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文学与媒体是一对难舍难分的双生子。文学自发生之日起,便依附于一定的媒体而存在。媒体是文学的载体,一种新的媒体的出现,往往催生出新的文学样式。文学依赖着媒体而存在,没有媒体就不可能有文学的传播,文学也就不可能成为人类精神文化的主要组成部分,并且随着每一次新的媒体的产生,都在不同程度上带来了一场文学革命。  相似文献   

当今世界上有数不清的媒体,但是媒体之间的差别非常大。有些媒体声名显赫、影响巨大,有些媒体则默默无闻,朝不保夕。我们把那些具有巨大规模和影响力的媒体称之为主流媒体或强势媒体,其中最为顶  相似文献   

赵宗符 《青年记者》2010,(11):54-55
在生活中,经常有人以媒体的报道为根据,或喜或怒,这一方面让人看到了媒体人的责任,但另一方面,也可以看到人们对媒体的存在缺乏反思。人们常常想不到,媒体并非不食人间烟火,一部法律制定出来都不一定完全公正,何况是媒体的报道。一名合格的现代公民,应是读媒体而又不唯媒体,能够独立思考,始终对媒体保持警惕。  相似文献   

正"媒体是人的延伸",自媒体也不例外,同时,自媒体特有的是:自媒体是人随时随地的延伸,因为随时随地,这种延伸也发生了质的变化,人和自媒体越来越相互依附。因此,自媒体带给出版业的价值,不应当只是出版形态上、出版方式上和推广方式上的,更应当是融合业态层面的。  相似文献   

和谐舆论的本质特征并不是异口同声、众口一词.社会公众舆论中的不和谐因素往往呈现为复杂的状况,和谐因素与不和谐因素同在是舆论形态的常态。和谐媒体应当特别强调媒体的责任感、权威性和诚信度,而这三个方面都与媒体公信力密不可分。从这个角度上说。构建和谐媒体的首要任务是要提升媒体公信力。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网和社会化媒体的出现,高校的媒体环境逐渐新媒体化。目前,高校校园新媒体的发展面临着数量多而庞杂、运营程度不深、活跃程度不高、组织构成单一、运营制度不完善等困境。在新一轮信息技术变革和视频媒体平台火热的新媒体背景下,校园媒体可以以进一步整合新媒体资源、建立"两微一空"新媒体矩阵、打造特色模式和完善媒体制度等方面作为发展出路。  相似文献   

媒体反功能的表现千差万别,其产生的原因并非由于媒体的主观恶意。媒体宣传的内在矛盾、受众的个体差异、媒体宣传的特征都可能导致媒体反功能。媒体的反功能不能避免,但通过预先采取措施可减少其产生。  相似文献   

在当今世界上,没有新闻传媒及其从业者不知道媒体影响力的重要。媒体影响力的作用对象,涉及社会的各个方面和各个层面。此处主要研讨媒体对于受众的影响力。受众是一个群体性概念,所指相当宽泛。面对媒体的影响力,受众的反应不可能完全一致,文中只能是针对总体情况进行论述。对于受众而言,媒体影响力有正向和非正向之分。本文讨论的是媒体对受众所产生的激励向上和向前的正向  相似文献   

中国正致力于创新型国家的建设,科学家是建设创新型国家的重要力量。然而科学家却不被大众媒体公平对待,且不少的大众媒体从业人员不承认这一点。本文从多方面多角度论证大众媒体在报道中冷落了科学家的事实,并从三个方面提出大众媒体重视科学家的建议。  相似文献   

媒体的传播力就是观众看不看的问题,就是媒体主流不主流的问题;媒体的公信力就是观众信不信的问题,就是报道权威不权威的问题。  相似文献   

Investigation of end-user searching at the New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center (NYH-CUMC) revealed that 8% of the physicians surveyed were end users, 63% were interested in learning to search, and 29% were not interested. When training sessions were offered at the Burke Rehabilitation Center, an affiliated institution, 50% of the medical staff attended at least one class, but only 7% of the total staff became frequent searchers. Analysis of the precision and recall ratios of searches conducted by five end users at HYH-CUMC indicated that the best results were obtained by end users who had been taught to search by experienced librarian-searchers. The quality of end user searches did not appear to be affected by the "friendliness" of the systems used, the frequency of searching habits, or the length of time that an end user had been searching.  相似文献   

Investigation of end-user searching at the New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center (NYH-CUMC) revealed that 8% of the physicians surveyed were end users, 63% were interested in learning to search, and 29% were not interested. When training sessions were offered at the Burke Rehabilitation Center, an affiliated institution, 50% of the medical staff attended at least one class, but only 7% of the total staff became frequent searchers. Analysis of the precision and recall ratios of searches conducted by five end users at HYH-CUMC indicated that the best results were obtained by end users who had been taught to search by experienced librarian-searchers. The quality of end user searches did not appear to be affected by the "friendliness" of the systems used, the frequency of searching habits, or the length of time that an end user had been searching.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe a case study that addresses issues related to stack end signage in a university library. Poor stack end signage can negatively influence patrons' ability to navigate the library and locate physical materials. At the Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library, a tool was developed using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word to quickly and inexpensively mass-produce effective and user-friendly stack end signage. This article details the specific steps taken to develop, implement, and utilize this instrument.  相似文献   

Value-based metadata quality assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article proposes a method that allows a value-based assessment of metadata quality and construction of a baseline quality model. The method is illustrated on a large-scale, aggregated collection of simple Dublin core metadata records. An analysis of the collection suggests that metadata providers and end users may have different value structures for the same metadata. To promote better use of the metadata collection, value models for metadata in the collection should be made transparent to end users and end users should be allowed to participate in content creation and quality control processes.  相似文献   

文章主要在对国内公共图书馆服务推广现状的基础上,结合国外公共图书馆利用Pinterest开展推广服务的状况,对国外公共图书馆在Pinterest平台上提供的服务内容以及活跃度进行调查,分析其有益的经验和存在的问题,提出运用可视化社交媒体开展公共图书馆工作,增强公共图书馆在可视化平台上的相互合作,抓住用户需求,利用平台板块细分优点,丰富页面活动信息内容,以期对国内公共图书馆提供帮助。  相似文献   

This article reviews ways that commissioning editors in academic book publishing can better understand the end‐users of their products. It discusses available market resources, reports, and market research undertaken by other publishing companies and consultants, before going on to look at some of the existing internal sources that commissioning editors can draw on. It considers both qualitative and quantitative ways of testing and developing a commissioning editor's understanding of end‐users to improve market reach and customer satisfaction. The article concludes with a case study illustrating how one publisher used research on end‐users to improve its products and be more successful in the market.  相似文献   

评价情报检索系统性能的新方法--加权中值法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
查全率和查准率被大多数情报检索系统作为评价系统性能的方法,但人们已逐渐认识到它们的局限性.本文通过对三组情报检索系统用户相关性判断分布规律实验的数据分析,使用了一种基于用户相关性判断分布规律的方法--加权中值法,对情报检索系统的性能进行评价,并通过倾斜度的计算分析用户相关性判断的态度.  相似文献   

王桂凤 《情报学报》2001,20(4):451-459
在专家咨询和用户调查的基础上 ,建立了信息最终用户对计算机检索介入程度的层次分析模型。分析了影响我国科技信息最终用户计算机检索介入程度的主要因素。针对不同用户群的特点 ,具体分析各自计算机信息检索的介入程度 ,并提出相应的建议 ,以提高最终用户信息检索自我满足能力。  相似文献   

围绕互联网崛起对电视媒体构成的挑战,"电视消亡论"认为互联网后来居上,电视即将消亡."视网融合论"则认为电视与互联网将最终走向融合.而本文则认为,由于互联网在技术、内容以及媒体特性上无可比拟的优越性,必将在媒体竞争中获胜.但由于中国的实际,电视也不会立即消亡,而是呈现式微的态势.  相似文献   

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