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Dos and Don'ts in America-美国文化点滴 Living in a different culture sometimes can be stressful. The term "Culture Shock" is often used to describe a person's excitement, confusion, frustration, and eventual adaptation when getting into a new culture from his home culture. "Culture" includes many aspects, which can range from things as small as the way people drink coffee in the morning, to how they design their houses, and to things as big as their perceptions on the world-their philosophies. Today, let's chat a bit about  相似文献   

赵妮莎 《海外英语》2012,(1):274-276,281
The Holy Bible,as one of major sources of Western Culture,has a great influence on the Christian culture and Christian thoughts.Because language is a carrier of culture,the English study will be water without a source and a tree without roots if we ignore The Holy Bible which is the core of Christianity.To study English demands not only grammar and vocabulary,but also the culture behind the language.A brief analysis of connotative meanings of color terms,which are influenced by The Holy Bible and applied in literatures,will be given,in order to offer some help to English learners to know the connotations of color terms better,to understand literatures more profoundly and to have a general feeling about the impact which The Holy Bible has on language.  相似文献   

李娜 《海外英语》2013,(16):185-186
John Steinbeck(1902-1968) is a famous American novelist. The Chrysanthemums was considered to be one of his finest short stories which has become progressively more influential in gender studies during the following decades. As the protagonist, Elisa unfolds herself in front of the readers about her rebellion and submission to the reigning patriarchal ideology. In the paper, I try to present Elisa’s mind journey in a male-dominating society, using gender studies analysis. The theme of this story is to describe women’s position in a male-centered and controlled culture. In order to give a most justifiable analysis of the theme of this short story, I base my study of Elisa’s mind journey on the prospective of gender studies.  相似文献   

门薇薇 《海外英语》2012,(18):196-197
Alice Walker is one of the prominent American writers in American women’ s literature and black literature in 1950s-1960s.The short story Everyday Use was published early in her writing career.She displays the differences in the behav iors and minds of the mother and her two daughters during the process of seeking the self-consciousness of black woman from the point of view of " womanism".This paper attempts to explore the awakening of their heritage and self-consciousness in or der to deepen the understanding and thoughts on the theme of the text.  相似文献   

Language and culture are closely related with each other: language is the carrier and a fundamental part of culture, while culture has an intrinsic and indispensable impact on language and is also reflected in language. So if in the language learning and teaching, attention is only paid to the linguistic forms but the relationship between language and culture is ignored, then the learner’s linguistic ability will not be equivalent to his or her social and cultural communication competence. Especially in the times of globalization with increasing transna tional and cross-cultural communication, the knowledge of cultural background is the must prerequisite for not only the avoidance of cul tural "conflict" but the success of communication. Based on the studies of several cross-cultural communication cases and the analysis of the relationship between language and culture, including the famous Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, this paper is aimed to analyze the intrinsic and in dispensable relationship between language learning and culture learning.  相似文献   

Cultural differences have a great effect on English learning,especially on college English reading.Reading is a crucial tool in acquiring information and knowledge.Culture cannot be separated from language.College English reading should focus on the differences of culture.It is important to understand how to lay stress on the differences in the course of college English teaching and learning about reading for increasing students’ ability of reading.This thesis analyzes the influence of culture on English reading and tries to set up a principle of teaching English through culture.To support my point of view,the relationship between language and culture is discussed first.Language is a part of culture and shaped by culture;it is also the carrier of culture and reflects cultural features of a community in which the language is spoken.Language and culture are closely related with each other.From the aspect of language teaching and learning,to teach a foreign language is to teach another culture;to learn a language is also to learn another culture.  相似文献   

李佳蔚 《海外英语》2014,(18):290-293
The paper presents an analytical study on the American society through a popular American drama series "the Desperate House Wives". Typical American values can be found everywhere on the show as they have been ingrained in the soul of the American people. As a nation with not very long history but great achievements, its people are the one that should be highlighted. Unlike China, the nation of which have formed since thousands of years ago, so has its culture, America’s history is an immigration history. People started migrating from other parts of the world since the 17 thcentury and gathered at the land of America to build up their new homes and realize their dreams. They influence each other and fuse with each other. America is one of the countries in the world that plural cultures successfully mix together.The paper focuses on the American people’s daily life to explain to the readers the American traits and values prevailing in their society. Except the Foreword which is the general introduction to the paper, this paper is presented in five parts. The first part to the forth part are the emphasis of the paper which respectively analyze the American traits and values. A series of vivid examples are provided with a wide range of study objects, man and woman, kids to elders, in hope of making the paper understandable and persuasive. It is expected that the study can offer a general idea to the people who are interested in the American society and its people.  相似文献   

游佳 《海外英语》2015,(6):201-202,211
Alice Walker’s famous short story Everyday Use reveals African American’s awareness of cultural heritage, which is deeply affected by the"double consciousness"as well as their racial identification in the Civil Rights Movement. Through the exploration of the cultural conflict reflected in Everyday Use by relating to the influence on black people produced by the AfricanAmerican Civil Rights Movement, and the discussion of the different attitudes of the mother and her daughters towards their cultural heritage, the essay aims to reinforce Alice Walker’s claim that any attempt to lay too much emphasis on the ideas of utilitarian return to black people’s traditional culture is shallow and superficial.  相似文献   

洪筠 《海外英语》2011,(6):374-375
Culture is the process of human social historical development created the material wealth and the spiritual wealth combined. Certain culture is certain social political and economic response to social political and economic has very big effect. The nature and function of culture did briefly discuss in this paper.  相似文献   

李璐 《海外英语》2011,(9):255-256
As a form of cultural exchanges,it isn’t avoidable for translation and culture to be closely connected and influenced by each other.In the translation process,target work is influenced by all kinds of cultural elements so that target work is different from source work in some degree.The content of source work remains the same,but the form of that is changed more or less as the result of the target language culture.Sometimes the culture of the source language and that of the target language may be on equal footing complementary but sometimes they might be unequal because of their different position of comparative advantages,one culture is neglected.The cultural elements of translator have a great influence on the target work.The target work is the recreation of the translator.  相似文献   

作为叙述跨文化经历的一篇小说 ,艾米·谭的《女儿愿》中有以下一些互相冲突的对立因素 :过去 现在、西方 东方和男人 女人。从表面看 ,艾米·谭似乎更偏重过去、西方和男人。当从解构主义的角度重新阅读这篇小说 ,便可看出艾米·谭并没有偏向以上对立因素的任何一面 ,它是不同时代的东西方文化之间的对话 ,是文化多元时代的一个缩影。  相似文献   

在短篇故事《鸡蛋》中,五个“二元对立”构成了文本的深层结构:物质层面的“贫穷”与“富贵”的对立;地理层面的“乡村”与“城市”的对立;思想层面的“知足”与“进取”的对立;文化层面的“梦想”(美国梦)与“成功”的对立;阶级层面的“下层”与“上层”的对立。该深层结构的编织“梭子”则是“父亲”和“母亲”望子成龙的心理动力。  相似文献   

薇拉·凯瑟短篇小说《菲德拉的婚姻》的表层文本延续《精灵花园》集的主线书写,反映了男女之间、艺术家与非艺术家、情欲世界和理想世界的二元对立。这些二元对立项并非单纯的并置,故事的含义深藏于其中,其秩序被颠覆、被倒置,即女优于男,非艺术家优于艺术家,理想世界优于情欲世界,反映了凯瑟以一种崭新的、变革性的角度审视了婚姻中的男女关系,以及艺术家与非艺术家对待艺术的态度。  相似文献   

河西走廊的民勤、临泽、高台、居延等地流传着苏武牧羊的故事,李陵教射之地在张掖、酒泉一带,河西各地有一些"苏李"文化遗迹,历代文人墨客往来河西,留下了许多歌咏苏武李陵的诗篇,敦煌文书中有叙写苏武李陵故事题材的变文写本。这一切形成了河西走廊的"苏李"文化现象,体现了河西人民的"苏李"情结,表现了河西人民尚武精神和景仰崇拜英雄的情怀,以及认祖归宗于炎黄文化的向心力和爱国主义传统。  相似文献   

"模块心理学"的挑战:反"文化心理观"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流行的“文化心理观”认为,人的心理(Mind)本质上是社会文化塑造的产物。本文试图依据“模块心理观”——它假设人的心理实质上是许多功能上独立的单元(即模块)相互作用的产物——对这一心理学主导观念提出挑战。论文表明,文化的变异性、种族的差异性其实是最不重要的;正是心理的模块性(如语言模块、生物模块、心理理解模块等)使得表面上看起来的文化差异下面存在着普遍性人性。  相似文献   

本借用女性主义学批评的理论和方法,对美国名作家霍桑在他的代表作《红字》中所表现出的女性意识进行探讨。在《红字》中,霍桑揭示出女主人公海丝特在清教男权社会中处于“边缘”地位,批判了男权社会中普遍存在的厌女意识;并且通过把女主人公海丝特的坚强和对不公命运的抗争同男主人公的软弱和对命运的无助进行对比,颠覆了男权社会把女性作为“客体”的传统观念,在自己的想象“红字”世界中为海丝特赢得了一个“主体”的位置。正是通过对海丝特这一女性人物的塑造表达出霍桑潜在的女性主义意识。  相似文献   

张瑛 《培训与研究》2008,25(9):11-13
《日用家当》是美国黑人女作家艾丽思·沃克创作的一部优秀短篇小说。本文分析了小说中三位女性在对待文化遗产的问题时的不同态度和反应,旨在探讨《日用家当》中小说作者艾丽丝.沃克如何借用这三个典型人物,来表达自己对待美国黑人文化遗产的看法。  相似文献   

《外婆的日用家当》(Everyday Use)是美国黑人女作家艾丽斯.沃克最著名的短篇小说之一,其最大的特点在于作者运用叙述的角度和手法来表现文章的意义。本文从第一人称见证人的叙事方式、女性主义叙事视角、隐喻的叙事技巧和反讽的叙事技巧四个方面探讨小说的叙事美学特点,从而更加深刻地展示美国黑人民族文化的主题。  相似文献   

文章运用解构主义分析文本的主要方法 ,对《瑞普·凡·温克尔》中传统与革新、家庭与社会、泼妇与贤妻这三对主要的二元对立进行了颠覆和消解。对之前作品中存在的怀旧倾向、家庭责任和社会关系以及温克先生的同情和对温克夫人的指责的评论提出了质疑,从而证明解构主义关于文本意义不确定性的结论,并为作品提出了一种新的解读方法。  相似文献   

论沂蒙名人文化在临沂“文化名市”建设中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临沂是名副其实的历史文化名城,悠久的历史产生了灿烂的沂蒙文化。沂蒙名人文化是沂蒙文化的极其重要的组成部分。目前,对于沂蒙文化的研究主要集中到沂蒙精神等的研究上,缺乏对沂蒙名人文化的宏观性的综合性的研究.尤其是对沂蒙文化名人的挖掘开发利用的应用研究基本是个空白。通过对沂蒙名人文化进行较综合深入的分析研究,为临沂正在进行的“文化名市”工程献计献策:一是以沂蒙文化名人为主题,打造“城市文化名片”;二是城市规划建设要以文化名人要唱主角;三是整合旅游资源,科学开发利用。  相似文献   

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