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研究选取2001—2023年中国知网(CNKI)数据库中信息技术与数学教学融合研究的相关文献,运用可视化分析工具CiteSpace 6.1.R2,从总体发文量、研究作者、研究机构和研究热点等4个方面进行分析。研究发现:该领域研究总体发文量呈波浪式动态分布,近4年发文量有下降的趋势;研究作者和研究机构的合作网络均较为分散;研究热点主要聚焦于基础理论研究、技术应用研究、教学案例研究、教学模式研究和资源开发研究等5个领域。基于此,未来该领域研究应开展和促进协同研究,拓展和凝练研究内容,拓宽和整合研究视角,规范和创新研究方法。  相似文献   

拔尖人才培养是国内高等教育改革的重要内容,本文采用CiteSpace可视化知识图谱工具,对中国知网(CNKI)中“拔尖人才培养”主题的427篇文献进行分析,要素包括发文量、作者、研究机构、关键词共现、前沿演进。结果显示,国内发文量折线波动明显,发文作者较为零散,合作程度不高,研究团队成型较少,研究机构以高水平研究型大学为主,研究热点变化较大,可分为三个热点演进时期。未来应向多主体研究团队、高等教育新热点、混合式研究方法、评价及保障机制等四个方面改进。  相似文献   

通过对1 352篇期刊论文进行有关依存语法的文献计量分析,先通过文献计量分析梳理了国内外依存语法研究发表的数量、年均增长率、发文量占比前十的国家,然后利用CiteSpace得出高产作者,最后通过关键词共现和聚类分析该领域的研究热点与核心。数据显示:国外依存语法研究发文量远多于国内,但国内外发文量在增长速度与年均增长率方面相差无几;此领域我国高产作者发文总量高于国外高产作者发文总量;国内外研究热点与核心大致集中在依存句法、依存语法、句法分析方面;发文量占比前十的国家依次为美国、中国、德国、法国、荷兰、英国、日本、西班牙、加拿大、印度。  相似文献   

以六所典型高校2011—2015届科技哲学博士毕业生读博期间论文产出为数据源,从发文量、被引次数、刊文期刊、第一作者和独立作者数等方面进行统计分析,描绘出我国当前科技哲学博士生培养的实际情况,并对培养规模、高产作者和研究取向等问题展开讨论。  相似文献   

采用文献计量学的方法,利用EXCEL作为分析工具,对The Journal of Technology Studies(JOTS)期刊中2003~2012年决于技术教育的载文信息进行整理统计,分析了技术教育研究的论文数量、作者分布、研究主题等内容。结果显示:近十年来该期刊有关技术教育研究的文献数量呈波浪式发展,总体呈上升趋势;技术教育研究的作者队伍庞大,合作能力较好,但人均发文量较少;技术教育研究的主题与内容覆盖面广。  相似文献   

CiteSpace知识图谱分析可以研究某一领域的发展现状和趋势。以中国知网(CNKI)数据库中1980-2020年间的138篇研究死亡焦虑的文献为原始数据,利用CiteSpace5. 6. R5和Excel办公软件,绘制了发文数量的时间分布图、作者以及机构合作图谱、关键词图谱。研究表明:我国死亡焦虑的年发文量曲折增加,但每年的发文量仍相对较少,研究内容有一定的丰富但研究进展缓慢,目前需要加强作者以及机构间的合作,推进研究方法的科学化,使用实验法研究死亡焦虑,从而提升死亡焦虑研究的应用价值。  相似文献   

以《数学教育学报》1992年创刊以来的刊载论文作为研究对象,运用文献计量法和可视化软件CiteSpaceⅢ等从发文数量、关键词、发文作者、发文机构、被引量和下载量等多维度进行分析。研究表明:年度发文量呈上升趋势;研究热点主要有教师与学生、课程与教学、考试与评价以及数学历史与文化;形成了多个学术群体,合作意识增强;发文机构主要是师范类院校;被引量与下载量是体现载文质量的重要指标。基于此,提出可行性建议以促进我国数学教育研究的发展。  相似文献   

搜集中国知网(CNKI)期刊数据库中收录的国内有关白马藏族相关研究的学术论文(1984-2017),运用可视化工具(CiteSpace)从文献年代分布、载文期刊分布、文献学科分布、作者发文量、学术代表人物、作者所在机构和经典文献等7个方面对其进行可视化分析,以了解国内学界关于白马藏族研究的态势及发展趋势,为后续相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

运用可视化分析的方法对8种SSCI期刊的发文量、期刊分布、国家和地区分布、研究机构分布、作者、文献共被引和关键词共现等七个方面进行分析。研究发现:相关期刊发文量整体呈现年度上升趋势;《职业发展季刊》《国际职业发展》《职业发展杂志》在该领域内影响力较大;美国、英国和澳大利亚在发文数量上具有明显优势;澳大利亚的格里菲斯大学和悉尼科技大学、瑞典的林雪平大学在机构发文量中排名前三;Jerome Rossier、Peter A Cre e d、Andre as Hirs chi的发文量最多;研究依据的理论基础包括工作理论心理学、职业适应建构模型、生活—设计模型、社会认知职业理论、工作—需求资源模型以及Hayes AF提出的研究方法等;研究采用多种方法,关注多个主题和多种对象,并关注职业心理、职业发展全过程,并侧重从心理学、经济学、管理学和社会学等视角研究职业教育和职业发展。  相似文献   

思想政治教育有效性是思想政治教育学科领域的重大课题。以中国知网(CNKI)1090条有效文献为研究数据,运用可视化软件CiteSpace进行可视化分析,形成发文量、机构、作者、关键词聚类、关键词突现等图表。通过梳理成果发现,思想政治教育有效性研究发文数量稳步提升、作者和机构发文质量高;研究内容集中于本体基础理论探讨、教育主客体研究、现状和对策分析以及具体运用等方面。未来研究中,学界要顺应新时代背景和学科发展需要,转变研究范式、创新研究方法、拓展研究内容。  相似文献   

Comparing countries according to their PISA results can be considered cross-cultural studies. An important issue in these studies is that the measurement tools must be culturally and linguistically equivalent. Cultural or linguistic differences in measurement tools may threaten validity. Aberrant behavior is another important factor that affects validity. Person-fit analysis is a statistical method of detecting aberrant individual behavior. This study investigated the effects of students who were flagged as aberrant on a comparison of Turkish and Dutch students’ non-cognitive outputs towards science in the PISA 2015. Whether the items contained differential item functioning (DIF) or not was determined by a Poly-SIBTEST for each scale. Misfit students were detected by non-parametric GNp and U3p statistics. It was determined that flagged students were not effective for comparing the mean of non-cognitive outputs towards science, but it was observed that flagged students had an effect on DIF.  相似文献   

MplusAutomation is a package for R that facilitates complex latent variable analyses in Mplus involving comparisons among many models and parameters. More specifically, MplusAutomation provides tools to accomplish 3 objectives: to create and manage Mplus syntax for groups of related models; to automate the estimation of many models; and to extract, aggregate, and compare fit statistics, parameter estimates, and ancillary model outputs. We provide an introduction to the package using applied examples including a large-scale simulation study. By reducing the effort required for large-scale studies, a broad goal of MplusAutomation is to support methodological developments in structural equation modeling using Mplus.  相似文献   

We posit that institutions of higher education attempt to maximize their reputation, and that an institution's reputation, research output, and average student quality are determined simultaneously. Because these outputs are produced jointly, three-stage least squares is used to estimate the parameters of the model. We find that faculty research productivity is positively related to reputation but negatively related to student quality at research universities, but that reputation and student quality have little impact on research productivity at liberal arts colleges.  相似文献   

高校成本结构与产出效率的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过定量分析方法对高等学校的成本结构与科研产出总量和科研产出效率之间的关系进行分析,结果显示,在生均事业费支出和教学产出总量一定的情况下,随着科研支出比例的增加,反映高等学校科研产出总量和效率的高等学校的SCI总数和教师人均SCI也在增加,从而使总产出得到增加。这一实证结果表明,在资源总量一定的情况下,高等学校经费在不同领域之间的配置结构对产出和效率具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

This study provides new evidence on school efficiency for low and middle income countries. We use data from PISA for Development (2017) for seven countries to obtain estimates on school efficiency using data envelopment analysis, both for cognitive and non-cognitive outputs, and their determinants. We find that there is a scope to increase efficiency by 20–22% via boosting both types of educational outputs and by reducing within-country disparity on schools’ efficiency scores by weakening the impact of students’ disadvantages. Our results suggest that schools cognitive inequality can be reduced alongside inefficiency. Cross-country results suggest similar drivers of efficiency across countries, at least for students’ school determinants, though we find more nuanced results on teachers and policies determinants for efficiency.  相似文献   

There is still no agreed pedagogic definition of practice‐based research. However, there is not a dearth of definitions, but rather a wide variety, predicated upon the developing programmes of individual places of study. This article will examine these definitions in terms of underlying concepts of intentionality and alterity and the ways in which instrumental use of them affects study. The article will discuss a number of existing models for the theorising and adjudication of practice as research, and the questions that underpin their development. First, are non‐text outputs, and the methods of their production, able to communicate knowledge rather than simply constituting knowledge? Second, by what criteria can this knowledge be adjudicated within an academic environment? Third, what is the status of these outputs and methods relative to the production of text? It will propose that interrogation of these models will advance little in discussions that focus on media. Text or nottext is beside the point. Rather, the relationship between research and practice can be explored as a relationship between intentionality and alterity, based in an essentially social conception of communities of expertise, including academic communities of expertise. Finally, the article will describe an attempt by the author to undertake a drawing activity in response to a research question, in order to assess the possibilities of articulating practice specifically in order to demonstrate expert knowledge of the field in which a research question occurs.  相似文献   

印刷是设计最基本、最重要的一项加工工艺。它通过印版将文字或图形制成大量的复制品。本文从雕版印刷、活字印刷、机械印刷、四个发展阶段探讨不同印版的工艺形式。每个时代的印制厂具和手段都为设计师界定了设计方式的表现效果和历史框架。印刷与设计的过过去、现在和将来都是休戚相关的。  相似文献   

Abstract: The current generation of students coming into food science and engineering programs is very visually oriented from their early experiences. To increase their interest in learning, new and visually appealing teaching materials need to be developed. Two diverse groups of students may be identified based on their math skills. Food science students tend to find it difficult to use mathematics as a problem‐solving tool for food engineering problems. Food engineering students, on the other hand, should be challenged to use emerging mathematical tools to develop their problem‐solving skills. Therefore, the approach of this project involved the development of a curriculum to train undergraduate food engineers in the effective use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to solve food engineering problems by engaging them in the creation of food engineering teaching tools. These CFD outputs were then used as innovative teaching tools for the food science students. In this paper, this concept will be illustrated by unsteady‐state heat transfer and fluid flow problems. To evaluate the efficiency of the teaching materials developed, a student focus group was asked to answer the same quiz following a conventional and CFD output aided teaching session. The assessment result showed an improved understanding of the subject after the CFD teaching session. These visual aids were excellent tools to illustrate the validity of the formulas presented in class. In addition, the new visual materials enabled a better understanding of the relationships among different process parameters. In general, this helped the food science students better appreciate the food engineering concepts that govern food processing operations.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose that guiding teachers to examine the regulative/discursive norms of school mathematics with tools derived from social semiotics can serve two related goals: (1) to deconstruct the “math is math period!” disposition in prospective teachers by promoting their critical understanding of the symbolic domination work they often unknowingly perform and (2) to reconstruct a more socio-political disposition by equipping them with tools for decoding the dominant discursive practices of school mathematics. After reviewing research on the social semiotics of mathematics education, we discuss two sample teacher education tasks designed with the above goals in mind.  相似文献   

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