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通过对上海9所高校大学生工程技术素养的问卷调查,采用描述性统计与回归模型分析发现:大学生工程技术素养存在性别刻板印象,男生的工程技术素养显著高于女生。但在具体维度上男女生各有优劣,男生在工程知识、工程实践维度得分显著高于女生,女生在工程伦理维度得分显著高于男生,在工程技术维度,男女生没有显著差异。影响学生工程素养的因素方面,兴趣与职业期望对男女生的工程技术实践、技能均具有显著影响;学科类别、家庭所在地、学校类别对学生的工程技术知识、技能、实践均有不同程度的显著影响。建议从社会层面构建男女平等的文化氛围,加强女大学生工程技术兴趣培养,开设工程技术类通识课程,强化有德性工程师的培养,营造良好的制度环境等方面着手,提升不同性别学生的工程技术素养。  相似文献   

Literate behaviours are changing with new technological and commercial reworkings of popular fictions. Today's young people are acquiring new skills and strategies to deal with the enormous onslaught of secondary texts associated with many major fictions. This article discusses such developments in the context of three stories: Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and The Simpsons. It investigates the potential for new approaches to literacy as displayed by particular young readers.  相似文献   

There is discussion about the definition of literacy in the Information Age and the nature of the experience, skills, knowledge and understanding that teachers will need to develop in continuing professional development. This paper discusses the context of policy and curriculum discussions; critiques an approach to information literacy; outlines the use of a framework of good practice in using information technology in the classroom and illustrates the reflection of these ideas in a research project. It proposes that information literacy for teachers is more than competence and capability in information retrieval and presentation, but requires awareness of the ideological, cultural, epistemological and pedagogical practices in which these capabilities are developed. © 1998 IFIP, published by Chapman & Hall Ltd  相似文献   

国际技术教育课程评价:困境、经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着技术教育成为各国基础教育关注的热点领域,其课程评价日益成为一个共同的焦点问题。技术教育课程应该由谁来评价?评价什么?怎样评价?有哪些合适的评价方式?通过对别国及地区的实践考察,技术教育课程评价应积极建立基于"专业"与标准的国家质量监测体系,努力寻求适合"技术"自身特性的多元评价方式。  相似文献   


Digital literacy is often proposed as a means of dealing with the problems apparently caused by ‘fake news’. This positioning article considers some of the difficulties with this approach. It argues that fake news is not an isolated phenomenon, but one that needs to be understood in a much broader social, economic and cultural context. It also addresses the practical possibilities and difficulties of teaching in this area. The notion of ‘digital literacy’ appears to define the phenomenon in technological terms. By contrast, this article suggests that we need a broader notion of media literacy, which is based on critical thinking about the economic, ideological and cultural dimensions of media. Even so, the article suggests, the broader problems that are at the root of the problem of ‘fake news’ are unlikely to be solved very easily.  相似文献   

国家教育技术学生标准是美国国际教育技术协会与美国联邦教师培训和评鉴委员会、联邦教育部等教育组织和机构为培养适应时代发展需要的、能有效使用技术的学生而联合制定的指导性标准。它还提供了与标准类别相联系的K-12教育四个年级段的有技术素养学生的行为表现指标。以及帮助教师将技术的使用贯穿于课程教学中的个案。这些对于我国中小学信息技术教育的开展有重要的启示。  相似文献   

该文对教师的信息素养内涵进行了探讨,认为教师信息素养的内涵随着信息化社会的发展进步而不断的发生变化,教师除了具有信息社会普通公民基本的信息素养之外,还应该具有教师作为一种特殊职业应具有的促进其职业自我发展的信息素养.并且笔者从信息意识和情感、信息伦理道德修养、信息知识和信息能力四个方面对教师的信息素养的基本内容和要求进行了分析.  相似文献   

国际中小学技术教育研究的若干特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学技术教育是当前国际基础教育改革的热点与趋势,我国在此领域的研究相当薄弱.研究发现,国际技术教育正呈现出新特点,其概念内涵正在从传统的工艺训练转向当代的技术素养教育,追求平衡且统一的课程框架、倡导多样的课程实施策略并持续创新,正成为国际中小学技术教育的共同特点.  相似文献   

信息素养中技术伦理观的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术作为人类改造和利用自然界的活动手段,其本身也包含了一套相应的伦理价值,人们在使用技术的时候也需要遵循一定的道德规范。今天,我们在强调信息技术和学科整合,在培养学生以信息加工能力为核心的信息素养过程中,也应该同时对其进行信息技术伦理观的教育,这是解决如今网络道德问题的一个必要手段,也是我们教育工作一个义不容辞的任务。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断普及与应用,信息技术学科也越来越受到人们的重视。新课改的开展和不断深入,对我们以前的教学方式和思路形成了很大的冲击。必须形成一套行之有效的教学方式,才能适应这种变化和发展。课程标准将信息素养的培养作为课程目标,为这门课程注入了应有的教育内涵。它强调信息技术与其他课程的整合,以其他课程的任务来驱动信息技术的学习与实践,具有科学性、合理性。  相似文献   

从“信息人”谈起,阐述了一种新型的教育教学方法——信息化教学,通过对其在计算机专业网络服务器实施过程的描述,并对教学效果进行了分析,进而指出了教师信息素养是影响学生信息素养的关键,总结了提高教师信息素养水平的几种方法.  相似文献   

高等教育人才培养的重要目标就是使当代大学生既具有信息素养,又掌握现代计算机技术,具备在信息化社会的生存能力和终身学习能力。文章结合艺术院校的特点,探讨切实加强大学生计算机应用能力,提高其信息素养。  相似文献   

信息技术学科"一中心两支点"教研模式,是指以促进学生发展为中心,以集体备课和课题研究为支点的校本教研模式,具体策略包括:优化教学设计,发挥育人价值;扎实集备研讨,发展教育智慧;开展项目学习,专注学生发展;构建多元评价,实现以评促学;借力问题研讨,引领专业成长。  相似文献   

信息素养已经成为每个社会公民必须具备的一种基本素质,信息素养成为评价人才综合素质的一项重要指标.我们通过对全省"一村一"学生的信息素养和<信息技术应用>课程学习情况的问卷调查分析,了解目前"一村一"学生信息素养的基本状况,从加强宣传教育,优化<信息技术应用>课程教学和建设良好的学校信息教育环境三个方面来阐述提升"一村一"学生信息素养的有效途径.  相似文献   

Lisa Kervin 《Literacy》2009,43(1):29-35
The notion of ‘multiliteracies’ and the development and creation of multimodal texts within classrooms is of pedagogic interest in this age of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). The case study reported herein provides an analysis of how one teacher engaged her class of primary school students as they responded to the challenge of creating and filming a 30‐second television commercial on a social justice issue. The media texts were constructed in a 10‐week period. The paper describes the process as the teacher and these students planned, wrote, filmed and edited their commercials. It offers an example of how the changing nature of literacy and, specifically, text, is enacted in the classroom.  相似文献   

概念图是组织和呈现知识的工具,不仅对理解学科中关键概念、知识的整体框架有着重要的作用,而且能够培养教师严谨的思维和学生良好的自学方法.文章简述了概念图的概念及建构,并结合高中信息技术课程,描述了概念图在其中的应用.  相似文献   

高校教育信息化对现代大学生的信息技术素养提出了更高的要求。但当今大学生信息技术素养培养存在许多问题,尤其是民族院校学生因生源上的差异,存在信息技术基础薄弱、层次不齐,缺乏主动养成信息技术素养的习惯,严重影响着学生个人综合能力的提高和大学教育教学。  相似文献   

随着新媒体技术的快速发展,信息素养将会成为人的整体素质不可替代的组成部分,信息素养水平的高低,决定着辅导员"职业化、专业化、现代化"目标的实现。要清楚了解高校辅导员的信息素养现状,并从三个方面来提升高校辅导员的信息素养。  相似文献   

The practice of reading is rapidly moving from print to screen. Young children are not immune from this trend; indeed, many children's principal literacy experiences occur using iPads and other handheld digital devices. This transition raises important questions about how the emergence and development of literacy might change in these new environments. This paper reviews research to date on e-reading, both in the pre-tablet and tablet era, within the context of what we know more generally about literacy development. We then propose topics for future research and discuss methodological issues related to the investigation of these topics. Our goal is to spark further discussion about how to study young children's literacy development in the emerging e-reading era.  相似文献   

In planning educational technology initiatives, the concerns of many stakeholders are typically taken into account, including the concerns of administrators, teachers, parents, and employers. The perspective of students are recognized as valuable, but not often queried or considered. This paper explores the opinions of K-12 students about a one-to-one laptop programme implementation through content analysis of 362 blog postings made by these students expressing their thoughts on the topic at three time points in two years. Employing a bottom-up coding strategy, this paper identified seven themes that represented students’ opinion of technology use in schools: more efficient and productive learning, tools for better writing, access to information, engagement with new media, remaining relevant in a technological world, share and learn from peers, and individualized and differentiated instruction. This study suggested that, when new technology tools are used in schools, students should not only be viewed as learners but also be considered as real writers with valuable opinions. Students also should be provided the opportunity to write for an authentic purpose and audience using diverse forms of digital media.  相似文献   

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