突出执教和业务能力的培训内容等是加拿大网球教练员培训认证体系特色.另外,我国教练员培训和认证在管理技术、培训课程体系等方面急需改善.建议:网球主管部门应立足于项目长远发展,对教练员培训进行统一部署和规划并建立以现代技术为基础的现代管理系统.  相似文献   

<正> 1992年1月26日至2月16日在印尼首都雅加达的国际田联亚洲地区发展中心举办了国际田联讲师培训班。笔者受我国田协委派参加了那次培训。那次教练基础理论课所采用的教材是国际田联最新出版的《教练理论入门》,其中第一部分涉及并探讨了怎样成为一名成功的教练,以及教练的品质和思想方法问题,这些内容对于我国广大基层体育教师和教练员具有很好的参考和借鉴价值。现将主要内容编译、整理介绍给大家。▲教练员的职责与角色体育运动中的教练员常被描述成:对某个或某些运动员有组织地提供帮助,并使其在技术、成绩等方面得到发展和提高。有许多人都可以说对运动员提供了  相似文献   

为适应运动设施的迅速发展,满足高水平竞赛对器材及竞赛设施的高标准要求,中国田径协会(以下简称协会)依据国际田径协会联合会(以下简称国际田联)标准,参照国际田联认证体系程序制定本办法,对在中国范围内田径训练和比赛所需的器材及竞赛设施实施审定。举办国际田联田径竞赛规则(2004-2005)第一条国内1—6类所有田径项目竞赛必须使用经协会审定的器材和竞赛设施。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等方法,对我国羽毛球培训的教练员资格认证进行了研究,从认证主体、认证标准、认证过程等方面对教练员资格认证体系进行构建,以期规范现羽毛球培训市场乱象,便于国家分层管理羽毛球培训教练员,让有教学能力的培训教练员都持证上岗,保障为国家输送羽毛球后备人才的质量.为我国羽毛球培训的教练员认证提供理论依据.  相似文献   

2012年4月25-26日,"国际体育教练体系"第4次工作组会暨"亚洲体育教练:过去·现在·未来"研讨会在首都体育学院举行。本刊选登部分内容。2012年4月25-26日,国际教练教育委员会"亚洲体育教练:过去·现在·未来"研讨会(International Councilfor Coach Education Seminar‘Coaching in Asia:Past,Present and Future’)暨第4次国际体育教练体系工作组会(Meeting #4-International Sport Coaching FrameworkWorking Group)在北京首都体育学院举行。来自国际教练教育委员会(ICCE)、夏季奥林匹克项目国际单项体育联合会  相似文献   

This paper explores the approaches adopted by high-level field athletics coaches when attempting to refine an athlete’s already well-established technique (long and triple jump and javelin throwing). Six coaches, who had all coached multiple athletes to multiple major championships, took part in semi-structured interviews focused upon a recent example of technique refinement. Data were analysed using a thematic content analysis. The coaching tools reported were generally consistent with those advised by the existing literature, focusing on attaining “buy-in”, utilising part-practice, restoring movement automaticity and securing performance under pressure. Five of the six coaches reported using a systematic sequence of stages to implement the refinement, although the number and content of these stages varied between them. Notably, however, there were no formal sources of knowledge (e.g., coach education or training) provided to inform coaches’ decision making. Instead, coaches’ decisions were largely based on experience both within and outside the sporting domain. Data offer a useful stimulus for reflection amongst sport practitioners confronted by the problem of technique refinement. Certainly the limited awareness of existing guidelines on technique refinement expressed by the coaches emphasises a need for further collaborative work by researchers and coach educators to disseminate best practice.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈等方法,拟从知识经济角度对体育教练员的要求入手,针对我国现有教练员培养体系及存在的问题进行研究,从培养的目标、方法、内容及途径构建一个适合我国国情体制、科学有效的教练员培养模式,为我国竞技体育持续健康发展提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

Large-scale coach education programmes have been developed in many countries, and are presented as playing a key role in the development of coaches and the promotion of high standards. Unfortunately, however, coaches often perceive that the current system of formal coach education fails to meet their needs. Perhaps as a result, the majority of their development is personally perceived to take place via informal and non-formal means. Appropriately, therefore, there has been an increasing focus within the coaching literature on the social aspects of learning, with social constructivist perspectives receiving particular attention. Reflecting this appropriate focus, this article explores some of the potential opportunities and threats that social learning methods, such as Communities of Practice (CoP), present for coach developers. In tandem, we outline how all coaches are influenced by a set of pre-existing beliefs, attitudes and dispositions, which are largely tempered by their experiences and interactions both with and within their social ‘milieu’. We argue that, at the very least, we need to begin to understand these constructs and, if we do, the potential for coach developers to manipulate and exploit them is obvious. In conclusion, it is highlighted that whilst offering inherent challenges, CoPs and other social learning methods provide coach developers with a great opportunity and legitimate tool to change coach behaviour and raise coaching standards. Perhaps paradoxically, we also propose that formal coach education may still have a vital role to play in this process.  相似文献   

现代竞技运动智能型教练员应具备的品质与素质   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
科技的发展和高科技成果的介入 ,加快了竞技运动发展的速度 ,大大提高了运动训练的科学化程度。现代竞技运动亟需智能型教练员。论述了智能型教练员应具备强烈的敬业精神、科研意识和高智力结构 ,并分析了高智力结构的内涵。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse handball coaches’ perceptions of self-efficacy and recognition of training needs related to coaching competences according to their coaching experience, coach certification level and academic education. Two hundred and seven Portuguese handball coaches answered questionnaires that included a scale of self-efficacy and another of recognition of training needs. Data analysis started with an exploratory factorial analysis with Maximum Likelihood Factoring and Oblimin rotation. From the factors obtained, a One-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc multiple comparisons were applied. Coaches’ self-efficacy revealed coaching competences related to: annual and multi-annual planning; planning and guiding training and competition; coaching methodology; implementation of sport development projects and coach education and meta-cognitive competences. Coaches’ recognition of training needs revealed four main areas: planning and guiding training and competition; multi-annual planning; management of sports careers and coaching education and leadership. Although an independent relationship between coaches’ perceptions of self-efficacy and training needs was confirmed, they perceived themselves as having competences and highlighted training needs in all areas. Coaches’ perceptions of self-efficacy were influenced by their coach certification level, academic education and coaching experience. The study suggests that sport specificity within the social culture in addition to the precise sporting domain of action influence the perceptions of coaches about their self-efficacy and training needs as related to coaching competences and, therefore, should be considered in the coach education curriculum.  相似文献   

Collaborative action learning was undertaken in response to the growing criticisms of formal coach education. Since it is strongly felt that we can no longer merely commentate on what is not happening in terms of coach learning, a key requirement now is to demonstrate there are other options. The Coach Learning and Development (CLAD) programme was devised and implemented at a community rugby club in Wiltshire, England. The CLAD programme supported volunteers to engage more with contemporary designs for learning, acknowledging a fundamental problem with formal coach education in the way learning (and knowledge) is decontextualised. The theoretical endeavours of Basil Bernstein are introduced to Sport Coaching Research (SCR) for the first time, specifically the ‘pedagogical device’ to illustrate a process of recontextualisation. Findings suggest that the CLAD programme was successful in encouraging coaches to engage with more positive forms of coaching pedagogy. Therefore, the findings draw on the pivotal outcomes of the CLAD programme to re-configure more successful outcomes for coach education, coach learning and volunteers rights to knowledge.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(5):964-977
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among coaches’ authentic leadership and athletes’ psychological capital (PsyCap), performance satisfaction, and psychological well-being. The authors recruited 224 athletes participating in intercollegiate athletics in the United States. The results indicated that the authentic leadership of the head coaches positively influenced the athletes’ PsyCap levels. The enhanced PsyCap, in turn, positively influenced both performance satisfaction and psychological well-being. The interaction effect of student development was found in the relationship between authentic leadership and PsyCap. The findings contribute to an improved understanding of a head coach’s authentic behaviors in sport teams, and also illuminate how athletes’ performance satisfaction and psychological well-being can be augmented by PsyCap enhancement.  相似文献   

It is now widely recognized that athletes with disability compete at an elite level which parallels that experienced by non-disabled athletes. The importance of quality coaching to develop an athlete’s full potential is similarly recognized. However, research in the area of coaching athletes with disability is still lacking compared to its counterpart in non-disabled sport. This research explored the holistic experience of coaching elite athletes with disability, and therefore encompassed not only the coaches’ preconceptions, but the rewards and challenges of their coaching experience. Semi-structured interviews were held with 12 coaches of elite athletes from sports including swimming, athletics, cycling, canoeing, triathlon, equestrian sport and wheelchair basketball. The results of the study identified that, although the coaches reported their experience as being overwhelmingly positive, they were also regularly confronted with difficulties not generally faced by coaches of non-disabled athletes.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the provision of formal coach education. However, research has repeatedly demonstrated how coach education has had a limited impact on the learning and development of coach practitioners. To date however, these investigations have avoided female coach populations. Ten women football coaches who had recently completed various association football coach education courses participated in this study. Following the interpretive analysis of 10 semi-structured interviews the findings revealed high levels of gender discrimination and inappropriate cultural practice. The women's experiences are discussed in line with the Bourdieuian notions of social acceptance, symbolic language and power. The women coaches provided a number of recommendations for future coach education provision, which in turn, may help to improve the experiences for those women who participate in the coach education process.  相似文献   

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