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随着江苏省新课程改革的推进,学业水平测试对于学生来说越来越重要。学业水平测试是对高中生在校期间学习情况的全面检测。学业水平测试、语数外科目考试、综合素质评价,共同构成完整的高中生综合评价体系。怎样帮助学生顺利通过学业水平测试,通过何种手段帮助学生通过学业水平测试是教师面临的重点问题之一。  相似文献   

辽宁省普通高中学业水平测试目前已经顺利实施了两年,学业水平测试的着眼点是素质教育,旨在使学生达到高中毕业应具有的水平。学业水平测试主要考查学生是否达到高中毕业合格水平,虽然只记等级,分数不计入高考,但是普通考生需要全部达C(及格),才能得到高中毕业证书。在普通高中,学生的基础普遍薄弱,能否顺利通过学业水平测试,就成了通向高考必须攻克的第一座“堡垒”。所以,如何开展学业水平测试的复习教学就成为普通高中教学需要研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

自从2008年江苏省实施“3+学业水平测试+综合素质评价”普通高考模式以来,学业水平测试越来越被学校重视,由于必修生物的学生在各校学生中占比较大,在学业水平测试中生物学科备受关注.生物学科是一门建立在实验基础上的自然学科,所以学生要想提高生物素养,掌握生物学科知识,生物实验尤为重要.认真分析近几年江苏学业水平测试有关实验的试题,对2015年学业水平测试复习具有指导性作用.  相似文献   

普通高中学业水平测试考试制度是高中新课程改革的一种形式,它是全面实施素质教育的方法之一,也是考查高中生学习情况的方法之一,化学学科的考查在学生学业水平测试中占有很为重要的地位,它能够培养学生的综合素质,为把学生培养成为有科学素养的合格公民,在教学中笔者不断地转换教学思路,努力让学生把学业水平测试和高考有效的结合,以适应学业水平测试考试制度。  相似文献   

安徽省是全国范围内较早实施普通高中学业水平测试制度的省份,并于2006年开始实施普通高中新课程改革,2008年颁布了《安徽省普通高中学生学业水平测试实施方案(试行)》(以下简称《方案》)。《方案》规定,在高中会考的基础上建立普通高中学业水平测试制度,并在2006年入学的学生中实施。其学业水平测试制度在国内具有一定的代表性,分析其特点,厘清其不足,有利于明确高考改革的方向,进一步完善普通高中学业水平测试制度。  相似文献   

教育部中等职业学校数学课程标准明确提出了基于学科核心素养的课程目标和学业质量要求,基于此分析数学课程学业水平测试原则,结合PISA的理论建构学业水平测试的主体框架,探索学业水平测试的主要方法,完善数学学业水平测试的体系,检验学生核心素养的达成,促进学生核心素养的发展,形成科学性好、通用性强、测评效度高的中职数学学业水平测评方案,探索基于素养的学业水平测评实现路径,能更好地监控数学课程的教学过程和评估教学效果,诊断存在问题,发挥质量测评的导向作用,为职业教育的发展决策提供依据和支撑。  相似文献   

林洁 《学周刊C版》2023,(10):37-39
学业水平测试是衡量中职生综合素养的新型考试制度。基于学业水平测试优化中职Python教学模式不但有助于提升学生的Python学习主动性,也能促进学生全面发展,提高复合型人才培育质量。本文主要采用学情调查法和实验教学研究法分析面向学业水平测试的中职Python有效教学意义,从创设多媒体教学情境、渗透多学科知识技能、实施理实一体化教学、开展项目式探究活动以及建立多指标评价机制五个方面论述具体的Python教学策略,以期提高学生应对学业水平测试的能力和素养。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的到来,计算机技术的普及已为我国各行各业带来了新的发展。中职计算机应用基础学业水平测试已经成为检测与促进中职学生计算机水平的重要手段。文章将进一步分析中职计算机应用基础学业水平的测试问题,以期为中职学生计算机应用基础学业水平的提升做出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

2017年11月,福建省教育考试院通过了《福建省中等职业学校学生学业水平考试实施办法(试行)》。按照福建省教育考试院的改革思路,实行福建中职学生学业水平测试制度主要是为了衡量中等职业学校学生是否达到专业学习要求的程度,这也是保障中等职业学校教育教学质量的重要措施,学生的学业水平考试成绩是中职学生毕业和升学的重要依据。我们福建省教育考试院实行中职学生学业水平测试对于中职语文教师来说,既是我们语文教学改革的机遇,也是一次新的挑战。  相似文献   

在学业水平测试背景下,教师应该把握学业水平测试的内涵,通过创新教学方式,进而培养更多技能型和高素质的优秀人才。本文以福建省中等职业学校学业水平测试为例,深入探讨了提升中职数学教学质量的策略,以期更好地促进学生综合素质的全面发展。  相似文献   

Do students make their best effort in large-scale assessment studies such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)? Despite six cycles of PISA surveys from 2000 to 2015, empirical studies regarding students’ test motivation and experience of the tests are sparse. The present study examines students’ test motivation in PISA, and how closely students’ achievement correlates with students’ reported test motivation. A total of 40 students from eight schools that participated in the PISA study in 2006, 2009 and 2012 were interviewed. In addition, questionnaire data from a total of 9400 students who participated in PISA 2009 and 2012 were collected. The findings of this study indicate that students overall were motivated to do their best in the PISA study, despite the fact that these low-stakes tests have no impact on students’ grades or future school entrance. In contrast to claims in the media, where it has been suggested that Norwegian students are more relaxed towards the PISA test than students in other countries, students report that they are motivated to do their best, but girls report significantly higher test motivation than boys. Despite the policy influence of PISA and the large number of countries participating, very few studies have reported findings from students’ perspectives regarding their test motivation and experience of the test. The present study aims to fill that gap.  相似文献   

高中生考试焦虑、自尊和应对方式的现状及关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以721名高二学生为被试,进行考试焦虑、自尊和简易应对方式的问卷调查,结果发现:高中生考试焦虑现状不容忽视;高中生考试焦虑、自尊和消极应对方式表现出性别差异;自尊和应对方式是影响高中生考试焦虑的重要因素,其中应对方式又是自尊影响考试焦虑的中间变量。  相似文献   

本文应用秩检验以及中位数检验对学生评教成绩与学生考试成绩之间的关系进行了研究,并分析了评教成绩与评教指标之间的关系,得到教师的学生评教成绩与学生考试成绩之间存在显著的正线性相关关系,从而否定了部分教师因害怕影响评教得分而采取放任学生的做法.  相似文献   

鄂东高校大学生体质测试与国家标准比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将鄂东高校学生体质测试数据与国家体质测试标准进行对比分析,可看出:鄂东高校学生体质测试总体评价等级优秀率和不及格率均低于国家体质测试标准,优秀率高于国家体质乡村学生标准,低于国家体质城镇学生标准。肺活量体重指数、台阶试验优于国家体质测试标准;握力体重指数,立定跳远低于国家体质测试标准;鄂东高校学生低于正常体重的学生的比例高于国家体质测试标准。因此,鄂东高校应加强对学生体育意识教育和体育能力的培养,对贫困学生要给予关注和帮助。  相似文献   


College students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and/or learning disabilities are frequently allowed to complete examinations in a separate, distraction-reduced setting. Although separate room test accommodations are believed to provide students with equal access to testing and thereby improve performance, little experimental research has examined their effects on actual test scores. We randomly assigned college students to complete a high-stakes Spanish language placement examination in either a group or separate room setting. Then, we categorized students based on their (1) disability status, (2) history of test accommodations, and (3) self-reported history of test anxiety. Results showed a significant setting x disability status interaction. Contrary to expectations, all students performed equally well in the group setting, but students with disabilities earned significantly lower scores than their classmates without disabilities when tested in a separate room. Similar results were found when we restricted our analyses to students with a history of test accommodations. Separate room testing had no effect on the scores of students with test anxiety. Altogether, our findings suggest that separate room testing does not mitigate the effects of ADHD, learning disabilities, and/or test anxiety on performance and, in some cases, may actually lower test scores.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess how attachment dimensions (anxiety and avoidance), self-esteem, and three subscales of test anxiety – cognitive obstruction, social derogation and tenseness are related in two age groups: adolescents and college students. Participants (N?=?327) completed relevant questionnaires. Results showed that college students revealed higher test anxiety than did high school students on the cognitive obstruction and tenseness scales, whereas high school students revealed higher social derogation than college students. Anxious attachment was related to all three sub-scales of test anxiety and avoidant attachment was related to cognitive obstruction among college students and to tenseness among high school students. Most of the correlations between anxious attachment and test anxiety were mediated by self-esteem among high school students. The mediation ability of self-esteem was weaker among college students.  相似文献   

根据国家教育部对在校大学生体质测试的统一要求,各高校都进行了体质测试,但就目前的情况来看,在测试中存在很多问题。以阜新高等专科学校为例,最关键的问题是体质测试冲击和影响了正常的体育教学,这一问题亟待解决。要想使两者相互促进、协调发展,必须对学生体质测试进行统筹组织和安排,并保证科学实施,同时学校要高度重视体质测试工作。  相似文献   

Previous research on the effect of accountability programs on the distribution of student test score gains is decidedly mixed. This study examines the issue by estimating an educational production function in which test score gains are a function of the incentives schools have to focus instruction on below-proficient students. NCLB's threat of sanctions are positively correlated with test score gains by below-proficient students in failing schools; greater than expected test score gains by below-proficient students do not occur at the expense of high-performing students in failing schools. This pattern of results tends to suggest that failing schools were able to benefit low-performing students in ways that were consistent with having operational slack, and that the threat of sanctions may stimulate greater productivity within failing schools.  相似文献   

采用测试法、文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法,对我院对5180名学生进行了学生体质健康测试,并对测试的结果进行了分析研究,提出树立学生强身健体意识,引导学生形成科学锻炼的良好习惯的建议,并为有关部门和学校体育教学提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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