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In this work, we explore journal writing as a way to come to know culture, particularly cultural phenomenon, vastly different from one’s own firmly held and enacted beliefs. In this research, we accept the premise that writing is a way of knowing and adopt journal writing as a tool through which students can explore the knowledge they have developed as a result of their academic travel study experiences, all being participants in the China Study Abroad Program. Narrative threads from numerous graduate students’ journals are seamed together through the use of narrative inquiry’s analytical tools. The narrative exemplars that were created reinforce the personal, social, and professional importance of creating a reflective writing space through which many expressions of culture and students’ reflective responses to them can be channeled in productive and potentially transformative ways.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate Archer’s reflexive modalities in relation to Further Education (FE) students’ higher education (HE) decision-making and choices. To do this, it draws on data from a qualitative, longitudinal narrative inquiry that explored how socioeconomically under-represented FE students made their HE decisions and choices. On a conceptual level, the research aimed to identify whether participants’ HE decisions and choices were individualised or mediated by structure. Margaret Archer’s reflexive modes were adapted to understand, first, how young people made their educational choices and decisions and, second, what role agency and structure played in this process. How participants’ different reflexive modes were interpreted and how this facilitated more intricate understandings of how agency is exerted in the face of structural constraints are discussed. Yet, this paper also critically reflects on and questions the explanatory power of Archer’s work in the context of this research.  相似文献   

The article shows the experience of professional development over the course of a decade of one teacher’s career nested against the backdrop of one reforming middle‐school context in the USA. Through the use of four fine‐grained narrative exemplars, the campus professional development trajectory is examined from the vantage point of Daryl Wilson, an eighth‐grade literacy teacher who participated in the research study for 10 years. By using narrative inquiry as both a method and a form to feature Daryl’s and some of his colleagues’ experiences of teacher learning within the context of school reform, the strengths and challenges of the various iterations of professional development are discussed. In the final analysis, the narrative exemplars show Daryl Wilson’s meaning‐making as he moves from an isolated form of teacher reflection to full‐blown classroom action where his students’ learning and his colleagues’ professional development are also implicated. However, before coming full circle, Daryl experiences some less‐than‐satisfying teacher learning situations in‐between.  相似文献   

With the ‘narrative turn’, a momentum gathered in the wider social sciences that asserted that listening to, asking for, gathering and analysing stories provided a new impetus to researching human behaviour. The argument evolved: people are storied beings and to generate a more in-depth understanding of people and their experiences, researchers need to begin with their stories. But the stories people tell are also deeply embedded in narrative frameworks and narrative environments that make up what I conceptualise as institutional storytelling. Arguably, institutional storytelling has a profound impact on the stories people can and do tell. Narrative inquiry has much to offer to the analysis of institutional and personal narratives. In this article, I will address the question of the relevance of narrative inquiry to gather and analyse the stories that people and institutions tell. Drawn from an empirical sociological study of women’s narratives of their weight management experiences in the context of their participation in weight management classes, I present a case for narrative ethnography as a critical methodological strategy to analyse the complex relationship between institutional and personal narratives.  相似文献   

This research examines the influence of parents on students’ studying the STEM disciplines and entering STEM careers. Cases of two graduate students (one female, one male) and one undergraduate student (male) are featured. The first two students in the convenience sample are biology and physics majors in a STEM teacher education programme; the third is enrolled in computer science. The narrative inquiry research method is used to elucidate the students’ academic trajectories. Incidents of circumstantial and planned parent curriculum making surfaced when the data was serially interpreted. Other themes included: (1) relationships between (student) learners and (teacher) parents, (2) invitations to inquiry, (3) modes of inquiry, (4) the improbability of certainty, and (5) changed narratives?=?changed lives. While policy briefs provide sweeping statements about parents’ positive effects on their children, narrative inquiries such as this one illuminate parents’ inquiry moves within home environments. These actions became retrospectively revealed in their adult children’s lived narratives. Nurtured by their mothers and/or fathers, students enter STEM disciplines and STEM-related careers through multiple pathways in addition to the anticipated pipeline.  相似文献   

Narrative inquiry as a methodological approach enables us to examine how people represent their experiences and selves through storytelling (Chase, S. E. 2005. ‘Narrative Inquiry: Multiple Lenses, Approaches, Voices.’ In The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, edited by N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln, 651–679. London: Sage). To understand these constructions, other kinds of knowledge are required. Theories of social life, for example, help to interpret areas which narrative inquiry is good at revealing about human experiences such as the animation of temporality, sociality and place (Clandinin, J., V. Caine, A. Estefan, J. Huber, M. S. Murphy, and P. Steeves. 2015. ‘Places of Practice: Learning to Think Narratively.’ Narrative Works 5 (1). Accessed November 30, 2017. https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/NW/issue/view/1799). Drawing on interviews with practice educators and final-year undergraduate early childhood education and care (ECEC) students in North-West Ireland, this paper considers how narrative inquiry and education theories work together to illuminate key learning experiences of ECEC undergraduate students during 12-week practice placements. In this paper I attempt to show how two education theories – ‘Threshold Concepts’ and ‘Communities of Practice’ – shed light on the nature of these key learning experiences. The paper suggests that narrative inquiry offers an emancipatory research approach by uncovering human and reflective elements of learning journeys made by ECEC students during their practice placements.  相似文献   

Egyptian history textbooks are examined through the prism of historical thinking dimensions and skills, utilizing a critical discourse analysis. The analysis focuses on how the textbooks portray two historically significant events: the advent of Christianity (ca. 33 CE) and Islam (ca. 641 CE) to Egypt. It reveals that the historical narrative presented in the textbooks does two things: first, it essentializes a dominant identity—mainly an Arab Muslim one—eclipsing the multilayered identity informed by the country’s long history. Secondly, the textbooks miss several opportunities to promote historical thinking skills such as ‘cause and consequence’ and ‘change and continuity’. As an entry point to revising the textbooks to include currently missing indigenous minority narratives, a narrative approach that focuses on cultural continuity and change is proposed. The article also calls for further investigation of how these textbooks influence students’ sense of citizenship and historical consciousness, especially that they are increasingly exposed to alternative and competing historical narratives outside the history classroom.  相似文献   


Preservice teachers enter professional teacher education programs with personally constructed (but often implicit and unexamined) knowledge of what good teaching is and what kind of teachers they wish to become. If they are unable to connect new and/or expanded professional knowledge of teaching with their own unexamined narrative knowledge of teaching, professional knowledge presented in courses remains decontextualized theory; their personal narrative knowledge of teaching remains implicit and unexamined; and they teach as they believe they were taught. Here the use of four versions of narrative inquiry with preservice teachers are examined. Each one—Response to Practicum Experiences, Responses to Readings, Small and Large Group Discussions, and Reflection Papers—is intended to enable students to explore narrative assumptions that contribute to their images of teaching. Each form of narrative inquiry enables students to explore unexamined parts of their personal and professional knowledge of teaching and link these in explicit ways.  相似文献   

Research with young people who ‘do not fit the mould’ requires innovative and unconventional methods, but what are the implications of such methods for scholarly representation? This paper reports on the development of such a method with students diagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and offers one view of the borderland spaces and tensions between critical theory and narrative inquiry. In particular, the paper defines the methodology that underpins the ‘critical cover narratives’ method, describes the application of this approach within a doctoral study, and identifies resultant issues of representation when combining narrative and critical approaches. The paper then details the use of a tapestry metaphor to reconcile these issues. The central premise of the paper is that differing methods produce different knowledge, which demands different forms of representation. In making this case, the paper discusses the importance of a balance between the epistemological and aesthetic within scholarly representations of narrative inquiry.  相似文献   

自媒体时代,城市形象建构的维度更加多元,“旅行叙事”再次进入公众视野。旅行的内容在空间位移的基础上加入了媒介书写:将自己经历过的地理景观和风俗人情连同个人感受描述通过自媒体分享,形成一种自媒体传播中的“旅行叙事”。这类“旅行叙事”也因其具有庞大的数量、丰富的内容题材、鲜明的民间话语特性而产生了空间拓展和文化传播的功效。这种旅行书写由于再现了地理景观,传播了地域文化,同时加入旅行者个人体验,最终集结成为关于旅行目的地全方位的信息提供者,因此亦是城市形象构建和营销的重要路径。  相似文献   

This paper examines a method for having preservice teachers engage in narrative inquiry with students in practicum schools. The inquiry entails: conducting a tape‐recorded interview with a student using a supplied, semistructured interview schedule; transcribing the interview; writing a narrative portrait of the student; and writing reflections. Theoretical rationales for the methods are presented as well as student teachers’ responses to the component parts of the assignment. What student teachers do and learn when they carry out this assignment was studied with reference to the work of 150 student teachers. The study clarified the ways in which the narrative inquiry supported a more self‐reflexive, connected, and friendly way of being with children or young people. In learning to relate to children, student teachers also learned how to teach. The assignment provided a contextualized and empowering way of taking up questions related to teaching and learning and of becoming critical inquirers about themes of oppression. Besides particular knowledge about children, themselves, and teaching, the student teachers also acquired a mode of inquiry for understanding new teaching situations.  相似文献   

龚雪 《教育与教学研究》2011,25(2):103-105,121
新课程倡导学习方式的转变。自主、合作、探究学习作为崭新的学习方式在形成过程中受到多方面条件的影响和制约。教师层面主要体现在:教师教学方式的转变,教师对课程内容的拓展,教师教学手段的优化,教学组织形式的多样化。学校层面主要体现在:课程资源的开发,新的课程设置,促进学生发展的评价方式。  相似文献   

Educators’ persistent disciplining of a small group of students positions them as “frequent flyers.” This identity prevents educators from developing an understanding that could enable them to reengage these students. Using the methodology of interpretive biography positioned within narrative inquiry and using a Gestalt-based analysis, this study presents the case narratives of three persistently disciplined students from one urban middle school in the southeast USA. Examining the central tensions of each case led to a richer and more comprehensive narrative of each student, reflecting his or her complex motivations and desires. Viewing students as the whole people reflected in these narratives rather than through the deficit-oriented lens that labels students as frequent flyers can shift educators’ practices to better support the learning of all students.  相似文献   

Although there are many alternative schools that strive for the successful education of their students, negative images of alternative schools persist. While some alternative schools are viewed as ‘idealistic havens’, many are viewed as ‘dumping grounds’ or ‘juvenile detention centers’. Employing narrative inquiry, this article interrogates how a student, Kevin Gonzales, experiences his alternative education and raises questions about the role of alternative schools. Kevin Gonzales’s story is presented in a literary form of biographical journal to provide a ‘metaphoric loft’ that helps us imagine other students like Kevin. This, in turn, provokes us to examine our current educational practice and (re)imagines ways in which alternative education can provide the best possible educational experiences for disenfranchised students who are increasingly underserved by the public education system.  相似文献   

The study employs a narrative inquiry approach to probe a Chinese doctoral student’s identity construction experiences fraught with interruption and transformation. The longitudinal narratives gathered through participant entries in Evernote, a face-to-face life story interview, and researcher memos, have enabled a dynamic configuration of the intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual dimensions characterizing doctoral identity development. Using identity-trajectory as an analytical lens, the study highlights how individual agency is embodied and exercised in institutional, relational, and personal spaces where doctoral identity is formed and contested. Findings are episodically ordered as: beginning doctoral study with great expectations; conceptualizing the nature of becoming a doctoral student; forces that are disruptive to the development of the doctoral-researcher identity; the ongoing process of being mediated by socialization into an extended research community, socio- professional support, and agentic reflexivity over time. The study argues for using narrative inquiry to speak of and express the subtleties and continuities of doctoral students’ experiences. It also provides practical implications for action by supervisors and students in doctoral programs respectively.  相似文献   

本专题除了对主题的介绍性论文,还收录了三篇一线教师的叙事,均来自北京教科院德育中心举办的、为期一年的第三期教育行动研究工作坊中的叙事行动研究班。作为指导教师,笔者目睹了一大批教师在做叙事行动研究中的专业成长,这三篇文章就是其中的代表。本文意在介绍为什么将叙事探究转换为叙事行动研究,这两种路径有什么区别,教师们在叙事行动研究中获得了什么成长以及这种成长的发生需要什么条件。通过分析教师的参与过程和研究结果发现,相比叙事探究,叙事行动研究在教师公开发声、改变心智模式的基础之上,还需要触及学校场域中人们惯习的改变,其风险和挑战更大。通过本次工作坊的初步尝试,教师对叙事主题的认识更加准确,对主题的反思更加深刻,减少了自己的自责和内疚感,而且能够采取行动改变现状。促使教师如此成长的条件包括教师敢于暴露自己的"顽症",创设安全、开放的学习氛围,及时分享相关理论,形成相互支持的学习共同体以及获得学校的理解和支持。教育行政部门和教育研究者应关注教师的专业成长,为诸如叙事行动研究之类的教师专业发展活动提供更加有力的支持。  相似文献   

Located in a larger study that attempted to challenge taken-for-granted or homogenizing assumptions about constructions of adolescent identity and to interrogate radically the process of qualitative research in this field [O’ Grady, G. (2012). “Constructing Identities with Young People using Creative Rhizomatic Narrative.” PhD Thesis. Queen’s University Belfast], the paper picks up the narrative of the research journey at a moment of meeting with Kim Etherington, Professor of Narrative Research at the University of Bristol. It opens with the conversation that ensued and my introduction to the figure of the rhizome [Deleuze, G., and F. Guattari. ([1987] 2004). A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Translated by B. Massumi. London: Continuum, 8) which, alongside other poststructuralist ideas, I subsequently used to conceptualize and frame the inquiry. In grappling with the questions posed in our conversation, I hope to make visible three interweaving themes in this paper: My difficulties initially in ‘inhabiting’ the philosophical positions I took up in this creative narrative inquiry; my growing commitment to a form of narrative inquiry that challenges inherited dominant understandings of subjectivity and research methodologies and finally, my encounters with ‘otherness’ in the construction of self/other as a thematic thread that interwove all the narratives of the young people in the larger study.  相似文献   

This study explored how children with cerebral palsy describe competent performance in everyday activities and sought to better understand the processes by which the children developed competence. Five children with cerebral palsy aged six to 17 years participated in a three-step procedure that included two observations, one semi-structured interview with narrative elaboration, and one cognitive interview. Three factors influenced the competence of children in this study: the environment—people, places, and objects; the quality of the activity—fun and importance; and the child’s personal characteristics—strengths and impairments. The process of building competence was characterised by practice and problem-solving. The outcome of this process was being competent or “doing lots of things”. Children played an active role by problem-solving impairment-related challenges or environmental barriers. “Doing” was not related to the child’s skills or level of independence, but to engagement in activities considered fun and important to the child.  相似文献   

小说家刁斗在其长篇小说《我哥刁北年表》中通过对一个处在社会边缘的小人物刁北的50年人生轨迹的展示,侧面揭示了当代中国社会半个世纪以来的历史变迁。小说进而由此对人和体制之间千丝万缕的联系进行了较有意义的彰显和挖掘,揭秘了严肃表象下面的荒诞和滑稽,最终拷问的是整个人类生活和人类社会。小说的形式也富有意味,以"碎片"式的呈现和拼贴的方式在挑战了既有的完整式小说的同时,也刷新和校正了人们对小说观念、功能和使命的认识,充分展现了刁斗小说的先锋性。刁斗对人、人性、世界的洞察力要远比余华更为深邃、透彻和先锋。这是一部作者自己与自己进行精神对话、展开思想交锋的作品,在这里,作者对沧桑世事的纷繁思绪、对真实人性的敏锐洞察,借由不同人的口中道出,不同的腔调、复杂的声音相互交织碰撞,带给我们新异的感受。  相似文献   

关于教育叙事研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育叙事研究是近年来普遍受到重视的一种教育科研方法。从教育叙事的涵义人手,认为所叙之“事”应该具有问题性、情境性、亲为性;叙事研究面向教师生活,其研究过程和结论是开放的,研究的形式灵活多样;它对我国教师的专业发展和教育科研具有启示意义。  相似文献   

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