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我国前刘向时期的文献整理以对法、律、令等法律档案的整理最为成熟。分析前刘向时期法律档案的整理可知,刘向的校雠学义例和刘歆的分类编目方式渊源有自,刘氏父子的图书整理乃是在融汇前人档案整理成果的基础上逐步完善的,并且也源自档案整理。  相似文献   

学界对图书馆学史基本问题的认识具有历史性,目前对“古代校雠学”与“中国图书馆学”之间的关系问题停留在经验性的认可,因此,有必要在逻辑上探讨二者之间的关系以及未来书写“中国图书馆学史”可能的突破方向。从本体论、认识论、价值论和方法论四方面打破“古代校雠学”与“中国图书馆学”之间的学科壁垒,发现“古代校雠学”与“中国图书馆学”之间具有互包性的交叉关系、客观存在实践上的连续性,“古代校雠学”的部分观念具有广泛的价值共性。在“古代校雠学”具有图书馆学合法性的基础上,论证“知识论”是书写“中国图书馆学史”的突破方向,其是古今图书馆学的同源本体、一致认识、共同价值和系统方法。  相似文献   

章学诚的《校雠通义》围绕校雠心法“辨章学术,考镜源流”的核心思想,创新地提出“互著”、“别裁”的分类方法,并详细论述了“校雠条理”中的校雠理论工作方法.其中蕴含的思想不仅能反映目录学的相关知识,更促进了档案文献编纂学的发展. “辨章学术,考镜源流”是揭示“道”与“器”关系所要达到的目标.“道”即学术研究;“器”即文献资料,章学诚认为校雠学的目标就是考辩后为学术研究提供相关的文献资料.文献资料的考究需要利用校雠学的方法追根溯源,归根结底是为了学术思想的发展进步.  相似文献   

试论章学诚的校雠学理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章学诚在我国校雠学发展史上拥有突出的地位。他指出校雠学的出现是社会历史发展的必然产物,提出校雠学的主要目的和任务是“辩章学术,考镜源流”,并创立了互别裁、嫌名录、编制索引等校雠工作理论和方法。  相似文献   

陈勇 《出版参考》2015,(10):37-38
一般认为校对这一行业是伴随着中国出版印刷的发明和发展而逐渐形成的.古人把校对称为校雠学.实际上在古时校雠学是对编辑出版学的统称.校雠学是以编辑校正文字书稿为工作内容的方法,雠者,仇也.对错别字疾恶如仇,当编辑校对的就得有这种态度和精神,因为“失之毫厘,谬以千里”,可要酿成大祸的啊!  相似文献   

民国时期校雠学理论著作编辑探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨翔宇 《编辑之友》2015,(8):102-108
民国时期校雠学理论著作的编辑出版,是中国古代校雠学理论与实践长期发展的必然结果,同时也与这一时期西方学科理论的影响密不可分.此外,民国学人对传统学术文化的恪守,也是校雠学著作出版的重要原因.民国校雠学理论著作广征博引、考证严密且重视校雠学史的编纂,同时还有回归刘向校雠学本意的倾向.这些校雠学著作的编辑出版对现代编辑学、文献学、图书馆学产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

在中国社会大转型与传统学术大转型的近代时期,尽管校雠学学者群体蔚为大观、研究成果持续涌现且思想精髓承前启后,但其发展亦面临重道轻器弊端积重难返、西学东渐潮流摧枯拉朽和近代图书馆学强势冲击等诸多困境。随着传统校雠学的逐渐分化与急剧变革,图书馆学日渐扩张而承其主体,目录学日益敛缩而偏安一隅,其他文献类子学科亦各取所需而扬其思想。校雠学的近代境遇实际上是中国图书馆学的近代化过程,也是图书馆学、目录学、文献学等文献类学科群的显性化过程。  相似文献   

中国古代校雠学以清代为鼎盛时期,清代的校雠学在继承前人的特色之后,又以其独自的特色研究校雠学,它的发展,为后期学者的理论研究及实践应用打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

刘向、刘歆父子整理文献之功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘向将群书的叙录汇集成的《别录》和刘歆编写的《七略》,开创了我国古代目录学和分类学之先河.二者从书目体例、分类方法、校勘程序、编目特点等方面对我国古代文献进行了详细的整理、分类.刘向采取的"本校法"和"对校法",为后来的校雠学奠定了基础.在编目方面,采取一一条其篇目,撮其旨意,撰写叙录,然后排比分类,将学术源流的考辨、学术著作的评价、学科范围的划分具体应用到书目的编纂,逐步形成了后来的目录学.在分类方面,将古代文献划分为六类,对后世文献"四分法"和"七分法"的形成起到了借鉴作用.  相似文献   

官箴文献是古代的一种重要历史资料,在政治史、经济史、法律史、文化史和社会史研究等中有着重要作用和意义。概述官箴文献,探讨明请以降官箴文献流变及明请官箴文献观,对于官箴文献的界定,提出既要突破狭义“官箴书”限制,又要避免过于宽泛、无当、笼而统之的观点,基于明请官箴文献的利用,提出四库系列丛书整理出版功不可没的论点。  相似文献   

Legal deposit is essential for the accumulation of a national collection of published works such as scientific research, literature, etc., and its transfer to future generations. It is also a vital tool for maintaining bibliographic control at both the national and the international level. Hence, there is an international convention to establish a legal deposit system that works under legislative arrangements. However, a legal deposit law does not always guarantee a full implementation. The fact is, unless coordination and cooperation are provided between stakeholders, implementation of legal deposit cannot be effective. This paper, taking Turkey as an example, attempts to examine the problems concerning implementation of legal deposit and proposes solutions in this context.  相似文献   

Copyright law is one of the many policy forces shaping the utilization of information resources. American copyright law has undergone many changes with profound consequences, particularly for educational and scholarly uses of existing copyrighted works. This article summarizes recent developments in the law, with a focus on their consequences for users at American colleges, universities, and libraries. The purpose of this study is to highlight the principal implications of an evolving copyright law and especially to assist librarians, administrators, and other policy makers. They must address these issues and devise standards of practice that avoid legal challenges but that also optimize the use of available resources. The article concludes with guidance for future concerns and planning.  相似文献   


The author provides an overview of recent critical works on human rights that constitute important contributions to the literature and ties together key threads from the discourse. Monographs, edited collections, and select articles on human rights are examined that draw primarily on critical legal theory and feminist approaches, among others, such as radical democracy and radical cause lawyering. Also explored are intersections between the critical human rights scholarship surveyed and recent works on ecological feminism and environmental human rights. The author argues that such collected works are invaluable contributions for those seeking transformative approaches to law and social change through the critical human rights lens.  相似文献   

Two law librarians from Duke University have been teaching a course on legal research for non-lawyers since 1986 as part of the Duke Continuing Education program. The course is designed to help the general public understand how the legal system works and how to use legal materials to find the law. This article explores the purpose and organization of the course, and the benefits derived from teaching it.  相似文献   

While the applicable legal framework is often identified as one of the key factors in the success or failure of open government data (OGD), the concrete impact of ‘OGD law’ on actual practices of OGD is often overlooked or hardly addressed in-depth. This contribution therefore aims to disentangle this legal impact based on an AI-driven systematic literature review combining legal and public administration (PA) publications. First, the review shows that OGD law has many faces and cannot be reduced to one single piece of ‘OGD legislation’. Instead, OGD law covers a wide range of topics, dealing with access to information, re-use of information, and conflicting interests (e.g. privacy or copyright). Secondly, the article identifies three main dimensions that structure the assessment of the impact of OGD law on OGD practices: topics of OGD law, sources of OGD law, and levels of OGD law. Finally, the review shows that there is no clear and univocal evidence to answer the question of what regulatory constellation is successful in fostering OGD practices and what is not, partly due to a lack of available empirical research. At the same time, the literature reveals some promising avenues for future research on OGD law in action.  相似文献   


The evolution of reference and legal research instruction at BYU Hunter Law Library clearly illustrates the continuum along which many law school libraries have moved in refining and expanding reference services. The end result -better prepared law student researchers -has been pursued and obtained through a hybrid of the bibliographic approach and the newer emphasis on practical advocacy. An extensive review of the literature supports BYU's approach.  相似文献   

Many nondirector academic law librarians publish and teach legal research classes. Some hold faculty status as well. Law librarians have expertise in the development and delivery of legal research instruction methodologies and are developing a body of literature documenting their efforts to create and share a pedagogy of legal research instruction. Principles of shared faculty governance entitle library faculty to contribute to the development and delivery of a curriculum of legal research instruction. Encouraging law librarian participation in the shared governance of law schools should lead to increasing opportunities for the successful reform of legal education curricula with respect to legal research instruction.  相似文献   

介绍传统法定许可制度的分类,并对《最高人民法院关于审理涉及计算机网络著作权纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第三条的规定进行诠释。  相似文献   

提出可利用“强制许可”的法律制度,开发未经著作权人授权使用的文献作品,并简述“强制许可”使用范围和有关法律规定.  相似文献   

美国现有的版权法律条文不能有效地应对数字出版商们的忧虑.尽管数字作品可以享受和印刷作品同等的版权保护,我们似乎仍然需要新的法律条文和理论来应对数字作品和技术的特殊性质.在面对与数字侵权有关的问题上,美国通过立法、改进美国版权署的职能以及签订国际条约或协定,缓慢开始颁布一些关于数字侵权的条文.数字侵权虽然在庭审中得以应对,但法庭运用的是传统版权概念中的"合理使用"来分析数字侵权.目前,人们只能通过诉讼的方式迫使美国法庭建立一套能充分解决电子侵权的法律体系.  相似文献   

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