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The purpose of this study was (a) to develop an instructional design model for preservice teachers’ learning of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in multidisciplinary technology integration courses and (b) to apply the model to investigate its effects when used in a preservice teacher education setting. The model was applied in a technology integration course with fifteen participants from diverse majors. Data included individual participants’ written materials and TPACK survey responses, group lesson plans, and the researchers’ field notes. The data analysis results revealed that: (1) the participants had difficulties understanding pedagogical knowledge (PK), which hindered their learning of integrated knowledge of TPACK and (2) their learning of TPACK was the combination rather than the integration of PK, technological knowledge, and content knowledge. Suggestions and implications for refining the model and future research possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

从数字素养到数字能力:概念流变、构成要素与整合模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字能力被视为数字时代重要的生存技能和知识资产,是指在工作、职业、学习、娱乐以及社会参与中自信及创造性地使用ICT的能力。数字能力包含工具性知识与技能、高级知识与技能、知识与技能的应用态度三个维度,这一概念框架聚合了从信息素养到数字素养等一系列相关子概念。通过知识、技能和态度三维度将数字能力概念框架映射至教育领域,重构其构成要素,从而建立起数字能力的整合模型。数字能力整合模型的建构为培养个体数字能力灵活考虑各种知识、技能和态度提供了基础,同时也勾勒了学习时代个人基本素养和教育目标的最新图景。  相似文献   

学习领域是一种基于工作领域设计学习情境的职业教育课程模式,兴起于德国,对我国当前的职业教育教学具有一定的借鉴意义。基于此,结合实际条件,以薪酬设计与管理课程为例,在教材整合、教学内容组织和教学方法调整等方面进行了探索,力求提高课程教学与企业需求的衔接水平。课程改革设计摒弃单纯复制,着力体现学习领域理念的实质。  相似文献   

The field of training and development has been increasingly affected by knowledge management, performance support, and learning technologies, yet the impact of these disciplines has typically been disjointed and uncoordinated. Projects in each of the disciplines are often implemented systematically, but not systemically. To take full advantage of their potential to improve performance, we must develop the possible synergies that exist among them. In this paper, we aim to develop a theoretical argument for integrating electronic performance support systems (EPSS), knowledge management systems (KMS), and learning technologies as well as to create a conceptual model for the integration. This understanding will guide training and development professionals in developing more systemic performance improvement interventions. We start with an overview of KMS, EPSS, and learning technologies. We then examine the intersection of these areas and present a rationale for integrating the three technologies under the framework of Human Performance Technology (HPT). Finally, we propose a conceptual model for the integration and discuss its technical and organizational implications.  相似文献   

This paper describes the evaluatin of a weekly school-based MSW field seminar with multiple purposes, among which was the integration of classroom and field learning. Both students and seminar instructors found the primary purpose of the seminar to be one of professional support. Knowledge integration was reported by participants to have taken place more often in structured vs. unstructured group sessions. Student suggestions have implications for such a seminar as a learning lab as well as a forum for professional growth and self-awareness.  相似文献   

文章基于优慕课SPOC平台,根据以教师为主导,学生为主体的教学理念,以线上、线下教学环节深度融合为目标,对北京某高校雅思英语写作课程混合式教学模式进行了建构与实证研究。通过课堂观察、问卷调查及SPSS数据统计验证,基于SPOC的雅思英语写作混合式教学模式能够有效提升教学效果。该实证研究也为同类课程开展混合式教学提供了参考。  相似文献   

移动学习经过近二十年的发展,正成为一个多学科参与、多领域交叉、多主题综合的研究区域,也逐渐成为国内外教育技术领域的核心研究课题。目前我国移动学习研究正处于反思发展阶段,以理论研究为主,整体趋于以研究领域内某一分支进行深入剖析和扩展的"树形拓展"研究模式。相较于国际范围内以实践研究为主、趋于"实践-反思-再实践-再反思"的"环状循环"研究模式,我国移动学习应加强多领域合作,将研究重心从"技术"回归到"学习"上,通过应用研究、实践研究,落实移动学习效果。未来二十年,我国移动学习发展将经历基础环境建设、知识体系化建设和学习服务建设三个迭代循环的阶段,应发挥移动学习在不同领域内的优势,开发有效促进移动学习的工具应用,拓宽理论视域,开展移动学习活动、策略及评价的研究。  相似文献   

通过分析当代移动学习新趋势,研究移动学习模型构建的意义和原则,基于3G/4G移动通信网、互联网和广播电视网等三网融合环境,构建了分层移动学习模型,具体涵盖学习终端、网络接入平台、移动学习综合平台的三层架构搭建.该移动学习平台总体方案是云计算、互联网、3G/4G移动通信、广播电视等技术相结合的展现,是传统CT行业与IT行业的高度融合,代表着移动通讯与信息技术发展的方向,能提供完备的移动学习平台综合解决方案.  相似文献   

依据成人学习特点及现实需求,成人高等教育应推行工作本位学习模式,工学一体化可作为一种有益尝试。工学一体化模式以职业行为的结果为能力标准,以岗位需要构造学习模块,按岗位分布建立柔性课程结构与内容体系,采取项目式的教学程式,实施作业式课堂教学模式,并采取了与项目式教学相配套的总结(设计)式考核方式。  相似文献   

该文围绕着信息技术与课程教学的整合问题 ,从生态观的视角提出了整合性学习模型。把学习环境分为两大侧面 :学习社群和信息资源。技术作为学习者与学习环境互动的中介工具 ,主要发挥四种功能 :学习监控工具、媒体、信息处理工具和社群互动工具。在此基础上具体分析了各种信息技术在接受学习、探究学习、合作学习和个别化学习等不同类型的学习模式中的整合应用  相似文献   

基于工作过程的《机械设计》学习领域课程开发   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以"学工一体、校企融合"思想为指导,以培养学生完成整体化工作任务的综合职业能力为着眼点,开发基于工作过程的<机械设计>学习领域课程标准,在开发过程中选择合适的任务载体作为学习性工作任务,依据工作任务设计学习情境,依据不同的学习情境设计教学活动.  相似文献   

There has been extensive investigation into factors affecting digital technology integration in learning and teaching, but the complexity of integration continues to elude understanding. Thus, questions about how digital technologies can be best used to support learning persist. This paper argues that methods designed to address complex systems are needed to understand the interplay between teaching, learning and digital technologies. Starting with a developing system model of teachers' technology integration, this study revises the model to include factors of students' experience using digital technologies and beliefs about learning. The revised model is then used to demonstrate possible effects of student experiences in a technologically integrated group learning task. Analysis draws on data from a large-scale Australian study of technology innovation (N = 7406). Data mining techniques are used to identify patterns of students' technology use and perceptions of group work. Findings inform revision of the model to include factors of students' experience and learning and their effects on teachers' practice. Implications for learning design and students' learning experiences are explored.  相似文献   

尖锐的偏见和深厚的综合是学术发展、知识进步的两种理想的典型形态。深厚的综合,是对已知领域的完善,是尖锐偏见形成的土壤;尖锐的偏见,是对未知领域的开拓,是对深厚综合的进一步发展。只有二者的良性互动,才是学术进步、知识增长的真正途径。  相似文献   

哈佛大学马祖尔教授的教学改革是美国大学信息技术与教学深度融合的典型案例。经过近30年的改革实践,创生了主动学习、同伴互助、讨论对话与及时反馈的新式大班课堂。文章从教育技术学的视角出发,发现马祖尔信息化教学改革的内涵是:在教与学过程中采取结构化、精致化的教学过程与方法;以学生为中心重构教学内容和开发学习工具;信息技术的应用聚焦于支持教学场域中的生生互动和学习反馈。基于此,文章分析了马祖尔信息化教学改革带来的启示,以期推动我国信息技术与教育的深度融合,并为教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

高职院校的学习领域课程、项目课程等工学结合课程教材的开发,重点在于对包含了显性知识和隐性知识的学习性工作任务的选择、设计以及编排,从教材内容和结构上规范开发方法。高职项目课程教材、学习领域课程教材和"理论—实践"一体化专业基础课程教材已形成一些较有特色的编写体例。  相似文献   

就"教"与"学"的关系而言,当前大致存在着"少教多学"、"先学后教"、"以学定教"、"教学合一"、"教学相长"五种范型。其中",少教多学"主要表征为一种批判"多教少学"的有效教学理念";先学后教"主要表征为一种突破"先教后学"的课堂教学模式;"以学定教"主要表征为一种反驳"以教定学"的教学活动逻辑;"教学合一"主要表征为一种针对"教学分离"的教学协同意识";教学相长"主要表征为一种超越"教学互损"的教师职业境界。探讨这五种关系范型的理论价值在于构建一个关于中国基础教育教学改革的总体认知框架。  相似文献   

“新三明治”人才培养模式的核心是“工学结合、学做合一”,将“做中学,学中做”贯穿于人才培养的整个过程,在专业人才培养方案制订、课程体系设置、项目化课程开发、课堂教学实施的每一个环节都体现学做合一.杭州职业技术学院金融保险专业基于“新三明治”人才培养模式创建了“重构课堂、联通岗位、双师共育、校企联动”的高技能人才培养路径.  相似文献   

高职院校信息技术与计算机课程的整合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息技术与计算机课程的整合是实施教育现代化、信息化的重要手段。信息技术与计算机课程的整合可采用任务驱动、协作学习、探究学习、研究性学习等方法,采取课堂演示、随机学习、情境学习、资源学习等基本模式。基于信息技术的资源库、交流工具、研究工具、管理工具与其他教学要素的结合构成整合的支持模型。  相似文献   

基于跨学科概念图的跨学科知识整合模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于无法将跨学科知识整合的概念操作化,长期以来在心理学领域有关跨学科学习主题的深入研究非常罕见。为了识别跨学科学习的心理过程并探讨其在推进知识整合与创造过程中的心理机制,本文在扩展概念图操作定义的基础上引入了跨学科概念图的概念,分析了跨学科概念图创作的心理过程,建构了一个以跨学科概念图为媒介,旨在提高学习者的跨学科学业成就及创造力的跨学科知识整合模型,即跨学科概念图不仅能够通过内部表征的外显化提高认知图式的表征复杂性水平从而也能够通过鼓励适用创造性思维与认识方法进而提高学习者的创造力。最后,我们对该模型的研究前景与应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The increasing number of digital anatomy teaching software packages challenges anatomy educators on how to best integrate these tools for teaching and learning. Realistically, there exists a complex interplay of design, implementation, politics, and learning needs in the development and integration of software for education, each of which may be further amplified by the somewhat siloed roles of programmers, faculty, and students. LINDSAY Presenter is newly designed software that permits faculty and students to model and manipulate three‐dimensional anatomy presentations and images, while including embedded quizzes, links, and text‐based content. A validated tool measuring impact across pedagogy, resources, interactivity, freedom, granularity, and factors outside the immediate learning event was used in conjunction with observation, field notes, and focus groups to critically examine the impact of attitudes and perceptions of all stakeholders in the early implementation of LINDSAY Presenter before and after a three‐week trial period with the software. Results demonstrate that external, personal media usage, along with students' awareness of the need to apply anatomy to clinical professional situations drove expectations of LINDSAY Presenter. A focus on the software over learning, which can be expected during initial orientation, surprisingly remained after three weeks of use. The time‐intensive investment required to create learning content is a detractor from user‐generated content and may reflect the consumption nature of other forms of digital learning. Early excitement over new technologies needs to be tempered with clear understanding of what learning is afforded, and how these constructively support future application and integration into professional practice. Anat Sci Educ. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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