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有声书早在20世纪30年代就已出现,但直到近几年才得以快速发展,其中亚马逊在有声书领域耕耘多年,为有声书走向有声娱乐主流做出了重要的贡献.文章对亚马逊有声书经营策略进行剖析,认为长线发展的并购策略、基于自助出版的产品开发、灵活的价格策略以及贯穿始终的以用户为中心的服务理念是其成功的主要因素.  相似文献   

徐丽芳  池呈 《出版参考》2014,(10):20-21
正亚马逊(Amazon.com Inc.)于1995年创立时,仅仅是一家网上书店。经过近20年的发展与扩张后,而今它已成长为全球最大的电子商务网站。亚马逊的成功离不开大大小小的并购。可以说,每次成功"出手",都使其轻松跨入了一个全新的战略业务单元。本文将选取几个代表性案例来梳理其并购历程,以期从中一窥亚马逊开疆拓土的电商帝国成长史。并购有声书公司,占领音频下载市场。亚马逊在有声书领域的探索于2000年开始。当时,它斥资百万美元购买数字音频供应商奥德博公司(Audible.com)5%的股权,与之成为战略合作伙伴,拓展了有声书业务,也为后来的收购埋下伏笔。  相似文献   

在数字化浪潮的席卷下,数字有声书发展势不可挡,成为出版业中增长速度最快的业务板块之一.Libro.fm联合美国的独立书店出售有声书,希望打造一个线上的数字有声书“独立书店”平台,帮助独立书店参与到数字有声书的市场竞争中.本文梳理了Libro.fm与独立书店的具体合作方式,探讨DRM free有声书运营策略的优势,并对平台的商业模式与推广策略进行了分析.  相似文献   

曾政 《出版参考》2012,(21):48-50
正随着互联网时代的到来和电子阅读的兴起,有声书正逐步发展成为一种成熟和独立的媒介,是数字出版产品线中不可或缺的一部分。而巴诺网上书店作为巴诺集团在线销售领域的核心,其与实体店面相结合的"鼠标+水泥"的运作模式和准确快捷的物流配送体系已然成为业内诸多企业的经营模板,因而对其有声书平台的研究亦将为国内数字出版产业的发展提供借鉴。发展现状巴诺网上书店的有声书销售平台始建于2009年4月,成立之初平台所提供的有声书总量共计一万余册,在内容上主要包括新上架图书、畅销书以及各类经典书目。历经三年的发展,其有声书平台的现状可从以下三个方面探析。  相似文献   

紧随着有声书版图的不断扩展,由"喜马拉雅FM"领头的有声书专业运营平台逐渐占据有声出版业的主导地位,但盗版侵权现象却屡屡发生.而传统出版社的有声书平台的开发则较之却显得不尽如人意.出版社具有较为成熟的版权管理运作能力,而有声书专业平台则拥有强大的出版资源,通过两者的自身优势为角度,以版权运作为主要线索,既改善了有声书专业平台的盗版侵权现象及版权运作机制,同时提升了传统出版社的消费市场的社会效益.  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来和电子阅读的兴起,有声书正逐步发展成为一种成熟和独立的媒介,是数字出版产品线中不可或缺的一部分.而巴诺网上书店作为巴诺集团在线销售领域的核心,其与实体店面相结合的"鼠标十水泥"的运作模式和准确快捷的物流配送体系已然成为业内诸多企业的经营模板,因而对其有声书平台的研究亦将为国内数字出版产业的发展提供借鉴.@@发展现状@@巴诺网上书店的有声书销售平台始建于2009年4月,成立之初平台所提供的有声书总量共计一万余册,在内容上主要包括新上架图书、畅销书以及各类经典书目.历经三年的发展,其有声书平台的现状可从以下三个方面探析.  相似文献   

人工智能技术的发展与应用为有声书出版注入新的活力,也为有声书著作权保护带来一定挑战,除有声书出版中常见的作品侵权、授权侵权、平台侵权外,人工智能语音合成有声书还面临法律性质确定与人格权保护问题。结合人工智能技术发展与有声书出版产业现状分析,利用语音合成技术录制有声书形成的是录音制品,涉及文字作品作者的复制权;传播有声书涉及作者、录音制作者的传播权。规范有声书市场秩序,有必要完善著作权授权许可机制,利用人工智能语音合成有声书需重视声音权的授权;同时,传播平台应承担相应注意义务,推动建立统一规范的行业秩序。  相似文献   

随着"耳朵经济"迅速崛起,以有声书为代表的音频产品市场前景大好,发展红利仍在,为传统出版社入局有声书市场打下了坚实基础.现阶段,部分传统出版社已陆续开启有声书业务,整体发展态势良好,但在产品设计与市场运营上仍存在不足之处.文章结合有关案例,从内容设计和市场运营两大层面对传统出版社的有声书产品开发与推广展开研究,以期为传统出版社开辟有声书业务发展新空间,加快自身转型升级提供有益启示.  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的发展和智能终端的普及,以客户端为代表的网络平台成为用户最大的信息入口,传统的阅读方式让位于屏读.听书成为一种摆脱时间、空间限制,获取知识的便捷方式,有声书成为如同音乐一样的伴随品.美国、英国、德国等国家有声书起步早,市场规模庞大.我国的有声书起步晚,但发展迅速,丰富了图书的版权形态、重绘了图书的市场版图、重构了图书的生产机制并重新定义了用户.在未来还有较大发展空间的巨无霸式的聚合音频平台、有声书平台与专业型有声书平台将共生并存,达到动态平衡,有声书在内容生产方面将走向专业、独立,盈利模式将更加多元,精准推送是黏住用户的重要手段,但精准、细分的类目建设更为重要.  相似文献   

亚马逊公司(Amazon.com,简称亚马逊,NASDAQ:AMZN),在全球范围内是网络书店的开创者,是B2C电子商务模式的代名词。在美国市场自2002年实现盈利之后,亚马逊几乎在美国市场一路高歌猛进,不断在出版业并购与电子书、有声书、二手书有关的网站。如果说那时的亚马逊对于  相似文献   

Some key questions for publishers in today’s market are: Could Amazon’s recent merger and acquisitions strategy create a disruptive or paradigm shifting business model in the publishing industry? Do their recent actions post mergers and acquisitions illustrate a predicable pattern of behaviour that publishers can strategize around? This paper will explore these questions and look at some of the possible reasons behind Amazon’s business practices and the possible consequences to publishers.  相似文献   

What is Amazon up to and why? Amazon reported $24 billion in annual revenue, from their 2009 year-end financial results. The Media/book category delivered $5.96 billion, or 1/4 of their total revenue. That’s considerably more than any of the largest companies in the traditional print or digital book business. Barnes and Noble/B Dalton collected $4.52 billion (2008), while Borders/Waldenbooks combined revenue was $3.11 billion (2008). Amazon’s book revenue steadily increases, while Borders and Barnes and Nobel continue to decrease. What strategies and values are fueling this growth? What is their vision and where have they put their money? Amazon has a demonstrated history of consistent behavior since their start-up in 1995, with big visions, long-term strategies, dedicated to streamlining, surgically eliminating costs, prolific innovations, strategic investments, and an obsession over the customer. We’ll track Amazon’s M&A investments in book publishing and digital to see exactly what they are doing to learn where they may be going. It is wise to stay current on one of the most influential companies in the world.  相似文献   

Since 1958, the North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NCLBPH) has served patrons throughout the State of North Carolina who have no vision, low vision, or who are unable to physically hold a printed book. The collection includes approximately 128,000 titles in accessible formats; and on average, 2,000 titles are sent out to patrons via USPS Mail each day. As with most public libraries, NCLBPH currently obtains a certain number of copies of each new title. For popular titles, this can produce long waiting lists for patrons who are not able to use NLS’s Braille and Audio Recording Download (BARD) service, available on computers and mobile devices. To solve this problem, NCLBPH is embarking on two pilot projects, one for Digital Talking Books (NLS’s proprietary audiobook format) and one for Braille books. These two pilot projects will eliminate the waiting lists for popular titles by instituting a Books on Demand (BOD) system.  相似文献   

After the long-standing effort and negotiations, Amazon finally released its two Kindle products in China since it entered China 9 years ago. Some say Kindle as it plays as a Catfish would stir up China’s e-book reading market, while the others say Kindle has missed the best timing to enter the market. The article describes the Kindle’s current status in China digital publishing arena, exploring the consistent Amazon strategies in China e-commerce market, and analyzing its threats and opportunities coming from four aspects in the long run, policy, content, willingness-to-pay and competition.  相似文献   

This paper compares publishing in two European countries with fixed respective free book prices: Germany and Sweden, when it comes to the phenomenon vertical integration. Concentration of media ownership is a central issue in today’s global publishing industry and large international media groups are consolidating at a fast pace, taking over more and more links in the value chain of books. One of the foremost examples is Amazon—established in Germany and fast expanding in Europe, but not yet present in Sweden. This paper presents a broad overview of the two markets and interviews with several actors in the German and Swedish book trades are analyzed and compared. Amazon’s impact on the respective book markets as well as strategies for independent publishers are discussed. The question whether concentration of media ownership in the book trade affects publishing and distribution of “quality literature” is also raised.  相似文献   

LibX is an open-source browser extension that pushes access to a library’s e-resources and services out to users wherever they are on the Internet (e.g., Amazon, Wikipedia). In Fall 2012, University of Connecticut (UConn) Libraries unveiled their instance of LibX along with homegrown user guides and instructional materials, as well as targeted marketing and promotion efforts. In this session, the presenters described the successes and challenges of UConn’s LibX implementation and promotion, as well as an analysis of LibX.  相似文献   

贺钰滢 《出版科学》2016,24(1):90-95
以亚马逊旗下的奥德博(Audible)公司为研究对象,介绍美国有声读物的受众特点,梳理奥德博公司的发展历程,并重点对其有声产品开发、发行与推广环节进行深入探究。  相似文献   

在简要介绍亚马逊网上书店服务特征的基础上,提出构建中国网络图书馆的设想。  相似文献   

Germany’s acceptance and spread of e-books are typical for a trend-follower. Germans are still reluctant to change their reading habits and strongly support the diversity of small bookshops. Germany’s biggest book distributor and wholesaler KNV strongly believes in the future of the printed books and is building the most modern media distribution center in central Germany. KNV is also placing a lot of efforts in supporting small and medium size bookshops and in establishing multi-channel strategies and promoting online and digital sales. After many unsuccessful efforts to establish an e-reading platform in Germany by various organizations, the “Tolino” platform has the potential to grow to a real significance alongside to Amazon and Apple. Therefore, KNV will support its clients to become part of the new alliance, initiated by the major book chains, Bertelsmann and Deutsche Telekom.  相似文献   

Voice assistants are software agents that can interpret human speech and respond via synthesized voices. Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s Assistant are the most popular voice assistants and are embedded in smartphones or dedicated home speakers. Users can ask their assistants questions, control home automation devices and media playback via voice, and manage other basic tasks such as email, to-do lists, and calendars with verbal commands. This column will explore the basic workings and common features of today’s voice assistants. It will also discuss some of the privacy and security issues inherent to voice assistants and some potential future uses for these devices. As voice assistants become more widely used, librarians will want to be familiar with their operation and perhaps consider them as a means to deliver library services and materials.  相似文献   

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