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近年来,职业教育的创新教育教学方法已成为促进学生高效学习、兴趣学习和互动学习的关键。在信息技术发展日新月异的今天,VR/AR技术在职业教育中的应用也成为现实,其在构建沉浸式VR/AR教育平台、专业化虚拟实践训练基地、技能测试提升、微观环境变化体验方面有着出色表现。因而,教师应结合“互联网+”与VR/AR技术进行资源统整...  相似文献   

以《桃花源记》为例,探讨基于虚拟现实(VR)技术的虚拟语文学习场景的开发与应用。分析《桃花源记》VR虚拟学习场景的应用可以增强学习体验、提升学生学习兴趣和语文素养。《桃花源记》VR虚拟学习场景的应用为语文教育带来了新的教学模式和学习体验,促进了学生对古典文学和中华传统文化的理解与感知。  相似文献   

本文拟将虚拟现实技术(VR)融入高校地理科学专业《土壤地理学》课堂的教学设计中。通过分析传统土壤地理学教学模式存在的问题,探讨虚拟现实技术在土壤地理学课程教学中的应用优势,针对教学内容抽象繁杂、学生空间想象力薄弱等问题,应用VR技术中的3D三维立体构型和动态过程环境构建虚拟学习情境,更好地展现《土壤地理学》课程中关于空间和过程的相关内容。将学生自身的感知系统和虚拟学习情境"融为一体",让学生在身临其境获得知识的同时,更好地激发其学习兴趣,开拓思维,培养地理科学素养。  相似文献   

以VR与多学科融合创新为思路,构建了基于"VR+"的新工科创新实践虚拟演练实验室。利用"VR数字媒体协同创新教学平台"和"智能制造VR实验平台"以及"VR+课程""VR+教育"和"VR+创造"三大模块搭建虚拟仿真实训体系,形成多领域、多层次、多模块、开放型的创新实践训练模式。实践证明,该虚拟演练实验室对培养学生的创新精神和创新实践能力、促进多学科交融和科研创新具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

随着电力行业的发展,电力企业的就业需要越来越多实践能力强的人才,同时由于电力设备造价高昂,占地面积大,又具备高电压,大电流的危险,拥有电气学科电力系统及其自动化专业的高校很难建立系统完善的电力实践平台,随着VR技术的出现,在虚拟环境中学生可以熟练操作发电、变电、输电、配电等一系列电力系统各个环节的实践实验,可以有效提升学生的动手实践能力,建设以VR技术为基础的电力系统实践平台,将有效提升学生的实践能力,以应对和满足电力企业的需求。  相似文献   

在土木工程学院进行虚拟实验教学中心建设过程中,运用水动力模型、ArcGIS技术、计算机技术设计完成了暴雨致涝及洪水风险分析虚拟仿真实验。从构建高仿真实验环境、提升专业实践教学效果入手,让学生在虚拟实验中加深对专业知识的学习和理解,实现了复杂问题可视化及不可及实验性项目可操作化,激发了学生的学习兴趣,提升了学生的工程实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

<正>2017年,山东省青岛市海逸学校建成我市首个VR海洋教室,将VR技术真正运用到1~6年级的实际教学中,教师根据学习主题备课,运用VR虚拟现实技术,解决了常态教学无法实现的内容与场景,使《蓝色的家园》课程教学任务得以有效落实,学生的学习兴趣得以激发,综合素养得以提升。海逸学校将《蓝色的家园》课程进行校本化实施,根据学生的认知水平和VR辅助教学特点,将原先六个年级的72课时内容进行了主题化重组,最终形成了六大主题。学生们课堂上借助VR技术的学习,与课后实践研究的探索相结合,带给学生们的是对海洋课程立体的、综合的学习体验。  相似文献   

VR技术在数学微课研发中的应用为农村地区学生构建了智能化特征的学习环境,对促进学生自主学习有着非常重要的价值.VR微课可以帮助农村学生在现实条件不足的情况下,仍然能开展高效的智慧教学活动,从而在师资、教学环境、学生素质之间实现更好的平衡,实现了学校教学个性化、家庭教育专业化和社会教育系统化.文章以《利用等式的性质解一元一次方程》一课为例探索了如何开展基于VR微课的农村中学数学智慧课堂教学实践.实践证明,充分发VR技术的优势,能促进农村教育教学改革的创新发展.  相似文献   

在学校创建海洋特色的过程中,全校教师在了解VR技术的基础上,先是在课堂教学中进行VR辅助教学的尝试,随后在全校开展了VR+《蓝色的家园》主题实践课程研发和实施,教师、家长、海洋专家等都参与到主题实践活动的研发和实施中来。学生们在课堂中可以上天入海,穿越时间与空间的距离,使得VR虚拟现实技术与课程走向融合。  相似文献   

在AR/VR技术高速发展的今天,AR/VR支撑的学习情境让学习者不仅能够学习知识,还能体验知识。文章分析了AR/VR学习情境的特性,从用户、技术、资源及服务四个维度构建了AR/VR学习情境设计模型,分析了AR/VR学习情境中学习悬念和学习交互的设计方法,并在实践的基础上提出学习体验评价的实现方法。  相似文献   

This article proposes the use of virtual realities (VR) in environmental education. It also presents the first results of an application to the phenomenon of eutrophication in lakes. Although our virtual environments are not immersive, they give the opportunity to students and educators to develop their own worlds and understand the population dynamics in a lake. The learning environment can be manipulated and controlled in a powerful way, enhancing students experiences leading to knowledge construction, and sensitizing students to current environmental problems. Our pedagogical approach is to build a theoretical model for virtual learning environments, expanding constructivism and combining it with experiential learning. Our operational and practical approach is to exploit the characteristics of desktop VR systems in virtual learning environments  相似文献   

Science and technology are driving people’s life changes, including education and the environment. Many scholars have attempted to import technology into the classroom to help students learn in different subjects. However, students often need assistance with unfamiliar learning approaches and learning environments. This study proposed a non-immersive virtual reality (VR) guidance system combined with a two-tier strategy to help students learn geology knowledge. Two groups of students used different learning approaches: the experimental group students were guided by the two-tier test VR guidance system, and the control group students learned with the conventional VR guidance system. According to the experimental result, the two-tier test VR guidance system not only improved the students’ learning achievement in natural science, but also enhanced their learning motivation. In addition, according to the sequential results, we found that VR learning materials or environmental resources can help students answer questions and solve problems more effectively.  相似文献   

航空航天类专业的限制使得本科学生缺少参与工程实践的机会,直接影响了专业课的教学效率.基于5G/VR技术,研究构建一种可在教师—模拟设备—学生间实现信息高效反馈触动的教学系统,该系统内置高保真虚拟实验条件与场景,可模拟多种复杂物理过程.通过结合理论知识的工程应用触动操作,学生可完成理论与实践相结合的深层认知学习.该系统的...  相似文献   

This study applies constructivist principles and Virtual Reality (VR) technology to the Web-based Interactive Design Graphics (WebDeGrator) system to improve learning computer graphics. The constructivist treatment provides students with access to their choice of source content, three-dimensional (3D) modeling tools and interactive behaviors in a virtual environment. In this study, we developed a VR-based learning system to simulate and adjust computer graphics through sculpture graphic algorithms in real-time. We will discuss the relationship between constructivism and VR technology and also how the WebDeGrator system encourages student-learning through VR technology.  相似文献   


The cultivation of understanding regarding civil engineering in students requires them to conceive things in a manner that allows for a comprehensive grasp of practical aspects in alignment with theoretical principles. This requirement is more robust when students are being taught the aspects of infrastructure management. Visualizing the core principles and elements of infrastructure management within a full-scale context is required for students to fully understand the various concepts that compose it. Technology intervention for generating an “enhanced visualization environment” can facilitate improvement in both the teaching and learning process. Virtual Reality (VR) is technology intervention that provides real-world like sensations to its users within a simulated setting, enabling them to safely entertain, learn, experiment, and feel. This paper presents a study on the application and assessment of using virtual reality for infrastructure management education in civil engineering. A bridge inspection module was designed for a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) based system called “Projection VR”, installed at the NED University Virtual Reality Center (NED VRC). Test sessions were designed to experiment with and measure the effectiveness of VR through feedback. This involved a group of 69 senior-year undergraduate students as subjects enrolled in a course on structural design and drawing. Feedback was taken through structured rubrics-based assessments. The results showed that subjects demonstrated a higher capacity for concentration in VR environments and found the VR experience to be easy to use, proximate, comfortable, and extremely captivating. More exposure and practice with VR can positively enhance students’ experience. A limitation to the study presented in the paper is that for real-world situations, where damaged components of structures are often hidden, there will be need for a different modeling mechanism in order to capture such damages. Models generated through Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) scanning can serve to compensate for the limitation.


《Educational gerontology》2012,38(11):670-680

Observation training of home dental practice is easily influenced by the site and time, and differences in learning content are likely to occur among students. The aim of the present study is to prototype virtual reality (VR) teaching material for home dental practice to provide dental students with the chance to observe patients receiving home dental care. The VR teaching material was created before the study, using a patient’s home as the medical treatment scene, and practical training was then conducted using this VR teaching material with dental students. To examine its educational effectiveness, 101 dental students, who attended practical training between June 2018 and January 2019, responded to survey questions before and after watching the VR teaching material. They took a comparative examination, based on the questionnaire results, using text mining and hierarchical cluster analysis. Two variables were tested: changes in self-confidence regarding knowledge of home dental practice (knowledge confidence) and changes in self-confidence regarding treatment assistance (assistance confidence). There was a significant increase in student’s knowledge confidence and assistance confidence scores (p < .001). Moreover, hierarchical cluster analysis indicated a change in the cluster before and after they watched the VR teaching material. Given that VR teaching material makes it possible to conduct home observation training for a variety of reasons, such as lack of available facilities or patient reservation issues, the findings indicate that VR teaching material can supplement dental students’ training in home dental practice.  相似文献   

The relative positions of the sun, moon, and earth, their movements, and their relationships are abstract and difficult to understand astronomical concepts in elementary school science. This study proposes a three-dimensional (3-D) virtual reality (VR) model named the Sun and Moon System. This e-learning resource was designed by combining Microsoft Direct3D Library, C++ programming language, and Autodesk 3 Ds Max for constructing models. This learning environment provides a way for teachers to integrate information and technology into their science teaching. Furthermore, this study explored how teaching with the Sun and Moon System affected 128 Taiwanese fourth-grade students’ science achievement. Four classes were randomly divided into comparison and treatment groups. The results show that: (a) students in the treatment group achieved significantly better grades than those in the comparison group under traditional class instruction and (b) the questionnaire results revealed that more than two thirds of the treatment group liked to use the 3-D VR model and would like to introduce it to their classmates. Based on these positive results, we are encouraged to develop more 3-D VR learning environments.  相似文献   

Advanced technologies have been widely applied in medical education, including human-patient simulators, immersive virtual reality Cave Automatic Virtual Environment systems, and video conferencing. Evaluating learner acceptance of such virtual reality (VR) learning environments is a critical issue for ensuring that such technologies are used to greatest effect. This research describes the use of high performance real-time interactive software (VR4MAX) to build a prototype 3D VR learning system. A questionnaire survey was distributed to 167 university students to investigate learner attitudes toward learning via VR applications. Experimental results show that immersion and imagination features of VR-mediated course contents have a positive impact on perceived usefulness, and can also predict perceived ease of use, both of which contributors to behavioral intention of learners to use VR learning systems. Overall, this research validates the relationship between three features of VR and learners' behavioral intention to use VR learning. The results could prove helpful in guiding future research related to VR learning.  相似文献   

实验实训等实践教学是提高学生实践能力、培养学生专业技术应用能力以及分析问题和解决问题能力的重要途径。山西电力职业技术学院经过十多年的探索、研究与实践,利用现代信息技术构建了电力类虚拟实验实训体系,其在实践教学中起到了举足轻重的作用,对具有行业特色的其他类型高职院校有启示意义。  相似文献   

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