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Global multicultural teacher education courses and programs have made claims to offer Prospective Teachers (PSTs) a global understanding of diversity and multiculturalism. However, there is very little research that has examined the classroom experiences of PSTs and teacher educators. Drawing on a collaborative autoethnography, this article explores the ways our transnational identities shaped our experiences (as a PST and a teacher educator) in a global teacher education course focused on diversity and multiculturalism. We were guided by the following research question: How do we, as South Asian transnational migrants, experience the curriculum of a global multicultural education course in the United States? We found that the curricular nationalism within multicultural education courses often negates any critical engagement with the influence of transnationalism on immigrants and their educational experiences. Transnational migrants are expected to translate their experiences, cultural practices, and life ways to fit into the container of the U.S. nation-state. Furthermore, there was a visible absence of narratives and research about transnational lives and identities in the course curriculum. As teacher education programs prepare PSTs to enter classrooms with growing immigrant populations, it is important that we attend to this glaring gap in both practice and research.  相似文献   

《Teaching Education》2013,24(3):353-361

Implementing meaningful educational change may be fostered by various types of institutions. One facet of current educational reform in the United States is focused on realignment of state and school district curriculum to reflect national academic standards. Graduate education courses bolster these initiatives by offering teachers opportunities to redesign curriculum in a supportive setting. Curriculum revision to meet new academic standards requires a comprehensive understanding of model design to facilitate emphasis on designing appropriate pedagogical approaches. This article describes utilizing web-based models in interdisciplinary curriculum to meet these goals as part of a graduate teacher education course.  相似文献   

With the adoption of new content standards, teachers are often left without adequate curriculum resources. This study examined how educators used their curricular resources to teach new mathematics standards in the USA. Analyses of open-ended survey responses from 257 teachers and teacher–leaders in Grades 3 through Grade 5 indicated that every educator reported supplementing their districts’ or schools’ primary curricular resources with other materials. These supplements primarily included resources found for free on websites and resources that claimed to be aligned to the new standards, but varied in terms of alignment to national standards for effective mathematics curriculum. Implications for this study include further research on how teachers make decisions regarding curriculum resources as well as increasing teachers’ access to quality curriculum materials that can support students’ mathematical learning.  相似文献   

This collaborative self-study examines the critical friendship of two doctoral students charged with teaching a methods course in elementary social studies. The authors formed a critical friendship in Fall 2010, initiated by participation in a teacher educator community of practice that encouraged collaboration. With limited experience in elementary education, the authors created a space to investigate the limitations and opportunities in teaching a course outside their educational expertise. The result was a space of support in three forms: pedagogical, affective, and intellectual. Pedagogical support was provided through the process of curriculum development and the sharing of classroom strategies, affective support resulted from the validation of feelings related to status and time, and intellectual support allowed the authors to uncover personal philosophies for teaching elementary social studies and to analyze how program structures influenced their instruction. Findings suggest that novice teacher educators could benefit greatly from critical friendships that may help them become more reflective and better navigate the process of learning to teach teachers. In addition, the authors found that critical friendships can minimize the feelings of being an outsider and allow for collaborative insights into the inner workings of teacher education.  相似文献   

"好课程"是一个相对的概念。它受到课程目标、教师水平和风格、学生背景、硬件条件等因素的制约。目前来看,多样的课程和具有"可拼装性"的课程是课程发展的趋势,为了达到目标和人才培养模式要求的多种逻辑的课程组合是大学教学改革的方向。针对这些因素来看,"精品课程"的国家评选并非是科学的举措。  相似文献   

双向渗透视野下的职前教师教育课程设置改革以教师学科教学知识发展和《教师教育课程标准》为理论基础,以此来探索衡阳师范学院教师教育课程设置中存在的问题,发现其教育类通识课程数量不够、学时偏少、课程结构不合理等问题,学科教学专业方向课程门类少,课时量小,教学见习名存实亡,教学实习指导力度不够。鉴于此,教师教育课程设置的改革要实现教育类通识课程、学科教学方向课程、教育实践课程的构成要素的优化及构成要素间关系的优化。  相似文献   

This paper discusses how a postgraduate certificate course in third-level learning and teaching for academic staff in the Republic of Ireland has adopted a particular approach in teacher education. An important aspect of the successful integration and use of learning technology is the way in which it effectively reflects and articulates a given learning model; this course has its theoretical basis in the Kolb Experiential Learning Cycle. The work illustrates that no one technology can support all types of tertiary-level learning and teaching; an effective approach is to combine a range of technologies. The self-study focuses on analyzing key experiences regarding the integration of a variety of learning technologies in an effort to determine how the teacher educator can integrate technology into the curriculum effectively. What I learned from this self-study will assist the course participants with some of the integration issues that they, in turn, will be dealing with as they move towards incorporating more learning technology into their own subject disciplines. Course tutors deliberately set out to model what we advocate to our own participants.  相似文献   

When a cultural disconnect became antagonistic between me and my students of color, I found myself at a crossroads as a White teacher educator: use coercion and force students to follow my directions, or care and base my responses on students’ needs. I chose the latter. Findings suggest that this choice benefitted the class and changed how I see myself as a teacher educator. The construct of embodied care helps describe the turn in my relational teacher educator practice from caring intentions that were dyadic in nature to caring that uses relational means for social justice ends. Data points include field notes, analytic journal entries, email communication, course materials, student interviews, and course evaluations. This self-study research contributes to the literature on caring teaching by suggesting that, in racially and culturally diverse classrooms, caring habits can help teacher educators from dominant groups gain critical self-awareness.  相似文献   

虽然在基础教育新课程改革的实践过程中,教师培养取得了一定成绩,但目前教师教育课程设置仍然不能满足新课程改革对教师培养的要求。为适应新课程改革对教师提出的新要求,高师教师教育课程设置应不断地变革:一是要确定以教师专业发展为基础的课程标准;二是要立足于区域发展实际,调整课程比例,优化课程内容;三是要面向基础教育改革实际,注重教育实践体验;四是要努力实现教师教育课程与中小学的无缝对接。  相似文献   

随着基础教育课程改革的稳步推进和中学教师专业标准的出台,教师教育课程改革势在必行。“初等几何研究”是中学初等几何和高等几何课程的后续课程,是提升师范生几何教学能力的重要课程,其教学改革应立足于教学能力的提升改革课程目标,立足于接轨改革教学内容,立足于实践参与改革教学方法,立足于过程建立多元化评价模式,体现教学的拓展性、接轨性、专题性、研究性、实践性特点。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to explore how education policy that is both enabled and constrained by transnational policy flows and national policy built up by social, cultural and historical traditions are enacted through curriculum at the classroom level. The focus is on how policy rationality embedded in the structure and content of curriculum is transformed into certain rationalities in classroom teaching. By understanding lessons as ‘curriculum events’, the study reveals a dominant classroom discourse of recitation and similar triadic communication patterns, which is in accordance with other classroom studies. However, in the article it is argued that the version of teaching that emerges in this study, interpreted in a broader context of an international standards movement, can be understood in terms of directed exploration based on the teacher’s role as an explorer of what the students know, think and understand in relation to the acquisition of knowledge prescribed in the curriculum’s knowledge requirements. Even though the form of recitation is well known, the reason for choosing this teaching repertoire is somewhat new and can be related to the teacher authoring a basic oral text in accordance with assessment standards.  相似文献   

A science teacher educator returned to teaching adolescents after more than 10 years in the professoriate. We studied his beliefs, practice and daily use of inquiry pedagogy while implementing a reform-based curriculum. Reflection on practice was evidenced by a weekly journal, classroom observations and debriefings, and extensive interviews. Newly developed practical knowledge from this experience shifted the science teacher educator’s beliefs away from the Piagetian structuralism espoused in prescribed curricula towards a more culturally responsive, student-driven approach to teaching science to middle grades students. The merits and limitations of curricula attempting to follow traditional scientific practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Using critical constructivism as the theoretical lens, the teacher educator-researcher used practitioner research to systematically examine the experience of PreK-12 teachers in his district-based teacher research professional development course, while also examining his development as a teacher educator. The results of this study showed that, as the teachers made progress toward becoming teacher-researchers, they expressed being empowered by the teacher research process. Moreover, they showed a growing critical awareness in their work, while the teacher educator was challenged to re-examine his conceptions of teacher research. Finally, the teachers faced several important barriers in adopting an inquiry stance in their practice. This research generates both local and global knowledge about teacher research as a form of in-service teacher education.  相似文献   

In this study, I explore my practices as a teacher educator in one course both before and after returning to the K–12 classroom to teach secondary language learners for one academic year. By examining the intersection of self-study and practice-based teacher education, I illustrate how I used self-study as a mechanism for innovation and change and focus on the challenges I encountered in implementing the use of practice-based education in my work as a teacher educator. Qualitative data analysis revealed that in redesigning my approach to my course, I stopped short of my goals to make the course more practice-centered. Although I provided students with many opportunities to practice planning, I did not provide enough focused opportunities to practice implementation and to participate in giving and receiving feedback. I learned that engaging teachers in practice-based teaching requires teacher educators to be both specific and deliberate in setting their own purposes for establishing the centrality of practice in their courses and to explain these clearly to teacher candidates. Further work in which teacher educators study their use of practice-based pedagogy would benefit from using a self-study lens. Other researchers are urged to add to the limited body of research about the use of practice-based pedagogy with teachers of language learners, particularly English language learners.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the curriculum developed in line with authentic learning on the teacher candidates’ success, attitudes towards courses and self-directed learning skills. The study, that is quantitative in nature, is carried out with 64 teacher candidates studying at Near East University and taking the course of “curriculum development”. During the implementation which lasted 12 weeks, while the experimental group was implemented with the curriculum developed in line with authentic learning, the control group was implemented with a traditional curriculum. The results obtained from the research have indicated that the curriculum developed in line with authentic learning has increased the success of the teacher candidates. Also, there has been a meaningful difference in the attitudes of teacher candidates towards the course of curriculum development. Yet, the same developed curriculum has increased the self-directed learning skills of teacher candidates from a moderate level to a high level.  相似文献   

This article reports a self-study from a larger research project that explored the impact on pre-service and in-service teacher education of a new national curriculum in New Zealand and the conceptualisations of epistemological shifts signalled by that document. A pedagogical initiative to introduce inquiry-based learning into a graduate diploma course for pre-service primary teachers was the result of and the catalyst for further reflection on my practice and the (mis)alignments between my theoretical understandings and beliefs and my pedagogical choices. In this article I focus on the tensions and contradictions I encountered while attempting to enact, in a tertiary environment, a pedagogy that aligned with the underpinning principles of the new curriculum. I describe the model that I developed to understand those tensions and contradictions, which are characterised as the spaces between realism and relativism. I suggest that negotiating these spaces is part of the process of becoming a teacher and a teacher educator in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

开放式教师教育体系已经形成,高师院校不再固守封闭模式,纷纷走向综合化。高师院校的教师教育存在偏重学科课程、忽视教育课程以及两类课程结构失衡问题。达到"学术性"与"师范性"之间的平衡,高师院校须借鉴综合大学的培养模式,发展"综合性";创新职前教师教育培养模式,着力构建教育学科课程群,完善学科专业课程体系。  相似文献   

Nationally approved adult numeracy teacher training programmes were started in September 2002 following the introduction of subject specifications by the Department for Education and Skills and the Further National Training Organisation in England. These programmes delivered by higher education institutions and further education colleges were found to consist of a wide variation of course structure and delivery style. This article offers a conceptual typological framework to classify the diversity of these programmes. It uses examples of adult numeracy courses drawn from a research project which investigates the diverse curriculum approaches to teaching the subject specifications, the issues around implementation, and the way that subject knowledge was translated into classroom skills. The typology uses Bernstein’s theories on curriculum knowledge, transmission and recontextualization of pedagogic processes as a framework to classify and enhance our understanding of the raison d’etre of this subject area of teacher training courses, that is, to teach trainees how to be teachers of adult numeracy. The article also offers an ‘ideal’ teacher training course where some of its elements are drawn from best practices identified in the project. Finally, this article might act as a platform for practitioners to critically assess how adult numeracy teacher training courses might be structured and classified.  相似文献   

Just as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSSs) call for change in what students learn and how they are taught, teacher education programs must reconsider courses and curriculum in order to prepare teacher candidates to understand and implement new standards. In this study, we examine the development of prospective elementary teachers’ practical knowledge of the NGSS in the context of a science methods course and innovative field experience. We present three themes related to how prospective teachers viewed and utilized the standards: (a) as a useful guide for planning and designing instruction, (b) as a benchmark for student and self-evaluation, and (c) as an achievable vision for teaching and learning. Our findings emphasize the importance of collaborative opportunities for repeated teaching of the same lessons, but question what is achievable in the context of a semester-long experience.  相似文献   

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