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踢球是决定比赛胜负的主要技术手段之一.其中,脚背内侧踢球、正脚背踢球、脚内侧踢球及脚背外侧踢球是4种最基本的踢球方法.4种踢球方法踢球腿的摆动具有相似性,运动生物力学手段对其进行研究比较发现,脚背内踢球摆动腿的大腿前摆角最大,脚内侧踢球小腿前摆角最小,脚触球时,正脚背踢球与脚背外侧踢球的小腿角速度最快,脚内侧最慢.摆动腿的摆动存在鞭打动作,但不仅仅局限于鞭打动作.  相似文献   

脚背内侧踢球摆动腿的运动学与肌电信号特征研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究脚背内侧踢球技术的运动学特征与肌电信号特征,运用三维录像解析与肌电信号特征分析对其摆动腿的摆动同步研究发现,摆动腿后摆幅度大小主要取决于摆动腿的蹬伸程度,在摆动腿前摆时,股后肌群出现强烈放电现象,其主要作用是对关节的固定和控制作用,达到踢球力量与精度的统一。此外,摆动腿前摆时,肌肉的激活与失活具有一定的顺序性,脚触球时踝关节的固定程度对踢球精度有一定的影响。  相似文献   

研究表明,脚背内侧踢球技术中踢球腿的摆动时间、摆动速度、摆动幅度;脚触球时膝关节角度和踝关节的速度;脚触球时间的长短以及打击动量的传递对脚背内侧踢球力量有显著影响.1脚背内侧踢球技术的重要性有资料表明,在12~14届世界杯的240个进球中,最后一传采用脚背内侧踢球最多,共124个,占54.1%,其次脚内侧踢球占28.4%.  相似文献   

张庭然  罗炯 《体育学刊》2015,(1):123-129
为揭示不同高度脚背正面射门的生物力学机制。招募12名受试者对地面球、1/2膝关节高、膝关节高3种位置进行脚背正面射门和空踢各10次。利用2台JVC9800摄像机、国产JP6060多维测力平台进行运动学及动力学同步测量。结果显示:地面球、1/2膝关节及全膝关节3种高度射门,球速、足速经多因素方差分析均有显著差异,其中地面球球速最快、1/2膝关节高度次之、膝关节高最小;实验组受试者摆动腿大腿前摆与后摆、小腿后摆等各运动学指标在不同高度位置射门间无显著性差异,而小腿前摆运动学数据在不同高度射门间存在显著性差异;支撑腿与球垂直距离跟各高度射门的球速、摆动腿足速度、触球即刻膝角、小腿前摆角速度、小腿前摆幅度、小腿前摆时间呈显著相关,而3种高度位置的射门球速与支撑腿着地所受地面反作用力不存在线性关系。结果说明:脚背正面射门击球点高度越低球速越快,故脚背正面射门想要获取更快球速就应该在球高度处于较低位置时将球踢出;通过控制支撑腿与球垂直距离可以控制脚背正面射门的球速、球路、动作时间;支撑腿受到的地面反作用力与踢出球的球速无关,故支撑腿在踢球过程中的主要作用是固定支撑、维持平衡,从而使摆动腿发力更加充分。  相似文献   

足球运动中踢球脚有优势脚与非优势脚之分,优势脚踢球主要表现为踢球力量大、出球准确,而非优势脚则与之相反。两者摆动腿摆动特征具有相似性,但运用生物力学手段对其研究发现,优势脚与非优势脚摆动腿的摆动特征存在很多差异性,主要表现在非优势脚摆动腿的蹬地不充分、股后肌群力量较弱、小腿屈曲不充分、小腿前摆时间过早、膝关节制动太早以及小腿前摆不充分等一系列差异上。因此,平时应该加强非优势脚训练,以形成正确动力定型。  相似文献   

短跑运动员摆动腿前摆动作迟缓及产生原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
短跑运动员在跑动中摆动腿前摆动作迟缓,主要表现在两个方面:一是支撑腿后蹬转换为前摆的时间较长;二是摆动腿前摆速度缓慢。支撑与摆动是短跑中相互交替的两个动作,而摆动腿前摆的速度是人体获得向前运动的重要动力。在教学与训练中,大都采用抗阻力摆腿的练习方法,增大髋屈肌群的收缩力量,以达到提高摆动腿前摆速度的目的。从训练实践中我们得知,髋屈肌群力量的增长并非与前摆的速度成正比,摆动腿前摆的速度不仅与髋屈肌群收缩力量有关,而且  相似文献   

目的:分析正脚背踢球动作中下肢和腘绳肌生物力学特征参数,探讨踢球动作腘绳肌拉伤危险时相,同时探究腘绳肌和股四头肌力量素质与踢球动作下肢和腘绳肌生物力学特征的关系,进一步明确踢球动作中腘绳肌拉伤机制。方法:以15名足球专项国家一级运动员为受试者,采集180(°)/s动作角速度下的等速腘绳肌向心(Hcon)、腘绳肌离心(Hecc)、股四头肌向心峰值力矩(Qcon);采集受试者最大力正脚背踢球动作运动学和肌电数据,根据腘绳肌肌肉起止点和髋、膝关节中心的相对位置获得肌肉起止点坐标,从而获得腘绳肌3块双关节肌肌肉-肌腱复合体(muscle-tendon unit,MTU)长度,以MTU拉伸速度和标准化MTU长度为分析指标。采用样条插值法对各指标按踢球动作周期阶段进行3次归一化处理。结果:腘绳肌3块双关节肌在正脚背踢球动作小腿前摆阶段和触球随摆阶段处于激活状态并被拉长,进行离心收缩;触球随摆阶段3块双关节MTU拉伸速度、肌标准化MTU长度、肌肉激活程度均显著大于小腿前摆阶段(P<0.05),标准化MTU长度在触球随摆阶段中期达...  相似文献   

<正> 脚背内侧踢球可分为脚背内侧传球和脚背内侧射门两种技术。这里以脚背内侧传高球技术为例,谈谈其教学方法。一、动作要领斜线助跑,助跑方向与出球方向成45°角(圈1)。支撑脚以脚掌外沿着地,踏落在球的侧后方10-15厘米处,脚尖指向出球方向,身体稍向支撑脚一侧倾斜。在支撑脚落地的同时,传球腿以髋关节为轴,大腿带动小腿由后向前摆动,当膝盖摆到接近球的内侧斜上方的刹那,小腿做爆发式前摆,腿和脚尖稍外转,脚面绷直、脚趾扣紧、脚尖指向斜下方、以脚背内侧(图2)击球的后中下部。出球时,踝关节稍上翘,将球传起。传球后身体快速跟上(图3),以便衔接下个动作。二、教学难点  相似文献   

用力学的方法分析踢球技术,可以帮助我们理解与改进技术动作,寻求最佳足球技术水平的发挥和取得良好的技术效果。因此用力学原理分析对足球某些技术动作的影响是不容忽略的重要环节之一。 踢球有多种脚法,球的路线变化也很大,今天仅就足球正脚背踢球技术、踢弧线球的原理和接传球时力的合成谈些个人意见。 一、正脚背踢球技术的分析: 正脚背踢球的力量大小与摆腿的幅度和速度有重要的关系。摆腿的动作分为:后引腿、前踢、前摆三个部分。根据肌肉的起止点进行分析,踢球腿后引时,臀肌、股后肌群收缩,而屈大腿的髂腰肌和伸小腿的股四头肌则被拉长。这一准备动作使踢球腿以较大的动量传递给足球,使球快速飞  相似文献   

本文通过对短跑运动员途中跑过程中摆动腿前摆动作迟缓进行了理论分析,认为支撑腿后蹬过直,踝关节肌群离心与向心收缩能力差,以及大腿股后肌群快速收缩力量簿弱,是造成摆动腿前摆动作迟缓的主要因素。针对这一问题,本文提出一些克服摆动腿前摆动作迟缓的训练方法。  相似文献   

通过对男子短跑运动员100m途中跑垂直缓冲时段运动学参数的灰色关联度分析,得出以下结论:下肢的关节点的夹角及上臂摆幅与跑速高度相关,各环节角度变化将影响短跑运动员跑进时的前蹬阻力及后蹬腿的蹬地方向,进而影响后蹬腿对地做功的有效功率。由此可见,增加短跑运动员途中跑垂直缓冲时段髋关节、膝关节及上臂前摆幅将有助于提高短跑的跑速。  相似文献   


Male volunteers (N=80) were randomly assigned to either a control or a mental practice group for the learning of three motor skills, the hock swing to a horizontal bar, jump-foot, and soccer hitch kick. All subjects were tested individually on each of the skills but one group engaged in five directed mental practice sessions spaced over a period of 5 days prior to being tested. Significant differences between groups in initial trial success were obtained for the hock swing but not for the other two skills. After physical practice was introduced, the mental practice group required fewer trials to achieve success in the hock swing and the jump-foot but not in the soccer hitch kick. It was concluded that the effectiveness of mental practice without prior physical practice is specific to the skill and is more pronounced for simpler skills.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、录像解析法、数据处理法,对参加全国田径锦标赛女子跳远运动员(最后筛选取20名)空中技术特征进行研究,探讨空中技术与运动成绩之间的关系。结论认为:我国女子跳远运动员空中技术对起跳效果有影响。走步式空中技术能在起跳过程中通过紧密衔接的摆动腿加速前摆和制动前摆,加快起跳腿的缓冲和蹬伸动作速度,促进身体重心获得更大的垂直速度,而且水平速度没有更多的损耗,从而获得更大的腾起速度和腾起角,腾起时身体重心的垂直位置更高,最终取得优异成绩,促进跳远起跳技术朝着快速积极的方向发展。  相似文献   

The initial stance position (ISP) has been observed as a factor affecting the execution technique during taekwondo kicks. In the present study, authors aimed to analyse a roundhouse kick to the chest by measuring movement coordination and the variability of coordination and comparing this across the different ISP (0°, 45° and 90°). Eight experienced taekwondo athletes performed consecutive kicking trials in random order from every of the three relative positions. The execution was divided into three phases (stance, first swing and second swing phase). A motion capture system was used to measure athletes’ angular displacement of pelvis and thigh. A modified vector coding technique was used to quantify the coordination of the segments which contributed to the overall movement. The variability of this coordination (CV) for each ISP was also calculated. Comparative analysis showed that during the stance phase in the transverse plane, athletes coordinated movement of the trunk and thigh with a higher frequency of in-phase and lower frequency of exclusive thigh rotation in the 0° stance than the 90° stance position (< 0.05). CV was also influenced by the different ISP. During the first swing and the majority of the second swing phase, predominant in-phase coordination of the pelvis and thigh was observed. Including exercises that require in-phase movement could not only help athletes to acquire coordination stability but also efficiency. The existence of a constraint such as ISP implies an increase of the variability when the athletes have to kick from ISP they are not used to adopt (i.e., 0° and 90° ISP) as an evidence of adaptability in the athletes’ execution technique.  相似文献   

It is unknown whether skilled golfers will modify their kinematics when using drivers of different shaft properties. This study aimed to firstly determine if golf swing kinematics and swing parameters and related launch conditions differed when using modified drivers, then secondly, determine which kinematics were associated with clubhead speed. Twenty high level amateur male golfers (M ± SD: handicap = 1.9 ± 1.9 score) had their three-dimensional (3D) trunk and wrist kinematics collected for two driver trials. Swing parameters and related launch conditions were collected using a launch monitor. A one-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant (p ≤ 0.003) between driver differences; specifically, faster trunk axial rotation velocity and an early wrist release for the low kick point driver. Launch angle was shown to be 2° lower for the high kick point driver. Regression models for both drivers explained a significant amount of variance (60–67%) in clubhead speed. Wrist kinematics were most associated with clubhead speed, indicating the importance of the wrists in producing clubhead speed regardless of driver shaft properties.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional kinematics of international female footballers performing a simulated direct free kick (curve kick) were compared with those of an instep kick. Reflective markers attached to the participants were tracked by 17 Vicon cameras sampling at 250 Hz. Foot velocity at ball impact did not differ between the two types of kick, but the way in which foot velocity was generated did differ, with instep kicks using a faster approach velocity and greater linear velocities of the hip and knee, and curve kicks using a greater knee angular velocity at impact. In both types of kick, peak knee angular velocity and peak ankle linear velocity occurred at ball impact, providing biomechanical support to the common coaching recommendation of kicking through the ball. To achieve a curved ball trajectory, players should take a wide approach angle, point the support foot to the right of the intended target (for right-footed players), swing the kicking limb across the face of the goal, and impact the ball with the foot moving upwards and in an abducted position. This information will be useful to coaches and players in identifying the fundamental coaching points necessary to achieve a curved trajectory of the ball compared with the more commonly described instep kick kinematics.  相似文献   

目的:探索不同落点(T内角、Body追身和Wide外角)网球侧上旋发球技术动作的运动学规律。方法:采用2台三维高速摄像机拍摄10名网球运动员侧上旋发球技术动作,使用北京体育大学视讯解析系统采集运动学参数,对原始数据进行平滑和归一化处理等(Fc=10)。结果:1)抛球引拍阶段:抛球时左肩水平投影角呈显著性差异,左肩、右肩和左膝关节角速度变量呈显著性相关(R=0.82),站位方式无显著性差异;2)"挠背"阶段:不同落点发球时发力顺序协调一致,由下至上逐步将力量传递至击球点;3)挥拍击球阶段:击球时刻不同落点间分速度和击球角度差异性显著,外角侧旋>追身侧旋>内角侧旋,内角上旋>追身上旋>外角上旋,外角Angle>追身Angle>内角Angle。击球点高度与身高的倍数为外角(1.32)、追身(1.25)和内角(1.21),击球点由内至外逐渐向右偏移;4)随挥阶段:击球后重心位移和速度分量未出现显著性差异,膝关节角度变化均值39.7±1.8°。结论:我国高校网球二级运动员亟需储备发球隐蔽性、击球点空间位置、挥拍轨迹和击球速度分量等方面的意识体系。应当继续以运动生物力学为手段加强网球各类型发球技术动作、各环节运动特征和发球所致损伤因素等进行系统化和精细化研究。  相似文献   

通过运动学分析的方法,对我国参加2008年北京奥运会的三名优秀女子铅球运动员的滑步技术进行研究,发现巩立姣在滑步阶段右腿的蹬伸方式不合理,蹬摆配合不好,右腿收拉不积极,滑步距离小、用时多.李玲右腿蹬伸充分,滑步距离较长.李梅菊滑步阶段身体重心上下起伏的程度小,滑步技术好.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to compare the three-dimensional kinematics of the lower extremities and ground reaction forces between the instep kick and the kick with the outside area of the foot (outstep kick) in pubertal soccer players. Ten pubertal soccer players performed consecutive kicking trials in random order after a two-step angled approach with the instep and the outstep portion of the foot. Three-dimensional data and ground reaction forces were measured during kicking. Paired t-tests indicated significantly higher (P < 0.05) ball speeds and ball/foot speed ratios for the instep kick compared with the outstep kick. Non-significant differences in angular and linear sagittal plane kinematic parameters, temporal characteristics, and ground reaction forces between the instep and outstep soccer kicks were observed (P > 0.05). In contrast, analysis of variance indicated that the outstep kick displayed higher hip internal rotation and abduction, knee internal rotation, and ankle inversion than the instep kick (P < 0.05). Our results suggest that the instep kick is more powerful than the outstep kick and that different types of kick require different types of skill training.  相似文献   

武术套路跳跃中旋风脚及连接难度动作分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用录像观察法、实验法、数理统计法,分析武术套路项目中旋风脚B级和C级跳跃难度及连接难度动作的运动学、动力学及生物学特征,发现:旋风脚单脚起跳速度远大于双脚起跳。根据肌电测试结果,旋风脚双脚和单脚起跳的起跳腿肌肉放电强度和时相有所区别,提示:不同的起跳方式应有针对性的辅助练习。  相似文献   

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