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假文凭泛滥,已成为一大公害,单是那些到处乱贴乱画的假文凭推销广告就让人深恶痛绝了。假文凭危害之深,人们怎么估计也不为过。一张学士、硕士、博士的真文凭,那是十几年生命煎熬,数万元资金投入换来  相似文献   

近来,社会上出现了一类“奸商”,文质彬彬,却害国害民,应予以严惩。其一,是“教育奸商”。他们为了赚钱,弄虚作假,搞假文凭”、“关系文凭”“交易文凭、”“高价文凭”。……致使大批劣等文凭流入社会,鱼目混珠,使神圣的文凭贬值,败坏了教育的声誉。  相似文献   

在假文凭、假学历日益猖獗的今天,应该加强学籍档案管理,维护学历文凭的严肃性。  相似文献   

针对各种学历文凭难辨真伪的实际,江西省日前决定建立“学历数据库”,以彻底解决文凭难辨的难题,让假文凭无处藏身。据悉,该数据库为普通高等教育学历证书管理系统,目前已输入有资格颁发普通高等教育学历的全省37所学校的毕业生名单及学历等有关资料,已有近28万名大专...  相似文献   

假货鱼目混珠,代表一个人学习经历的文凭,也出现假货。对假文凭,应人人喊打。  相似文献   

真的假文凭湖北的上万名中小学教师参加原湖北教育学院的远程现代教育,毕业后却获“假文凭“,文凭上标有教育部文号,却通不过教育部验证,只能在湖  相似文献   

高等教育学历、文凭和学位相互承认问题,是高等教育国际化过程中面临的一个重要问题.本文从<亚太地区高等教育学历、文凭和学位相互承认地区公约>出发,介绍了该公约的主要内容及实施进展,并对公约的发展动向和实施中面临的问题进行了论述.  相似文献   

留学法国的中国学生在申请和办理入学手续时,要留意最近法国推行的文凭、学位制度改革,实行LMD文凭体系,要结合中国和法国不久前签订的高等教育学位和文凭互认行政协议和LMD文凭体系选择攻读学位:  相似文献   

为预防电子文凭的造假现象,本文提出了校园卡CA解决方案,它采用了校园卡CA证书,用数字签名和验证签名来保障其安全性,在很大程度上杜绝了电子假文凭。  相似文献   

联邦德国现行的学位分为三级:一是文凭学位,但若干人文学科仍保留硕士学位,两者是同级的,二是博士学位,仅神学专业的博士学位仍采用古老的名称 Lizentiatengrad;三是有讲授资格的博士学位。1.文凭学位(Diplomgrad)根据联邦德国高等学校总纲法的规定,大学阶段职业训练的结业考试,分国家考试和文凭考试两种。除了医学、法学和师范等学科  相似文献   

我国高等教育学历文凭考试于1993年诞生,至2007年结束。文凭考试是国家对尚不具备颁发学历文凭资格的民办高等教育机构的学生组织的学历认定考试,也是以学校办学和国家考试相结合、宽进严出、教考分离为特点的全日制高等学校教育。它不仅有效地缓解了当时高等教育的供求矛盾,而且为民办高等教育机构的"升级进位"增加了过渡性"台阶",对我国高等教育向大众化、现代化发展起到了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

As the world shrinks and becomes increasingly integrated with regard to the diffusion of technologies, the flow of educated personnel and the requirements both of higher education institutions and of employers, the twin questions of educational mobility and of mobility with regard to employment, are becoming increasingly important. A major barrier to the granting of equivalences is lack of information about the meaning and the value of academic credentials, diplomas, and degrees despite the creation of information centres in various countries and the formulation of various international equivalence agreements, including the Unesco regional conventions on equivalence and the recognition of diplomas and degrees of higher education. Programmes diversify; they undergo rapid change; there ¦ are so many exceptional cases, that general information devices cannot keep up to date. What the authors propose and describe is a supplement to be granted with each diploma, the items within it being sufficiently standardized so as to make the value of each corresponding diploma and credential transparent enough to facilitate the granting of equivalences.  相似文献   

德国是一个实行证书制招生的国家,获得中学毕业证书的学生就获得了进入综合性大学学习的机会。但是,要获得毕业考试资格,不但需要完成一定的必修课程的学习,同时需要满足一定选修课程的要求。德国高中阶段的学程制教学方法和积点制的毕业考试方法,有着自己的特点。  相似文献   

In the Dutch stratified secondary educational system, schools vary in how many tracks are offered. While the tendency in the Netherlands is for schools to become smaller, a relevant policy question is whether multi-track school settings promote equality of educational opportunity. Comparing single-track schools at the pre-university and pre-vocational levels with multi-track schools offering the same exams, and using relative geographical distance as an instrument of school choice, the analyses showed that single-track pre-university schools enhance the probability of obtaining a pre-university diploma without delay, but more strongly so for students from disadvantaged backgrounds (who have a lower chance of going to such schools). The single-track pre-vocational schools were associated with a lower likelihood of achieving a diploma at a level higher than pre-vocational education. Multi-track schools within a varied system will not automatically enhance equal opportunities, as middle-class children will also benefit from the additional options that multi-track schools provide.  相似文献   

学历是一个人接受科学文化知识训练经历的证明。但是近年来,它却遭遇了前所未有的挑战。大量的假文凭,假学历日益猖獗。为维护学历的真实有效和高等教育的诚信,我们应该加强学籍档案管理,维护学历文凭的严肃性。  相似文献   

也谈中小学教师继续教育中的师德培养   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着新世纪的到来,教育事业的发展对教师师德提出了更高的标准。在全国范围内开展的中小学教师继续教育培训过程中,各级教育主管部门、培训院校过于注重学历层次的达标和专业知识结构的更新,教师师德的培养被不同程度地忽视了,继续教育的质量因此受到了很大的影响。本文通过对当前我国中小学教师师德的现状分析入手,谈谈新世纪加强中小学教师师德修养的必要性,以及在继续教育培训中如何加强中小学教师师德的培养。  相似文献   

There has been enormous growth in English young people's participation in education over the last 20 years, and a commensurate growth in the number and perceived importance of formal diplomas. However, the growth has been uneven. Politicians have embraced a rather simple theory about the link between economic prosperity and education (and the formation of ‘human capital'). As a result they have supported the creation of a large number of new vocational qualifications, and tried to encourage their uptake. The general population, however, has viewed these qualifications as the lemons of the diploma world; a view supported by evidence on earnings and employment, and the economic returns to different qualifications. Rather than taking vocational qualifications, young people and adults have enrolled for university courses in unprecedented numbers, transforming the higher education sector and the role of diplomas in the labour market. Although the ‘diploma disease’ has advanced with respect to numbers of diplomas, and pressure to stay in school, there is little evidence that this has reduced the quality of English education at school level. Moreover, changes in the world economy have reduced opportunities for unskilled workers in the UK, and suggest that longer schooling may be justified on economic grounds.  相似文献   

中国古代对教师从人品、学识、资历等提出明确的标准和要求,形成了推荐与考试的结合、不同层次的递进等措施,但从制度层面缺乏对教师在教育教学能力方面的资格要求.从清末近代学制建立开始,对各级各类教师的任职资格作了明确规定,民国期间不断完善,以接受师范教育为教师入职的标准尺度,也为非师范生提供了获取教师资格的途径.对各类教师资格规定了学历标准,并有健康、品行等方面的条件要求.建立了教师检定和考试制度,作为其具有任职资格的法律凭证.但是,在教师资格制度层面上的建设与实际执行方面还有很大的差距.  相似文献   

文章运用调查访问和数据统计等方法,从整体的、综合的角度出发,对湖南省10所高职院校体育教师的年龄结构、职称结构、学历层次及工资待遇等方面进行了调查研究.针对高职院校体育师资队伍"高职称教师少"、"学历层次低"、"工作量大但工资待遇普遍偏低"等现状,提出完善高职院校体育教师队伍的基本对策.  相似文献   

应用问卷调查法,通过SPSS for Windows 11.5进行统计分析,从地区、身份和学历三个维度研究贵州省少数民族地区小学教师学历大专化进程的态度、提升学历的方式、获得专科文凭的花费和获得学历所需时间四个问题,得出的主要结论是:该地区广大小学教育工作者已接受了小学教师学历大专化的观念,主要通过假期函授方式获得学历,学员获得专科文凭一般需要三年时间,花费3000-4000元。学历和地区是此项研究中最重要的难度。  相似文献   

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