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The idea of learning rooted in behavioural psychology has become dominant in the field of teaching and learning for several decades. Even though it has been widely used in formal education it is inadequate for informing lifelong learning policies and plans. In this paper, first I critique the psychological foundation of learning and in the second part, drawing on Habermasian conceptualisation of three structural components of the lifeworld (culture, society, and personality), I conceptualise the three components as the social foundations of learning: learning as cultural reproduction, learning as social integration and learning as socialisation. In the context of the UN’s declaration of ‘lifelong learning’ as one of the Sustainable Development Goals, this paper will be useful for developing policies to address challenges faced by individual countries at cultural, societal and individual levels.  相似文献   

终身学习发展与成人教育变革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑义寅 《成人教育》2012,32(10):12-16
当下,构建终身教育体系和推进终身学习已然成为我国社会转型的重要方面,同时也提出了"成人教育变革与终身学习发展"的社会命题。在变革与发展、理论与实践的契合中,成人教育作为构建终身教育体系的基本力量,从某种视野上可以断言,解读这个命题的关键是寻求成人教育与终身学习的本质联系,认知成人教育在终身学习发展中的使命与责任,核心是推进成人教育变革,把终身学习纳入科学发展的轨道。  相似文献   

This paper analyses Botswana's commitment to lifelong learning policy and discusses how it can help the state achieve its vision for sustainable development. First, it argues that while Botswana is renowned for its economic success, it still fails to address positively such traditional challenges as poverty, unemployment and income inequality, which are increasing disproportionately, especially among the youth and non-literate adults. These structural problems can be attributable partly to the low quality of education, which does not enable learners to reduce their risks and vulnerabilities. The paper outlines the concepts of lifelong learning and sustainable development and work from there to analyse the national education policy. It is acknowledged that the state made commendable progress in delivering basic, extension and continuing education since adopting lifelong learning in 1994. However, the delivery failed to use education to transform people's lives. The education itself failed to balance quantity with quality effectively to inculcate a culture of democracy. These issues need to be critically addressed because they invariably hamper Botswana's efforts to deliver quality education and attain its vision for sustainable development. Finally, the paper suggests that the education system should incorporate lifelong learning principles, effectively involve learners in decision making and teach for empowerment.  相似文献   

终身教育已经由最初的"思潮"或"理念"发展成为一种教育实践或社会运动。鉴于各国国情,这种实践或运动呈现出多样化的态势与局面。各国有不同的终身教育模式,并在终身教育价值取向上具有多元化的特点。随着终身教育理论与实践的发展,这一概念渐有被终身学习所取代的趋势。  相似文献   

终身学习理念与日本当代社会教育的新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
终身学习是当前日本教育改革的中心课题之一,而与之联系最为密切的是日本社会教育。本文从日本终身学习产生的背景及基本理念、终身学习体系中社会教育的地位、日本振兴终身学习事业对社会教育产生的影响等三个方面,来论述日本终身学习理念与当代日本社会教育的关系。  相似文献   

MOOCs are promising opportunities for lifelong learning, but as promising as these learning opportunities seem, many learners do not succeed in pursuing their personal learning goals. Barriers to learning are the main reason for not finishing the intended (parts of the) MOOCs. This study addressed the question whether the factors age, gender, educational level, and online learning experience affect barriers faced while learning in MOOCs. The results show that it is challenging to combine work and family life with lifelong (online) learning activities, especially for learners in their early adulthood and mid-life. However, more experience with online learning positively affects individuals’ ability to cope with these challenges. Also, learners with a lower educational level may experience a lack of knowledge or difficulties with the course content. These findings may serve as input to inform potentially vulnerable learners about these issues and support them in successfully achieving their personal learning goals.  相似文献   

习近平终身学习观指的是习近平总书记在学习和工作中形成的与终身学习相关的系统的新思想与重要观点,是中国共产党人集体智慧的结晶,是马克思主义中国化的最新成果之一。习近平终身学习观以终身学习内涵、终身学习内容与终身学习路径为主线,阐明终身学习是一种时代责任、一种精神追求、一种生活方式,是文明传承之途、人生成长之梯、政党巩固之基、国家兴盛之要,并以其终身性与持续性、战略性与时代性等特性引领时代学习。强调应以思想引领性的科学理论、工作实务的科学知识和古今中外的历史文化为主要学习内容。要求坚定学习方向和终身学习理念,巧用方法与技巧,并在践行终身学习中持续提升,以学习成就未来。  相似文献   

靳培培 《成人教育》2012,32(7):57-59
我国终身教育体系和学习型社会的构建已经成为必然发展趋势,构建学习型社会要求在终身教育理念指导下进行全民学习和终身学习。高等教育担负着培养人才、创新知识,传承科学文明的神圣职责,在构建终身教育体系和学习型社会过程中担负着重要使命。我国高等院校在终身教育和学习型社会的构建中面临诸多挑战,必须通过革新教育观念、科学自我定位、重构高等教育体系、建立多样化的高等教育结构、大力发展继续教育等方式,对高等教育面临的诸多挑战做出理性的应答。  相似文献   


Peter Jarvis is a towering figure in the study of adult and lifelong education and a leading and original theorist of learning. This paper sets out his intellectual and professional biography, maps the main contours of his work and introduces fourteen papers by leading scholars devoted to his work. Five broad phases in Jarvis’ life are identified: (a) youth, self-education, Methodist ministry and early teaching and research; (b) founding of the International Journal of Lifelong Education, authorship of important textbooks on adult and professional education and linking of academic communities in different countries; (c) early research on and theorisation of learning; (d) engagement from the early 1990s with debates on lifelong learning and the learning society; and (e) return to theorisation of learning, particularly from the perspective of globalisation, from around 2000. Recurring themes include ethics and responsibility, the essentially social nature of learning, democracy, and authenticity in human relationships.  相似文献   

目前,我国终身教育立法需求非常旺盛,许多地方都在积极开展终身教育立法实践。但是,由于终身教育理论和实践仍然存在着诸多问题,导致立法工作举步维艰,甚至在立法方向上都还存在着迷茫。本文主要以中义概念范畴为界,将我国地方终身教育立法大致分为初步尝试阶段(1989-2002年)、集中实践阶段(2003-2014年)和反思探索阶段(2015年至今)三个阶段。对影响终身教育立法的学习型社会发展目标、经济社会发展水平、现有教育法律构成、终身教育理论研究进展、立法主体的需要和终身教育立法面临的问题等几方面因素以及法源修订、终身教育、终身学习、继续教育、社区教育、老年教育、学前教育几种立法取向进行了分析,最后提出了基本法修订、单行法完善、地方法实践等终身教育立法策略建议。  相似文献   

电大教育、社区教育与学习型社会建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
推动全民终身学习,为学习型社会建设服务,已成为电大教育的基本属性与根本定位。电大较为完善的教学管理模式、学习支持服务体系、质量监控评价系统及其运作机制,理应为终身教育实践所共享,其在社区教育中具有某种创新性质的尝试,为推进学习型社会建设提供了借鉴与参考。目前,制约学习型社会建设的主要因素:一是“体制”,二是“平台”,其核心是组织管理与公共服务。电大教育只有持续加强服务社会的能力建设,在社区教育中不失时机地做出应有贡献,实现科学、和谐发展。  相似文献   

终身学习与人的全面发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人的全面发展是人类对自身发展的最高追求。人的全面发展是历史的概念,与社会发展是一致的。社会分工使工人片面发展,但现代大工业生产要求劳动者的全面发展,并为之创造了条件。新的科学技术革命对人的发展提出了新的要求。终身学习是人的全面发展的主要途径。  相似文献   

终身学习的本质是研究、探讨乃至实践终身学习思想的关键所在。只有弄清终身学习的本质,才能为探讨其价值取向乃至构建学习社会奠定理论基础。本从终身学习的内涵入手,分析了终身学习的主要本质及其教育价值取向和社会价值取向。  相似文献   


Field education is essential to the development of professional social workers. Despite the significant overlap in social work’s and higher education’s missions and values, there is a scarcity of social work internships specifically in higher education settings. The placement of social work interns in institutions of higher education provides a setting where they can develop new knowledge and skills and increase their capacity to support college students toward academic success. This conceptual article discusses the role of social work in higher education and provides a model social work internship in an opportunity program, including its creation, development, challenges, outcomes, and future direction.  相似文献   

当代终身学习概念的本质特征及其理论发展的国际动向   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近年来终身学习的概念逐渐受到社会各界的关注,那么何谓终身学习?终身教育和终身学习理念所蕴藏的基本内涵又有什么不同?为什么围绕同一个概念会出现两种不同的表述?终身教育的地位又为何有逐渐被终身学习所取代的趋向?关于这一问题目前仍还处在一种较为模糊的认识状态。而对基本概念的理解和认识不清,则将在很大程度上影响了上述理念对实践所产生的指导作用。因此对终身学习与终身教育的关系及其蕴涵于概念之中的本质特征作一番梳理和研究则实属必要。  相似文献   

学习社会理念作为一种未来社会的构想而被提出,不同的人对此持有不同的看法,本文主要分析了学习社会一词的演变及其产生的背景,进而阐述了终身教育、终身学习和学习社会三者之间的关系及倡导学习社会的价值指向,最后本文就学习社会的提出给“学习”带来的影响作了简要的论述。  相似文献   

王伟  孙纪磊 《成人教育》2022,42(1):12-15
林德曼终身教育思想缘起于社会变迁对终身教育的吁求,进步主义教育思潮的驱动以及个人终身教育实践的引领,主要包括终身教育是贯穿人一生的学习过程、终身教育是社会生活的必要条件以及终身教育是个人价值的实现形式三个核心观点,为新时代我国终身教育改革创新提供了重要现实启示。基于此,未来我国应致力于构建“持续性”终身教育体系,营造“无疆界”终身教育生态,形塑“个性化”终身教育模式,以推动我国终身教育理论与实践的发展与进步。  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) constitutes a promising way of integrating academia and social work practice because PBL fosters engagement with real-life problems and enhances important skills needed in social work practice. However, little attention has been given to social work students’ experiences of PBL. In this article we address this gap by exploring experiences of learning and learning preferences among master’s-level students in a Danish social work education setting where extensive problem-based project work is used. We find a discrepancy between students’ preferred learning and when they experience learning the most. Possible reasons for this discrepancy, and implications for teaching, are discussed.  相似文献   

美国教育家哈钦斯最早明确提出了"学习化社会"的概念,《学会生存》中把"学习化社会"的构建作为未来社会的基本形态正式推出,学习化社会思想的提出有着一定的社会条件和理论基础,其所蕴含的教育特征等对成人教育的理论与实践有重要的启示。在构建以终身教育、全民学习为主要特征的学习化社会的进程中,电大要抓住机遇、树立为终身教育服务的理念,发挥优势、在大力发展现代远程教育的基础上努力创建开放大学,更新思路、积极发展各种非学历性教育,改革课程与教学、以人为本、促进学习者学会学习。  相似文献   

Social workers and attorneys both interact with persons from diverse backgrounds every day, yet although interpersonal skills are an essential focus of social work education, these skills are not addressed in legal education. Interdisciplinary courses in which social workers and lawyers learn interpersonal skills together and have an opportunity to practice them through service learning opportunities are a way to remedy a gap in legal education. The authors describe a project recently piloted at a large midwestern university in which law and graduate social work students participated in an interdisciplinary course with a service learning component requiring students to work together on cases. As one component of the clinic’s assessment, all students were pre- and posttested via an interpersonal skills survey. The law students showed statistically significant improvement in interpersonal skills at the end of the course. The results indicate a need for increased support for interdisciplinary education, specifically partnerships between the professions of law and social work.  相似文献   

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