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论期刊工作的马太效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马太效应意指成功导致成功,形成累积优势,是社会上一种不可避免而又利弊俱现的偏态心理反应。期刊工作作为一项社会活动,受到马太效应的支配和控制,主要表现为:(1)高产作者群的出现──论文集中趋势;(2)核心刊物的形成──文献集中趋势;(3)作者分布不均衡──作者集中趋势;(4)论文老化加快──时间集中趋势。由于马太效应在期刊中产生的集中趋势,使信息集中,重点突出,信息资源浪费减少,形成刊物间的竞争机制,有利于读者及早准确获得所需信息。但要抑制不需要或过度的优势积累,给予年轻科研工作者有创新观点或与传统观点相左的论文以足够重视,克服名人效应的消极影响,同时应注意作者分布不均衡造成的优秀论文外流及对国内科研工作的影响。  相似文献   

通过对50年来的文献调查 ,报告了连续出版物管理论文的时间分布、刊物分布 ,以及未刊载有关论文的图情期刊情况。进而讨论了有关论文分散造成的影响、形成的原因、相对集中的趋势、兴办范围精专的期刊等问题。作者认为目前还没形成该方面的核心期刊 ,有待于相关方面努力  相似文献   

对论文引用中的睡美人现象给出了一个认定方法,通过对中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)数据库中图书情报类期刊进行检索与文献遍历,找到满足假设条件的4篇文献,并选取其中2篇进行详细考察。结论如下:(1)论文引用中的睡美人现象在图书情报领域确实存在;(2)睡美人论文发表时,作者在学界尚未成名;(3)睡美人论文发表刊物均是核心刊物,但非该领域权威刊物;(4)睡美人论文内容或具有多学科交叉性,或有一定的技术含量,他人涉足有一定难度;(5)知名学者的涉足,对论文引用中的睡美人现象起到了促推作用。  相似文献   

我国图书馆研究论文作者、期刊、机构和关键词分布都呈现明显的集中-离散趋势;国家科学图书馆和武汉大学等机构的产出最多,而信息管理学院(系)和高校图书馆仍是图书馆研究的主体;数字图书馆是图书馆的发展趋势.  相似文献   

我国图书情报学科的国际发文增长迅速,但被引情况(尤其是大陆作者发表的论文)相对偏低。期刊、机构分布情况呈现明显的集中—离散趋势,关键词、作者的分布情况相对分散。研究热点主要是信息检索、电子商务、知识管理、资源共享、数字图书馆、信息计量等。目前最主要的国际合作对象是美国,合作面与合作强度有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

我国图书馆期刊工作(2005—2009年)文献研究的计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐婷 《图书馆界》2011,(2):79-81,88
通过对2005—2009年在期刊上发表的研究图书馆期刊工作的文献进行查询,从年代分布、论文发表的刊物分布、论文作者分布、论文作者的地区分布、研究主题进行统计分析,揭示了近年来图书馆期刊工作研究的现状。  相似文献   

在CNKI中国期刊全文数据库中选取2001—2010近10年间关于语义网的研究论文共736篇,用文献计量学的方法,结合内容分析法对这些论文进行分析。从近10年间论文量变化、论文的地区分布、论文作者的机构分布、作者分布、刊物分布等方面总结我国语义网应用研究的现状,并预测今后5年内语义网应用研究的趋势。  相似文献   

近五年《浙江档案》论文作者群分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《浙江档案》是由浙江省档案局、浙江省档案学会主办的档案专业期刊,1978年创刊,月刊。对刊物的论文作者群进行统计分析,是评价刊物质量的一个重要方面,也是刊物将来适当调整办刊方向的依据之一。本文运用文献计量学基本原理,对《浙江档案》从1998年至2002年近五年间的论文作者数量分布、论文作者地域分布、论文作者单位分布、核心作者分布以及作者合作度等进行统计分析。本文的数据是指刊登在《浙江档案》的论文,通讯、文苑、人物风采、名人故居、史林漫步、译文等不在统计之列;作者单位不明的也没有列入统计范围。一、论文作者数量分布统…  相似文献   

胡军 《图书馆界》2011,(6):48-51
针对2005-2010年在期刊和报纸上发表的有关“农民工与图书馆”的文献,从文献来源数据库分布、年代分布、刊物类型分布、文献作者的地区分布、文献作者的机构分布、文献的基金论文分布、高频被引论文分布和文献的主题分布进行了统计分析,揭示了这一主题研究的现状。  相似文献   

我国科技论文外流问题探析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陶范 《编辑学报》2007,19(4):253-255
我国科技论文外流是学术评价的导向效应、SCI期刊吸引投稿的马太效应、我国期刊质量欠佳的离心效应、组稿和审稿不力的编辑效应等多种因素综合作用的结果.应提高刊物质量、重构评价指标、提高服务水平以缓解论文外流,也应从学术交流的科学本位理性看待论文外流问题.  相似文献   

This study identifies the state and characteristics of theoretical research in library and information science journals by examining the number and the quality of theory incidents. Theory incident is characterized as an event in which the author contributes to the development or the use of theory in his/her own paper. This study assumes that both theory building and theory use are intertwined to construct a cohesive body of knowledge in the filed. Theory incidents were identified by a content analysis of 1661 articles in four LIS journals from 1984 to 2003. The findings suggest that 41.4% of the articles contributed to the development or use of theory. The overall proportion of theoretical articles has increased. They showed a tendency to converge into a few subfields, such as information seeking and use or information retrieval. However, the declining share of theory development articles in recent journal issues and the overall low level of theory incidents are urging LIS researchers to the importance of continuous and creative research in LIS.  相似文献   

This study identifies the state and characteristics of theoretical research in library and information science journals by examining the number and the quality of theory incidents. Theory incident is characterized as an event in which the author contributes to the development or the use of theory in his/her own paper. This study assumes that both theory building and theory use are intertwined to construct a cohesive body of knowledge in the filed. Theory incidents were identified by a content analysis of 1661 articles in four LIS journals from 1984 to 2003. The findings suggest that 41.4% of the articles contributed to the development or use of theory. The overall proportion of theoretical articles has increased. They showed a tendency to converge into a few subfields, such as information seeking and use or information retrieval. However, the declining share of theory development articles in recent journal issues and the overall low level of theory incidents are urging LIS researchers to the importance of continuous and creative research in LIS.  相似文献   

This study examines the payment policies of a list of standalone predatory open access journals available on scholarlyoa.com . It is found that 72% do charge article publication fees (APCs), which is a higher percentage than found in DOAJ journals. The mean number of articles published during 2013 was 227, but ranged from 4 to 2,286 articles. The majority of journals charge low APCs and can be assumed to have modest annual incomes. There was no correlation between the amount of APC charged and the number of articles published. Comparing the number of journals charging APCs compared to the percentage from DOAJ, the findings suggest a connection between predatory practices and charging author fees. However, a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of open access journal publishing beyond author charges should be done to avoid using APCs alone as a measure of whether a journal is predatory or not.  相似文献   

Analysis of 131 publications during 2006–2007 by staff of the School of Environmental Science and Management at Southern Cross University reveals that the journal impact factor, article length and type (i.e., article or review), and journal self-citations affect the citations accrued to 2012. Authors seeking to be well cited should aim to write comprehensive and substantial review articles, and submit them to journals with a high impact factor which has previously carried articles on the topic. Nonetheless, strategic placement of articles is complementary to, and no substitute for careful crafting of good quality research. Evidence remains equivocal regarding the contribution of an author's prior publication success (h-index) and of open-access journals.  相似文献   

中国情报学期刊:历史性调整与体系重构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国情报学期刊最近几年出现了总量的调整,调整幅度达到28%。文章从价值取向、情报学学科地位、报刊市场滑坡、宏观调控与组织不力及办刊机构实力等5个方面分析了调整现象产生的客观必然性,认为期刊调整与情报学学科框架的更新形成了同步运动。面对这一变化,情报学期刊应尽快明确调整时期的主要任务,构造其新的体系结构,以保持现有的规模和水平。作者对重新构造后的期刊体系做了设想  相似文献   

中国作者对发表SCI论文有巨大的需求,但目前SCIE收录的中国期刊数量较少,且总体水平未达到世界平均水平。将SCI-E收录的中国期刊根据语种和论文作者的国籍进行分类后发现:甲类期刊(以中文刊载的论文大于50%)和乙类期刊(发表论文的作者至少50%来自中国,且至少50%的论文以英文形式发表)学术水平未达到国际平均水平,2001—2011年期间变化不大;但乙类期刊是SCI-E收录的中国期刊中的绝大多数。丙类期刊(其刊载的论文至少50%是以英文发表的,且至少50%的论文第一作者为非中国作者)引用指数(JCS)逐年上升,上升幅度明显,2011年超过国际平均水平。说明通过改变语种不能提高期刊的国际影响力。在这3类期刊中,丙类年刊均载文量最低,为117.27篇/刊,2007后呈逐年下降趋势,2011年甚至降至91.07篇/刊。中国被SCI-E收录的期刊数量少,与国内发表SCI论文的巨大需求,以及中国期刊走上国际舞台,发挥更大的学术影响力的需求差距甚远,的确有必要创办更多的英文科技期刊;但是在此过程中,有必要慎重评价SCI-E收录期刊的学术影响力和作用。  相似文献   

中文医学学术期刊发表英文文章的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王丽  李欣欣  刘莉 《编辑学报》2005,17(4):284-286
中文医学学术期刊发表英文文章的现象较为普遍.通过对发表在<吉林大学学报(医学版)>上的112篇英文文章的发表时间、栏目、作者分布及被引用情况和其他3种较权威医学学术期刊发表的英文文章的数量及被引用情况进行分析,发现中文期刊发表的英文文章虽然具有较高的学术价值,但被国内期刊引用率明显低于同期发表的中文文章,SCI-E检索显示被引频次为0,认为中文医学学术期刊发表英文文章并没有起到扩大传播范围、促进期刊国际化的作用,而且浪费宝贵的信息资源.建议中文医学学术期刊不宜刊发英文文章,在国内应首选英文版期刊发表英文文章.  相似文献   

期刊学术影响力、期刊对稿件的录用标准和期刊载文的学术影响力三者之间存在同向加强的机制,来自较高影响力期刊的引用具有较高的评价意义。作者的择刊引用和择刊发表使得较低学术影响力的期刊较少被较高影响力期刊引用。因而,可以通过同时考察构成期刊引证形象的施引期刊的学术影响力及其施引频次来评价被引期刊的学术影响力。以综合性期刊Nature和Science 2010年的引证形象为例,将期刊影响因子作为学术影响力的初评结果,提出了以施引频次对施引期刊影响因子加权的计算方法,以期通过量化的引证形象实现对期刊的评价。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between publication rate, top journal publications and excellence during the first eight years of the career, and how well publication rate, top journal publications and highly cited publications during the first four years of the career can predict whether an author attain excellence in the fifth to the eighth year. The dataset consisted of publication track records of 406 early career mathematicians in the sub-field of number theory collected from the MathSciNet database. Logistic regression and dominance analysis was applied to the data. The major conclusions were (1) publication rate had a positive effect on excellence during the first eighth years of the career. However, those who publish many articles in top journals, which implicitly require a high publication count, had an even higher probability of attaining excellence. These results suggest that publishing in top journals is very important in the process of attaining excellence in the early career in addition to publishing many papers; and (2) a dominance analysis indicated that the number of top journal publications and highly cited publications during the first four years of the career were the most important predictors of who will attain excellence in the later career. The results are discussed in relation to indicator development and science policy.  相似文献   

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