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赵秀丽  陶阳 《海外英语》2014,(18):236-237
There is a long history of animal images in literature. What we have known about animal literature is confined into the Greek mythology, Aesop’s Fables and some fairy tales. But in the 20 thcentury, the development of animal literary which focuses on the real animals is great. The Call of the Wild by Jack London is a representative work of describing real animals. This paper will discuss two different images of Buck by means of two archetypes based on Archetype Theory of Carl G. Jung, shadow and hero, in order to study how Buck changed from a dog to a wolf.  相似文献   

白杰 《海外英语》2014,(16):207-209
The Greek term for flower is Chloris. It is derived from the name of the Chloris, the goddess of vegetation, in Greek mythology, reasonably so, if we consider the great number of mythological tales linked to flowers of the Greek flowers. The use of flowers was widespread in Greece from time immemorial, since flowers are so important to us from the moment we are born.Flowers play an important role in mythology. As they morph from bud to bloom to faded and wilted petals, they assume various meanings linked to youth, life and death. They are associated with goddesses and legends, and are often attributed with certain powers and symbolism.  相似文献   

Greek Mythology     
Most Greek myths or legends from ancient Greek literature, including such as "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of the "Homer", Hesiod’s "Work Time" and "Divinity," Ovid’s "Metamorphoses" and other classics, as well as Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides in the European theater.  相似文献   

There is a long history of animal images in literature. What we have known about animal literature is confined into the Greek mythology, Aesop’s Fables and some fairy tales. But in the 20th century, th...  相似文献   

吕婕 《海外英语》2013,(15):196-197
As the hero in Ernest Hemingway’s greatest masterpiece,The Old Man and the Sea,Santiago has always been considered as a perfect example of Hemingway’s stoical protagonists.Being one of the classic characters in the American literature,Santiago is noticed for his strength,wisdom,bravery,and above all,his unsurpassed endurance.Even though the prototype of Santia go in reality,as Hemingway once revealed in an interview,is an old Cuban fisherman who told him about his experience of catching a large marlin and losing it to the sharks in 1935[海],the spiritual prototype of the old man has been best interpreted in the Greek Mythology.To be more precise,Santiago’s spiritual prototype is the combination of Atlas,Prometheus and Sisyphus.  相似文献   

朱娟 《海外英语》2012,(21):203-205
William Golding’s masterpiece,Lord of the Flies,enabled him to win the Nobel Prize in 1983.Golding considered this novel as a myth,since he applied plenty of archetypes from Greek mythology and the Bible to this novel.This thesis is to ana lyze the main characters and images in it from a myth-archetypal perspective to reveal the author’s writing purpose.  相似文献   

林雅琴 《海外英语》2014,(5):195-196
William Wordsworth is best known for his poem,The Daffodils.This paper traces the origin of daffodils in Greek mythology,the four important facts in Wordsworth’s life and the poetic theories implied in his poem The Daffodils.The most important part shall be the appreciation and analysis of the poem.During this course,readers may find it difficult to understand Wordsworth’s poetic theories of Romanticism.However this is made easier by asking and answering questions and by comparing Chinese and English Romantic poems.  相似文献   

唐忙珍 《高中生》2015,(6):40-41
Greek and international team of divers and archaeologists has retrieved1stunning new finds from an ancient Greek ship that sank more than 2,000 years ago off the remote island of Antikythera(安提凯希拉).The Antikythera wreck was first discovered in 1900by sponge divers who were blown off course by a storm.  相似文献   

霍妍 《海外英语》2011,(1):202-203
Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most unique writers in America.It was until 20th century that the importance of Poe’s literary creations had been recognized extensively by the academic world.Many of his works have been analyzed as the psychological materials.His short stories "The Black Cat" is one of the most classic horror novels which also has been criticized from the dark side of human being in psychology,however,this essay aims to analysis "The Black Cat" in the perspective of myth-archetype criticism which can lift up readers’ mind on a broader perspective.Also,the ancient Greek mythology and Christian thought which will help us to understand his other works easily and make us know more about his particular contribution to the world literary history.  相似文献   

牛颖 《海外英语》2014,(21):273-274
About Shakespeare’s classic learning, Ben Jonson’s“small Latin and less Greek”has long been regarded precise and pertinent. This essay, however, is to explore the other part of the picture. In King Lear, Shakespeare has shown adroit application of Elizabethan rhetoric devices like hypallage, polyptoton and anadiplosis. It denotes his somewhat rigid grammar school training especially in oratory, which partly explains his classism.  相似文献   

20世纪五六十年代西方的人本主义思想可以在希腊神话故事中找到渊源。希腊神话中塑造的神和英雄,是人化的神和神化的人,希腊人将他们的人本主义思想、审美意识等赋予了这些神和英雄,希腊神话体现的人性美使 希腊神话具有永久的魅力。  相似文献   

希腊罗马神话作为西方文化的源头之一,对西方文化产生了极其重要的影响。语言是文化的载体,也是文化的一部分。许多英语词汇源于希腊罗马神话,如果对希腊罗马神话一无所知,就很难理解这些词汇的深层含义,更谈不上掌握和运用这些词汇。通过简述希腊罗马神话的重要性和详细分析一些源于希腊罗马神话的词语及典故,主要讨论希腊罗马神话对英语词...  相似文献   

李燕 《涪陵师范学院学报》2006,22(6):133-136,75
神话是文学与艺术的源泉和武库,世界上各个古老的民族都曾产生神话,具体表现在中国与希腊。古希腊神话自成体系,中国人文神话极为丰富。论文通过追溯历史渊源并大致关照内容,对中国与希腊神话材料进行具体分析研究,探讨中希神话异同性及两者原始思维的深层意蕴。  相似文献   

以往对希腊神话的研究,常常被局限在文艺领域。从希腊神话分析其价值倾向,对理解当代西方教育文化具有重要意义。本文从教育内容、学校文化和人性特质等方面,揭示了希腊神话对于西方教育文化理念乃至当代人生活的深远影响。  相似文献   

希腊神话因其完备的体系、瑰丽的想象等特点在世界范围内大放异彩,受到了世界各国人民的欢迎。商家们从中嗅出了商机,将希腊神话运用到商标中,引发了消费高潮。本文搜集整理了各个领域基于希腊神话的商标,并从文化角度解读了这些商标出现的原因。  相似文献   

莎士比亚喜剧汲取了古希腊神话的养分,大量的古希腊神话因子通过故事类型、主题类型、人物类型在剧中显现。莎翁喜剧与古希腊神话一样,是人性与神性的合璧,表达了世俗与神圣并置、狂欢与理性并置的人神观念。  相似文献   

希腊神话有较为系统的神系,有专门的神话的书籍与故事留存;而中国古代神话则显得零乱,只在部分史书与文学作品中常见到神话的影子。文章从两种文明的自然环境与地理条件、经济发展方式、国家政治的形成、历史文化与民族特征以及人格结构这五个方面探究希腊神话的系统性与中国神话零乱的原因。  相似文献   

希腊罗马神话是世界文学宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠,它自产生以来就对西方的文学艺术和语言产生了极大的影响。本文拟从英语中源于希腊罗马神话的词汇入手,追溯希腊罗神话对英语语言的影响。  相似文献   

古代希腊是农业社会还是商业社会?试图从神话研究的视角,对这一问题作出回答。认为:从希腊神话的各主题,即神系更替、诸神诞生、诸神职司及命运、英雄传说及人类诞生中,可以清晰地捕捉到希腊商业社会由形成到确立的过程。  相似文献   

欧里庇得斯的悲剧《希波吕托斯》,拉辛的悲剧《费德尔》及茨维塔耶娃的悲剧《费德尔》均以希腊神话的原型形象费德尔为主人公,且沿袭了希腊神话母题的原始形态。其中,欧里庇得斯与拉辛的悲剧表现了男性对女人作为主妇地位的亵渎意识这一共同主题,但因作家价值取向的不同,茨维塔耶娃的作品却成功的改变了这一传统主题。  相似文献   

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