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曾祥文 《学周刊C版》2023,(27):157-159
素质拓展训练是以提高学生综合素质为主要目标的训练课程,将其融入初中体育课程教学体系中,能够为体育课程教学模式的创新与变革提供新思路,持续提高学生的体育运动能力和热情。文章围绕素质拓展训练融入初中体育教学展开探究,基于对素质拓展训练特点的分析,阐述初中体育课程教学中融入素质拓展训练的重要价值,并结合初中体育课程教学实践提出具体的实施策略,以期为初中体育课程一线教学改革提供有效参考。  相似文献   

数学学科强调逻辑思维,在教学中应当注重培养学生的逻辑思维能力、主动探究意识.问题探究教学模式的运用是对传统教学方式的突破,迎合了现代教学理念的要求,引导学生主动思考与学习,在具体概念教学中培养学生的问题意识,深化课程教学.本文介绍问题探究教学模式对高中课程教学的价值,探讨问题探究教学模式在高中数学概念教学中的渗透策略,以此促进学生构筑完整的知识体系,将数学概念课程内化为数学思维意识与能力,实现高中数学课程的逻辑思维培养目标.  相似文献   

陈琦鹏 《课外阅读》2011,(1):169-169
新一轮课程改革倡导自主的、合作的、探究的学习方式,探究性教学方式是以探究为主的教学活动,指在教师的引导下,学生独立自主学习、合作讨论。本文主要论述如何在高中化学教学中构建探究教学模式。将科学探究训练引入化学教学中来,使学生在科学探究过程中培养创造性思维并且掌握获得和分析信息的技巧,从而达到提高学生科学素养的目的。  相似文献   

根据新课程教学改革提出的目标,本着提高高师理科生科学探究能力的教学目的,文章对在实验课程教学中培养高师理科生科学探究能力的必要性和具体的教学探索与实践进行了阐述.  相似文献   

笔者通过实地考察发现:英国小学科学课堂教学既有采用"建构式探究"教学模式的,也有采用"接受式探究"教学模式的.此外,近年来英国小学科学教育改革还采取了多项有效的政策性措施,如通过立法确立小学科学课程在国家义务教育课程中的核心地位;教师职前教育中注重培养小学教师的科学教学能力;国家建立"科学学习中心",提高在职教师的专业化水平;在教学过程中普遍采用"学习性评价",使评价与教学合二为一,以此提高探究教学的效率和质量,等等.  相似文献   

初中科学课程教学强调对学生科学探究能力的培养,但是重视以科学探究为核心的教学,并不意味着排斥其他的教学方式。在科学课程中,应该注意:1.科学探究活动不是惟一的教学方式教师应该根据具体的教学内容、学生和学校教学资源的具体情况,合理运用各种教学方式和策略,以形成优化的教学模式。2.探究活动的设计应当符合学生的心理特点教师在设计探究活动时应该注意,从学生熟悉的事物出发,设计学生喜欢的活动,提倡用自制教具和低成本、随手取材的实验进行探究活动。3.探究活动的设计可以多种多样只要能够体现探究活动的思想和基本特征,活动的设计…  相似文献   

《义务教育小学科学课程标准》提出了科学课要以科学探究为中心,让学生在原有知识结构的基础上,通过教师科学合理的指导,自身主动探索和创新,完成科学知识结构重新建构。笔者试从探究教学模式在小学科学课程中运用入手,探索探究教学对小学科学课程的实用价值,并针对本学科探究教学进行  相似文献   

教学是课程实施的基本途径,开展"科学探究活动"有利于转变传统教学中过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状,能较有效激发学生学习的积极性和主动性.文章主要介绍在农村中学实施新课程开展科学探究活动的实践情况,说明开展"物理科学探究活动"的必要性与重要性,并指出当前在开展"物理科学探究活动"存在的主要问题.  相似文献   

文章对形体训练课程的教学进行教材分析、学情分析及教学目标分析,在此基础上运用"五星教学模式"进行形体训练课程的教学流程设计与探究。  相似文献   

众所周知,在基础教育课程改革中,科技课程改革直接关系到国民素质的提高及国家经济实力的增长,而基础物理课程的改革又是新科技课程改革成功的关键.作为新时代的物理教师,更应该改变传统的教学方式,除了科学技能的传授和技能的训练外,还要对学生探究兴趣及能力,良好思维习惯与创新意识的培养,使学生树立正确的科学观,从强调单纯积累知识向探究知识转化.在新课程物理教学改革中,最显著的是将传统的知识灌输教学模式转变成为科学探究模式,如何实施科学探究,提高学生的探究兴趣,是一个热门话题.笔者在近几年的教学中有所体会  相似文献   

在科学技术飞速发展的今天 ,科技教育在教学内容中占有的地位越来越重要。为了加强对青少年的科技意识和科技素质的培养 ,教师应充分利用历史课中的科技史内容 ,通过古代科技史教育增强学生的民族自豪感 ;通过近现代科技史教育 ,增强学生的危机感 ,提高他们学习科技的自觉性。并且采取丰富多彩的形式 ,利用第一课堂强化科技史教育 ;利用第二课堂 ,通过举办科技人物专题讲座 ,组织科技人物故事会等进行科技史教育。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on what and how primary science student teachers and their mentors learn from planning and reflecting together on each other’s science lessons for pupils aged 7–9. The student teachers had had training in scientific knowledge, but only brief experience of teaching. The mentors were well experienced in the pedagogy of teaching and mentoring, but did not feel confident about their science content knowledge and the teaching of science. Throughout the process of teaching and reflecting together the student teachers and the mentors expressed several specific examples of their joint learning.  相似文献   

Early science instruction is important in order to lay a firm basis for learning scientific concepts and scientific thinking. In addition, young children enjoy science. However, science plays only a minor role in the kindergarten curriculum. It has been reported that teachers feel they need to prioritize language and literacy practices over science. In this paper, we investigate whether science lessons might be integrated with learning the language functional for school: academic language. The occurrence of scientific reasoning and sophisticated vocabulary in brief science lessons with 5-year-olds is evaluated. The aim of the study was twofold: first, to explore the nature of kindergarten science discourse without any researcher directions (pre-intervention observation). Second, in a randomized control trial, we evaluated the effect on science discourse of a brief teacher training session focused on academic language awareness. The science lessons focussed on air pressure and mirror reflection. Analyses showed that teachers from the intervention group increased their use of scientific reasoning and of domain-specific academic words in their science discourse, compared to the control group. For the use of general academic words and for lexical diversity, the effect was task-specific: these dependent measures only increased during the air pressure task. Implications of the study include the need to increase teachers' awareness of possibilities to combine early science instruction and academic language learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of an intervention on pre-service science teachers’ self-efficacy to teach science through argumentation and explore the challenges they experienced while implementing argumentation. Forty pre-service science teachers in their final semester of schooling participated in an intervention that lasted for 11 weeks. Intervention focused on participants’ understanding of argumentation as a scientific practice and as a pedagogical tool. The participants engaged in argument construction, evaluation, and critique, taught three argumentation lessons, engaged in peer observation of teaching, and reflection on their teaching skills. Data were collected through Argumentation Self-Efficacy Scale and an open-ended questionnaire. The results show that the intervention had a significantly positive effect on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy. Despite this reported self-efficacy, participants experienced significant challenges in guiding their students to construct scientific arguments and assessing the arguments developed by their students. Discussion focuses on implications for professional development of pre-service and in-service science teachers.  相似文献   

分析了计算机科学与技术专业(专升本)教学中存在的问题,并从培养方案、课程结构、教学方法、学分制管理等方面提出了解决问题的对策.  相似文献   


Science educators are increasingly using a historical approach to pedagogy as a way to enable students to understand the process of the construction of science in a more contextualized manner. Considering the meaning of context in a broader sense, this article has two objectives. First, it aims to explore how physics lessons using a Cultural History of Science approach allowed the development of activities that encouraged students to have discussions about science where their own socio-cultural context was considered, referring to Brazilian scientific production. Second, the article to investigate which understandings about scientific practices could be developed by students from in-class discussions inspired by the Cultural History of Science approach focusing on a historical and students’ own social contexts. The historical episode selected to be introduced in their physics lessons was the development of the Leiden jar in Europe, in the eighteenth century, focusing on the quotidian practices and habits that enabled the construction and use of this artifact. The lessons developed from the Cultural History approach seemed to allow the students to understand that science was developed by many different social actors, in sites that exceed the laboratory and by actions performed in various dimensions. The findings suggest that this approach in science teaching can be a strategy to historically contextualize the development of science while allowing students to reflect about the scientific production in their social context.


This study examined the influence of a professional development program based around commercially available inquiry science curricula on the teaching practices of 27 beginning elementary school teachers and their teacher mentors over a 2 year period. A quantitative rubric used to score inquiry elements and use of data in videotaped lessons indicated that education students assigned to inquiry-based classrooms during their methods course or student teaching year outperformed students without this experience. There was also a significant positive effect of multi-year access to the kit-based program on mentor teaching practice. Recent inclusion of a “writing in science” program in both preservice and inservice training has been used to address the lesson element that received lowest scores—evaluation of data and its use in scientific explanation.  相似文献   

This paper reports part of a study which investigated young children's conceptions of scientific and technological phenomena and the conceptual change that occurs during the teaching of science in pre-school, Transition/Year One and Year Two/Three classrooms. Science lessons from each school/centre were audio and video taped for a period of six months. Informal interviewing of teachers occurred in direct response to lessons observed. Informal interviewing of children was conducted to determine current scientific thinking in relation to the science lessons presented by the teacher. Two main elements emerged. First, different types of teacher-child interactions were evident during the science lessons observed and it was found that specifically focused interactions led to conceptual development in young children. Second, children's views (whether scientific or not) were maintained over a three month period.  相似文献   

高师视唱练耳教学应在借鉴专业音乐院校教学模式的基础上,及时开辟新的教学思路,尝试应用更加深入全面的新型教学手段,探寻发展创新的理念方式融入单一守旧的常规化教学环节中,从学科整体课程的应用需要和学生的学情特点出发,形成更加全面完善的教学应用的训练环节。  相似文献   

多媒体技术是一种重要的教育方式和教育手段.它可提高课堂信息的传递效率,实现教育的最优化,提高体育教学质量与训练效果.本文从现代化教育媒体的角度,阐述在体育教学与训练中,运用现代化教育媒体的必要性.  相似文献   

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