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最近一段时间,新闻界关于“卖点新闻”的话题被越来越多地谈论和涉及,各类新闻媒体为争夺受众也越来越多地强调“卖点新闻”,以致在某种程度上出现混乱状况。尽管新闻管理部门一再告诫传媒不要一味追求“卖点新闻”,但对于有关“卖点新闻”的诸多方面并没有作出详细的界定,新闻研究领域对此也缺乏系统的论述,那么,什么是“卖点新闻”?“卖点新闻”提出的社会经济背景是什么?区分好坏“卖点新闻”的标准是什么?“卖点新闻”对媒体格局的影响如何?本文试就这些方面作一初步探讨。  相似文献   

新闻写作的产品是新闻作品。研究新闻写作的目的就是为了生产好的新闻作品,那么什么样的新闻作品才算是好的呢?这个标准是什么呢?很显然,符合和适合新闻传播的规律和要求的新闻作品才是好的新闻作品。新闻作品的五个特点就是这样提出来的。它们是:新闻作品是“易碎产品”,新闻作品是“机遇产品”,新闻作品是“组合产品”,新闻作品是“选择产品”,新闻作品是“传播产品”。  相似文献   

吴靖 《当代传播》2005,(3):29-31
新闻社会学带给我们的启示“什么是新闻?”“新闻报道与现实社会是怎样的关系?”“新闻的内容有怎样的取舍原则?”“新闻职业标准确立的历史文化条件是什么?”“新闻对受众观察世界的方式产生怎样的影响?”这些是新闻社会学要回答的问题。“新闻”作为一种有组织的社会活动,不是天然就有的,而是一定历史条件的产物。从西方历史来说,印刷术的普及和资本主义市场经济的发展是新闻事业产生的两个重要条件。随  相似文献   

什么是“实用新闻”?“实用新闻”与服务性新闻有何区别?“实用新闻”与广告的异同之处有哪些?怎样防止“实用新闻”的寻租现象?对这些问题进行理论上的探索,对于指导新闻实践具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

各种名目的“评好新闻”这两年不断涌现,令人眼花。什么水利好新闻、气象好新闻、土地管理好新闻、教育好新闻……要是开列个单子,够您瞧几分钟的。各行各业都搞起好新闻评选,利乎?弊乎?各行各业重视新闻工作,岂不是好事?但是从另一个角度讲,问题就来了。什么是“新闻”?什么又是“好新闻”?新闻界对此还终日争论不休,政府其他不从事新闻工作的官员们能担负起评好新闻的重任?难免让人生疑。难道真如那句俗话说,“旁观者清,当事者迷”吗?有人不客气地注释:什么是“行业好新闻”?就是经常为某部门说说好话,为其扬扬知名度的就是好新闻。你写篇秕评稿试试看,即使批评到“点子”上,你的文章写得再好,恐怕也评不上好新闻。笔者曾亲耳听到一位政府部门的官员放话:“我们评×××记者的稿子为×等  相似文献   

“主旋律”与多样化是我们在新闻领域使用比较广泛的一个概念,那么什么是“主旋律”?什么是多样化?在我们的新闻实践中又如何去做到“主旋律”与多样化相统一呢?这是我们新闻工作需要深入研究的一个问题。马克思列宁主义新闻理论认为,在一定的历史时期,新闻舆论要有自己的核心或基调  相似文献   

这是一位记者的答记者问:问:“你写新闻有什么诀窍?”答:“用脚底板写新闻.”问:“你最初的新闻理想是什么?实现了没有?”答:“一开始想当大记者、名记者,没想到跑了11年社区,成了百姓口中的‘胡同记者’,这不但是新闻理想的实现,更是新闻理想的超越.”问:“如果有年轻人想要做记者,你会对他说什么?”  相似文献   

什么是专题新闻,专题新闻的需求价值是什么?专题新闻的时代任务和采写中应遵循的规律是什么? 专题新闻的界定 在一般性辞典中(非新闻类的),是将“专题”解释为需要加以研究、探讨、解决的理论问题和实际问题。 那么,何为专题新闻? 笔者为专题新闻下的定义是:一种含有事件性信息。思想性信息,指向性(预见性)信息之和的复杂性信息。  相似文献   

戴志磊 《青年记者》2002,(11):34-34
“新闻落点”一词时下经常被一些新闻从业人员挂在嘴边,抢抓“新闻落点”亦成为许多业内同仁选题策划的常见操作方式。那么,什么是“新闻落点”?其内涵、外延如何界定?“新闻落点”首先是新闻事实。我们知道,世间万物都是在不断变化运动的。按照新闻传播学的理论,新闻所传播的是具有新意的事实,就是指当事物的变动由“普通事实”变化为“新闻  相似文献   

在新闻改革中,提倡提高新闻的服务性。怎样才能增强新闻的服务性呢?以我之见,必须通过学会写好和多写“服务性新闻”,才能使新闻的服务性功能得到有效的发挥。什么叫“服务性新闻”呢?从狭义上讲,凡是在人们物质生产和享受、精神生产和享受中,带有服务性成分的新闻,就叫“服务性新闻”,它与“指导性新闻”是相对而言的;从广义上讲,就是为人们的物质生产和享受、精神生产和享受而服务,它符合新闻的本质和党的新闻事业的性质、任务和功能。这里主要从广义的角度上来谈谈“服务性新闻”的写法问题。首先,要把“服务性新闻”看作是一个新闻内容的品种,而不是一个新闻体裁的类型。所以,它的写作,可以根据不同内容运用所有新闻的体裁形式,甚至包括新闻评论在内。其次,要把指导性的服务新闻放在第一位去写。中央领导同志指出:“用事实教育人、鼓舞  相似文献   


Thirty years ago, fake news was resigned to tabloids at the grocery store. Now, fake news is often more convincing than real news. Many library users lack the appropriate skills to discern between what is real and what is not, and many more get their information from social media memes. When memes are more effective than actual news, what can librarians do to teach information literacy? Librarians can use memes to promote information literacy; they can even create their own!  相似文献   

刘庆的长篇小说《长势喜人》无论在内容还是形式上都明显地借鉴了新闻写作特点,体现着独特的叙事意义。他的创作欲望源于新闻敏感,小说素材源于新闻事件,认真负责的创作态度源于新闻职业;同时小说中简洁的语言、冷静的叙述、平民化视角也都与新闻写作有关。  相似文献   

This essay examines television news treatments of stay-at-home dads (Mr. Moms)during the late 1990s and argues that these news accounts represent a challenge to more traditional masculine identities depicted in media. While offering a nominal challenge, however, these representations reinscribe significant aspects of patriarchal privilege within domestic space. Through a combination of discursive strategies compatible with the commercial needs of contemporary media organizations, television news programs' Mr. Moms operate ideologically to legitimate domesticity and nurturance as appropriately masculine. In so doing, they challenge some traditional notions about men while further solidifying a connection between these men and heterosexuality in the context of mainstream television news representations of middle-class family life in the contemporary United States. This process of legitimating nurturance and domesticity also and concurrently reverses the genders long articulated to particular advertising target segments within the commodity broadcast audience. This representational process reifies and naturalizes the class specificity of these Mr. Moms while it fuels television's continual need to produce and satisfy new audience niches in order to survive and compete in the media environment of today.  相似文献   

吴锋 《编辑之友》2018,(5):48-54
算法新闻是运用智能算法工具自动生产新闻并实现商业化运营的过程、方法或系统.它是21世纪新闻传播领域一场全新的范式革命,不仅是对传统新闻传播方式的颠覆,更是新闻传播观念的重要突破.算法新闻的发展经历了理论孕育、技术探索和初步应用三个阶段.目前发达国家的算法新闻正从窄领域转向宽领域应用、从格式化转向个性化应用、从个案转向规模化应用、从低层次转向高质量应用、从低难度转向高难度应用、从机械传播转向交互体验应用.算法新闻的崛起将在受众认可度、媒体接受度、新闻传播业态及新闻伦理与法规等方面带来新课题.  相似文献   

The only long term trend data on trust in the American press comes from the General Social Survey (GSS). The erosion of trust in the press as measured by the GSS indicator is indisputable, but its implications for the functioning of American democracy depend on what, precisely, is being measured. In this study we use an experimental design embedded in a representative national probability sample to shed light on what people are thinking of when they say they trust or distrust the American press. Are they thinking about the sources they themselves use for news? The sources that are most popular with the population at large? An average of all possible media sources? We find that individuals express much greater trust in the press when they are asked to consider specific news sources than when they are asked to evaluate a generic news media. Our results suggest that an accessibility bias combined with the proliferation of news sources in recent years may lead individuals to think of distrusted sources when asked to answer generic media trust questions. We therefore argue that different measurement strategies are needed to successfully address trust in the press in the current news environment.  相似文献   

Why do some countries appear more popular than others in mass media? Although researchers have long sought to explain foreign countries’ prevalence in the media, to date they have exclusively focused on news, leaving other types of media content unexplored. In addition, focusing on media effects and media content, the literature on entertainment and politics has largely ignored the study of agenda-building processes. Thus, this study fills these gaps by exploring factors affecting the volume of references to foreign countries in both U.S. news and entertainment media. Analyzing more than 400 U.S. television shows, four news channels, and two newspapers spanning from 2000 to 2011, we reexamine past findings on salience of foreign countries in the news and apply these findings to a new field of research, entertainment media. We further suggest that the same factors shaping foreign countries’ prevalence in the news media are applicable to both news and entertainment and that in the context of foreign countries’ prevalence, the criteria for “newsworthiness” and “fictionworthiness” is similar.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):517-532
This paper examines a news genre that is designed for the enactment of interpretive journalism: the live studio correspondent commentary on Swedish news. We trace how the role of expert commentator/interpreter of events has evolved during a 30-year period with a focus on the relation between interaction and surrounding context. How is the expert interpreter role multimodally achieved, and how do technologies enable or constrain the enactment of an expert identity in these dialogues? As we discuss our results, also basing our argument on other studies of the same interactional phenomena, we will propose that the existence of this particular news format can be related to an ongoing power struggle between journalists and politicians. We see these interactions as providing journalism with a perhaps yet underestimated powerful resource in the framing of news, and argue that they should not be written off as merely supplying lightweight, gossipy comments about politics in a glossy studio environment.  相似文献   

The recent proliferation of online videos captured at the scene of news events begs the question: Do news videos have a meaningful impact on citizens’ political opinions and behaviors that is different than that of news articles? This was examined in an experiment using carefully matched videos and articles about the European refugee crisis. Findings show that articles generated stronger intentions to help refugees than videos, and this was mediated by the depth with which the news story was processed. Despite their increasing prominence and intuitively impactful qualities, news videos do not deliver more powerful effects than news articles.  相似文献   

Research on the sociology of news has tended to de-emphasize the impact that the social characteristics of journalists may have on news content. This study suggests that more attention should be paid to the link between these individual-level characteristics of news workers and the content that they produce. The study is a secondary analysis of short narratives from 327 reporters who worked with a high degree of newsroom autonomy. They were asked to give a recent example of their “best work”. The topics of the stories that they cited varied systematically according to some of the reporters’ social characteristics. This finding suggests that certain individual-level factors may have a stronger link to the production of news than is generally believed.  相似文献   

While women have made significant progress in gaining access to the field of journalism over the few past decades, some scholars have noted a persistent tendency for men and women journalists to be assigned to different types of news work, as if some news topics are gender specific, i.e., some news topics can be better handled by men, whereas others can be better handled by women. But do professional journalists themselves perceive news topics to be gender specific? What individual level factors may explain beliefs in the gender specificities of news topics? Drawing on a representative survey of 459 professional journalists in Hong Kong, this article showed that journalists did not treat many types of news stories as gender specific. Women, journalists with a stronger commitment to professional ethics, and single journalists were less likely to believe in gender specificities of news topics. Among women journalists, educational level was related to beliefs in gender specificities. Implications of the findings were also discussed.  相似文献   

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