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Criminal Justice departments across the country are experiening unprecedented growth. This growth has created a demand for qualified tenure‐track faculty. Obviously, it is important to maintain quality standards for the hiring of tenure‐track faculty during periods of growth. In an effort to improve the quality of Criminal Justice education, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences has adopted standards for certification of baccalaureate and graduate degree programs. One area adressed by the ACJS standards is the area of acceptable faculty credentials for certification. For example, graduate programs that desire the ACJS imprimatur cannot have a faculty with more than 1 in 10 faculty members who hold a Juris Doctor degree. Efforts to eliminate the JD from the CJ faculty ranks are misguided. Instead, CJ departments should focus on the individual candiadate. Graduates from top‐tier institutions with a history of scholarly productivity and who possess ample skills in empirical study should not be excluded from tenure‐track consideration solely because they lack a PhD.
The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.—William Shakespeare, Henry VI (Act IV, Scene II)  相似文献   

本研究采用分层随机抽样,对北京市22所高校的教师进行了问卷调查,实际回收3220份问卷。统计发现:1.在高校教师任职前的学习经历方面:第一,不同类型高校教师的学历结构呈现出不同的特征。第二,出现年轻教师比年长教师的学历水平高的高校教师学历变化趋势。第三,高校教师学缘关系比较单一。第四,社会学科背景教师跨学科学习的比例要高于自然学科和人文学科背景教师的比例。第五,留校任教的毕业生占教师群体的比例较大,重点大学和自然学科在这一问题上表现得更为严重。2.在高校教师任职后的工作经历方面:第一,重点大学高级职称教师所占比例高。第二,教师的流动性弱,教师职称级别越高,晋升次数越多,跨院校晋升教师所占的比例也越大。第三,跨系统流动的教师中约有26.2%的教师具有高校系统外的工作经验。  相似文献   

As universities and colleges have changed, so has the role of faculty. Greater accountability is expected for faculty time and effort. This paper considers faculty roles by the institution preparing new faculty, the institution hiring new faculty, and the new faculty member themselves. All institutions are seeking faculty who are triple threats: integrate discovery, learning, and engagement; increase and maintain knowledge and technology; and involve students in their professional lives. Institutions preparing new faculty must develop models that stress not only quality research, but address the balance of faculty roles. Hiring institutions must select new faculty so that interest and balance match institutional goals. New faculty must understand what they want from academic life and seek appropriate institutions.  相似文献   

In 1973 Illinois State University initiated a campus-wide program in which junior and senior undergraduates were selected to assist faculty teaching freshman-sophomore courses. One or more Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) positions were assigned to all but three departments in the university. Although similar in purpose to smaller programs at other institutions, the sheer size of the program at Illinois State posed a variety of unique questions about administrative procedures, acceptance, and effectiveness, which are answered in this report. In general, the program was deemed highly successful by the faculty and student assistants and has been continued and expanded.  相似文献   

This paper uses coefficient estimates from a model of retirement decision-making for faculty members in higher education institutions to simulate the impact of financial incentives for early retirement. The results suggest that plans can be designed to induce relatively large numbers of faculty members to retire prior to the mandatory retirement age. However, the costs of hiring replacements plus pension subsidies can be substantial, especially if the subsidies are directed toward faculty members with relatively low salaries. Hence, institutions wishing to provide open positions to hire new faculty may prefer different incentive plans than those whose goals do not require filling each position with a new faculty member.  相似文献   

There is a likely community college teacher shortage on the horizon. Thus, community colleges not only need to focus on hiring quality instructors who emphasize teaching excellence, but institutions need to invest time and resources developing quality faculty plans to address faculty needs and provide adequate faculty development programs. When Iowa's community college licensure law was repealed in 2003, 15 area community colleges were left with the task of developing their own quality faculty plans. The Quality Faculty Plan design and one-year implementation is assessed.  相似文献   

This study examined mentoring and organizational socialization among law faculty at American Bar Association (ABA) approved law schools. Data obtained from respondents (n = 298) captured the types of mentoring (formal or informal) occurring in law schools and faculty perceptions of the effectiveness of each type of mentoring. Comparative analysis was used to examine mentoring as an antecedent of organizational socialization by comparing senior mentored faculty to senior non‐mentored faculty, junior formally mentored faculty to junior faculty with more informal types of mentoring, male to female faculty, and majority to non‐majority faculty. Results indicated that senior mentored faculty had higher mean scores than senior non‐mentored faculty on two of the six organizational socialization subscales. However, organizational socialization differences were not significant for other comparisons. The findings regarding mentoring are discussed within the context of diversity and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Teaching Focused Faculty (TFF) roles are growing across Canada and around the world, raising questions about how to understand the nature of faculty work and how faculty in non-traditional work distributions feel about their work. Our study is the first attempt to survey TFF members’ work and job attitudes at large research intensive universities in Canada. Our data contribute to the literature on the nature of faculty work, by revealing that TFF engage in a wide variety of work, including teaching, service, curriculum leadership, and often research in pedagogy and/or disciplines. TFF report mixed messages about what their departments and institutions expect of them. Our data also contribute to the literature on how faculty feel about their work. Consistent with other research on faculty job attitudes, TFF report valuing their jobs highly. Our data also reveal that feeling integrated into mainstream institutional culture is a particularly important contributor to this sense of value. Taken together, our findings can be used to inform the research literature on faculty work, as well as by administrators seeing to implement or enhance TFF ranks at their institutions.  相似文献   

This study examines how a state system of higher education, located in the Rocky Mountains area of the United States, allowed faculty members from the state's public institutions of higher education to control the design and implementation of a pilot assessment of statewide general education courses. One of the primary reasons faculty were allowed to control the assessment process was to assuage the commonly held fear by faculty, academic departments, and institutions that they could be punished for the poor assessment results of their students who took the pilot assessment. An important conclusion of this study is that the promise of anonymity, given by the state board of regents (and tacitly by the legislature) to individual faculty members, academic departments, and institutions, was essential to the success of the assessment process.  相似文献   

Nurturing Careers in Psychology: Combining Work and Family   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The academic workplace, with its requirements for achieving tenure within the first 6 years of employment, is designed in ways that discriminate against young faculty with family care responsibilities, most notably mothers. Mason and Goulden (Academe, http://www.aaup.org/publications/Academe/2002/02nd/02ndmas.htm, 2002, Academe, http://www.aaup.org/publications/Academe/2004/04nd/04ndmaso.htm, 2004) found that women faculty who have babies within the first 5 years following the receipt of their doctorate are less likely to earn tenure than women without babies or men in general. Women at research-intensive universities are twice as likely as their male colleagues to report that they had fewer children than they wanted. In addition, only one-third of women who begin their academic career at research-intensive institutions without children will become a mother. These inequities, sometimes called the “baby gap” or “motherhood penalty” make academic institutions difficult places for new faculty with family care responsibilities. Suggestions are provided to assist new faculty in successfully combining their work and family roles (e.g., establish gender equity in parenting and negotiate for family-friendly policies) and to senior faculty and administrators who want to nurture the careers of their younger colleagues (e.g., support the use of family-friendly policies on campus).  相似文献   

Many institutions require candidates for faculty positions to present a teaching demonstration as part of the interview process. To help job candidates prepare for this and to assist departments in planning how to structure this portion of the interview, we surveyed biology faculty from community and liberal arts colleges and master''s- and PhD-granting institutions concerning how their departments assess teaching potential. We also asked survey respondents to share advice on how candidates can prepare for teaching demonstrations. Here we report on the survey results and offer suggestions based on comments from respondents.  相似文献   

Rankings of graduate and professional programs have become commonplace since Cartter's study for the American Council on Education was published in 1966. Much of the research up to the present has focused on discovering proxy variables, such as departmental size, which correspond to departmental ratings, as well as observing how the ratings of departments change over time. This study examines the relationship between the peer ratings reported by Roose and Andersen in 1970 and resource allocation patterns, represented by average salary figures, among fifty major American universities. It also shows the relationship of these ratings and other resource allocation measures within one of the fifty institutions. Results indicate that among the fifty universities, average salaries are higher at the highly rated institutions than at the lower rated ones, with senior professors being the chief beneficiaries of the higher wage scales. Similarly, within one institution the senior professors of higher ranked departments are better paid, compared to their junior colleagues, than those of lower rated departments. The higher rated departments share commonalities as to proportion of senior professors and teaching load assignments as well. Both across and within universities, departments found to be prestigious by Roose and Andersen do tend to exhibit common characteristics concerning resource allocation procedures.Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Houston, Texas, May 1978.  相似文献   

The central purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which community college faculty and administrators' perceptions of the organizational effectiveness of their institutions was related to their perceptions of the cognitive and behavioral complexity of the organizational cultures and the leadership roles performed by senior campus officials of their institutions. The findings show a strong relationship between perceptions of the organizational effectiveness of the institutions and the level of complexity in their campus cultures and the leadership behaviors of senior campus officials. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for future research on the organizational effectiveness of colleges and universities and policy and practice initiatives that have the potential to improve the performance of these institutions.  相似文献   

Department chairs in 101 Carnegie Council Research I and II and Doctorate-Granting I and II institutions were surveyed to describe their career movements prior to becoming chair, and the length of tenure as chair and the movement from the chair position that their two predecessors in the position of chair had made. Additional variables addressed were discipline, department size, chair's age and gender, the nature of departmental hiring practices, and whether chairs had previous administrative experience. The Biglan model of discipline classification was used to differentiate among disciplines. Sixty-five percent of chairs return to faculty status after their tenure as chair. However, gender, departmental hiring practices, and discipline all have significant effects on the likelihood that a chair will return to faculty status or go on to further administrative service.  相似文献   

This case study research project examined efforts at three member institutions of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), all located in the southern United States, to increase faculty diversity. The study also explored how these efforts related to institutional mission and what aspects within the history of evangelicalism were perceived to promote or hinder the hiring of diverse faculty at these institutions. The study participants consisted of eleven faculty members, seven administrators, and two students from the three case study universities, and one administrator from the main office of the CCCU. Data were analyzed from a combination of personal interviews, observations, field notes, documents, and textual analysis, resulting in the identification of themes related to faculty diversity. Although these institutions had made great strides in diversity efforts, the study findings revealed that more intentional and systematic processes need to be established in order to increase faculty diversity. Given that faculty diversity efforts can be enhanced by implementing better recruitment and retention strategies, the discussion section highlights initiatives that have been effective at these universities, including the active pursuit of faculty of color and the purposeful management of mentorship programs.  相似文献   


More than a decade ago, as the end of mandatory retirement for faculty approached, many academic administrators were concerned about its negative impact on their institutions. With the assistance of a variety of incentives put in place to encourage voluntary retirement, a significant number of senior faculty retired during the 1990s. Now, the looming loss of millions of “baby boomer” faculty requires rethinking faculty retirement. Administrators have two urgent issues to address: defining and maintaining a balance of junior and senior faculty, and designing and implementing effective retirement programs for this new generation of aging faculty. Important differences between previous and future generations of faculty suggest that retirement programs that worked in the past may no longer be effective for the institution—and may not appeal to the faculty. Federal and state governments, businesses, and organizations are preparing to respond to the forthcoming biggest wave of retirement in our country's history. Academic administrators, who pioneered phased-retirement programs, will want to stay on top of this wave too.  相似文献   

Similar to trends in postsecondary education across the world, today’s US universities are an increasing mix of native and foreign-born scholars. US institutions are experiencing a growing number of international faculty members, but there is limited literature examining foreign-born faculty who work in US institutions and how outputs from foreign-born faculty compare to US-born natives. Using data from the 2004 National Survey of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04), this study examines difference in faculty members’ research productivity at doctoral-granting institutions by foreign/US-born status controlling for select individual and institutional characteristics. Findings show that foreign-born faculty members spend more time on research and less time on undergraduate instruction than US-born peers, and this may contribute to their higher levels of production. Implications are discussed that consider how to ensure diverse faculty communities that lead to strong research and knowledge production.  相似文献   

The correlates of the rate of faculty advancement through steps within ranks were examined in a sample of 40 departments on two campuses of a large state university system. The proportion of departmental faculty moving through steps at faster than normal speed was positively correlated with the political power of the department on the campus and, in some cases, with the proportion of the faculty in the department who were at more senior ranks. The rate of departmental growth, the level of the department's scientific paradigm, or departmental national prestige had no effect on faculty career speed. The evidence suggests that it is important to broaden the study of faculty salary and other rewards to include structural as well as individual variables, including departmental affiliation and characteristics of the department.  相似文献   

Business schools have significantly increased the percentage of teaching-focused faculty (defined here as full-time faculty with doctorates not on the tenure track) over the last decades. However, many schools have not adequately updated their policies to support these faculty, leading some teaching-focused faculty to feel like second-class citizens. In this article, we provide a literature review of teaching-focused faculty hiring trends, challenges faced by teaching-focused faculty and the institutions that hire them, and proposed improvements to these challenges. Next, we draw from these best practices provided in the literature, as well as from first-person interviews, to share how business schools address these challenges. Specifically, we use interviews from decision makers (current and former deans) to examine how schools approach hiring and supporting teaching-focused faculty. Our study shows improved institutional support and acceptance of teaching-focused faculty over the past two decades, but with room for continued improvement. We conclude by arguing that TF faculty should be treated as strategic assets within schools in order to support collegiality, acceptance, and professional respect, while also enhancing students’ learning opportunities. In doing so, we hope to start a discussion of best practices that can better equip schools to provide institutional support to teaching-focused faculty.  相似文献   

Although the number of women in management and administrative positions in all sectors of the economy is increasing over time, the majority of senior positions are still held by men. The lack of women role models in high management and administrative positions has been well documented, as has the lack of women faculty in many academic departments, and barriers to women's leadership due to male‐orientated organizational expectations. Research has shown that mentoring can significantly enhance income and promotion possibilities for individuals experiencing these relationships. In academe, mentoring awareness can reduce barriers to women's career advancement, tenure and pay. The objectives of this study were to explore mentoring functions senior women provided to their juniors and identify mentoring limitations women faced in academe. Senior women favored career mentoring and provided less psychosocial support. Subsequently, the classical mentoring experience is not realized. Research findings suggested recommendations for academic institutions interested in utilizing this strategy to advance women.  相似文献   

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