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索绪尔在1906年开始讲授普通语言学,到1911年连续讲了三个教程。这三个教程都没有完整的讲稿。1913年索绪尔逝世后,他的学生巴利和塞什艾根据很多同学的笔记整理成《普通语言学教程》。文章拟从"下棋"的比喻及其所关涉的诸如语言与言语、内部语言学与外部语言学、共时态与历史态的二元对立思想以及语言价值论的思想等方面来探讨索绪尔的语言观。  相似文献   

Statistics for Education and Physical Education , by L Cohen and M Holliday
Strategies for Improving Visual Learning , by Francis M Dwyer
An Introduction to Educational Computing , by Nicholas J Rush
Audio-Visual Materials for Higher Education 1979–80 , edited by J Ballantyne
European Journal of Science Education, Vol 1, No 1, Taylor and Francis, London, 1979
Literacy: a systematic start , by E Hunter-Grundin
Suggestology and Outlines of Suggestopedy by Dr Georgi Lazanov  相似文献   

巴德鲁尔·卡恩博士(BadrulH.Khan)系美国乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)教育技术领导专业的副教授,该校教育技术领导研究生专业的首任主任。Khan博士曾任得克萨斯大学教育专业的副教授和教育技术研究生专业的主任,印第安那大学医学院的教学开发人员和测评专家。他在开放、灵活和分布式学习领域发表了大量具有国际影响的著作,包括《基于网络的教学》(Web-Based Instruction,1997)、《基于网络的培训》(Web-Based Training,2001)、《电子学习策略》(E.Learning Strategies,2004)、《管理电子学习》(ManagingE-Learning,2005),以及即将出版的《信息社会中的灵活性学习》(Flexible Learninginan Information Society)等,而且一些专著已被翻译成多种语言在非英语母语国家出版。此外,Khan博士还是美国《教育技术》的特约编委,加拿大《国际开放与远程学习研究评论》的顾问编委,以及阿拉伯联合酋长国《电子学习文摘》、巴西《远程教育评论》、印度《人力资源管理的媒体与技术》、意大利《电子学习与知识社会杂志》、英国《国际学习技术杂志》、印度《印度培训和发展杂志》等杂志的顾问委员会成员。  相似文献   

Let me share with you how honored I am to receive an award named after the late Dr. Jay Millman. In 1983, after completing the first of our research studies that began our continuing work in value-added, our report was sent by officials in the Tennessee Department of Education for review by Dr. Millman. It is no secret that many in the Department at the time were assuming that his anticipated critical review would put an end to such a preposterous idea—that student achievement data could be used as part of teacher evaluation. Days turned into weeks; each time that I would inquire of the Department as to when we would hear from the review, I was always told that they had not received it. One day I called Dr. Millman and explained my frustration of not hearing from the review and inquired as to when it might be available. He immediately interrupted and explained that he had sent the review several weeks previous to that day and that he would be glad to send me a copy of his remarks, obviously very angry that they had not been passed on to me. Upon receiving and reading his review, it became obvious why I had not received a copy from the Department. Even though he raised many important questions, his review was most objective and generally very positive. Later, he asked us to submit chapters to the book on student outcomes assessment models that he edited. In all of my interactions with Jay, I developed the utmost respect for this distinguished scholar, and I am glad that fate let our paths cross.  相似文献   

胡适是近现代史上著名的报刊活动家,他一生编辑、主编了十几种刊物,从他的编辑实践中可以概括出胡适的自由主义编辑思想:在经济上要完全独立;发表负责任、公正的言论;容忍是自由的根源;坚持既定的编辑宗旨和方针。  相似文献   

一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,我叫了他一声:“能跟你借个火吗?”他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟。  相似文献   

孙犁是一位卓有成绩的,具有独到见解的编辑家.其独到见解主要体现在:一、主张办刊要小而精,以发现新人培养新人为办刊方向;二、提出了编辑要成为"杂家"的论说;三、倡导编辑既做编辑,也是作者;四,对作者的原稿,可改可不改者,不改;可删可不删者,不删.不代作者作文章.多少年来,人们只谈孙犁的文学成就,却很少论及他的编辑实践活动.其实,孙犁的编辑实践活动,自始至终伴随着他文学创作的实践活动,可以说,编辑工作是孙犁文学创作生涯的一个组成部分.  相似文献   

I have known my best friend Justin for several years. In my opinion, he is an open and clear boy. He is full of humor, and always makes fun of me. I used to think that he had no troubles until the day I found I was wrong. Behind his sunny smile, there is an inferior heart.  相似文献   

[编者按] 教育理论与实践一直是一对矛盾,这在远程教育领域更加明显.近年来,国际和国内的远程教育实践都以飞快的速度发展,因此更有必要不断地反思实践,去发现和理解开放与远程教育成功实践背后的理论原理,从而推动和促进相应的理论实践.理论研究者和实践者之间也需要更多平等的对话与交流.从而架起远程教育理论和实践之间的桥粱.  相似文献   

司马光不仅是我国历史上著名的政治家、文学家和史学家,而且还是一名成功的编辑家。《资治通鉴》是其主要的编辑作品。“有鉴于往事,以资于治道”是他编辑书籍的指导思想,这一编辑思想由他独特的生活和政治经历所决定,并充分体现在所编书籍的内容、体例等方面。同时《资治通鉴》的成功也得益于司马光采用了科学先进的编辑方法。  相似文献   

胡适是近现代史上著名的报刊活动家,他一生编辑、主编了十几种刊物,从他的编辑实践中我们可以概括出胡适的自由主义编辑思想,在经济上要完全独立,发表负责任、公正的言论,容忍是自由的根源,坚持既定的编辑宗旨和方针。  相似文献   

徐羚 《青少年日记》2008,(11):53-53
在休伦湖钓完鱼后,我的一个朋友开车拖着他的船回家。路上车坏了。他没带手机,不过,他想,也许他可以通过海事无线广播来请求公路援助。于是,他爬到他的船里面,启动了无线装置,喊道,“求救,求救”。一名海岸护卫队警官作出了回应,“报告你的位置”。“I-75号公路,Standish的南面两英里”。沉默了好一会之后,警官问我的朋友,“你的船靠岸时开得有多快?”  相似文献   

The publisher and the editorial staff of Western European Education express deep sorrow at the passing on October 22, 1983, of Professor George Z. F. Bereday, who served as a member of the quarterly's Advisory Board since the founding of the journal in 1969. A close friend, colleague, and collaborator of the Editor, he made helpful suggestions for the benefit of WEE. He was a nationally and internationally influential scholar and educator, a most effective and inspiring instructor, a successful supervisor of significant doctoral dissertations, energetic editor and writer, a specialized lawyer, a soldier in the struggle against totalitarian tyranny, and selfless in his service for the welfare of his community, nation, and world.  相似文献   

沈从文是一位杰出的报纸副刊编辑,他倾尽心血孜孜不倦地探求,强调副刊个性化、倡导创作自由、帮扶青年、公正对待稿件和表征审美教育思想、提出"读者理解力"及面对市场等编辑观,不仅成为了中国副刊编辑宝贵的精神遗产,而且对中国当代编辑仍有很大的启发性,在中国副刊编辑史上必将经久长存。  相似文献   

弗朗西斯·培根是现代英国艺术家中最富独创性的形象画家。他的独立性与独创性使他的绘画与众不同。他以充满具体形象的架上绘画 ,创造出许多激动人心的非凡作品 ;以怪诞的变形再加上异乎寻常的想象 ,给人以触目惊心之感。他向人们展现了命运被遮盖的景色 ,而这景色是如此的惊人 ,表现了那个时代的一些人类的情感与人生经验。培根试图把某种情绪形象化 ,他想要塑造的是一个痛苦和恐怖的世界 ;是要画出巨头和掌权者的孤寂 ;是要对他们作奇特的讽刺。他所揭示给我们的 ,不仅是一种绘画观念的改变 ,而且还包含着对人类存在的深入思考  相似文献   

R. Jayaraman 《Resonance》2008,13(8):716-729
Joshua Lederberg (1925–2008) was an extraordinarily gifted person. Starting his professional career at the age of 17 as a dish washer in Francis Ryan’s laboratory in Columbia University, he rose to be the President and later University Professor Emeritus at Rockefeller University, occupying chairs of Genetics at Wisconsin and Stanford Universities. He was only thirty three when he received the Nobel Prize, along with George W Beadle and Edward L Tatum in 1958. He also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the National Medal of Science. His scientific work encompassed not only bacterial genetics but also astrobiology (exobiology, as he called it) and artificial intelligence. He was part of the Stanford team which developed the artificial intelligence software program DENDRAL. With his passing away in February 2008, the last of the founding fathers of bacterial genetics is gone. It is an honour for me to write this small article in his memory. In this article, I will focus on just two of his outstanding contributions to bacterial genetics, namely, the spontaneous, selection-independent origin of bacterial mutations and the discovery of genetic recombination and sexuality in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

In this article, I endeavour to convey the depth of Barry Fraser’s contributions to science education research, including his tireless endeavours to promote and advance research, especially the field of learning environments, the realisation of his vision to create one of the largest doctoral programs in science and mathematics education in the world, his leadership capacity in terms of guiding and leading an internationally renowned centre and large-scale cross-national and cross-cultural studies, his dedication towards human capacity building in Africa, Asia and elsewhere, his capacity as a mentor and editor that have seen the publication of numerous journal articles and books and the ongoing success of science education research journals.  相似文献   

临海郭协寅是清朝乾嘉时期台州最著名的藏书家之一,以专聚台州遗书闻名于世。在他的“八砖书库”藏书中多旧钞本,总数不下三四百种,编有《八砖书库目录》4卷,被临海藏书家洪颐煊称为“今之林表民”。他的一生致力于台州文史研究,参编《临海续志稿》,著有《台州述闻》、《三台书画志》等,为宋世荦刊刻《台州丛书》提供多种版本。  相似文献   

王宏道是一位杰出的史学家,一生潜心云南民族历史的探索研究,组织编写了《云南各族古代史略》和《云南简史》,主编《纳西族简史》,参编《彝族简史》等多部著作,在云南民族史研究领域探幽发微,颇有新见。  相似文献   

龙榆生创办《词学季刊》,将其定位成以词学研究为主的专业性杂志,在确定作者人选范围、确立与读者取得沟通方式的编辑思想主导下,推出"创刊号",实现他的编辑意旨;而后着力搞好编辑与作者间的协作,以利于期刊的持续发展;为读者着想,争取读者参与到期刊编辑工作中来。《词学季刊》的出版,为词学研究期刊编辑史上留下了浓厚的一笔。  相似文献   

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